The Impossible Astronaut [Part 3]

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Inside, TARDIS, Console area...

The Doctor was walking around the console, talking, while everyone else just kinda stood around, each lost in thought.

Lexi was particularly deep in thought as she sat on the bottom step of the stairs that lead up and out of the console room.

"1969, that's an easy one." The Doctor informed as Jupiter walked past him and walked down the stairs that lead to underneath the console, Sky following right behind her. "Funny how some years are easy. Now 1482, full of glitches. Now then, Canton Everett Delaware III, that was his name, yeah?"

Ignoring him, Lexi stood up and went the same way Jupiter and Sky went, Amy following directly behind her.

"How many of those can there be?" The Doctor was confused. "Well, three, I suppose."

Also ignoring him, River went and walked down to where everyone else had gone.

The Doctor looked to the direction everyone had went down before glancing over at Rory. "Rory, is everybody cross with me for some reason?"

"I'll, uh...find out." He replied, leaving as the Doctor glanced back over his shoulder, concerned.

Under the console...

Amy and Lexi both sat beside each other cross-legged on the floor, Sky and Jupiter standing a couple feet away while they all looked at River as Rory joined them.

"Explain it again." Amy said.

"The Doctor we saw on the beach was a future version, 200 years older than the one up there." River replied.

"But all that will still happen?" Lexi questioned, trying to clarify as she rubbed her temples in a soothing manner. "He will still die?"

"We're all going to do that, Lexi." She told her.

"To be fair..." Jupiter started, cutting into the conversation. "We're not all going to arrange our own wake and invite ourselves."

"Exactly, thank you." Rory said in agreement. "So the Doctor in the future, knowing he's going to die, recruits his younger self and all of us what exactly? Avenge him?"

"Doesn't seem like avenging is really his style." Sky muttered.

"Save him," Lexi stated.

"That's not his style either." River pointed out.

"We have to tell him." Amy said as she rose to her feet, Lexi doing the same.

"We've told him all we can." River responded. "We can't even tell him we've seen his future self. He's interacted with his own past. It could rip a hole in the universe."

"Except he's done it before." Lexi pointed out.

"And, in fairness, the universe did blow up." Rory reasoned.

"But he'd want to know." Amy stated.

"Would he really though." Jupiter questioned, tilting her head in thought. "Would anyone?"

The Doctor then took that moment to stick his head down over the edge to look at everyone underneath the console.

"I'm being extremely clever up here, and there's no one to stand around, looking impressed." He stated, glancing at everyone. "What's the point in having you all?"

With that, the Doctor got back up.

River just shook her head. "Couldn't you just slap him sometimes?"

River, Rory, Sky and Jupiter all then started heading for the stairs.

"River, we can't just let him die." Lexi said, her voice a bit shaky.

"We have to stop it." Amy agreed. "How can you be okay with this?"

"The Doctor's death doesn't frighten me, nor does my own." She replied. "There's a far worse day coming for me."

Back up above, Console area...

"Time isn't a straight line, it's all bumpy-wumpy." The Doctor said while showing off again as he walked around the console. "There's loads of other stuff, like Sundays and Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons. But now and then there are Saturdays, big temporal tipping points when anything's possible. The TARDIS can't resist them, she loves a party, so I give her 1969 and NASA, 'cause that's space in the '60s, and Canton Everett Delaware III, and this is where she's pointing."

The Doctor spun the scanner around, its view-screen stopping right in front of Lexi.

"Washington DC, April 8th, 1969." She read out loud for everyone to hear. "So why haven't we landed?"

"Because that's not where we're going." The Doctor replied simply.

"Where are we going, then?" Rory questioned.

"Home!" The Doctor exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Well, you two are." He gestured to Rory and Amy. "Off you pop and make babies." The Doctor then looked to River. "Dr. Song back to prison." He then quickly looked over at Sky and Jupiter. "You two will go back to whatever it was you were doing before we were all brought together." He then finally looked back to Lexi. "And you, my dear, will go back and finish your stay at the best spa in the universe. Now me?" The Doctor gestured to himself. "I'm late for a biplane lesson in 1911, or it could be knitting. Knitting or biplanes, one or the other."

The Doctor then just flopped onto a chair, rubbing his forehead.

Everyone else then cautiously approached him.

"What?" The Doctor questioned, looking up at them, annoyed. "A mysterious summons? You think I'm just going to go? Who sent you all those messages?" He paused, glancing around at everyone. "Come on...I know you know, I can see it in your faces. Don't play games with me. Don't ever, ever think you're capable of that."

"You're going to have to trust us this time." River told him as Jupiter and Sky came to stand next to her.

"Trust you? Sure." The Doctor said, standing up and walking to River. "But first of all, Dr. Song, just one thing...Who are you? You're someone from my future, getting that, but who? Okay...Why are you in prison? Who did you kill? Hmm? Now I love a good puzzle, me, but trust you? Seriously? And you two..." The Doctor turned to look at Sky and Jupiter. "You're brother and sister, that's obvious. Around the same age. Twins, most likely. You're both time-hoppers judging by the VMs on your wrists. I would say you're also people from my future, but there's also something different as well..." He eyed them closely. "Your timelines don't seem like they'd move in the opposite direction like River's does. You both are time-hopping back and forth to different parts of our timeline...But why? Who are you two?"

Jupiter swallowed a bit nervously. "I guess you'll have to wait to find out..."

"I don't know if should trust you." The Doctor stated quietly, not taking his eyes off of Sky and Jupiter.

"Trust us." Amy and Lexi said from behind him.

"Okay." The Doctor turned around to face them.

"You have to do this." Amy stated.

". . .And you can't ask why." Lexi told him almost regretfully.

"Are you guys being threatened?" The Doctor asked, concerned. "Is someone making you say that?"

"No." They replied almost instantly.

"You're lying." He responded, not taking his eyes off them.

"We're not lying." Amy shook her head.

"Swear to me." The Doctor told them, putting his hands on their shoulders while looking them directly in the eye. "Swear to me on something that matters."

Amy and Lexi smiled at him almost tearfully before answering.

"Fish fingers and custard."

He gave them a small smile. "My life in your hands, Amelia and Alexis Pond."

"Thank you." River told him.

"So!" The Doctor then clapped his hands together, spinning around and going to console. "Canton Everett Delaware III... Who's he?"

As the Doctor rambled on; Lexi felt comforting hands being placed on either of her shoulder, making her look from-to-side to see Sky and Jupiter on either side of her.

Lexi gave them a weak smile before returning her attention back to the Doctor.

Inside, Bar, Night...

A man in a suit was sitting at the bar, nursing a drink. Two larger men in trench coats and hats were standing behind him.

"Who wants to know?" The man sitting on the barstool questioned.

"Your boss." An agent replied lowly.

"I don't have a boss anymore." The man replied, taking a sip of his drink.

"Maybe you want to tell that to the President of the United States." The agent said, taking the drink from the man's hand.

Inside, TARDIS, Console area...

River was reading information from the scanner. "Ex-FBI, got kicked out."

"Why?" The Doctor questioned.

Inside, Car, Night...

The agents were in the front seat of the car as Canton sat in the back seat while talking on the phone.

"I understand you have a problem with authority." The president said, his voice coming in through the phone.

"Thank you." Canton replied as he spoke into the phone.

"It's not a compliment, son," The President responded.

Inside, TARDIS, Console area...

Jupiter walked up to the scanner, nudging River out of the way. "Six weeks after he left the Bureau, the President contacted him for a private meeting."

"Yeah..." The Doctor replied, thinking. "1969, who's President?"

Inside, Oval Office...

The President was behind his desk on the phone with Canton.

"This is a personal matter." The President said, tapping his fingers on his desk. "I need someone on the outside, someone with FBI training, but is not in contact with them."

Inside, Car...

"I'm flattered." Canton told him.

"You were my second choice for this, Mr. Delaware." The President replied through the phone.

"That's okay." Canton responded. "You were my second choice for President, Mr. Nixon."

With that, Canton looked out of the car window and saw as they were arriving at the White House.

Inside, TARDIS, Console area...

Sky nudged his sister out of the way before reading from the scanner.

"Richard Milhous Nixon. Vietnam, Watergate..." Sky started listing various things off before shrugging. "There is some good stuff too though."

"Not enough." The Doctor pointed out.

"Hippy!" River gasped, smiling a bit.

"Archeologist." The Doctor shot back.

Inside, Oval Office...

"Everyday, wherever I am, I get a phone call." President Nixon informed as he sat behind his desk with Canton sitting in a chair directly across from him.

"People can't just call you, Mr. President." Canton pointed out.

"It's a direct line every time." Nixon told him. "Everyday for the last two weeks, usually late at night."

"Man or woman?" Canton enquired.

"Neither." Nixon replied, switching on the tape recorder he had sitting on top of the desk. "Listen."

Inside, TARDIS, Console area...

"Okay..." The Doctor began as he looked over at Lexi, Amy and Rory. "Since I don't know what I'm getting into, I'm being discreet, putting the engines on silent."

The Doctor then flipped a switch, making a loud metallic screeching filled the room.

Jupiter rolled her eyes as she walked by, flipping another switch, making the screeching stop.

"Did you do something?" The Doctor asked, looking at Jupiter as he came back around to where she was.

"No, just...watching." She replied ever-so innocently, rubbing the back of her neck.

The Doctor eyed her questioningly for a moment before twirling around to begin rambling on again.

"Petting the outer shell on invisible. Haven't done this in a while, big drain on the power," The Doctor said as he went to another panel.

"You can turn the TARDIS invisible?" Rory questioned.

With a grin, the Doctor switched on a lever, making blinding spotlights switch on.

River subtly leaned over and pushed a lever. "Very nearly."

"Er, did you touch something?" The Doctor questioned River, turning around to face her.

"No." She replied much in the same way as Jupiter had. "Just admiring you skills."

"Good!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "You might learn something. Okay" He then banged on the scanner. "Now, I can't check the scanner, it doesn't work when we're cloaked. Um, just give us a mo." He then rushed to the door, but stopped when the everyone else tried to follow him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you lot, wait a moment. We're in the middle of the most powerful city in the most powerful country on Earth. Let's take it slow."

With that, he quickly exited the TARDIS.

Inside, Oval Office...

The Doctor stepped out of the cloaked TARDIS to find himself in the Oval Office, but...

...he wasn't alone.

Fortunately, both men had their backs to him. They were listening to the recorded phone call.

"Hello? Who is this?" Nixon's voice asked on the recording. "This is President Nixon. Who's calling? Is this you again?"

"Mr. President?" A scared child's voice asked.

"A child?" Canton asked, surprised.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, the Doctor stepped a bit closer.

"This is the president, yes." Nixon's voice replied on the recording.

"I'm scared, Mr. President." The child said in a trembling voice. "I'm scared of the Space Man."

"A little girl?" Canton wondered.

"Boy." Nixon replied.

"How can you be sure?" Canton asked him.

"What space man?" Nixon asked on the recording. "Where are you phoning from, where are you right now? Who are you?"

The Doctor, being as quiet as possible, took a small notebook from his pocket and began to jot things down.

"Jefferson Adams Hamilton." The child said on the recording.

"Jefferson, listen to me..." Nixon's voice said on the recording, but was cut off when the child hung up the phone. Only a dial tone could then be heard.

"Surely this is something the Bureau could handle, sir?" Canton asked him.

"These calls happen wherever I am." Nixon informed him. "How do I know the Bureau isn't involved? I can't trust any..."

Nixon began to turn around, and stopped when he saw the Doctor. Canton looked to where the President was looking, standing up when he caught sight of the Doctor.

The Doctor just kept writing and even motioned for the two men to continue as if he wasn't there.

The Doctor felt their eyes on him before looking up and over at them. "Oh! Hello! Bad moment?" He asked as he started to back away. "Oh, look, this is the Oval Office. I was looking for the. . .Oblong Room. I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll just be off then, shall I?" He then...

...walked right into the cloaked TARDIS and fell.

Nixon quickly pressed a button on the desk for security.

Inside, TARDIS, Console area...

The TARDIS rocked from the Doctor walking into it.

"Every time." Sky grumbled under his breath.

Inside, Oval Office...

The Doctor got back up, rubbing his face. "Don't worry. Always does that when it's cloaked."

Canton rushed to the Doctor, tackling him to the ground.

"No, stop that!" The Doctor exclaimed.

Inside, TARDIS, Console area...

Sky quickly rushed past everyone and over to the scanner.

"He said the scanner didn't work." Rory told him.

"I know." Sky grinned, taking off his shoe and banging it against the scanner, making the wires park.

Inside, Oval Office...

"Ow!" The Doctor exclaimed as Secret Service agents entered, two of them being the same men that brought Canton to the White House.

"Lockdown, lockdown!" An agent instructed.

Inside, TARDIS, Console area...

Sky got the scanner working, allowing everyone to see the Doctor on the screen as he was on the floor.

His face was pressed into the carpet. "Not that! Ow!"

Inside, Oval Office...

"Sky, River, Jupiter, Anyone! Have you got my scanner working yet?" The Doctor called out.

Inside, TARDIS, Console area...

"Oh, I hate him!" River rolled her eyes.

Inside, Oval Office...

"No, you don't!"

"Get the President out of here!" Canton commanded. "Sir, you have to go with them now!"

"Make her blue again!" The Doctor shouted.

Inside, TARDIS, Console area...

Jupiter rushed around the console, flicking some switches and levers to shut off the cloaking device.

Inside, Oval Office...

As the TARDIS became visible, Canton and the other men holding the Doctor released him and stared, open-mouthed, at the TARDIS.

"What the hell is that?"
Nixon asked in wonder and utter confusion.

The Doctor had gotten up and had made himself quite comfortable at the desk, even putting up his feet, lounging back in the chair.

"Mr. President!" The Doctor exclaimed as all the agents pointed guns at him. "That child just told you everything you need to know, but you weren't listening. Never mind, the answers yes. I'll take the case! Fellas, the guns, really? I just walked into the highest security office in the United States, parked a big blue box on the rug. You think you can just shoot me?"

"They're Americans!" River, Sky and Jupiter all exclaimed, running out of the TARDIS.

"Don't shoot, definitely no shooting!" The Doctor exclaimed, standing and holding his hands up.

Lexi, Amy and Rory all took that moment to come stumbling out of the TARDIS, hands held up.

"Don't shoot us either." Rory said, holding his hands up. "Very much not in the mood of getting shot. Look, we've got our hands up."

"Who the hell are you?" Nixon asked, looking at everyone that had come out of the TARDIS.

"Sir, you need to stay back." Canton told him.

"But who, but who are they?" He continued to ask in utter confusion. "What is that box?"

"It's a Police Box, can't you read?" The Doctor replied. "I'm your new undercover agent, on loan from Scotland Yard. Codename: the Doctor. These are my top operatives: the Legs," He said, gesturing to Amy. "the Nose," He gestured to Rory. "Mrs. Robinson," He smirked, gesturing to River. "Thing 1 and Thing 2," He said, gesturing to Sky and Jupiter before then finally gesturing to Lexi. "and last, but certainly not least, Ms. Glorious Pond."

"I hate you." River, Lexi, Sky AND Jupiter all grumbled, rolling their eyes.

"No, you don't!" The Doctor grinned.

"Who are you?" Nixon question again.

"Boring question." The Doctor answered. "Who's phoning you, that's interesting. 'Cause Canton Three is right, that was definitely a little girl's voice. There's only one place in America she can be phoning from."

"Where?" Canton asked.

"Do not engage with the intruder, Mr. Delaware." An agent commanded, all the while still pointing a gun at the Doctor.

"You heard everything I heard, it's simple enough." The Doctor told them. "Give me five minutes, I'll explain." He then sat back down at the desk. "On the other hand, lay a finger on me, or my friends, and you'll never, ever know."

"How'd you get it in here?" Canton asked the Doctor, gesturing to the TARDIS. "I mean, you didn't carry it."

"Clever, eh?" The Doctor smirked.

"Love it."

"Do not compliment the intruder." The agent spoke to Canton him again.

"Five minutes?" Canton asked the Doctor, completely ignoring the agent.

"Five." The Doctor nodded.

"Mr. President, that man is a clear and present danger." The agent tried to say.

"Mr. President," Canton began, addressing Nixon. "that man walked in here with a big blue box and six of his friends and that's the man he walked past. One of them's worth listening to. What say we give him five minutes, see if he delivers."

"Thanks, Canton!" The Doctor smiled.

"If he doesn't, I'll shoot him myself."

"Not so thanks."

"Sir, I cannot recommend..." The agent tried to say, but was cut off by Nixon.

"Shut up, Mr. Peterson. Alright."

"Five minutes." Canton reminded the Doctor.

The Doctor smiled, snapping his fingers. "I'm going to need a SWAT team ready to mobilize, street level maps covering all of Florida, a pot of coffee, 12 jammy dodgers and a fez."

"Get him his maps."

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