Dinosaurs on a Spaceship [Part 2]

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Inside, Spaceship, Corridor...

Everyone was rushing down the corridor - Nefertiti, Brian and Rory were in the front with Riddell covering them with his gun as Sky, Lexi, Amy and the Doctor caught up with them.

"In here!" Nefertiti shouted as she spotted an opening to the side that was too narrow for the dinosaurs.

They all ducked into the niche, the Doctor sliding to a stop. He put a finger to his lips, telling everyone to stay quiet.

The dinosaurs roared and thudded as they stomped down the corridor.

Riddell took out a large knife as the two dinosaurs came to just outside of where everyone was hiding.

"I could take one of them." He whispered. "Short blow, up into the throat."

"Or not." The Doctor whispered back. "We've just found dinosaurs, in space. We need to preserve them."

"And who's gonna preserve us?!" Riddell whisper-shouted.

"Will you both be quiet?" Lexi whispered, rolling her eyes as she and Amy stood between them.

They all remained quiet and still as the dinosaurs continued down the corridor, their swinging tails knocking loose masonry from the walls.

"Okay, so, how?" Rory asked as they all creeped back into the corridor. "And whose ship?"

"There's so much to discover." The Doctor said, shrugging. "Think how much wiser we'll be by the end of all this."

"Sorry. Sorry." Brian spoke up. "Are you saying dinosaurs are flying a spaceship?"

"Brian, please! That would be ridiculous." The Doctor replied. "They're probably just passengers. Did I mention missiles?"

"Missiles?!" Brian's eyes widened.

Rory and the Doctor motioned him to keep quiet.

"Didn't want to worry you." The Doctor whispered. "Anyway, six hours is a lifetime... not literally a lifetime, that's what we're trying to avoid. And we're all really clever! Let's see what we can find out."

"So, you're pregnant with me and Jupe?" Sky asked Lexi quietly as they walked.

"Yeah." She nodded. "Why?"

"It's just, where I just came from, none of you knew who I really was." He informed. "It's nice to not have to stay quiet about it."

Lexi smiled softly at him. "I can't really imagine what that must've felt like."

"At least we know here, in this moment, who you are." The Doctor spoke up, suddenly appearing almost out of nowhere, putting an arm around their shoulders. He grinned at them before grabbing Lexi's hand and pulling her along. "Come on."

They soon spotted a room filled with banks of equipment overgrown with vines and covered in spiderwebs.

Inside, Spaceship, Computer room...

The Doctor and Lexi pulled some webs from the face of the screen.

"Eugh!" They grumbled, Lexi wiping her hand free of the cobwebs on Rory's clothes with the Doctor doing the same thing to Brian.

"How many dinosaurs do you think are on here?" Amy wondered out loud.

The Doctor used the sonic on the computer, making the screen come to life as Lexi and Rory stood to his right while Brian stood to his left as they all looked at the screen.

"Ooh, props to whoever did this." Lexi smiled.

"Mega props to whoever did this." The Doctor agreed. "Looking for engines." He said, making the screen change. "Thank you, computer. Look at that, different sections have different engines, but these look like the primary clusters. Where are we now, computer? We need to get down to these engines..."

He then touched the screen which then made him, Lexi, Rory and Brian be teleported away.

"What happened?" Nefertiti asked, eyes wide at having seen the four people disappear.

Sky, Amy and Riddell all turned around to see what she had asked about.

Sky rolled his eyes. "Fan-friggin-tastic."

Inside, Spaceship, Beach...

The Doctor, Lexi, Rory and Brian 'arrived' on a beach with an overcast sky.

"..and find out how..." The Doctor said but looked around wildly at where they all now found themselves.

"What the hell?!" Lexi quickly turned around, taking in their surroundings.

"How'd we get here?!" Rory asked in much the same manner Lexi had.

"We're outside." Brian stated. "We're on a beach."

"Teleport! Oh, I hate teleports." The Doctor grumbled. "Must have activated on my voice."

"Ah, yes, well, thank you, Arthur C. Clarke!" Brian said angrily. "Teleport, obviously, I mean, we're on a spaceship, with dinosaurs, why wouldn't there be a teleport? In fact why don't we just teleport now?!" He shouted before walking off.

"Is he all right?" The Doctor asked, glancing at Rory.

"No, he hates travelling." Rory answered. "Makes him really anxious. He only goes to the paper shop and golf."

"What did you bring him for?"

"I didn't!" Rory exclaimed, exasperated. "Why can't you just phone ahead, like any normal person?"

"Because he's not normal." Lexi chimed in. "But can you really blame Brian for how he's acting? How do you expect someone to react when everything like this is thrust upon them out of nowhere?"

"Exactly." Rory nodded in agreement. "Thank you, Lexi."

"No problem." She grinned.

"Can somebody tell me where we are, now?" Brian asked as he walked up to re-join them.

The Doctor stuck out his tongue, tasting the air. "Well, it's not Earth. Doesn't taste right, too metallic."

A large bird then flew overhead, screeching.

"Is that a kestrel?" Brian asked as they all looked up.

"I do hope so." The Doctor replied, smiling a bit.

Rory then stood back up from where he had been feeling the ground. "The beach is humming."

"Is it?" The Doctor asked as he felt the ground for himself. "Oh, yes!" He exclaimed, standing back up. "Right, well, don't just stand there, dig!" He then brushed his hands free of what little sand had gotten on them. "I'm going to look at rocks. Love a rock."

"Dig with what?!" Rory called after him.

The Doctor just held up his hands as he walked off.

"You're married to a twelve year old." Rory rolled his eyes, glancing at Lexi.

"I know." She deadpanned, shaking her head. "Well, good luck with digging. I'll just stand here. It's getting harder for me to bend down for things since the bump's been getting bigger."

"You can't even tell." Rory told her, taking in her appearance.

"True, but when I do this..." She smiled as she smoothed down her shirt against her stomach, revealing that there was indeed a small baby bump that had begun to take shape. "It just really started showing in the past week and a half or so."

Rory smiled.

"And I'm assuming..." Brian began as he was fishing around in his pocket for something. "That this 'Doctor' man over there is the father? You know, last I heard you ran off and got married."

Lexi slowly turned her head to look at Rory, raising an eyebrow. "That's what you and Amy told him?"

"Well, uh," Rory opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with an answer.

"You know? It doesn't even matter. That's actually a pretty apt description, anyway." Lexi shook her head before turning her head back to look at Brian again. "But yeah, he and I are married. Have been for almost 3 and a half months now. And I'm at around 13 weeks pregnant. And yes; Skyler, that man you met briefly, is our grown son. You know, with the whole time travel thing... it's complicated. So yeah, a lot has happened, Brian."

"Well, you're a grown woman. As long as you're happy." Brian shrugged before he found what he was looking for and pulled it from his pocket. It just so happened to be a collapsible trowel. "Ah! Well!" He exclaimed in victory before he began digging.

Rory quirked an eyebrow at his father. "Did you just have that on you?"

"Of course! What sort of a man doesn't carry a trowel?" He responded like it was the most usual thing ever. "Put it on your Christmas list."

Rory crouched down on the sand to be eye level with his father. "Dad, I'm 31. I don't have a Christmas list anymore."

"I do!" The Doctor shouted from a little distance away as he stood on top of a rock with both his arms raised.

"What'd I tell you? Twelve year old." Rory spoke to Lexi as they glanced over at the Doctor.

"Yep. And what I tell you? I know." She shot back, giving her husband a thumbs-up before she and Rory turned back to Brian

"There's a floor under this beach!" Brian exclaimed in surprise as he tapped metal that was under the sand.

"Doctor!" Rory shouted as he and Lexi rushed to get him so they could inform him of this new discovery.

Inside, Spaceship, Corridor...

Sky, Amy, Nefertiti and Riddell were exploring.

"There are clearly more than just two of those creatures." Riddell commented before drinking from his flask.

Amy lightly slapped him on the arm. "Hey, put that away, we need you sober."

"It's medicinal." He told her. "And I don't take orders from females."

"Then learn." Nefertiti said. "Any man who speaks to me that way, I execute."

Riddell grinned at her. "You're very welcome to try."

Amy rolled her eyes before glancing at Nefertiti. "Sorry, what was your name again?"

"Lady of the Two Lands, wife of the Great King Amenhotep," She replied. "Queen Nefertiti of Egypt."

"I'll be damned..." Riddell blinked as he removed his hat.

"Oh, my God! Queen Nefertiti?! I learned all about you at school. You're awesome! Big fan, high-five!" Amy put up a hand but Neffy just kinda stared at her. "Yeah, bit behind on that. You're really famous." She then glanced at Sky. "Did you know who she was?"

"Yeah." He nodded as he shined a torch around the room, taking in their surroundings. "What do you think got me here? How many chances do you get to meet Queen Nefertiti?"

"Knowing who you are and where you come from, I'd say more than you'd think." Amy responded.

Sky chuckled. "You're probably right."

"Ssh!" Riddell hissed. "Listen."

They all then heard loud, rumbling snorts. Riddell lowered his torch, the beam revealing a sleeping T-Rex.

"Okay..." Sky began quietly. "A guess here: T-Rex. Not yet at its full size. We seem to be in the middle of a dinosaur nest."

"I propose a retreat." Riddell suggested, heading back the way they came until they heard more dinosaurs. "Or perhaps forwards."

"Agreed." Amy nodded. "Just don't wake the baby."

They slowly moved forwards, Riddell stepping over the sleeping T-Rex at the neck. He then stepped on a piece of paper that rustled. The T-Rex snorted but didn't wake. Riddell sighed before pulling his other leg over and nearly losing his balance. He grinned when he was done.

Nefertiti merely just shook her head and continued on with Amy and Sky.

Amy rolled her eyes at Riddell. "Who are you, anyway?"

"John Riddell." He answered. "Big game hunter on the African plains. I'm sure you've heard of me, too."

"No." Amy shook her head.

"You clearly have some alarming gaps in your education." He grumbled.

"Or men who hunt defenceless creatures just don't impact on history." She shot back. "Face it, she's way cooler than you."

Nefertiti laughed lightly. "And you, Amy? Are you also a queen?"

"Yes." She answered quickly. "Yes, I am."

Sky sniggered, earning him an elbow in his stomach from his Aunt.

"Child abuse!" He laughed, following after her as he lightly held a hand to his stomach.

Inside, Spaceship, Beach...

The Doctor had now found the computer and had pulled up the engine readings.

"See! Metal floor, screens in rocks." He said pointing at the screen. "It was just a short-range teleport. We're still on the ship."

"No. We're outside, on a beach." Brian denied.

"No, it's part of the ship, Dad." Rory tried to tell him.

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Well, it is quite ridiculous, also brilliant." The Doctor admitted. "That's why the system teleported us here - I wanted the engines." He turned around, arms open. "This is the engine room! Hydro-generators."

Brian looked to Lexi. "I have literally no idea what he's saying."

"Brian, it's a spaceship powered by waves." She replied before looking back to the screen.

The Doctor then came back and put his arms over Lexi and Brian's shoulders. "Fabulously impossible! Oh, think of the things we could learn from this ship if we manage to stop it being blown to pieces."

"And you know, not dying would be nice, too." Rory pointed out.

"Bad news is - can't shut the wave systems down in time. Takes..." The Doctor began to explain, trailing off as he turned around and looked up. "takes way too long."

Lexi studied the screen closely, pointing to a certain spot. "If these are the engines, there has to be a control room."

"Exactly." The Doctor agreed, turning back around and putting his arms over her and Brian's shoulders again. "That's what we need to find." He said before whispering. "Now, what do we do about the things that aren't kestrels?"

They all slowly turned around, the creatures screeching as they get closer to them.

They most definitely did not look like birds.

"Oh, my Lord." Brian's eyes widened. "Are those pterodactyls?!"

The pterodactyls were getting closer.

"Yes. On any other occasion, I'd be thrilled." The Doctor informed. "Now, exposed on a beach, less than thrilled. We should be going."

The Doctor quickly grabbed Lexi's hand before running along the beach in front of the cliff face, Brian and Rory following behind them.

"Where?!" Brian called after them.

"Definitely away from them!" The Doctor shouted back over his shoulder.

"That's the plan?!" Rory exclaimed.

"That's the plan! Amendments welcome!" He replied. "Move away from the pterodactyls!"

"I think they might be noticing!"

"I propose an amended plan." Lexi spoke up. "Run!"

"Agreed." The Doctor said, gripping her hand tighter as they ran faster.

"Can't we just teleport or something?" Rory asked as he and his father followed.

"No, local teleport's burned out on arrival." The Doctor informed. "There's an opening in the cliffs over there!"

"Come on, run!" Rory shouted to his father.

"I'm trying!" Brian shouted back.

When they were within site of the cave, one of the pterodactyls nipped Rory on the shoulder just before they were actually able to make it inside the cave with Brian hitting one of the pterodactyls with his collapsible trowel.

Inside, Spaceship, Cave...

Once safely inside, Rory stopped and leaned against the wall.

"Are you all right?" Brian asked his son.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He waved him, trying to catch his breath.

"Are you all right, Lex?" The Doctor asked when he gave her a look over.

"Yeah." She breathed as she leaned her head back against the wall, catching her breath. "It's just getting harder to run, that's all."

He smiled sympathetically at her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before turning back around to face Rory and Brian.

Rory gave a concerned look to Lexi before turning his gaze to the Doctor. "What do we do now? There's no way back out there."

"Through the cave." He answered before grabbing Lexi's hand again. "Come on."

The Doctor and Lexi began heading deeper into the cave but stopped upon hearing a loud thudding.

"That suggestion was a work in progress." The Doctor stated.

"Oh, you don't say." Lexi rolled her eyes.

"We're trapped!" Brian whispered.

"Yes, thanks for spelling it out." The Doctor glanced back at him before looking back ahead in the direction of the noise.

"Doctor, whatever's down there is coming this way." Rory whispered.

"Spelling it out is hereditary, wonderful!" The Doctor spoke more to himself than anything, making Lexi giggle just a bit since she had heard him.

"That sound's getting nearer!" Brian realized.

The Doctor gripped Lexi's hand a bit tighter as they backed up until they, Rory and Brian had nowhere to go.

Two large yellow robots then appeared.

"We're very cross with you!" One of them sassed.

Lexi quirked an eyebrow, tilting her head as she thought to herself.

"What the hell could possibly be about to happen next?"

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