The Angels Take Manhattan [Part 3]

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Inside, Grayle Mansion, Study, Night...

"The Angels are predators. They're deadly." River stated as Grayle turned the lights back on. River then saw that the Angel was still gripping her wrist. "What do you want with them?"

"I'm a collector." Grayle told her. "What collector could resist these? I'm only human."

"That's exactly what they're thinking." River informed just as the lights began to flicker and the house started shaking.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

"What's that?" Grayle questioned, glancing around. "What's happening? Is it an earthquake?"

River grinned.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

The TARDIS engines stalled, making it rock as the Doctor grabbed Lexi and Amy to keep them upright.

Inside, Grayle Mansion, Study, Night...

Grayle looked around for the source of what was happening.

"What is it?!"

"Oh, naughty naughty." River chuckled. "You could burn New York."

"What does that mean?!" Grayle shouted to be heard over all the noise.

"It means, Mr. Grayle, just you wait till my family gets here."

Inside, Grayle Mansion, Front Hall...

The TARDIS finally materialized, the extra energy sending Grayle flying into another room.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"Okay, you two, up up up." The Doctor said, getting up from the floor, extending his hands to help Amy and Lexi to stand back up from where they all had been knocked to the floor.

"Wasn't the worst landing ever." Lexi commented as she and Amy get to their feet.

"Yeah, now, come on." Amy said quickly before rushing for the doors, the Doctor and Lexi following behind her.

Inside, Grayle Mansion, Front Hall, Night...

"Rory?" Amy called as she ran out of the TARDIS and up the stairs. "Rory! Rory?!"

"Sorry, we're late, River." Lexi smirked, seeing River in the Study as she and the Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS. "Traffic was hell."

The Doctor nodded at her and then spotted Grayle before kneeling to check on him. "Shock." He then stood back up. "He'll be fine."

Inside, Grayle Mansion, Study...

"Not if I can get loose." River scoffed.

Lexi chuckled softly as she walked into the study, the Doctor following soon after.

"So where exactly are we now, Dr. Song?" Lexi questioned as she walked over to one side of River. "How's prison?"

"Oh, I was pardoned ages ago." She answered. "And it's 'Professor' Song now."

"Pardoned?" The Doctor questioned as he walked to the other side of River.

"Mm." River nodded. "Turns out the person I killed never existed in the first place. Apparently, there's no record of him, his wife, or their children. It's almost as if someone's gone around, deleting themselves from every database in the universe."

The Doctor tapped River's nose with his finger. "You did say I got too big."

"Yes, but you didn't do it all on your own, did you?" River shot back.

"He most certainly did not." Lexi agreed, smirking.

"But now..." River began. "No one's ever heard of any of you. Didn't you used to be somebody?"

"Weren't you the woman who killed the Doctor?" The Doctor countered, pulling out the sonic before scanning the Angel.

"Doctor who?" She asked ever-so innocently.

The Doctor then checked the readings. "She's holding you very tight."

"At least she didn't send you back in time." Lexi pointed out.

"Doubt she's strong enough." The Doctor chimed in.

"Well, I need a hand back." River stated, glancing at the Doctor before glancing at Lexi. "So which is it going to be, are you going to break my wrist or hers?" She asked, before noticing the look on Lexi's face as Amy stood in the doorway. "Oh, no. Really? Why do you have to break mine?"

Lexi frowned. "Because your mother read it in a book and, now, I have no choice." She then gasped immediately. "Oh, my God... That's what it was!" She then looked over to Amy. "You see?"

"Well, what book?" River questioned.

Lexi reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out the book from where she had stored it when they left the graveyard.

"Your book." Lexi stated, cross. "Which you haven't written, yet... So we can't read."

She then walked away a bit and went and sat down in a chair in the sitting area of Grayle's study.

"I see." River nodded slowly. "I don't like the cover much."

"But if River's gonna write that book, she'd make it useful, yeah?" Amy spoke up.

"Well, I'd certainly try." She agreed.

"But we can't read ahead." The Doctor shook his head. "It's too dangerous."

"Well, yeah." Amy said, walking a few steps forward. "But there must be something we can look at."

"What?" Lexi rolled her eyes, looking up from staring down at the book's cover. "A page of handy hints? Previews, spoiler-free?"

"Chapter titles!" Amy realized.

Lexi grinned, snapping her fingers at her sister before opening the book to the table of contents.

• Chapter 1: The Dying Detective
• Chapter 2: The Angels Take Manhattan
• Chapter 3: Missing in New York
• Chapter 4: Taking the Case
• Chapter 5: Night in the Statue Park
• Chapter 6: The Gargoyle
• Chapter 7:The Skinny Guy
• Chapter 8: Julius Grayle
• Chapter 9: Calling the Doctor and the Glorious
Chapter 10: The Roman in the Cellar

"He's in the cellar!" Lexi informed, pulling out her sonic before tossing it to Amy.

"Ha!" The Doctor laughed, him and Amy grinning at each other before they both ran out of the room.

"Brilliant." Lexi grinned as she stood up from the chair she had been sitting in.

"There's something different about you." River commented. "When's the last time you saw me?"

"My wedding." Was all that Lexi responded with, reading the chapter page as she walked. "As for different, I gave birth to Sky and Jupiter about four months ago."

"That's it." River nodded in understanding.

"They're being looked after by their older selves." Lexi added as she walked behind River. "Not too safe, but we didn't really have another choice."

River watched as Lexi continued to read the page while walking towards the door. But...

...she stopped.

"Auntie? Auntie, what is it?" River asked as she watched Lexi become tense. "What's wrong? Tell me."

Lexi gripped the back of a chair as she still read the chapter page.

"Auntie, what is it?" River asked again, more urgently this time. "Tell me."

Lexi's blood ran cold as she read the last two chapter titles.

• Chapter 1: The Dying Detective
• Chapter 2: The Angels Take Manhattan
• Chapter 3: Missing in New York
• Chapter 4: Taking the Case
• Chapter 5: Night in the Statue Park
• Chapter 6: The Gargoyle
• Chapter 7:The Skinny Guy
• Chapter 8: Julius Grayle
• Chapter 9: Calling the Doctor and the Glorious
• Chapter 10: The Roman in the Cellar
Chapter 11: Death at Winter Quay
Chapter 12: Amelia's Last Farewell

Lexi gripped the book, almost as if she was ready to throw it.

"Okay, I know that face." River stated cautiously. "Just calm down, Auntie. Calm down."

"No!" Lexi shouted, throwing the book, knocking over a lamp and making it shatter when it fell to the floor.

"Talk to me!" River shouted to her as she watched her storm towards the door.

"No!" Lexi exclaimed, stopping before turning back to River. "You get your wrist out. Do you hear me? You get your wrist out without breaking it."

"How?" She questioned as Lexi began walking to the door again.

"I don't know!" Lexi called back, not stopping her walking. "Just do it, River! Change the future!"

River bit her lip as she looked at her wrist, contemplating what she should do.

Inside, Grayle Mansion, Cellar..

The door opened before Amy and the Doctor came down the stairs, the Doctor using his sonic as a flashlight/torch and Amy doing the same with Lexi's.

"Rory?" Amy called into the darkness of the cellar, the beams from the sonic screwdrivers revealing the cherubs that were in the room.

"No!" Lexi exclaimed as she ran into the cellar and down the stairs behind the Doctor and Amy.

"Aah!" Amy screamed when she saw the stone cherubs.

"They're Angels." The Doctor breathed, taking hold of Amy's shoulders as they started to back up the stairs. "Baby Angels."

"I think they may have gotten Rory." Lexi said as they all walked backwards up the stairs, seeing burned-out matches and an empty box on the floor in front of the cherubs.

"Where is he?" Amy asked worriedly.

"I don't know." The Doctor told her honestly. "But we'll find him."

The trio then heard giggling and scampering, making them all walked backwards up the stairs even faster before exiting the cellar and shutting the door.

Outside, New York City, Street...

Rory now found himself on a street.

He looked around, putting his hands in his pockets before heading for the nearest building: Winter Quay.

Inside, Grayle Mansion, Front Hall...

Amy sat on the bottom steps as Lexi paced, the Doctor watching her go back and forth.

"So is this what's going to happen?" Amy questioned. "We just keep chasing him back in time and they keep pulling him further back."

"He isn't back in time." River answered as she came out of the study with her trench coat back on while reading from her handheld tablet as she kept her right arm hanging at her side. "I'm reading a displacement, but there are no temporal markers. He's been moved in space, not in time, and it's not that far from here, by the look of it." She informed, looking at the Doctor as he continued to watch Lexi pace.

Lexi stopped in her tracks and looked at River, relieved. "You got out."

"Of course." She grinned.

"So where is he?" Amy asked, looking to River.

Outside, Winter Quay...

Rory slowly climbed the front steps, the doors opening with a creak.

He looked around at the street once more before then entering the building, not noticing the Angel on the pedestal with its arms outstretched to attack.

Inside, Grayle Mansion, Front Hall...

"Well, where is he?" The Doctor questioned.

"If it was that easy, Uncle, I'd get you to do it." River told him as she continued to work on her device.

"But how did you get your wrist out without breaking it?" Lexi questioned, shaking her head.

"You asked. I did." Was all River replied with. "Problem?"

Lexi laughed. "You just changed the future!"

"It's called 'family loyalty', Auntie. Now, hush. I'm working."

Lexi giggled slightly as she walked past the Doctor before going and sitting down next to Amy. "She's good, your daughter! Oh! Have you noticed? Really, really good."

"Ah, wherever it is, it's within a few blocks." River informed. "There's a car out front. Shall we steal it?"

"Well, come on! Show us!" Lexi exclaimed excitedly, quickly getting up and rushing to River and grabbing her right hand on the way out the door.

River gasped in pain, making Lexi stop and look at River's bruised and swollen hand.

Inside, Winter Quay, Foyer...

Rory looked around before turning to face the lift as it came down, the gates opening themselves before he walked towards the lift.

Inside, Grayle Mansion, Front Hall...

River was now sitting on the steps as Lexi, Amy and the Doctor were standing by the wall.

"Okay, when all those numbers on both units go to zero, that's when we've got a lock, okay?" The Doctor explained to Amy as she held River's VM and handheld. "That's how we find Rory."

"Right." She nodded.

"Okay, I think you've both got this handled." Lexi commented as she glanced over at River before looking back to the Doctor and Amy. "I'm need to go have a word with Miss Malone." She then went and sat next to River. "Why did you lie to me?"

"Why does anyone do anything?" River countered, not being able to look at Lexi. "When one loves her family more than anything, one does her best to hide the damage."

"It must hurt. Come here." Lexi said softly, gently taking River's hand.

"Yes." She agreed. "The wrist is pretty bad, too."

Lexi looked at River's face as she kept staring straight ahead. She then placed her other hand above hers, making her gasp.

"Lex?" The Doctor looked up questioningly from the device he and Amy had been working on. "Lexi, what are you doing?"

"Ssh." She said, closing her eyes. "I need to concentrate."

Just then, River's hand began to glow gold with energy.

"No. No. No, stop that." River tried pulling her hand away. "Stop that! Stop it!"

Lexi then breathed out, removing her hand to reveal River's wrist was now healed.

"There you are." Lexi smiled gently, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "How's that?"

"Seems okay. Now..." River trailed off, flexing her hand and testing out the muscle before grabbing Lexi's ear harshly.

"Ow! Ow!" Lexi winced. "What?!"

"That was a stupid waste of regeneration energy." River scolded. "You are my Aunt, but I'm going to be blatantly honest with you. You shouldn't have done that." She then let go of Lexi's ear. "I don't even know how much regeneration energy me, Sky and Jupiter were able to give you when you got married. It was enough to help drastically slow down your aging process, it was enough to give you two hearts and it may have been enough to eventually help you change once. Maybe. But that does not mean you should use it on something as minuscule as my broken wrist!"

Lexi frowned. "River..."

"No!" She cut her off, standing back up. "You embarrass me!"

"River!" Lexi held out her arms as River stormed out the door.

Amy and the Doctor watched River leave then looked back at Lexi, now sprawled on the steps.

Amy took off her glasses and handed them and both devices to the Doctor.

"Tell you what..." Amy began as she walked over to Lexi before leaning over her. "'Think' before you 'do'."

Amy then stood back up straight before following River outside.

"Ugh!" Lexi leaned her head back in frustration as the Doctor walked over to her.

"I didn't even know you could do that." He commented quietly as he sat down next to her.

"Neither did I." She told him honestly as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I just grabbed her hand and hoped for the best."

Outside, Grayle Mansion...

River was standing by the car as Amy walked over to her.

"Okay, why did you lie?" Amy questioned her.

"Never let the ones you love see the damage." She replied softly. "Even if you know they can see straight through you."

"Hey. Hey." Amy soothed as she went over to River and put an arm around her shoulder.

She turned to Amy. "You can't let the Doctor see you age. He doesn't like endings. And everything that Auntie has been through with him, it's just made her more and more like him. She has gotten just as bad as him."

Inside, Grayle Mansion, Front Hall...

The tracker then beeped and the read-out showed Winter Quay.

"There you are." The Doctor smirked as Lexi lifted her head off his shoulder.

Outside, Grayle Mansion...

"Got it!" The Doctor exclaimed as he and Lexi ran down the stairs to Amy and River. "He's in a place called Winter Quay. The car, yes? Let's go."

They all then ran to the car and got in, not noticing the statue of the mother and son watching them before they drove the car away.

Inside, Winter Quay, 3rd floor hall...

Rory exited the lift as electricity crackled before he slowly began walking down the hall.

Rory then peered at one of the nameplates before reaching for the door. But... opened for him.

As Rory turned to walk in, he didn't even notice the Angel at the end of the hall.

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