The Vampires of Venice [Part 2]

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Guido's house...

Guido had brought out a map of Venice. The Doctor, Lexi and Amy we're at the table looking it over with him as Rory sat back among some barrels.

"As you saw, there's no clear way in. The House of Calvierri is like a fortress. But there's a tunnel underneath it, with a ladder and shaft that leads up into the house. I tried to get in once myself, but I hit a trapdoor."

"You need someone on the inside." Amy said knowingly.

"No." The Doctor immediately said.

"You don't even know what I was going to say!"

"We pretend you're an application for the school to get you inside and tonight you come down and open the trapdoor to let us in." The Doctor shot back looking at her with a smirk. Lexi sniggered at that.

"Oh. So you do know what I was going to say!"

"Are you insane?" Rory asked from his spot by the barrels.

"We don't have another option."

"Actually, sis, we have two options... Who's it gonna be?" Lexi asked Amy with a raised eyebrow. They did a quick round of rock paper scissors and whoever lost would have to go into the school. Amy lost...

"Ha!" Amy exclaimed happily.

"He said no, Amy. Listen to him."

"There is another option." Guido pointed in Rory's direction. "I work at the arsenal. We build the warships for the Navy."

The Doctor went over and sniffed the barrels. "Gunpowder." He put a hand on Rory's shoulder. "Most people just nick stationery from where they work."

Rory slowly slid off the barrel and backed away into a dead rabbit hanging by the fireplace.

"Look, I have a thing about guns and huge quantities of explosive." The Doctor explained.

"What do you suggest, then? We wait until they turn her into an animal?" Guido turned away and poked the fire that was going in the fireplace.

"I'll be there three, four hours tops." Amy said.

The Doctor gave a small smile at her persistence. "No, no, no, no, no, no. It can't keep happening like this. This is how they go." The doctor sat on the bed, head and hands. He then took a breath and sat back. Lexi then proceeded to sit by him. "But I have to know. We go together. Say you're my daughter."

"What?! Don't listen to him!" Roy said definitively.

"Your daughter? You look about nine."

"Brother, then."

"Too weird. Fiancé"

"I'm not having him run around telling people he's your fiancé" Rory cut in.

"No. No, you're right."

"Thank you."

"I mean, they've already seen the Doctor. You should do it."


"Yeah! You can be my brother." Amy rubbed Rory's head playfully.

Over on the bed, The Doctor smiled at their interaction, while Lexi gave a look of confusion.

"Why is him being your brother weird," Lexi gestured to The Doctor. "but with Rory, it's OK?"

"Actually, I thought he was her fiancé" Guido said gesturing to The Doctor.

"Yeah, that's not helping." The Doctor chimed in.

"This whole thing is mental! They're VAMPIRES, for God's sake." Rory said exasperatedly.

"We hope." Lexi mumbling under her breath.

"So if they're not vampires...?" Amy started.

"Makes you wonder what could be so bad it doesn't actually mind us thinking it's a vampire?" The Doctor asked spookily.

Canal, Night...

The Doctor, Lexi and Rory sat back in a gondola as Guido, dressed in Rory's clothes, guided them along the canal. Rory had taken Amy and they had gotten her into the school. She was going to go down into the house to open the trap door for them so they could get inside.

"She'll be fine.." The Doctor said trying to comfort Rory.

Rory had a very worried expression on his face. Lexi just sat between them staring straight ahead not looking at either of them.

"You can promise me that, can you?" Rory asked frustratedly. Lexi snapped her head to the side to look at Rory.

"What, Rory? Would you rather me have gone inside instead of Amy?"

"Now, that is not what I said." Rory a bit defensively.

"Well calm down, then." Lexi said a bit harshly turning her head back to look straight ahead again. The Doctor just looked at her, wondering where that side of her had come from.

A little while later...

The gondola had arrived at its destination.

"We're here." Guido informed.

Carrying a lot torch, The Doctor opened the creaking gate and Lexi and Rory followed. Guido stayed with the gondola.

Calverri school, Underground stairs...

"Right. OK. I'll go first. If anything happens to me, go back..."

"What happened? Between you and Amy? You said she kissed you."

The Doctor and Lexi stopped as they were just outside a wooden door. Lexi turned around to speak to Rory, while The Doctor just turned straight back around and continued towards the door.

"Now?! Rory, you want to do this now?!" Lexi asked frustratedly before turning around and going up the wooden steps towards towards the door.

"I have a right to know." Rory followed after them. "I'm getting married in 430 years."

Calvierri school, Underground passage...

The Doctor, Lexi and Rory were continuing through a narrow passage, the only light coming from The Doctor's torch.

"She was frightened, I was frightened, but we survived, and the relief of it... and so she kissed me." The Doctor explained to Rory.

"And you kissed your back?"

"No. I kissed her mouth."

"Funny." Rory muttered.

"Rory..." Lexi stopped to look at him. "Rory, she kissed him because he was there. If it makes you feel any better, I kissed him too."

"Ah, now you're kissing both of them, eh?" Rory asked looking over Lexi's shoulder at The Doctor.

The Doctor stepped around Lexi to be right in from of Rory. "She's right you know. It would've been you," He tapped Rory on the chest. "it SHOULD have been you."

"Yeah." Rory said indignantly.

"Exactly. That's why we brought you here."

All of a sudden there was a strong gust of wind that caused the torch to blow out, leaving the trio in the dark.

"Can we go and see the vampires now, please?" Lexi asked in a whisper.

Calvierri school, Courtyard...

The Doctor pushed the grate open and climbed out, using Rory as a ladder.

"Push..." The Doctor got out and then helped Lexi, who was being held up by Rory. They both then helped Rory climb out. "There we are." The Doctor started whispering. "Amy! Where's Amy? I can't see a thing." Lexi was just staring around at the whole place.

"Just as well I brought this, then." Rory pulled out a small pencil torch.

The Doctor then proceeded to pull out a long large torch from under his jacket. "Ultraviolet. Portable sunlight."

"Yours is bigger than mine."

"Boys, let's not go there." Lexi said definitely not wanting to hear anymore of that conversation.

The Doctor was going around the courtyard looking at everything.

"If we cancel now, we'll lose the deposit on the village hall, the salsa band..." Rory said sighing.

The Doctor opened a chest on the ground to reveal skeletal remains. Lexi and Rory gasped jumping back a step.

Lexi put a hand over her mouth in shock.

"What happened to them?" Rory asked putting a hand on Lexi's shoulder trying to give any comfort at all.

"They've had all the moisture taken out of them." The Doctor replied sadly.

"That's what vampires do though, right? They drink your blood and replace it with their own."

"Yeah, except they haven't just had their blood taken, but all the water in their entire bodies."

"Why did they die?" Lexi asked with a sniffle. "Why aren't they like the girls in school?"

"Maybe not everyone survives the process."

Rory took his hand off Lexi's shoulder and walked away in frustration and stopped and pointed at the doctor.

"You know what's dangerous about you? It's not that you make people take risks. It's that you make them want to impress you. You make it so they don't want to let you down. You have no idea how dangerous the make people to themselves when you're around." Lexi went over to Rory and looked him straight in the eye. The Doctor eyed her curiously.

"Look, Rory. As long as me and Amy have been traveling with The Doctor, he has never once let anything hurt us. Sure there have been difficult and frightening times, but we always come out of them alive. That's what's important. We will get her back..."

"Who are you?" Some eerily familiar voices asked from nowhere.

The girls appeared, each from her own archway. The Doctor held the ultraviolet light up to them as they got closer.

"We should run. Run!" The Doctor grabbed Lexi's hand and they, and Rory, all ran from the courtyard followed by the girls.

Calvierri school, Underground chamber...

"This is how it works." Signora Calvierri started. "First, we drink you until your dry. Then... we fill you with our blood. It rages through you like a fire, changing you, until one morning you awake and your humanity is a dream... now faded."

"And if I survive?" Amy asked a tiny bit weakly, seeing how they had already drunk a little of her blood. She was restrained in a wooden chair.

"Then there are 10,000 husbands waiting for you in the water."

"Yeah, sorry. I'm kind of engaged." Amy then kicked Signora and then was restrained back by a man known as Francesco.

The Signora was stunned. It was a slight electric hum of technology. The Signora flipped back part of her clothing to reveal a device clipped to her dress. Her image flickered to show an insectoid creature with a fish head. Her human image returned. All of a sudden they heard running footsteps and voices from above. They ran upstairs leaving Amy alone. She struggled to escape the chair.

Calvierri school, Passageway...

The Doctor, Lexi and Rory ran along the corridor and stopped when they encountered the Signora, her servant Carlo and Francesco.

"Ah, a twin. How nice it would have been to convert two." The Signora said sinisterly looking right at Lexi.

"Ha! Don't don't even think about." Lexi shot back.

"Cab for Amy Pond?" The Doctor asked trying to be funny.

The girls approached from the end of the corridor, blocking their escape.

"This rescue plan, not exactly watertight, is it?" The Signora asked sarcastically.

The Doctor brandished the light to hold back the girls. "Ha-ha!"

Amy, followed by a girl Lexi assumed to be Isabelle, ran into the corridor from an intersecting hall.

"Rory!" Amy exclaimed happily.


"Quickly, through here!" Isabella exclaimed running back the way they came followed by Amy, Rory, Lexi and The Doctor. The girls followed.

"Seal the house." The Signora ordered.

Calvierri school, Underground stairs...

"They're not vampires!" Amy said excitedly while climbing down the stairs.

The Doctor used the sonic to lock the door. "What?!"

"I saw them, I saw her. They're not vampires. They're aliens!"

Lexi chuckled excitedly at that as she too, climbed down the stairs after Amy.

"Classic!" The Doctor exclaimed happily.

"That's GOOD news?! What is wrong with you people?!"

The Doctor heard the aliens as they began to break through the door and urged Rory forward into a passage.

Calvierri school, Underground passage...

"Come on, move!" The Doctor ordered everyone.

Francesco led the way with a torch. The Doctor once again brandished the ultraviolet light as a weapon, causing Francesco to hesitate.

"Keep moving! Come on, guys!"

Francesco sent the girls forward after everyone.

Calvierri school canal, Morning...

Isabella opened the doorway and ushered the others forward down the stairs to the canal where Guido was waiting.

"Quickly. Get out. Quick!" She stopped and put up her hands to block her eyes. Almost as if she was in pain.

"Oh..." The Doctor and Lexi both instinctively ran to help Isabella. "Come on, run!"

"I can't!" Isabella was dragged back inside.

The Doctor pounded on the door and spasmed once the door was electrified. Lexi screamed as The Doctor fell on top of her causing both of them to fall to the ground. Lexi hit her head on the railing and was knocked unconscious. Rory and Amy ran to check on them. Rory went to roll The Doctor off of Lexi and checked to see what damage they had.

"They're still breathing." Rory informed. Amy rubbed Lexi's head and glanced up and over at Guido who looked down to the ground, knowing he would never see his daughter again.

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