Let's Kill Hitler [Part 3]

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Inside, Reich Chancellery, Office, Day...

The TARDIS suddenly burst through the window, knocking duplicate Zimmerman to the floor before finally landing with a thud on the other side of the room.

The Doctor quickly emerged from the TARDIS followed by Jupiter, Lexi, Rory, Amy and Mels. All seemed to be coughing from the smoke that was billowing out.

"Out, out, out!" The Doctor exclaimed as everyone rushed out past him. "Everybody out. Don't breathe the smoke, just get out."

"Where are we?" Amy asked curiously, glancing around.

"A room." He answered simply.

"What room?" Rory tilted hid head.

"I don't know! I haven't memorized every room in the universe. I had yesterday off."

Jupiter giggled at that and then noticed Mels standing at the open TARDIS door.

"Mels, don't go in there!" She told her, going over and taking her gun.

"Oi!" She exclaimed, glaring at her.

"Bad smoke!" She told her. "Don't breathe the bad smoke. Bad, deadly smoke, because somebody HAD to shoot the TARDIS!"

Rory then saw the duplicate (not realizing he was a duplicate) on the floor, going over and checking him over. "Doctor, this guy, I think he's hurt."

Inside, Ship, Bridge...

"Transmit normal life signs!" Carter ordered.

"Artificial gravity holding." Jim informed. "We should get upright when we can."

Inside, Reich Chancellery, Office...

"No, hang on. No, he's... he's fine." Rory said, quite surprised.

Jupiter then examined the gun she was holding. Not quite sure what to do with it, she finally just decided to put it in a fruit bowl on the desk.

The man who had been attacked then climbed up, emerging from behind the desk.

"Ooh, hello! Sorry, is this your office?" The Doctor asked, walking over to stand beside Jupiter. "Had a sort of collision with my vehicle. Faults on both sides, let's say no more about..." He trailed off as the man turned around, his and Jupiter's mouths dropping open when they saw who it was. "...it."

Lexi, Amy and Rory all then came up beside the Doctor and Jupiter.

"Is that...?" Lexi trailed off, shock evident in her expression.

"No, it can't be..." Amy whispered "Doctor?"

"Thank you." Hitler told them. "Whoever you are, I think you have just saved my life."

"Believe us... it was an accident." Jupiter told him, eyes wide.

Hitler then let his gaze drift over to the TARDIS. "What is this thing?" He questioned, walking to it.

"What did he mean we saved his life?" Amy whispered harshly as they turned around, watching Hitler.

"We could not have just saved Hitler." Lexi agreed.

"You see?" The Doctor questioned, looking over to Mels. "You see, time travel, it never goes to plan."

"This box, what is it?" Hitler asked.

"It's a police telephone box from London, England." The Doctor told him, walking to where he stood. "That's right, Adolf, the British are coming!"

"No, stop him!" Hitler exclaimed as he saw the duplicate stand up behind the Doctor. He then pulled his gun, firing at the duplicate.

Inside, Ship, Bridge...

Sparks seemed to be coming from everywhere as they suffered from the impact of bullets.

"Damage report! Damage report!" The Captain commanded.

Inside, Reich Chancellery, Office...

Rory kinda didn't know what to do. So, you wanna know what he ended up doing?

The Centurion decided to punch Adolf friggin' Hitler in the chin, knocking him to the floor.

He then quickly picked up the gun, aiming it at Hitler.

"Sit still, shut up." Rory ordered.

Surprised, Hitler raised his hands up.

Lexi let out a slight laugh. "Rory, that was kinda badass."

He smiled slightly, shrugging.

"Are you okay?" Amy asked, helping the duplicate up.

"Yes, yes." He assured.

Inside, Ship, Bridge...

Carter took hold of a special microphone before speaking into it, his words being echoed by the duplicate.

"Yes. I'm fine."

Inside, Reich Chancellery, Office...

"I think he missed."

"He was going to kill me." Hitler insisted.

"Shut up, Hitler!" Rory commanded him.

"Rory, take Hitler and put him in that cupboard over there now. Do it!" The Doctor instructed as he examined the duplicate (who he didn't quite know was a duplicate.

"Right, putting Hitler in the cupboard. Cupboard, Hitler. Hitler, cupboard." He muttered before going and pulling Hitler to his feet. "Come on."

"But I am the Fuhrer!"

"Right, in you go!" Rory told him, shoving him into the cupboard.

"Who are you?" Hitler asked bewilderedly just before Rory closed the door in his face.

The Doctor and Jupiter were both examining the duplicate closely, Amy and Lexi standing behind them.

"Are you okay?" Jupiter asked him, tilting her head curiously.

Inside, Ship, Bridge...

Everyone watched the Doctor and Jupiter on screen as they peered at the duplicate's face.

"Sir, what do we do now?" Anita asked, glancing at Carter.

"Suggestion: we should go into surveillance mode." Jim offered up.

"Agreed." Carter nodded. "Let's faint."

Inside, Reich Chancellery, Office...

"Oh, I..." He trailed off just before falling backwards in a faint.

Rory rushed up to them. "Uh, I think he just fainted."

"Yes, that was a faint." The Doctor agreed, not taking his eyes off the unconscious 'man'

"A perfect faint..." Jupiter whispered.

Amy and Lexi both then glanced over at Mels and noticed she was holding a hand on her stomach. "Mels?"

"Hitler..." She said softly.

"What about him?" The Doctor asked.

"Lousy shot." She commented just before falling to the floor.

Everybody's eyes widened as they ran over to Mels.

"Mels! Mels!" Lexi shouted.

"Rory!" The Doctor glanced at him.

"No, no, no! I've got to stop the bleeding!" He told them.

Inside, Ship, Bridge...

"Sir, that blue box... I've got a match." Jim informed as the screen showed information about the TARDIS. "We're trying to bag war criminals, we've got the biggest one ever right under our noses. Forget Hitler. We take this one down, the Justice Department will give us the rest of the year off."

"Are you sure?" Carter asked him.

"There's no question." He replied; looking at Carter. "It's her."

Inside, Reich Chancellery, Office...

Amy and Lexi were on either side of Mels, Lexi holding her hand as Amy stroked her hair while Rory was trying to stop the bleeding.

"How bad is it?" Lexi asked, looking to Rory.

"Rory, what can we do?" Amy enquired also looking to Rory.

"Just keep her conscious!" Rory told them. "Stay with us, Mels."

"Hey, look at me." The Doctor said to Mels.

"Just hold on." Jupiter told her.

"I used to dream about you." She said softly as she looked at the Doctor. "All those stories Amy and Lexi told me."

"What stories?" He questioned. "Tell me what stories. Vampires in Venice, that's a belter."

"When I was little, my aunt used to tell me about all the adventures she wanted to have with you. And when I was a bit older, she told me how she even thought she might could love you someday."

"Really? Who was she? Tell me about her." The Doctor said as he tried to keep her conscious.

"My mum always called her nuts. Dad was a bit unsure of what to think though."

"Come on, Mels. Tell us about your aunt. Tell us about your mum and dad." He kept telling her.

"Why don't you ask them?" She smiled weakly. "They're all right here."

Confused, the Doctor, Jupiter, Lexi, Amy and Rory all shared glances.

"Penny in the air."

Eyes wide, the Doctor and Jupiter stood as Mels began to glow with regeneration energy.

"Penny drops!"

"What the hell's going on?" Rory questioned.

"I think we should stand back." Jupiter informed, pulling Lexi away.

Agreeing, the Doctor grabbed Amy and Rory, pulling them away. "Back! Back! Back! Get back!"

Mels then stood up. "Last time I did this, I ended up a toddler in the middle of New York."

Everyone was now standing against the desk.

"Okay, Doctor, explain what is happening? Please!" Amy exclaimed.

"Mels. That's short for..?" Jupiter questioned slowly.

"Melody." Mels replied.

"Yeah, I named my daughter after her." Amy informed.

"You named your daughter... after your daughter." The Doctor stated slowly.

"Took me years to find you two. And you, too, Auntie. I'm so glad I did. And, you see, it all worked out in the end, didn't it? You got to raise me after all. And Lexi got to be the cool aunt who always would share laughs with me."

"You're Melody?" Lexi questioned, shocked.

"But if she's Melody, that means she's also..." Rory trailed off.

"Oh, shut up, Dad!" Mels shouted. "I'm focussing on a dress size."

Mels then gave in to the regeneration and screamed as the change took place.

When it was over....she was in the now-familiar form of River Song-though she didn't know it.

She panted as she regained her breathing and became familiar with her new body. "Right, let's see, then. Ooh, it's all going on down there, isn't it? The hair!" She exclaimed, ruffling her fingers through her now wildly curly hair. "Oh! The hair, it just doesn't stop, does it? Look at that! Everything changes! Oh, but I love it, I love it!" She then faced everyone else again. "I'm all sort of... mature!" She put her foot on a piece of furniture as she attempted to look seductive. "Hello, Benjamin!"

Jupiter put a hand over her eyes, leaning over to Lexi. "Mum, make my cousin stop. Please."

"The teeth!" Melody said, looking back in the mirror. "The teeth, the teeth!" She then ran to everyone as they leaned on the desk. "Oh, look at them! And cousin?!" She exclaimed, embracing Jupiter tightly. "That's lovely! Now, excuse me, you lot, I need to weigh myself!"

With that, she let go of Jupiter before running into the next room.

Jupiter, the Doctor, Lexi, Amy and Rory all sat on the edge of the desk, stunned.

"That's Melody?" Amy asked, breaking their silence.

"That's River Song." Rory stated.

"Who's River Song?" Melody asked, appearing in the doorway.

They all turned to look at her.

"Spoilers." Jupiter said just a tiny bit nervously.

"Spoilers?" She questioned. "What's spoilers? Hang on, just something I have to check!" She then ran back into the other room.

"Is anybody else finding today just a bit difficult?" Rory enquired. "I'm getting a sort of banging in my head."

"Yeah, I think that might be Hitler in the cupboard." Lexi informed him.

"That's not helping."

The Doctor then stood up straight and walked across the room. Amy, Rory, Lexi and Jupiter joining him.

"This isn't the River Song we know yet." He told all of them. "This is her right at the start. Doesn't even know her name."

"Ah, that's magnificent!" Melody's voice floated in from the other room, making everyone turn to see her leaning with her hand against the door jamb. "I'm going to wear LOTS of jodhpurs!"

Inside, Ship, Bridge...

"That's her, all right." Captain Carter informed. "Melody Pond...the woman who kills the Doctor."

Inside, Reich Chancellery, Office...

"Well, now, enough of all that." She said, pulling a gun and aiming it at the Doctor. "Down to business."

"Oh, I thought you were all happy finding out I was your cousin, Melody." Jupiter smirked. "Why the sudden mood change?"

"Jupiter, what are doing?" The Doctor whispered to her.

Melody walked towards them. "Oh, I am, dear. This has nothing to do with you."

"Mm, I think it might more than you think it does." Jupiter told her.

"Doctor, what's she doing?" Rory whispered as they watched the two cousins.

"What she's programmed to." He told him.

"Where'd she get the gun?" Lexi asked.

Jupiter grinned, glancing back at them. "Hello, Benjamin."


When Melody was standing by the chair when she said "Hello, Benjamin". She reached back and took the gun from the seat of the chair.


"You noticed!" Melody said, getting ready to fire the gun as she aimed it over Jupiter's shoulder.

"Jupiter, get out of the way!" Lexi shouted just as Melody fired but the chambers were empty.

"Of course I noticed." Jupiter smirked.


While Mels was regenerating, Jupiter quickly ran over to chair, seeing the gun and removing the bullets.


Jupiter slowly walked forward. "As soon as I knew you were coming, I tidied up a bit. I know how you can get."

Melody tossed the gun away. "I know you did." She reached into her vest.


When Melody was embracing Jupiter, she took the gun from the fruit bowl.


Jupiter smiled deviously. "I know you know."


Jupiter spun the fruit bowl around, so Melody actually grabbed a banana.


Melody pulled out the banana thinking was a gun.

She sighed. "Goodness, are you gonna make killing him take all day?"

"Yeah, well," Jupiter shrugged, taking the banana from her. "I've kinda got a lot riding on him staying alive."

"What does she mean?" Amy whispered to Lexi.

"I'm not sure." She whispered back.

"Oh, I'm not complaining." Melody said, taking the letter opener from Hitler's desk and swiping in Jupiter's direction.

Jupiter quickly pulled out her sonic screwdriver, aiming it at her and making her drop the letter opener "If you were in a hurry, you could've killed him in the cornfield."

"We'd only just met. First impressions, dearie. I'm a psychopath. I'm not rude."

Melody then took the gun from the fruit bowl and fired, Jupiter holding up the clip and blowing on it.

"Impressive." The Doctor complimented her as she tossed the clip at him.

"You were not a psychopath!" Amy exclaimed, stepping forward and glancing at the Doctor. "Why would she be a psychopath?"

Melody and Jupiter then began circling each other.

"Oh, Mummy, Mummy, pay attention. I was trained and conditioned for one purpose. Jupe, sweetie, I think it might do you good to realize I was born and raised for one purpose: to kill the Doctor."

"You see." The Doctor said approaching the two as they stared each other down. "Demons Run, remember? This is what they were building, my bespoke psychopath."

"Ssh." Melody told him, putting a finger to his lips, looking back at Jupiter. "My cousin and I are having a conversation."

Jupiter smirked. "Oh, and Melody, sweetie, I think it might do you good to realize that only Sky and River Song get to call me 'Jupe'."

"Who's River Song?" She questioned.

"An old friend of all of ours." She told her.

"Stupid name." Melody commented, walking to the window. "Oh, look at that!" She exclaimed, stepping onto the window sill. "Berlin on the eve of war. A whole world about to tear itself apart." She turned back to look at everyone. "Now that's my kind of town. Mum, Dad, Auntie, Jupiter, dear, don't follow me. And, yes, that is a warning."

"No warning for me, then?" The Doctor questioned.

"No need, love." She smirked. "The deed is done and so are you."

The Doctor's legs then wobbled, Jupiter and Lexi both going to him and holding him up. He gripped his chest in pain.

"Doctor, what's wrong?" Amy asked, walking over to them.

"What have you done?" The Doctor questioned Melody. "River!"

"Oh, River, River, River! Sounds important, I think." Melody rolled her eyes.

"What have you done?!" The Doctor asked just before he collapsed.

"It was never going to be a gun for you, Doctor, the man of peace who understands every kind of warfare, except, perhaps, the cruellest."

The Doctor rubbed a finger against his lips and recalled her putting a finger to his lips as she was talking to Jupiter.

"Goodbye, sweeties!" She blew a kiss before jumping out of the window and out of sight.

"What's wrong with you, Dad?" Jupiter asked. "What's she done to you?"

"Poisoned me... but I'm fine. Well, no, I'm dying, but I've got a plan."

Jupiter bit her lip in thought, nodding. "You better damn well hope you do."

"What plan though?" Lexi asked.

He groaned. "I'm not dying. See, fine!"

Inside, Ship, Bridge...

"Scanning him." Anita informs. "He's dying alright."

"But he can't be." Jim objected.

Inside, Reich Chancellery, Office...

The Doctor groaned as Lexi and Jupiter helped him stand.

"Okay, what do we do? How do we help you?" Rory questioned him quickly.

"Take this! The TARDIS can home in on it." He said, handing Amy the sonic. "Jupiter, you can use your sonic, too. Now, go, get after her!" He told them, pushing Rory towards the window.

Rory then looked out the window and down to the street and saw Melody approach a group of soldiers.

Outside, Berlin street...

Melody strode confidently towards the soldiers.

"Hey was machen sie hier?"(Hey what are you doing here?) A soldier questioned her.

"Halt!" Another soldier commanded.

Five soldiers then aimed their rifles at Melody the officer aiming his automatic.

"Hello, boys!" She grinned.

Inside, Reich Chancellery, Office...

Lexi and Jupiter helped the Doctor to the TARDIS as Amy followed them.

"You said the smoke was deadly." Amy reminded.

"The smoke's fine." He assured. "The poison will kill me first. Now, get after River!"

"Yeah, good idea." Jupiter agreed. "Because if he's dying, that means my time is limited as well."

Lexi and Amy watched as she walked over to the window to stand next to Rory.

"I don't understand, okay?" Amy told him. "One minute she's all happy getting to know that Jupiter's her cousin and now she's trying to kill you."

"And what is Jupiter talking about, saying her time is limited as well?" Lexi enquired.

"Ah, well, River/Melody has been brainwashed, it makes sense to her. And if I die before Jupiter and Sky are conceived, then they cease to exist. Oh, shut up, I'm dying."

That was the last thing he said before entering the TARDIS.

Inside, TARDIS...

The Doctor entered the smoke-filled TARDIS and leaned heavily against the door.

"Extractor fans on!" He instructed, make the fans suck the smoke away.

"Oh! That works!" He exclaimed in surprise before hurrying to the console.

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