Cold Blood [Part 1]

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A/N: Hello, as promised, here's the next episode! :)

This is the story of our planet, Earth, of the day, 1,000 years past when we came to share it with a race known as Humanity. It is the story of The Doctor who helped our races find common ground and the terrible losses he suffered. It is the story of our past and must never be forgotten.

Silurian city, Cavern...

The Doctor, Lexi and Nasreen were walking along pathways in a cavern above molten magma and past buildings.

"This place is enormous and deserted. The majority of the race are probably still asleep." The Doctor took out the sonic screwdriver. "We need to find Amy, looking for signature anomalies."

"But, Doctor, how can all this be here? I mean, these plants?" Nasreen asked in amazement.

Silurian city, Tunnel...

"Must be getting closer to the center of the city."

"You're sure this is the best way to enter?" Lexi asked worriedly.

"Front door approach! Definitely. Always the best way..." The Doctor reassured.

An alarm sounded.

"Hostile life force detected, area 17." A female voice could be heard over a speaker system.

The Doctor, Lexi and Nasreen stopped.

"Apart form the back doors approach, that's also good," The Doctor turned around. "sometimes better."

"Hostile life force detected, area 17."

A door slid open in front of Nasreen and Lexi,

"Doctor!" Nasreen exclaimed.

Armed Silurian soldiers came through the door as the warning repeated. More arrived through the tunnel behind them. The Doctor raised his hands.

"We're not hostile, we're not armed!" The Doctor pulled up Nasreen and Lexi's arms. "We're here in peace!"

The Silurians shot put gas from their weapons. The Doctor, Lexi and Nasreen coughed covering their faces, but fell to the floor unconscious.

Silurian city, Lab...

The Doctor was clamped down on an upright surface, with Lexi and Nasreen still asleep on either side of him. He was crying out in a pain as a machine scanned him. A female Silurian, warrior class, questioned the male Silurian scientist.

"How can they have escaped? This proves all prisoners should remain under military guard." The female criticized.

"I'm sure you'd prefer to be in charge of everything and everyone, Restac. But we rank the same. Is there any word from Alaya?"

"No." Restac turned to watch The Doctor writhe in pain.

"It's fine to show concern, you know. She's part of your gene-chain. I'm Decontaminating now." The male went to turn a dial.

"Decontamination! No, no, no!" The Doctor writhed in agony.

Church basement...

Alaya was on the floor, meditating, when Tony walked in.

"Why aren't you dead? You're carrying my venom in your blood. But you should have died. Why aren't you dead? Show me."

Tony walked forward, unbuttoning his shirt. He pulled it open to show the contaminated area.

Alaya hissed in pleasure. "How does it feel, ape?"

"Like it's burning in my blood. Please. If you help me, I can help you. If you could cure me, I could help you escape."

"You see? You beg, and offer betrayal, so early! Why would I want to escape when I can watch you die? The first ape death of the coming war." Alaya returned to her meditation.

Silurian city, Lab...

Lexi was starting to come to.

"Where am I?" She thought to herself as she started come out of deep sleep.

"What's that I hear?" It sounded like someone was screaming.

Her eyes fluttered opened to see The Doctor writhing in agony. She looked over at the Silurian scientist. It looked like he was controlling whatever was being done to The Doctor.

"What are you doing?! Stop it! You're hurting him!" Lexi cried out.

"It's alright. It won't hurt him. I'm only neutralizing all his ape bacteria."

"He's not an ape! Look at the scans! Two hearts! Totally different! Totally not ape! Remove all human germs, you remove half the things keeping him alive!"

The male scientist checked the scans and shut down the machine.

"No, complete the process." Restac commanded.

"Oh, that's much better, thanks! Not got any celery, have you? No, no, not really the climate, tomatoes, though, you'd do a roaring trade in those. I'm The Doctor, that woman who so thankfully told you to stop, is Lexi, oh, and there's Nasreen, good!"

Nasreen woke up as the scientist went and examined her. "Oh, a green man."

"Hello, ok, who are you two? What are your names?"

"Malokeh, Chief Scientist, and only scientist I might add." Malokeh replied.

"And you?" The Doctor looked over at Restac.

"Restac. Military commander."

"Oh, dear, really? There's always a military, isn't there?"

"Your weapon was attacking the oxygen pockets above our city." Malokeh commented.

"Oxygen pockets! Lovely! Oooh, but not so good with an impending drill! Now it makes sense!"

Malokeh nodded and continued to examine Nasreen.

"Where's the rest of your invasion force?" Restac asked.

"Invasion force? Me and these two lovely ladies? No! We came for the humans you took. And... to offer the safe return of Alaya. Oh, wait, you and she, what is it, same genetic source? Of course you're worried, but don't be, she's safe." The Doctor tried to reassure.

"You claim to come in peace, but you hold one of us hostage." Restac motioned for soldiers to take position by The Doctor, Lexi and Nasreen.

"Wait, wait, we all want the same thing here."

"I don't negotiate with apes... I'm going to send a clear message to those on the surface."

"What's that?"

"Your execution."


Lexi and Nasreen glanced over at The Doctor with wide eyes. This day was just getting better and better.

Silurian city...

The Doctor, Lexi and Nasreen were being escorted through the city, in a section that most likely acted like a park.

"These must be the only ones awake, the others must still be in hibernation." The Doctor explained.

"So, why did they go into hibernation in the first place?" Lexi asked curiously.

"Their astronomers predicted a planet heading to Earth on a crash course. They built a life underground and put themselves to sleep for millennia in order to avert what they thought was the apocalypse. When in reality, it was the moon, coming into alignment with the Earth."

Restac stopped and looked at The Doctor.

"How can you know that?" Malokeh asked.

"Long time ago, I met another tribe of homo reptilia, similar, but not identical."

"Others of our species have survived?" Restac asked pressingly.

"The humans attacked them. They died, I'm sorry."

"A vermin race!"

The escort continued.

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