The Hungry Earth [Part 2]

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Outside in sunny Cwmtaff...

Lexi was running ahead of The Doctor and Tony as they carried the computers while Nasreen followed them pushing a wheelbarrow full of equipment.

"How can something be coming up when there's only the Earth's crust down there?" Tony asked as they made there way down a few stone steps.

"You saw the readings!"

"Who are you, anyway?! How can you know all this?" Nasreen asked. She stopped when she heard a whirring noise and saw red lights streak across the sky. "Whoa, did you see that?"

Everyone else stopped dead in there tracks and looked to the sky.

"No, no, no!" The Doctor took out a slingshot, picked up a rock and fired it at the sky. It hit a force field, red lights streaked out from the impact. He then took out his sonic screwdriver, and aimed it at the sky, revealing the field surrounded the village and the drill site. "Energy signal ongoing from under the Earth. We're trapped."

Lexi looked over to see Rory joining them, followed by a red headed woman and a young boy who was most likely her son.

"Doctor! Something weird's going on here, the graves are eating people."

"Not now, Rory! Energy barricade. Invisible to the naked eye. We can't get out and no one from the outside world can get in."

"What?! Ok, what about the TARDIS?"

"No, those energy patterns would play havoc with the circuits. With a bit of time, maybe, but we've only got nine and a half minutes."

"Nine and a half minutes to what?"

"We're trapped. And something's burrowing towards the surface." Lexi snapped back.

Rory looked around. "Where's Amy?"

"Get everyone inside the church." The Doctor picked up the computer and started walking again. "Rory, I'll get her back."

"What d'you mean, get her back? Where's she gone?"

"She was taken. Into the Earth."

"How?! Why didn't you stop it?!"

The Doctor put down the case. "I tried. I promise, I tried."

"Well, you should've tried harder!" Rory protested. Lexi grabbed hold of his shoulders to look him straight in the eyes.

"Rory, he's right! We did all that we could. It's not all his fault!"

Rory shrugged her hands away. "Well maybe you share some of the blame too!"

Lexi blinked twice. Rory had never shouted at her like that before. It made her bottom lip quiver for a moment, but she took a deep breath and regained her composure,

"You right, maybe I should," Lexi said a tiny bit shakily. The Doctor looked at this exchange, but said nothing. "because it's my fault that I was pulled out of the ground first." Lexi stormed away bumping The Doctor in the shoulder as she passed him going to follow everyone else in the church. He looked her way till she was gone, then he turned back and walked to Rory.

"I'll find Amy. I'll keep you all safe. I promise. Come on, please. I need you alongside me." He went and picked the case back up. "Oh, and Rory?"


"For future reference: Never yell at Lexi again." With that, The Doctor headed for the church, leaving Rory to think about how he was to apologize to his future sister-in-law.

A few minutes later...

They were carrying the equipment to the church. Tony tried to open the door.

"Where's Mo? Is he with you?" The woman asked Tony. It looked like this woman was Tony's daughter.

"This flaming' door! Always sticking! I thought you were having it fixed!"


"Something's happened to him, hasn't it?" The young asked.

A few minutes later...

Eventually they got the door open and everyone went inside.

The church was in a severe state of disrepair and disuse with boxes, crates and junk everywhere. The Doctor, Nasreen and Tony were setting up the equipment while Lexi and Rory stood off to the side leaning against some boxes. Lexi had her arms crossed and wasn't looking at Rory.

"So we can't get out, we can't contact anyone. And something, the something that took my husband, is coming up through the Earth." The woman said trying to understand.

"Yes. If we move quickly enough, we can be ready." The Doctor explained.

"No, stop. This has gone far enough. What is this?"

"He's telling the truth, love." Tony defended while working on some equipment.

"Come on! It's not the first time we've had no mobile or phone signals. Reception's always rubbish."

"Look, Ambrose, we saw The Doctor's friend get taken, OK? You saw the lightning in the sky. I have seen the impossible today, and the only people who have made any sense of it, for me, is The Doctor and Lexi."


"Us." The Doctor and Lexi said together.

"Can you get my dad back?" The young boy asked.

Everyone looked to The Doctor, including Lexi.

"Yes." The Doctor walked over to Ambrose. "But I need you to trust me. It wasn't just my friend who was taken, but Lexi's twin sister and Rory's fiancé, too. I need you to do as I say from this second onwards because we're running out of time."

"So tell us what to do."

"Thank you. We have eight minutes to set up a line of defense. Bring me every phone, camera, every piece of recording or transmitting equipment you can find."

Outside in the graveyard...

Rory was going through all the small electronics he could find.

"Every burglar alarm, every movement sensor, every security light. I want the whole area covered with sensors." The Doctor rattled off.

Lexi went up to where Rory was going through the electronics. She didn't say anything as she gabbed a camera and was about to walk off before Rory stopped her.

"Listen, Lexi... I... I'm sorry. I should never have yelled at you like that. It was just the heat of the moment kind of thing. I wasn't really thinking about what I was saying. I should've thought about how you must be feeling. She's your sister."

"Well, I except your apology. And I'm sorry too. She's your fiancé and I know that you love her."

Rory smiled at her and brought her in for a hug. The Doctor rushed by and grabbed a piece of equipment.

"Oh, good. Glad to see you two made up, but we really must get moving now."

Rory and Lexi just smiled and shook their heads. Lexi continued to where she was going to put the camera. Rory grabbed a motion sensor and went to go put it at the church's door.

Inside the church...

The monitor was showing that whatever it is that was coming up was getting closer.

"Right, we need to be ready for whatever's coming up." The Doctor turned to the boy he now knew was named Elliot. "I need a map of the village, marking where the cameras are going."

"I can't do the words. I'm dyslexic."

"Oh, that's alright, I can't make a decent meringue. Draw like your life depends on it, Elliot."

Elliot ran off to go do the task he was given. Lexi came in to check up on The Doctor.

"How's it going?"

The Doctor checked his watch. "6 minutes 40."

Lexi nodded and walked back outside.

Outside in sunny Cwmtaff...

Elliot was drawing his map as Rory, Lexi and Ambrose continued to put up cameras.

Inside the church...

Nasreen watched as the time counted down. Tony pulled up an overlay of the village.

"Works in quadrants, every movement sensor and trip light we've got. If anything moves, we'll know." Tony explained.

The Doctor slapped him on the back. "Good lad!"

Outside in sunny Cwmtaff...

The Doctor was looking through Ambrose's van as Rory held up Lexi as she put a camera in a nearby tree. Ambrose walked up to him with her arms full of gardening implements and anything else that could be used as a weapon.

"Oi! What're you doing?!"

"Resources! Every little helps! Meals on wheels. What've you got here then, warmer in the front, refrigerated in the back."

"Bit chilly for a hideout, mind." She set the items in the front of the van.

"What are those?"

"Like you say, every little helps."

"No! No weapons. It's not the way I do things."

"You said we're supposed to be defending ourselves."

"Oh, Ambrose, you're better than this. I'm asking you nicely. Put them away."

The Doctor walked away and Ambrose gave a last look into the cab of the vehicle.

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