A Christmas Carol [Part 1]

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A/N: So... I'm not dead! :)

READ THIS AN! Sorry, it's a bit long.

Hello!!! Happy Christmas, everyone! I'M SO SORRY!!! I can't believe it's been several months since the last update! Over a year?! I don't really know what to say about that. I suppose that if you read my previous AN update, then you'll know that I had a whole health issue with my right eye. It's all healed now. YAY! :) Anyway, I'm in college and it's been really hard to update anything that I write due to the amount of schoolwork and binge watching all the seasons of Supernatural that I do. I'm really gonna try and give more attention to this story. It's my most successful story that I've ever written. I consider this story to be my baby, or 'my pride and joy' if you will. Anyway, like I said, I'm gonna try and give this story more attention along with other things that I'm writing.

Thank you so much for the positive reviews on my Series 5 finale. I was a little bit skeptical on how it would be received. Anyway, I'm glad that all the reviews I got were enthusiastic about it.

To find the Pinterest board for this story, just go onto Pinterest and type "The Pond Twins" into the search bar. It should be the first one that pops up. The name under it will be Madeline Molder.
I have Lexi's outfit for this episode up on there.

The first few chapters of this episode might be a tad bit boring, but trust me it gets better.

Also, I know that I've said a few times throughout this story that Amy has blue eyes. I know she actually doesn't, but I made it that way for the story. The only reason why I'm saying this is because I received a guest review on FF.net saying that Amy has brown eyes. I always thought she had green eyes, personally. Anyway, the bottom line is, that in this story, Lexi has green eyes and Amy has blue.

Now it's time for our Christmas treat!

Enjoy!!! :)


Inside, Starliner flight deck...

A Starliner was crashing and was stuck in a thick cloud layer of some kind.

A computer voice resonated through the whole ship. "Would all passengers please return to their seats and fasten their safety belts? We are experiencing slight turbulence."

The Captain of the Starliner then arrived on the primary flight deck. "Both engines failed, and the storm-gate's critical. The ship is going down! Christmas is cancelled."

"Entering atmosphere now! Level - keep her level!" The First Pilot instructed.

"Level with what?" The Second Pilot asked. "I can't see! What is that stuff?"

"Clouds?" The Captain asked.

"What kind of clouds?"

"Are you sending a distress signal?"

"It's not me!"

The Caption checked the ship to locate the signal. "Who's in the honeymoon suite?"

Amy took that moment burst in, wearing her police costume.

"I sent for help." Amy informed.

The Captain turned to her. "Who the hell are you?"

"Look, there's my sister and a friend of ours, ok, and they can help us. They'll come!"

"And what ARE you wearing?"

A little self-conscious, Amy tugged at her skirt hem. "That doesn't matter."

"Are you from the honeymoon suite?"

"Oh, shut up!"

Rory then entered dressed as a Roman soldier. He got tossed into the walls as the ship shuddered. He was holding a device in his hand. "Amy, the light's stopped flashing... Does that mean they're coming?"

"Honeymoon suite?" The First Pilot asked.

Rory glanced down at his outfit then back up. "Oh, oh, the clothes, um... It's just a bit of fun."

"Really, shut up!" Amy glared at Rory.

"Sensor-loss on 80% of the hull..." The Second Pilot informed.

"So does this mean they're coming?" Rory asked again. "Or does it mean I need to change the bulb?"

"He'll come, and she's always with him." Amy said adamantly.

"Right, well, they are cutting it kind of fine!"

"If we can't stabilize the orbit, we're finished." The Captain said.

"There's nothing to lock onto. I am flying blind."

"Come on, guys, come on..." Amy said almost prayer like.

"There's something coming alongside us. Something small, like a shuttle."

"Just this once, Doctor, don't be late. Come on, Lexi, help him be on time."

"Ma'am... incoming message. It's from the other ship."

"On screen." The Captain said.

The words then appeared on the screen in front of them.

'Come along. Two Ponds are better than one.'

The TARDIS whizzed by. Rory looked at Amy who sighed in relief.

"What does that mean?" The captain asked.

"It's Christmas!" Amy exclaimed gleefully.

Outside, City, Night...

A red beam of energy was shooting through the sky from the tallest building in the city. The ship was caught in the beam and was plummeting towards the planet's surface. The city itself was very steampunk: Victoriana mixed with high technology. In the streets, the people prepared for the holiday.

"On every world, wherever people are, in the deepest part of the winter, at the exact mid-point, everybody stops and turns and hugs as if to say 'Well done. Well done, everyone, we're halfway out of the dark.' Back on Earth, we called this Christmas or the Winter Solstice."

Inside, Sardick Residence...

Kazran Sardick was looking out a large window out onto the stormy sky.

"On this world, the first settlers called it the Crystal Feast. You know what I call it?" Kazran turned around. "I call it expecting something for nothing!"

Kazran walked into the room where a family was standing.

The Father was pleading with Kazran. "Sir. Mr, Sardick. We're only asking for one day. Just let her out for Christmas."

Two men wheeled a cryogenic pod into the room. Inside was a young woman with long blonde hair.

"She loves Christmas."

"Does she? Oh, does she? I see! Hello!" Kazran tapped on the window with his cane. "Wakey-wakey - it's Christmas! Do you know what? I think she's a bit cool about the whole thing." He laughed, but no one else did. "That was funny."

The servants laughed.

"She's frozen." The father's son said.

"She's what, sorry?"

"She's in the ice, she can't hear you."

"Oh, what a clever little boy. You must be so irritated." He looked to his servant. "How much?"

"Er... it's 4,500 Gideons, sir."

"You took a loan of 4,500 Gideons and Little Miss Christmas is my security."

The phone then rang and the servant answered it.

"We're not asking for her back." The father said. "Just let her have one day. Let her have Christmas with us."

"Sir, it's the President." The servant said said from by the phone.

"Tell him I'm busy. Now... where were we? Oh, yes! She's pretty, though, your daughter. Maybe I should keep her."

"She's not my daughter, sir."

"She's my sister." The mother stated. "She volunteered for the ice when the family were in difficulties many years ago."

The servant walked over. "Sorry, sir, the President says there's a galaxy-class ship trapped in the cloud layer and... well, we have to let it land."

"Or?" Kazran asked.

"Well... or it'll crash, sir."

"Oh. Well, it's a kind of landing, isn't it?"

"It's from Earth, sir, registering over 4,000 life forms onboard."

Kazran chuckled. "Not if we wait a bit!"

"We can't just let it crash, sir."

The son started to hear a wheezing noise coming from somewhere.

"I don't make the rules. Oh, no, hang on... I do." Kazran hung up the phone. "Right, you lot... poor, begging people, off home and pray for a miracle."

The father started to usher his family towards the door. The son looked back to the fireplace just as a huge amount of soot fell, spreading embers in a gust.

The Doctor then fell through, summersaulting. He got up and dusted himself off. "Ah! Yes, blimey. Sorry! Christmas Eve on a rooftop, saw a chimney, my whole brain just went, 'What the hell?!'" He walked over to the children. "Don't worry, fat fella will be doing the rounds later. I'm just scoping out the general... chimney-ness. Yes." He leaned against the chimney. "Nice size, good traction... big tick!"

"Fat fella?" The father asked.

"Father Christmas..." A Scottish voice came fluttering in from the hallway. Lexi stepped inside the room. "You know, Santa Claus... or, as we like to call him, Jeff. Sorry, came in through the front door. I didn't fancy getting soot all over my clothes."

"Ah, Lexi! There you are." The Doctor said happily.

"How did you-" Kazran was shocked.

"Oh, we don't have time for that." Lexi said cutting him off.

"But, there's no such thing as Father Christmas." The son tried to say.

"Oh, yeah?" The Doctor pulled out a black and white photo. "Me, Lexi and Father Christmas, Frank Sinatra's hunting lodge, 1952. See him at the back with the blonde... Albert Einstein. The four of us together... hrrrooom! Watch out! Ok? Keep the faith, stay off the naughty list. Ooh! Now, what's this? And I love this, a big flashy lighty thing - that's what brought us here." The Doctor walked over to a large control panel covered with knobs, buttons and flashing lights. "Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually, but give me time and a crayon." He sat down in a chair and swiveled to face Kazran. "Now, this big flashy light thing is connected to the spire in your dome, yeah, and it controls the sky." He stood and walked forward. "Well, technically, it controls the clouds, which technically aren't clouds at all. Well, they're clouds of tiny particles of ice. Ice clouds, love that. Who's she?" The Doctor pointed at the cryo-chamber. Lexi went over and looked inside to see the girl.

"Nobody important." Kazran replied.

Lexi scoffed at that remark as she walked over to the console and sat down in the swivel chair. She turned it around and started looking at all the controls.

"Nobody important? Blimey, that's amazing. Do you know, in 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before." The Doctor went back over to the console by Lexi's left side and started to use the controls. "Now, this console is the key to saving that ship, or I'll eat my hat... if I had a hat. I'll eat someone's hat. Not someone who's using their hat - I don't want to shock a nun, or something."

"Dear, you're rambling again." Lexi said.

"Right. Sorry, 'cause... 'cause this isn't working!"

Kazran walked over and stood on the other side of Lexi. "The controls are isomorphic - one to one - they respond only to me."

"Oh, you fibber... Isomorphic! There's no such thing,"

Kazran reached across and flipped a switch, shutting the machine off. He then turned it back on. Lexi tried the same switch and nothing happened. The Doctor did the same thing and nothing happened. He then ran the sonic over the controls. Lexi scooted the chair back away from the controls, not wanting to be reached over anymore. The Doctor then scanned Kazran with the sonic and checked the readings.

"These controls are isomorphic!"

"The skies of this entire world are mine. My family tamed them, and now I own them."

"Tamed the sky? What does that mean?"

"It means I'm Kazran Sardick. How can you possibly not know who I am?"

"Well, just easily bored, I suppose."

Lexi got up from the chair and walked over to console. "So, Kazran, we need your help, then."

"Make an appointment."

"There are 4,003 people in a spaceship trapped in your cloud belt." The Doctor explained. "Without your help, they're going to die."


"You don't have to let that happen." Lexi pointed out.

"I know, but I'm going to. Bye-bye. Bored now... Chuck! Robert!"

Two of Kazran's servants came over. One grabbed The Doctor by the shoulders to escort him out. The other took Lexi by the elbow. The Doctor ducked out of the servant's grip. Lexi elbowed the other one in the stomach. They both went and stood in front of Kazran, now sitting in a chair.

"Oh, look at you two, looking all tough now."

"There are 4,003 people we won't allow to die tonight. Do you know where that puts you?" The Doctor asked.


"4,004." Lexi replied with a smirk.

"Was that a sort of threat-y thing?"

"What ever happens tonight, remember... you brought it on yourself." The Doctor explained as nicely as he could.

"Yeah, yeah, right... Get them out of here. And next time, try and find me some funny poor people."

The Doctor and Lexi were forced towards the door along with the family. The son picked up a lump of coal and threw it at Kazran, hitting him on the head. He stormed over to the son and raised his hand to hit him.

"No, stop, don't!" The Doctor and Lexi shouted.

"Don't you dare! You leave him." The father said.

Kazran lowered his hand. "Get him out of here! Get that foul-smelling family out of here! Out!"

The family was then taken from the room.

Kazran headed back to his chair but stopped when he saw The Doctor and Lexi were still there. "What? What do you want?"

"A simple life." Lexi replied. "But you didn't hit the boy."

"Well, I will next time!"

"No, you see, you won't." The Doctor stated. "Now why? What am I missing?" He walked past Kazran, looking at something else. Lexi watched him curiously.

"Get out! Get out of this house!"

"The chairs! Of course, the chairs! Stupid me, the chairs!"

"The chairs?"

"There's a portrait on the wall behind me. Looks like you, but it's too old, so it's your father. All the chairs are angled away from it. Daddy's been dead for 20 years. But you still can't get comfortable where he can see you."

"You know what I see?" Lexi asked keeping her eyes on the painting.

"What?" Kazran asked.

"There's a Christmas tree in the painting, but none in this house on Christmas Eve."

"Good eye, Lexi." The Doctor praised. "She's right. You're scared of being like your father. And good for you, you're not like him, not really. Do you know why?"


"Because you didn't hit the boy. Marry Christmas, Mr. Sardick."

"I despise Christmas!"

The Doctor took Lexi's hand, leading them away. "You shouldn't. It's very you."

"It's what? What do you mean?"

"Halfway out of the dark." Lexi replied.

The Doctor and Lexi left just as the servants returned from escorting the family out.

"Get her downstairs with the others." Kazran said referring to the cryo-chamber. "Clean up this mess!"

Starliner, flight deck...

"Everything's offline! Secondary furnace just vented." The Second Pilot informed.

Amy was on the phone with The Doctor and Lexi. "Have you got a plan yet?"

Outside, Sardick Residence...

"Yes, we do." Lexi replied.

"Are you lying?" Amy asked.

"Yes, we are." The Doctor replied.

Starliner flight deck...

"Don't treat me like an idiot." Amy said into the phone.

"Were they lying?" Rory asked.

"No, no." Amy said patronizingly.

Outside, City street...

"Ok, the good news." The Doctor started. "We've tracked the machine that unlocks the cloud belt. We could use it to clear you a flight corridor and you could land easily."

"Oh, hey, hey, that's great news."

Starliner flight deck...

"But we can't control the machine." Lexi's voice said through the phone speaker.

"Less great."

"But we've met a man who can."

"Ah, well, there you go!"

Outside, City street...

"And he hates us." The Doctor pointed out.

"Were you being extra charming and clever?" Amy asked through the phone.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Lucky guess."

The father from inside the Sardick house called to The Doctor and Lexi. "Sir... Miss."

"Hang on, Amy." Lexi said as she and The Doctor walked over to the father.

"I've never seen anybody stand up to Mr. Sardick like that." He shook The Doctor and Lexi's hands. "Bless you, and merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas. Lovely. Sorry, bit busy." The Doctor said.

"You two better get back inside. The fog's thick tonight, and there's a fish warning."

Lexi quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh, right, yeah. Sorry, fish?" The Doctor asked.

"Yeah. You know what they're like when they get a bit hungry."

"Yeah, fish, I know fish. Fish?"

"It's all Mr. Sardick's fault, I reckon. He always lets a few fish through the cloud layer when he's in a bad mood. Thank you. Bless you two once again." With that the father left.

Lexi looked at The Doctor. "Fish?"

Amy voice came through the phone again. "Doctor, Lexi, the Captain says we've got less than an hour... What should we be doing?"

The Doctor and Lexi looked up at a streetlight and saw small fish swimming around it like moths.

"Fish...!" The Doctor exclaimed.

"Sorry, what?" Amy's voice asked.

"Fish that can swim in fog. I love new planets."

"Doctor! Doctor, please don't get distracted! Lexi, help him!"

Lexi opened her mouth to say something, but The Doctor put a finger to her lips. She gave him a pouty look before kissing it to nudge it away.

He smiled at her before looking back up at the fish. "Now, why would people be frightened of you tiny little fellas?" He held up his hand and the fish investigated.

Lexi did the same thing. "Look at you, sweet little fishy-wishies."

"Mind you, fish in the fog, so the cloud cover... Ooh. Careful up there."

"Oh, great, thanks, Doctor, because there was a real danger we were all going to nod off! We've got less than an hour!"

Lexi looked at a nearby clock. "We know."

'Ding Dong Merrily on High' began to play over the loudspeakers.

Starliner flight deck...

"Doctor? Lexi? How are you getting us off here?"

Outside, City street...

"Oh, just give us a minute!" The Doctor said into the phone. He handed the phone to Lexi and started pacing. "Can't use the TARDIS, 'cause it can't lock on. So that ship needs to land, but it can't land unless a very bad man suddenly decides to turn nice, just in time for Christmas Day!"

"Doctor, Lexi, I can't hear you. What is that? Is that singing?"

Lexi lifted the phone up to her ear. "A Christmas carol."

"A what?"

"A Christmas carol."

"A what?"



The Doctor looked up and at Lexi, a cunning smile crossing his face. "Kazran Sardick!"

"Hello, guys!" Amy shouted over the phone.

"Marry Christmas, Kazran Sardick!"

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