The Lodger(s) [Part 4]

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Inside flat, Hall, Day...

The Doctor walked down the hall, carrying a breakfast tray. He stopped at Craig's door.

"Craig! Craig!" He knocked on the door. "Breakfast! It's normal, Craig?" He opened the door. "Craig!"

The Doctor rushed in to see Craig was lying unmoving on his bed. The Doctor put the tray down on the bed and knelt beside Craig and grabbed his arm.

"Craig, I told you not to touch it! What's that?" The Doctor saw there was a large streak running up Craig's arm. "An unfamiliar and obviously poisonous substance. 'Oh, I know what would be really clever, I'll stick my hand in it!' Come on, Craig, breathe."

The Doctor pounded on Craig's chest causing him to gasp. "Come on, Craig, breathe! Thems are healthy footballer's lungs!"

The Doctor grabbed the teapot and ran from the room.


The Doctor rushed to grab the teabags and cram them into the pot. "Right. Reverse the enzyme decay. Excite the tannin molecules."

Lexi walked into the kitchen just as he was rushing back out. She followed him curiously, back to Craig's room.

Craig's bedroom...

Lexi watched nervously from the doorway as The Doctor made Craig drink the tea via the spout.

"I've got to go to work." Craig said hoarsely.

"On no account. You need rest. One more."

"It's the planning meeting, it's important." Craig tried to explain after taking another drink.

"You're important. You're going to be fine, Craig."

Craig fell asleep and The Doctor slipped out with Lexi closing the door behind them.

Inside call center, Afternoon...

Craig rushed in, late for work.

"Oh, afternoon." Craig's boss greeted.

"I'm so sorry, Michael, I don't know what happened, I've got no excuse."

The Doctor popped up from under the desk right where Michael and Craig were standing.

The Doctor had on a headset and was speaking to a customer. "I think that's not what my screen is telling me, Mr. Lang."

"What's he doing here? What are you doing here?"

"If that's your attitude, Mr. Lang, please take your custom elsewhere."

"No, no, no, that's one of my best clients!"

"Oh, her Craig." Lexi said cheerily walking up to the desk.

"Lexi?" Craig asked in surprise. His day was just not going right.

"Craig, how are you feeling?" The Doctor asked. "Had some to kill, I was curious, never worked in an office. Never worked in anywhere."

"Speak for yourself. I've actually had a job before. Bookstores are wonderful, don't you think?" Lexi said while absentmindedly twirling a pencil between her fingers.

"You two are insane!"

"Leave off them." Michael defended. "I love The Doctor and Lexi. By the way Lexi, dear, you were brilliant in the planning meeting."

"Thank you, Michael." Lexi said with a smile.

"You went to the planning meeting?" Craig asked.


"We don't need Mr. Lang anymore. Rude Mr. Lang."

Sophie arrived with tea and biscuits. "Here you go, and I found some custard creams." Sophie handed The Doctor everything.

"Sophie, my hero."

"Hi, Craig. I went on the web, applied for a wildlife charity thing. They said I could always start as a volunteer straight away. Should I do it?"

"Yeah, great, yeah, good, go for it." Craig said not so convincingly.

"You look awful. About turn! Bed. Now. Who next?" The Doctor types at a keyboard. "Oh, yes."

Sophie walked away. Michael waved goodbye and Craig headed for the door in frustration.

"Hello, Mr. Joergensen. Can you hold? I have to eat a biscuit."

Lexi grabbed a biscuit and took a bite. Her and The Doctor looked over to the door and watched Craig leave. They also saw Sophie's reaction. She looked somewhat sad.

Inside flat, Parlor...

Craig went through a drawer and pulled out a spare set of keys then headed for The Doctor and Lexi's bedroom door. He unlocked it and stepped in.

Inside The Doctor and Lexi's bedroom...

Craig stopped when he saw The Doctor's device still spinning.

"What the hell?"

House, Front hall...

A cat came down the stairs and meowed. The Doctor and Lexi entered and saw it.

"Have you been upstairs?" The cat meowed in reply. "Yes?" It then let out a deep throaty meow.

Lexi look at him. "What are you doing?"

"I speak cat."

Lexi shook her head. "Of course you do." She crouched down and beckoned the cat to come to her. It then went and brushed up against her purring.

Inside flat, Parlor...

Craig was throwing darts. He heard The Doctor in the front hall.

"You can do it. Show us what's up there?" The Doctor voice could be heard from the other side of the wall. "What's behind that door? Try to show us. Ohh, that doesn't make sense! Ever see anyone go up there? Lots of people? Good good."

Craig peered through the peephole and saw The Doctor and Lexi on the stairs. The Doctor was petting the cat as it lounged in Lexi's lap.

"What kind of people? People who never come back down. That's very bad."

Craig opened the door.

House, Front hall...

The Doctor and Lexi looked up.

"Oh, hello, Craig." Lexi greeted.

"I can't take this anymore. I want you two to go!" Craig went back into the flat and The Doctor and Lexi followed. Craig handed the paper bag of mo eu back to The Doctor. "You can have this back an' all."

"What have we done?!"

"For a start, talking to a cat."

"For the record, he was talking to the cat. I was just holding it."

The Doctor threw the bag over his shoulder causing the money to fly everywhere. "Lots of people talk to cats."

"Everybody loves you two. Doctor, you're better at football and me and you both are better at my job, and now Sophie's all 'Oh, monkeys, monkeys!' and then..." Craig opened The Doctor and Lexi's bedroom door. "there's that!"

The Doctor rushed over.

Inside The Doctor and Lexi's room...

"It's art! A statement on modern society, 'Ooh, ain't modern society awful?'" He stopped it spinning.

Lexi walked over and leaned on the dresser while Craig stood there getting madder and madder.

"Me and you two, it's not gonna work out. You've only been here three days. They've been the three weirdest days of my life."

"Craig, trust us. They'll get a lot weirder if we go!" Lexi tried to say.

"I thought it was good weird, but it's not, it's bad weird! I can't do this anymore!"

"We can't leave this place. I'm like you, I can't see the point of anywhere else. Madrid, hah, what a dump! We have to stay!" The Doctor exclaimed.

"No, you don't. You have to leave!"

"We can't go!" The Doctor and Lexi yelled together.

"Just get out!" Craig went to go push The Doctor, but The Doctor grabbed him by the lapels. "Right! Only way! I'm going to show you something, but ssh, really, ssh! Oh, I'm gonna regret this. Ok, right... First, general background."

The Doctor head-butted Craig causing Lexi to wince at their pain. Each man grabbed his head in pain with a groan.

In Craig's mind, he 'saw' The Doctor's past incarnations and some adventures. He gasped in realization and pontes at The Doctor.

"You're a..."


"From..." Craig pointed skyward.


"You've got a TARDIS!"

"Yes. Ssh!" The Doctor motioned to his face. "Eleventh! Right... Ok, specific detail!"

The Doctor head-butted Craig again, filling him in on the real reason why he and Lexi were there.

Craig looked back and forth between The Doctor and Lexi. "You two saw my add in the paper shop window."

"Yes, with this right above it." The Doctor showed Craig the note signed by Amy. "Which is odd, because Amy hasn't written it yet. Time travel, it CAN happen."

"That's a scanner! You used non-technological technology of Lammasteen."

"Shut up!"

"Alright." Lexi said patting The Doctor on the shoulder. "That hurts, doesn't it?" Lexi asked already knowing the answer.

"Haha, yes... Aaargh! I am never, ever doing that ever ever again..." He turned on the earpiece. "Amy!"

Craig pointed at the earpiece. "That's Amy Pond!" He then pointed at Lexi. "And you're Lexi Pond!"

"Oh, of course, you can understand us now, hurrah. Got those plans yet, Amy?"

Inside the TARDIS...

"Still searching for them!"

"Lexi and I've worked it out with psychic help from a cat." The Doctor said over the speaker.


"Yes, I know he's got a time engine upstairs."

There was a pause before Lexi's voice appeared. "The Doctor says he's using innocent people to try and launch it."

Inside The Doctor and Lexi's room...

Lexi handed the earpiece back to The Doctor.

"Whenever he does, they get burnt up, hence the stain..."

"From the ceiling?" Craig asked.

"Well done, Craig."

Inside the TARDIS...

"And you, my dear sister," Lexi voice started. "nearly get thrown off into the Vorex."

"Lovely!" Amy shouted.

Inside The Doctor and Lexi's room...

A loud crash came from above.

"People are dying up there? People are dying. People are dying." Craig stated over and over as the time loop started up again.

"Amy!" Lexi shouted. The Doctor shoved his ear up against Lexi's to try and listen.

Inside the TARDIS...

Amy was thrown to the floor as the TARDIS lurched again.

Inside The Doctor and Lexi's room...

The time time abruptly ended.

"They're being killed!" Craig exclaimed.

"Someone's up there." The Doctor grabbed the earpiece and ran out of the room followed by Craig and Lexi.

Inside the TARDIS...

Amy pulled herself up and clung to the monitor handles.

House, Front hall...

The Doctor, Craig and Lexi ran up the stairs.

"Doctor!" Amy yelled over the earpiece.

"Hang on!"

Craig and Lexi stopped when they saw Sophie's keys in the lock.

"Craig, Lexi, come on... someone's dying up there." The Doctor then saw Sophie's keys in the lock and ran upstairs.

"Sophie..." Lexi breathed out in shock.

"It's Sophie. It's Sophie that's dying up there, it's Sophie!" Craig exclaimed. He followed The Doctor and Lexi followed him.

Inside the TARDIS...

"Doctor! Stop!" Amy yelled.

House, Front hall...

The Doctor, Craig and Lexi arrived at the top of the stairs outside the door of the top flat.

"Where's Sophie?!" Craig shouted.

"Wait, wait! Amy?" The Doctor asked.

"Are you upstairs?" Amy asked.

"Just going in!"

"But you can't be upstairs."

"Of course I can be upstairs!"

"Come on!" Craig yelled.

Inside the TARDIS...

"No, I've got the plans, you cannot be upstairs, it's a one-story building..."

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