The Wedding of Alexis Pond [Part 3]

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Inside, Orient Express, Amy's office...

The Doctor rested on a couch as he came to and saw a ceiling fan lazily spinning. He turned his head to see Jupiter and Sky asleep on opposite ends of another couch on the other side of the room.

The Doctor's eyes then moved from looking at Sky and Jupiter to focus on Amy as she leaned in the doorway.

"Amy?" He asked, voice a bit gruff from just waking up.

"Those stun guns aren't fun, I'm sorry." She apologized before walking over to Sky and Jupiter to shake them awake. "Come on, you two, wake up."

"Mm." Sky groaned as he awoke. "I had this weird dream. We were talking to Churchill. I had a whip. Then was an explosion and--" He then let his gaze drift up to rest on Amy. "Oh..."

"Mm." Jupiter yawned, stretching as she sat up. "Sky?"

Amy gave the twins a small smile before backing up to look at everyone together. "Sorry about getting you three here like that. I wanted to avoid a long conversation. You do need to get up, though. We'll be in Cairo shortly."

"Amy Pond!" The Doctor exclaimed. "Amelia Pond from Leadworth, please, listen to me." He said, pulling himself into a sitting position. "I know it seems impossible, but you know me. In another version of reality you and I were best friends. I was dating your twin sister. We all traveled together. We had adventures..." He then tried to stand but had to use the wall for support. "Amelia Pond! You and your sister grew up with a time rift in the wall of your bedroom. You can see what others can't, you can remember things that never happened."

"Is he not noticing any of this?" Jupiter whispered to Sky as they sat on the couch, looking around and seeing drawings on the walls from their aunt and mother's adventures with their father.

"I swear we get more of our sense from Mum." Sky whispered back as he and Jupiter watched the Doctor pick up a small crafted TARDIS without realizing he had done it.

"And if you try..." The Doctor continued. "If you really, really try, you'll be able to..."

Amy smirked, looking at the TARDIS in his hand.

The Doctor looked down to where she was looking and finally saw it. "Oh. Oh!" He exclaimed before looking around and seeing the drawings. "Oh..."

"Took you long enough." Jupiter rolled her eyes as she and Sky stood up from the couch. "Sky, you're right. We definitely get it from Mum."

Amy laughed happily before looking to the Doctor again. "You look rubbish."

"You look wonderful." He responded, tossing the TARDIS at her. "Where's Lexi?"

"Soon." Is all the Amy answered with.

"Please tell me you have other clothes for us to change into." Sky said.

Amy grinned, turning around before turning back and holding up the Doctor's infamous tweed jacket with a shirt and bow tie, a nice t-shirt with jeans and a blazer for Sky, and a cute leather jacket and maroon shirt with a lace overlay paired with skinny jeans and ankle boots for Jupiter.

"You know our style." Jupiter smiled taking her outfit from Amy.

"Geronimo!" The Doctor exclaimed, Sky laughing as they took their clothes from Amy.

It didn't take long for the trio to change into their outfits, the Doctor and Sky now also having shaved as well.

"I think I'll keep the longer hair for a bit." Jupiter commented as she examined herself in a mirror.

Sky walked up behind Jupiter and put his hands on her shoulders. "You look great, sis. Now..." He began as they all turned to Amy. "How do we look?"

"Cool." Amy smiled.

"Really?!" The Doctor asked.

"Well, Sky and Jupiter do." She said. "But you?... Eh."

"Oi!" The Doctor exclaimed.

Jupiter laughed before going and sitting on the corner of Amy's desk. "Cool office you've got, Auntie."

"But why do you have an office, though?" The Doctor asked curiously. "Are you a special agent boss lady? Not sure about the eye patch."

"It's not an eye patch." She told him. "Time's gone wrong. Some of us noticed. There's a whole team of us working on it... You'll see."

"Still." Sky stated, taking a seat on one of the sofas. "Pretty cool having an office on a train."

"I want one. Never had one before." The Doctor commented. "Or a train for that matter. Or a train/office."

Amy laughed and quickly ran over to him. "God, I've missed you!"

"Okay, hugging and missing now." He smiled, breaking the hug. "Where's the Roman?"

"You mean Rory!" She remembered.

"Mmm." The Doctor nodded.

"My husband Rory, yeah?" Amy asked, holding up a sketch. "That's him, isn't it? I've no idea, I can't find him. I love him very much, don't I?"

The Doctor took ahold of the sketch as Sky and Jupiter came to him and leaned in to look at it. "Apparently."

"I have to keep doing this." Amy explained. "I have to keep writing and drawing things." She told him as she leaned against the desk. "It's just so hard to keep remembering..."

"It's not your fault." Jupiter told her. "It's pretty clear that time's gone bonkers."

"But, the question is..." Sky started. "Do you remember why?"

"The lakeside." Amy stated, nodding.

"Exactly." The Doctor confirmed. "Lake Silencio, Utah. I died."

"But then you didn't." Amy said. "I remember it twice, different ways."

"That's exactly what we remember." Jupiter told her. "Sky and I, we always, no matter what, remember being invited to the lake with all of you. But, when what's happened happened, we were ripped from our time in the future and thrown back to this event."

"But how are you two here at all if he died?" Amy asked, gesturing to the Doctor.

"We're sort of in limbo, if you will." Sky continued. "Time's gone wrong, that's blatantly clear. Him dying and not dying at the same time sort of puts me and my sister in a weird place. If he dies before we're conceived, then we cease to exist. We don't happen at all. Everything that we did gets erased."

"Time can be rewritten after all." Jupiter said in agreement. "But, getting back to the point. If he doesn't die, then there's still a chance for Sky and I to happen. And to be honest, I don't really know which option we prefer."

"'Cause on one hand, we wouldn't be aware if we never exist 'cause, well, we wouldn't exist. And this world would go back to normal." Sky explained further. "But on the other hand, we would continue to live our lives in the future. You know, our time. Where we come from."

"It's all very complex and kinda exhausting, to be honest." Jupiter confessed.

"But I mean, look at it!" The Doctor exclaimed. "There's two different versions of the same event. They're happening in the same moment. Time split wide open."

"And look at everything!" Sky exclaimed, going to the window and pointing to outside. "All of history is happening at the same time. All at once. Normally, I'd be thrilled and fascinated by something like this, but we see what it's doing."

"Does it matter, though?" Amy questioned. "I mean, can't we just stay like this?"

"Time isn't just frozen." The Doctor answered. "It's disintegrating. It will spread and spread and all of reality will simply fall apart."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, making everyone turn to see a soldier leaning in, also wearing an eye patch. The Doctor grinned when he saw that it was Rory.

"Ma'am, we're about to arrive." Rory told Amy. "Eye drives need to be activated as soon as we disembark."

"Good point." She nodded. "Thank you, Captain Williams."

"Hello." The Doctor greeted him.

"Hello, sir." Rory nodded in acknowledgment. "Pleased to meet you."

"Captain Williams, best of the best, couldn't live without him." Amy smiled.

As Rory walked away, Jupiter held up Amy's sketch and laughed, Sky leaning in close to look at it.

The Doctor leaned in to look at what Jupiter was holding and made a face at the likeness. "No..."

"What's wrong?" Amy asked him.

The Doctor stood back up straight as Jupiter put the sketch back on the desk.

"Amy..." The Doctor started, looking her directly in the eyes. "You'll find your Rory, you always do. But you have to really look."

"I am looking." She told him.

"Oh, Auntie..." Jupiter smiled. "You don't always look hard enough."

"Why are you three older?" Amy asked, looking around at the trio. "If time isn't really passing, then how can you three be aging?"

"Time's still passing for us." The Doctor answered, walking away. "Every explosion has an epicenter. I'm it... I'm what's wrong. And since Sky and Jupiter have the close connection with me that they do, they get thrown into the middle of everything as well."

"So what is the problem, exactly?" Amy titled her head.

The Doctor closed his eyes and shook his head before turning back around to look at Amy as she stood in front of Sky and Jupiter. "I'm still alive..."

Outside, Great Pyramid, Evening...

The train rode a trestle that took it directly into the pyramid. Painted on the side was a large American flag with 'Area 52' underneath it. And on top of the whole thing, was a spire.

Inside, Great Pyramid...

Rory lead the way down the narrow stairs, the Doctor holding his eye patch with distaste as Sky and Jupiter looked at theirs wearily while Amy followed behind them.

"You have to put them on." Rory told them when he saw the way the trio was looking at their eye patches.

"An eye patch." The Doctor stated. "What are they for?"

"They're not eye patches." Amy replied.

"They're eye drives." Rory agreed. "They communicate directly with the memory centers of the brain, act as external storage."

"Only thing that works on them." Amy stated. "Because no living mind can remember these things."

The soldiers that were waiting at the base of the stairs then fell in behind them.

Inside, Great Pyramid, Containment Room...

Inside the room were containment chambers in which the Silents were suspended in fluid.

"The Silents." Rory stated. "We've captured over 100 of them now, all held in this Pyramid."

Jupiter walked up to one of the chambers and lightly tapped the glass. "Hello again."

"Long time, no see." Sky agreed as he walked up right beside his sister.

"As you can see..." The Doctor began as he walked up to where the twins stood. "The three of us have encountered them before. Always wondered what they looked like."

The Silent in the chamber tilted its head as the Doctor came up to it to stand next to Sky and Jupiter.

"The three of you, put your eye drives on and you'll retain the information." Amy informed the trio. "But only as long as you're wearing them."

The Doctor glanced over at Amy. "The Silents have human servants. They all wear these."

"They'd have to." Amy nodded.

"This way." Rory said as they all walked through the room, the Silents watching the Doctor as he, Sky and Jupiter all put on their eye patches. "They seem to be noticing you, sir."

"Yeah. They would." The Doctor replied.

"So why aren't the human race killing them on sight anymore?" Amy asked.

"Hello? Other reality." Sky replied before looking around. "What are the tanks for?"

"They can draw electricity from anything. It's how they attack." Rory answered. "The fluid insulates them. And... I don't like how the way they're looking at you."

"Me neither." The Doctor agreed.

"Ditto." Jupiter said, looking at the tanks nervously.

Rory looked to Amy. "Ma'am, in sure it's nothing, but I should check it out. They haven't been this active in a while." He then turned to the soldiers following them. "You two, upstairs, check all the tank seals. Then the floors above, get everyone checking."

"Sir!" They nodded before heading off in the opposite direction.

Rory then looked back to Amy. "You go ahead, Ma'am."

"Thank you, Captain Williams." She nodded before looking back to the Doctor and the twins. "Doctor, Sky, Jupiter, this way."

Rory then went to check the tanks as Amy, the Doctor, Jupiter and Sky continued on.

"Captain Williams, nice fella." The Doctor commented casually.

"Yeah." Jupiter agreed, smiling slightly. "What is his first name?"

"Captain." She answered. "Just through here."

"Just give us moment." Sky said before quickly heading off to where Rory had gone.

"Yeah." Jupiter agreed before following her brother.

"We just need to... check something... Ma'am." The Doctor agreed, giving Amy a light salute before following the twins.

As the trio walked away, Amy spoke into a comms unit in her lapel.

"We're in." She said. "They're on their way."

"The loyal soldier, waiting to be noticed." Sky stated, leaning against the wall beside Rory.

"It's always the pattern, isn't it?" Jupiter asked, leaning against the wall on the other side of Rory.

"Why is that, though?" The Doctor asked, making Rory glance back to see he was right behind him.

"Sorry?" Rory asked, confused.

"Your boss." The Doctor said clarifying. "You should just ask her out, she likes you. She said so."

"Really, sir. What did she say?"

"Oh, she just... generally indicated." Jupiter said offhandedly.

"What exactly did she say?" He asked again.

"She said that you were a Mr. Hottie...ness." The Doctor said, clearly not sure of what to actually say. "You know, and that she would like to go out with you for... texting and scones."

Sky rolled his eyes, lightly hitting his head back against the wall. "You know, with the little practice you've gotten in with Mum, you'd think you'd be better at this sort of thing."

The Doctor shrugged. "You'd think, wouldn't you?"

Rory just paused and thought before talking again. "...See you three in a moment."

"Yeah." Jupiter smiled, patting him on the shoulder before heading off to rejoin Amy, the Doctor and Sky following.

"Come on." Amy told them. "Time for you to meet some old friends."

Inside, Great Pyramid, King's Chamber...

The Doctor, Amy, Sky and Jupiter all walked into a large open chamber that was acting as the nerve center for the project.

"Attention, all personnel." Rory's voice came over the speaker system. "Please check all assigned containment units."

"You were right." A female doctor, Kent, spoke to the woman in charge. "Just their presence in the building caused the loop to extend by nearly four chronons."

A digital clock now read 5:02:57. The seconds kept changing.

"Hello, dear niece." The Doctor greeted. "I'm back."

The woman turned around to let you see that it was actually River.

"What took you so long, Uncle?" She smirked.

"River, why do you insist on me wearing this?!" A very familiar voice asked from another room off to the side before a very familiar figure stepped into the main room, wearing a long sleeveless dress that was beaded and jeweled at the top. It was a lovely light pink near the bust but slowly faded into a darker peach color towards the bottom. All paired with the same eye patch everyone else was wearing.

"Oh, but I think it looks lovely." River commented, smiling as Lexi walked over to them.

The Doctor looked at her, eyes slightly wide. "Lex, you look..."

"Amazing." Jupiter stated, staring at her mother.

"Beautiful." Sky agreed.

"Glorious..." The Doctor whispered.

"Well, thank you." Lexi grinned. "Still don't know why I should wear it, though. River won't tell me."

"Oh, it's all right, Auntie." River smiled. "Trust me, I think you'll be glad I insisted you wear it."

"Whatever you say." Lexi shrugged as River moved aside to reveal Madame Kovarian was sitting, bound to a chair.

"The death of time, Doctor." She stated. "The end of time. The end of us all, Oh, why couldn't you just die?"

"Did me best, dear. I showed up." the Doctor replied, walking around the chamber. "You just can't get the psychopaths these days."

"You know, Riv..." Jupiter chimed in, glancing around at their environment. "I absolutely love what you've done with the pyramids. How did you manage all this?"

"Hallucinogenic lipstick." She explained. "Works wonders on President Kennedy. And Cleopatra was a real pushover."

"Mm." Jupiter nodded. "Based on stories I've heard, she seems to be that kind of person."

"Still, I agree with Jupiter." Sky stated. "Nicely done with this place."

"Thank you, Sky dear." River smiled.

Madame Kovarian rolled her eyes. "Do I have to sit here and listen to all of you?"

"It was such a basic mistake, wasn't it, Madame Kovarian?" River asked, glancing at her. "Take a child, raise her into a perfect psychopath, introduce her to the Doctor and then subsequently make his children be erased from existence. Who else was going to end being my family? And not just because we actually are."

"Nice sentiment, River." The Doctor told her honestly. "But reality is fatally compromised. Tell me you understand that."

"Oh, she understands perfectly." Lexi spoke up, making everyone look to her. "So do I. Do you think we'd be here if we didn't? If we didn't care at all, would we be standing here right now?"

"But, Mum..." Jupiter started, glancing at Sky before looking back to their mother. "Time is dying. There's a reason for that. Believe me, I hate it. There's nothing more that I hate right now. But it's all dying because of River saving Dad. And because of you."

"Yeah." Lexi said, tilting her head. "Got that bit. Still having trouble understanding that last part, though."

"Don't you see?" River asked, looking from Jupiter and Sky to the Doctor. "Dear Auntie and I refuse to accept the fact that you have to die to make everything right again. Death does not have to be the answer."

"It's the only answer." The Doctor stated lowly.

"Is it really, though?" Lexi asked, drawing his attention. "I told you once, in another reality, that there was a whole universe of possibilities out there. I don't think death is the only possible possibility."

"Mum..." Sky began, swallowing down his emotions as best he could. "Believe me when I say that I don't want Dad's death to be the answer to solve everything."

"Because trust us..." Jupiter chimed in. "We don't really want it to be."

"But it has to be." The Doctor agreed.

"We love you." River stated. "We love all of you. And we just can't just lie down and accept the fact of me having to kill you to put things right."

"Oh, you love us, huh?" The Doctor asked, glancing at Sky and Jupiter.

They nodded before looking back at Lexi. "If you love us, give us a hug, Mum."

"No, uh-uh." Lexi said, taking a step back.

"Yeah, River." The Doctor smiled. "Give your dear old uncle a hug."

"Get them!" Amy ordered some soldiers when she saw what the trio was trying to do.

With quick smiles at the soldiers, the Doctor lunged at River and grabbed her wrist at the same time Sky and Jupiter grabbed Lexi's wrists.

"Get them off us!" Lexi shouted.

"No, let go!" Amy agreed, shouting. "Please let go!"

The clock then moved to 5:03.

"It's moving!" Dr. Kent exclaimed. "Time's moving!"

"See?" Sky asked as he and Jupiter both let go at the same time the Doctor was pulled away from River.

"Did you feel it?" Jupiter asked Lexi. "Feel the surge of time energy pulling you back to Lake Silencio to watch Dad die?"

Lexi swallowed hard, breathing a bit heavily as she glanced over to see the soldiers handcuffing the Doctor to keep him restrained.

Jupiter glanced back at her father before looking back to her mother. "Sky and I don't need those. We have a bit more restrain than Dad does. So no worries..."

"Don't any of you see?" The Doctor asked, looking over to Lexi and the twins before looking back to River. "All of us, we're poles at opposite ends of the disruption. If any of us touch, we short out the differential."

"And time..." Sky said as he took a step back to where he was more in the middle of the room. "can begin."

"And then you and your sister will never exist, and your father will be dead." Lexi just about growled out. "Call it a mother's instinct to want protect her children. Call it possessiveness to want to keep the man I love alive. Hell, call it selfish to want to save my family! I won't apologize for any of that."

"We never said you had to." Jupiter said as kindly as possible, taking Lexi's hands in hers.

"Alexis..." The Doctor said softly, immediately gaining Lexi's attention with the use of her full first name. "I'm sorry. You have no idea how much this is tearing me apart on the inside, but it has to happen. I NEEDS to happen. Do you see how much reality is screwed up just by me standing here, alive and breathing?"

"You're wrong, you know." Lexi said quietly as she stepped up to him. "I do know how much it's tearing you up inside. 'Cause if you haven't noticed, I'm just as much apart of what will be lost as you are if you die."

"Doctor..." Amy began, drawing everyone's attention to her as she looked up. "What's that?"

They all looked up to where she was looking at the ceiling and saw a line of water dripping down.

The Doctor tilted his head. "The pyramid above us... How many Silents do you have trapped inside it?"

"None." Madame Kovarian answered, making everyone look to her. "They're not trapped, they never have been. They've been waiting for this, Doctor... For you."

"They're out!" Rory exclaimed, bursting into the room. "All of them."

A soldier quickly placed a plank of wood horizontally across the doors.

"No one gets in here!" He shouted.

"Ma'am, my men out there, should be able to lock this down." Rory told Amy. "We have them outnumbered."

"And you're all wearing eye drives based on mine, I think." Madame Kovarian smirked. "Oops!"

"What do you mean?" The Doctor took a step towards her.

Dr. Kent suddenly screamed as her eye drive became electrified, making her fall to the floor.

"Help her! Help her!" The Doctor said, indicating with his head to Dr. Kent since he was still handcuffed.

As Amy ran to Dr. Kent, Rory helped a soldier whose eye drive had malfunctioned.

Amy sighed, standing up from Dr. Kent. "She's dead."

"Ahhh!!!" Lexi screamed as her eye drive was suddenly activated.

"Mum!" Sky quickly ran over to her, helping her pull the eye drive off just before his activated.

"Gah!" He groaned in pain, hunching over.

"Sky!" Jupiter quickly got to him and helped him pull his off.

The Doctor groaned as his eye drive went active.

"Everyone, eyes drives off!" The Doctor shouted. "Remove them!"

Amy pulled the Doctor's patch off just before hers went haywire.

"Gah, help me!" Jupiter shouted as hers activated.

"I got ya, Jupe." Sky said, helping his sister pull her eye drive off.

"The Silence would never allow an advantage without taking one themselves." Kovarian stated. "The effects will vary from person to person... either death or debilitating agony. But they will take you all, one by one." She taunted just before her eye drive buzzed. "What are you doing? No, it's me... Don't be stupid, you need me. Stop it, stop that!"

The Doctor quickly looked to River as she helped Amy take her patch off. "River, we stop this right now, you and I."

"So can we, Mum." Jupiter looked to Lexi. "We can help set things right."

"Get it off me!" Madame Kovarian continued to shout.

"Amy, tell them!" The Doctor said, gesturing to River and Lexi.

"Doctor..." Lexi stated slowly, walking over to him. "We've been working on something. Please, just let us show you."

"That's my point." He told her. "There's nothing you can do. My time is up."

"Don't you get it?" She asked him. "We're doing this for you!"

"Then people are dying for me." He replied. "I won't thank you for that, Alexis Pond!"

"Just let us show you!" River exclaimed.

"Please." Amy pleaded, the Doctor shaking his head. Amy then looked to Rory. "Captain Williams, how long do we have?"

"A couple of minutes." He replied as the aliens were ramming the door just outside.

"That's enough." River stated. "We're going to the Receptor Room right at the top of the pyramid."

"Hope you're ready for a climb." Lexi smirked before walking past the Doctor and following River, the Doctor Sky and Jupiter following them.

"I'll wait down here, ma'am." Rory stated as Amy went to follow them. "Buy you as much time as I can."

"You have to take your eye drive off." Amy told him, taking a step back into the room.

"Can't do that, Ma'am." He told her. "Might forget what's coming."

"But it could activate any second."

Rory then aimed his gun at the door. "It has activated, Ma'am." He informed, making Amy look and see that Rory's fist was clenched and shaking at his side. "But I'm no use to you if I can't remember." He said, using his second hand to steady the first. "You have to go NOW, Ma'am."

"Yes. Yes, thank you, Captain Williams." She nodded unsurely before leaving.

As Rory fought off the effects of the eye drive, Amy paused and looked back at him before continuing out.

The door then burst open, the bar of wood keeping it shut shattering. Rory finally gave in to the pain as the Silents entered the room with him on his knees as he shouted in pain.

"Rory Williams. The man who dies and dies again." A Silent taunted as the electricity built. "Die one last time and know she will never come back for you."

Amy suddenly returned with a machine gun and, like a badass, opened fire on the Silents, killing them.

Amy then helped Rory up as he groaned. "Come on, you... up you get! You all right?" She asked, pulling off his patch.

They both then started to leave the room, but...

"Amy... help me." Madame Kovarian called to her, her eye patch halfway off.

Amy slowly turned around and walked back over to her. "You took my baby from me. And hurt her. And now she's all grown up and she's fine. But I'll never see my baby again."

"But you'll still save me, though. Because HE would." Madame Kovarian said, her voice just above a whisper. "And you'd never do anything to disappoint your precious Doctor..."

"Ma'am, we have to go... now!" Rory warned Amy.

"The Doctor is very precious to me, you're right." Amy amended. "But do you know what else he is, Madame Kovarian?... Not here." With that, Amy put Madame Kovarian's eye patch back on right. "River Song didn't get it all from you... sweetie."

Amy then went and looped her arm through that of a puzzled Rory and lead him from the room as Kovarian screamed.

"So, you and me, we should get a drink some time." Amy commented.

"Okay." Rory nodded.

"And married." She added.

"Fine." He agreed.

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