The Doctor's Wife [Part 2]

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Outside, Planet surface, Night...

The Doctor opened the door of the TARDIS and stepped out followed by Lexi, Sky, Amy and Rory.

It looked like the surface was cluttered with rusting spaceships of various sizes.

"So what kind of trouble's your friend in?" Amy asked as everyone began to look around at their surroundings.

"He was in a bind, a bit of a pickle, sort of distressed." The Doctor explained.

"Aw, you can't just say you don't know?" Lexi smiled at him.

"So this is a scrap yard at the end of the universe?" Sky asked as he examined a random piece of metal.

"Not end of, outside of." The Doctor corrected.

"How can we be outside the universe?" Rory questioned. "The universe is everything."

The Doctor put an arm around Rory's shoulders as he tried to explain. "Imagine a great big bubble with one of those tiny little bubbles on the outside."

"Okay." He nodded.

"Well, it's nothing like that." The Doctor then rested a hand on the TARDIS. "Completely drained, look at her."

"So it's like we're in a tiny bubble universe that's sticking to the side of the bigger bubble universe?" Lexi asked, shaking her head as she tried to make sense of things.

"Yeah...No. But if it helps, yes." The Doctor replied. "This place is full of rift energy. She'll probably refuel just by being here. Now this place, what do we think, eh?" He threw some dirt into the air. "Gravity's almost earth-normal, air's breathable, but it smells like..."

"Armpits." Amy offered.

"Armpits." The Doctor nodded.

"Where did all this stuff come from?" Sky asked, gesturing at everything that surrounded them.

"There's a rift." The Doctor explained. "Now and then, stuff gets sucked through it. Not a bubble, a plug hole. The universe has a plug hole and we've fallen down it."

"Thief! Thief! You're my thief!" A woman shouted as she suddenly came running towards the Doctor.

"She's dangerous!" An older woman exclaimed as she and an older man walked behind the other woman as she ran. "Guard yourselves!"

"Look at you! Goodbye! No, not goodbye, what's the other one?" The woman grinned as she came up to the Doctor, grabbing both sides of his face and pulling him in for a kiss.

Lexi's eyes widened, her mouth agape.

"Watch out!" The older man warned. "Careful, keep back from her!" He and the older woman pulled the crazy mad lady off the Doctor. "Welcome, strangers, lovely. Sorry about the mad person."

"Why am I a thief?" The Doctor questioned. "What have I stolen?"

"Me." The woman answered. "You're going to steal me. No, you have stolen me. You are stealing me. Tenses are difficult, aren't they?"

"Oh, we are sorry, my dove. She's off her head." The older woman apologized, shaking the Doctor's hand. "They call me Auntie."

"I'm Uncle." The older man introduced himself. "I'm everybody's uncle. Just keep back from this one, she bites!"

"Do I? Excellent." The woman said before biting the Doctor's neck.

"Ow!" The Doctor exclaimed. "No, ow, ow!"

"Oh, biting's excellent!" The woman exclaimed as Auntie and Uncle pulled her away from the Doctor. "It's like kissing, only there's a winner!"

"Listen, lady..." Lexi said, taking a step forward. "I don't know who you are, but--"

"Oh, you!" The woman grinned. "You gorgeous thing, come here!"

The woman grabbed Lexi by both sides of the head before snogging her.

Lexi's eyes widened, trying to pull away from her.

"Sorry!" Uncle said, pulling the woman off of Lexi. "She's doolally."

Eyes wide, Lexi panted as she tried to regain air to her lungs while Rory, Amy and Sky were trying to hold in their laughter.

"What the hell?..." She whispered, tilting her head.

"No, I am not doolally." The woman told Uncle. "I'm...I'm...It's on the tip of my tongue. I've just had a new idea about kissing. Come here, you!"

"Idris, no, no!" Auntie shouted at her.

"No!" Lexi exclaimed, running from Idris and hiding behind the Doctor. "You'll have to kiss him to get to me!"

"Okay." She smiled, going in for the Doctor, but stopping herself and tilting her head as she examined him. "But wait a moment. Now you're angry...Wait, no you're not. You will be angry though. The little boxes will make you angry."

"Sorry? The little what?" He questioned. "Boxes?"

"Your chin is hilarious!" Idris laughed, pinching the Doctor's chin before looking over at Sky. "It means the smell of dust after rain."

"What does?" Sky asked her.


"But I didn't ask." He told her.

"Not yet, my dear boy." Idris smiled at him. "But you will."

"No, Idris, I think you should have a rest." Auntie told her.

"Yes, yes, good idea!" She agreed. "I'll just see if there's an off switch."

With that, she fainted.

"Is that it?" Uncle questioned. "She dead now. So sad."

Rory knelt down by her, checking her pulse. "She's still breathing."

"Nephew, take Idris somewhere she cannot bite people." Uncle instructed.

The Doctor spun around, coming face-to-face with an Ood.

"Oh, hello!" He smiled.

"Doctor, what is that?" Amy questioned.

"It's alright." The Doctor assured. "It's an Ood! Oods are good, love an Ood." He walked up to it. "Hello, Ood. Can't you talk? Oh, I see, it's damaged. May I?" With that, he opened the Ood's translator. "It might be on the wrong frequency."

"Nephew was broken when he came here." Auntie informed. "Why, he was half dead. House repaired him. House repaired all of us."

The Doctor fixed Nephew's translator, letting a message come over it. There seemed to be garbled messages in the background.

"If you are receiving this message, please help me." A man's voice came over the message. "Send a signal to the High Council of the Time Lords on Galifrey. Help! I'm still alive! I don't know where I am. I'm on some rock-like planet."

Nephew then switched off the translator.

"What was that?" Rory questioned. "Was that him?"

"No, no, it's picking up something else." The Doctor said, his voice just above a whisper. "But that's...That's not possible. That's...Who else is here? Tell me. Show me! Show me!"

"Just what you see." Auntie told him. "It's just the four of us, and the House. Nephew, will you take Idris somewhere safe where she can't hurt nobody?"

Nephew walked over, helping Idris to her feet before taking her away.

"The House?" Sky took a step forward. "What is the House?"

"House is all around you, my sweets." Auntie replied. "You are standing on him."

"This is the House." Uncle said, jumping up and down.

"This world." Auntie gestured around at their environment. "Would you like to meet him?"

"Meet him?!" Rory's eyes widened.

"I'd love to." The Doctor answered.

"This way. Come, please. Come." Uncle said as he and Auntie began to head back inside.

"What's wrong?" Lexi whispered, coming into step alongside the Doctor. "What were those voices?"

"Time Lords." He told her. "It's not just the Corsair. Somewhere close by there are lots and lots of...Time Lords."

Lexi stopped dead in her tracks at that statement.

"How could that be?" She questioned to herself.

She just shook her head, snapping out of her thoughts before rushing to catch up with everyone else.

Inside, Planet, Tunnels, Cell, Night...

Idris seemed to be locked up in some sort of cell as Nephew stood guard.

"I'm...I'm...Big word, sad word." Idris muttered to herself. "Why is that word so sad? No! Will be sad. Will be sad."

Inside, Planet, Cavern...

Auntie and Uncle lead the way to the cavern.

"Come. Come, come." Uncle motioned for everyone to follow. "You can see the House and he can look at you and he..." He trailed off as the Doctor looked through a grate.

"I see." The Doctor muttered. "This asteroid is sentient."

"We walk on his back, breathe his air." Auntie said. "Eat his food..."

"Smell it's armpits." Amy commented.

Auntie and Uncle's mouths suddenly moved in unison, but the voice that came out wasn't theirs.

"And do my will." A deep voice told them. "You are most welcome, travelers."

"Yes." The Doctor nodded. "So you're like a...sea urchin. Hard outer surface. That's the planet we're walking on. Big, squashy, oogly thing inside. That's you."

"This is correct, Time Lord." House told him.

"Ah! So you've met Time Lords before?"

"Many travelers have come through the rift, like Auntie and Uncle and Nephew. I repair them when they break."

"So there are Time Lords here then?" Sky asked.

"Not anymore." House answered. "But there have been many Tardises on my back in days gone by."

"Well, there won't be any more after us." The Doctor told House. "Last Time Lord. Last TARDIS."

"A pity. Your people were so kind." House said. "Be here in safety, Doctor. Rest, feed if you will."

Auntie and Uncle were then freed from House's control.

"Are we actually going to stay here?" Lexi enquired.

"It's seems like a friendly planet. Literally." The Doctor replied. "Mind if we poke around a bit?"

"You can look all you want." Auntie answered, cupping Lexi's face with both hands. . "Go, look. House loves you."

The Doctor didn't say anything when he noticed that Auntie's left hand was definitely not that of a woman.

"Come on then, gang. We're just going to, erm...see the sights." The Doctor grabbed Lexi by the hand, dragging her away as he lead all of them out of the cavern.

Inside, Planet, Tunnels, Cell...

"Oh! What was that?" Idris asked as she sat in her cage.

"Do fish have fingers?" She wondered. "Lexi, I thought I told you."

She turned her head to look the other way. "Like a nine year old trying to rebuild a motorbike."

She then turned head to look back the in the other direction. "How do you think you met her?"

She tilted her head. "What am I saying? Why am I saying that?"

"Thief! Where's my thief?" She shouted, grabbing onto the bars of the cage. "Thief! Thief!"

Inside, Planet, Tunnels...

Holding onto to Lexi's hand, The Doctor and her walked ahead of Sky, Amy and Rory.

He held up a finger when he could hear Idris off in the distance. "Shh, shh."

"So as soon as the TARDIS is refueled, we go, yeah?" Rory asked.

"No." He replied. "There are other Time Lords here. I heard them and they need me."

Amy walked walked up to stand next to him. "You told me about your people and you told me what you did."

"Yes, but if they're like the Corsair, they're good, I can save them!"

"Then tell them you destroyed the others?!"

"I can explain." He said. "Tell them why I had to."

"You want to be forgiven." Lexi whispered sadly.

He turned his head to look at her. "Don't we all?" He then turned to address everybody at once. "I left my screwdriver in the TARDIS."

"I'll go get it." Amy offered. "Where is it?"

"In my jacket."

"You're wearing your jacket though." Sky pointed out.

"My other one."

"You have two of those?" Rory raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever." Amy giggled, shaking her head. "Just one thing, Doctor: Don't get emotional because that's when you make mistakes."

"Yes, boss." He nodded, smiling slightly.

"I'll call you from the TARDIS." Amy said, tossing her phone to the Doctor. "Rory, Sky, Lexi, look after him."

The Doctor waited until Amy was out of earshot. "Rory, Sky, look after her."

"Yeah." They nodded before heading off after Amy.

He waited again until they were out of earshot. "Lexi, look after them all."

"You sure?" She questioned, quirking an eyebrow.

"Yeah." He smiled, pecking her on the lips. "Now, go on."

"Alright." She sighed, before running off in the other direction.

The Doctor sighed, watching her go before turning around and continuing on in the other direction.

Outside, Planet surface...

Amy strode towards the TARDIS, Rory and Sky following.

"I told you to look after him."

"He'll be fine." Sky waved her off before walking into the TARDIS.

"He's a Time Lord." Rory said in agreement.

"It's what they're called. It doesn't mean he actually knows what he's doing." She told him before they both followed Sky into the TARDIS.

"Guys!" Lexi shouted after them, stopping abruptly as she saw something very peculiar.

With wide eyes, Lexi pulled her phone out of her back pocket and started videoing as a cloud of green energy began to swirl around the base of the TARDIS, working its way up.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"We're here." Amy told the Doctor as she spoke to him over the phone. "Screwdriver's in your jacket, yeah?"

Inside, Planet, Tunnels...

"Yeah, it's around somewhere." The Doctor told her, pulling the sonic out of his pocket. "Have a good look."

Outside, Planet surface...

Lexi gulped nervously, shutting off her phone, before walking up to the TARDIS.

She pulled and pushed on the door, trying to open it, but... was locked.

She took a couple nervous steps back.

"Something's wrong..." She whispered.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"Did either of you do that?" Amy asked when she heard the door lock, turning to Sky and Rory.

"I didn't do anything." Rory answered. "Right. Jacket."

"Something's wrong..." Sky whispered, looking in the direction of the door.

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