Day of the Moon [Part 1]

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A/N: Hello! *waves happily while smiling*

I'm glad to see that you enjoyed the last episode. :) I loved writing it. We're really starting to get into the good stuff now.

But anyway, time to move forward.

NOTE: See the picture above for a look at Lexi, Sky and Jupiter's outfits for this episode. (Btw, the outfits are the same as the last episode.)

Oh! And again.

Guest starring:

So, yeah...

Enjoy! 😘



Outside, Valley of the Gods, Utah, Day...

Amy and Jupiter were running through the desert, two cars chasing them. They each had a pen on a lanyard around their necks.

Inside, Car 1...

"Suspects directly ahead." An agent spoke into his communicator.

Inside, Car 2...

"Coming to you now. Over." Canton replied.


Amy and Jupiter stopped at the edge of a small hill, the two cars converging behind them before a number of agents stepped out, Canton in front.

"Canton." Amy said a bit out of breath.

"Miss Pond." He greeted before motioning to two of the other agents who then spread out a couple of certain somethings on the ground.

"Are those body bags?" Jupiter enquired, eyeing the 'menacing' black bags.

"Yes, they are." Canton nodded.

"They're empty." Amy stated, also eyeing the bags.

"How 'bout that."

"Do you even know why you're doing this?" Jupiter questioned him. "Can you even remember? The warehouse?"


Inside, Warehouse, Night...

The Doctor and Jupiter helped Canton up from the floor while Amy stared at the little girl in the spacesuit.

"Amy!" The Doctor and Jupiter shouted after her.

Lexi, Sky, Rory and River all came climbing up from the tunnels before everyone began rushing for the TARDIS.

"What the hell's going on?!" Canton shouted.

"Look behind you." The Doctor told him.

"There's nothing behind me!"

"Look! Canton, look!" Jupiter shouted at him.

Canton slowly turned, his expression morphing into shock when he saw one of the aliens walking towards him.




Canton fired two shots, making Amy and Jupiter fall to the ground.

There were tally marks in pen on their arms.

Inside, Area 51...

Inside a large hanger, there were armed guards stationed around an open area in the middle. Canton walked up to it, past signs that read: 'DO NOT APPROACH THE PRISONER'. The prisoner in question was...

...the Doctor.

His hair was longer and now had a beard. He was in a straight-jacket and was chained to a chair. There was also a yellow circle painted around him.

"All visitors to remain remain behind the yellow line. All visitors to remain behind the yellow line." The PA's voice resonated throughout the space everyone was in.

"We found Amy Pond and Jupiter." Canton informed as he approached where the Doctor was. "They had strange markings on their arms." He held up a couple of photos. "Do you know what they are?" He then threw the photos closer so the Doctor could see them.

"Why don't you ask them?" The Doctor enquired.

Canton didn't even answer, making the Doctor realize what had happened.

Inside, Office building, New York City, Night...

"This is a really bad idea." Lexi whispered as she and River walked through an office under construction.

They both had tally marks on their arms.

"Yeah, well, when have we ever had good ideas?" River shot back as they continued to walk through the office floor nervously, gasping when they heard a pipe fall. More aliens then stood there.

"We see you!" The two took out pens, marking their arms. "We see you!"

"Miss Pond. Doctor Song." Canton called out as he and his fellow agents arrived.

River and Lexi turned around at the sound of Canton's voice.

"Miss Pond?...Doctor Song?..." Canton called out again, this time in a bit a sing-song voice.

River and Lexi looked back, but the aliens were gone.

All the two did then was begin to run.

"Go, go, go!" Canton shouted, motioning for his fellow agents to run after them with him.

Lexi and River continue to run until they reached the open side of the building, turning around when Canton and the other agents reached them.

"Don't move! It's over!" Canton told them.

"They're hear, Canton." Lexi responded. "They're everywhere."

"I know, America's being invaded." He kinda rolled his eyes.

"You were invaded a long time ago." River stated. "America is occupied."

"You're both coming with us." Canton told the two of them. "There's no way out, this time."

River smirked. "There's always a way out."

Arms outstretched, River fell backwards out of the building.

Canton looked to Lexi raising an eyebrow in question.

"Eh." She shrugged. "What she said."

With that that, Lexi did a little twirl, diving off the side of the building herself.

Inside, Area 51, Day...

Two scientists were building a wall of black stone around the Doctor. He did watch them with some interest.

"We found Alexis Pond and Dr. Song." Canton informed, coming up to the side of where the Doctor was being kept.

"These bricks, what are they made of?" The Doctor asked, ignoring Canton's statement as he watched the builders before he asked... "Where are they?"

"They ran. Off the 50th floor." He replied. "Well, Alexis more or so 'dove' off the 50th floor."

The Doctor took in the information a moment before speaking again as he continued the watch the builders. "I'd say zero balanced dwarf star alloy. The rarest material in the universe. Nothing gets through that. You're building me the perfect prison." He then turned his head to face Canton. "And it still won't be enough."

Outside, Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona, Day...

Rory and Sky burst out of a door onto the road across the dam to find both sides blocked by agents. Their faces, arms and necks were covered with tally marks. They both looked over the edge, then at each other, contemplating a jump.

They just sighed, putting up their hands, turning to face Canton.

"What are you waiting for?!" Rory shouted at him.

"I'm waiting for you two to run." He replied, watching as the two men lowered their arms. "It'll look better if I shot you two while you were running."

Sky smirked a little. "Looks aren't everything."

Canton smirked right back, raising his gun and pointing it at them. "I do agree."


Inside, Area 51, Cell...

Canton walked into the hanger, soldiers dragging four body bags.

The soldiers then dragged the four body bags inside the Doctor's now complete cell.

"Is there a reason you're doing this?" The Doctor questioned Canton.

"I want you to know where you stand." He replied.

"In a cell." The Doctor stated simply.

"In the perfect cell." Canton corrected as the soldiers exited. "Nothing can penetrate these walls. Not a sound, not a radio wave." He then inserted his fingers into holes on the wall, making the door slide shut. "Not the tiniest particle of anything. In here, you are literally cut off from the rest of the universe...So I guess they can't hear us, right?"

The Doctor smirked. "Good work, Canton. Door sealed?"

"You bet."

With that, the Doctor stood and began shaking off the chains before removing the straight-jacket just as all four body bags sat up. The Doctor unzipped Rory and Sky's bags as Canton went to go and help Amy and Jupiter.

"You okay?" The Doctor asked Rory and Sky as they inhaled better air than the bags provided.

"Finally." Amy and Jupiter sighed.

"These things could really do with air holes." Rory stated.

"Never heard a complaint before." Canton said.

The Doctor then stretched his arms as everyone began climbing out of the bags.

"Don't you think it'll look a bit odd that you're staying in here with us?" Sky enquired curiously.

"Odd, but not alarming." Canton replied. "They know there's no way out of this place."

"Exactly." The Doctor nodded. "Whatever they think we're doing in here, they know we're not going anywhere."

With a snap of his braces, the Doctor leaned to the side and on the...


He then snapped his fingers, making the doors open. "Shall we?"

With smiles, Amy and Jupiter followed Rory and Sky into the TARDIS.

"What about Alexis and Dr. Song?" Canton asked as he followed everyone.

Inside, TARDIS...

"They dove off a rooftop!"

"Don't worry. They'll do that." The Doctor stated casually as he shut the doors before running up to the console. "Amy, Jupiter, Rory, Sky, open all the doors to the swimming pool."

With that, everyone ran off to go do what they were told.

Outside, New York City...

River turned her fall into a dive like Lexi did before they both went through the open TARDIS doors, making water splash up.

Inside, TARDIS...

"So, we know they're everywhere." The Doctor stated as he walked around the console, using the controls. "Not just a landing party, an occupying force. And they've been here a very, very long time. But nobody knows that, 'cause no one can remember them."

"Which is bad because that makes us unable to know what they're up to." Lexi stated, walking up the stairs with River as they dried their hair with towels. Lexi smiled, pecking the Doctor on the cheek. "Missed you."

He smiled at her. "Missed you, too." He then turned to address everyone else. "Lexi is right. But, there is some good news...we've got a secret weapon."

The Doctor then ran to the door, everyone following behind him.

Outside, Cape Kennedy, Day...

The Doctor stepped out onto the wetlands, everyone else stepping out behind him.

"Apollo 11's your secret weapon?" River questioned.

"No, no, it's not Apollo 11, that would be silly." The Doctor replied. "It's Neil Armstrong's foot."

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