The Pond Twins 2.0

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A/N: Hello! 😁

Okay, so I planned on doing this filler chapter ever since I decided when the twins were gonna be born. And now that they've arrived, it's time for this! 🙂

This is just fluff. 😍 I mean, I really wanted to just write the Doctor, Lexi, Amy and Rory with the twins as babies at least once before... well, you know. 😥

So, yeah...

Enjoy! 😘


Inside, TARDIS, Twins' nursery...

"Okay, so this is called a sonic screwdriver." Lexi stated as she sat cross-legged on the floor in the middle of the nursery, holding up her sonic (silver with a pink light) while the twins laid in their bouncers. "This is a very useful tool and it can do a lot of things. Although, it doesn't do wood. You can thank your father for that. Anyway, someday, you're both gonna have one of these. That's not for awhile, though."

Little Sky gurgled, making Lexi laugh.

"I don't know, Sky." Lexi answered, smiling. "There are lot of things your father does that don't make sense. But he is the Doctor, so he doesn't have to make sense."

Little Jupiter gurgled, making Lexi giggle.

"The universe may never know, Jupe sweetheart." Lexi told the baby girl, tickling the bottom of her foot and making her giggle.

"It's all smiles and giggles in here, isn't it?" Amy asked, grinning as she entered the nursery.

Lexi glanced over at Amy and smiled before motioning for her to come and join her and the two babies.

"I was just teaching your niece and nephew about the sonic screwdriver and how the Doctor just can't seem to put a setting for wood on it." Lexi informed as she turned back to look at her two children.

"Yeah, that doesn't make a lot of sense, does it?" Amy giggled, going over and sitting down next to Lexi.

"Hardly anything with the Doctor really does." Lexi responded.

"Can I see that just for a moment?" Amy asked, pointing to Lexi's sonic.

"Yeah, sure." She answered, handing her sister the device.

Amy lifted Lexi's sonic screwdriver in front of her face before activating it and making the pink crystalline emitter light up. She then pointed it just above the twins' eyeline and watched as they followed the light with pure fascination.

Amy giggled. "I don't know what it is with babies and shiny things."

Lexi laughed before taking her sonic back just as the Doctor and Rory entered the room.

"We were wondering where everyone disappeared to." The Doctor commented, smiling upon the sight of the twins wide awake as they looked all around the room from where they laid in the bouncers.

"Well, I came to check on them since they had been down for a nap and they were wide awake." Lexi informed as the Doctor and Rory came over to where she and Amy sat on the floor. "So I decided to put them in the bouncers and explain the workings of the sonic screwdriver to them."

"And how did they take that?" Rory quirked an eyebrow as he and the Doctor sat down on the floor themselves.

"They're confused as to why the sonic doesn't have a setting for wood." She replied before looking back to her children.

"You know, I'd like to know that myself." The Doctor commented.

Lexi rolled her eyes playfully, shaking her head.

Little Sky gurgled.

Lexi laughed. "That is perfect, Sky."

"Oi!" The Doctor pointed at the baby boy. "I thought you were on my side."

Little Jupiter then made a gurgle noise, grinning as widely as a baby could.

Lexi laughed out loud, gently picking up her daughter and holding her close while supporting the back of her little head. "You're right, sweetheart, you and your brother are both on Mummy's side."

"Do you speak baby now?" Amy asked, baffled.

"Well... yeah." Lexi shrugged as she gently bounced little Jupiter in her arms. "After the events of April 22nd 5:02 PM, I just sort of... had knowledge of how to do certain things in my head that weren't there before. And the TARDIS makes it a bit easier as well."

"At least you don't exactly have to guess what your children want when they start fussing." Rory commented as he picked up baby Sky and held him in much the same way Lexi was holding baby Jupiter.

"That does make it easier." The Doctor agreed as Lexi handed him little Jupiter.

Lexi then looked to Rory as he was smiling while he let little Sky play with his fingers.

Lexi grinned. "Someone likes their uncle."

Amy giggled as she laid her head on Lexi's shoulder. "You and Mr. Bow Tie make some damn cute kids."

"Well of course we do." The Doctor grinned as he let Jupiter grab at his bow tie.

"Yeah." Lexi agreed. "I mean, have you seen us?"

Amy sniggered and couldn't help but look around at the family that was in the room. All of them at peace and with each other. Like nothing could ruin the happiness that resided over everyone.

Nothing at all.


A/N: There ya go! :)

That didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to, like at all. But it's still kinda cute. ❤️ And plus, I'm really anxious to move on. ;)

Also a note (13th Doctor): I'm really excited to see what Jodie Whittaker does with the role. 🙂 I don't have a problem with the Doctor being a woman. That's just my opinion. It's a risk, but I'm definitely looking forward to watching her and seeing how things go. In fact, I think it would actually be really interesting and kinda funny to eventually write Lexi's reaction to her husband becoming her wife. I've never written female/female before, but I'm not opposed to the idea. :) I think it would help me tremendously to expand my comfort zone in writing. So yeah, I could definitely see 13 and Lexi being badass together as they save the universe! 😁

Okay, now that that's out of the way...

We are nearing the end of this book. 😥 And you all know what episode is coming next... "The Angels Take Manhattan"!!! 😥😰😭

I'm not really looking forward to writing it because it's so sad, BUT I do have some really great ideas for it as well. 😥🙂

Anyway, I haven't watched TATM in quite awhile and I've been putting off watching it because I cry at it every single time. So, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna watch it to refresh my memory. And then I will make myself cry when I write it. 😭

Wish me luck!

💋 Love always,

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