Vincent and The Doctor [Part 2]

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The Doctor was sitting in a chair by the fire as Vincent explained his views of art.

"It's color. Color that holds the key, I can hear the colors. Listen to them. Every time I step outside l, I feel nature is shouting at me. 'Come on! Come get me! Come on! Come on!" Vincent gripped onto The Doctor's lapels. "Capture my mystery!"

"Maybe you've had enough coffee now. How about some nice calming tea? Let's get you a cup of chamomile or something, shall we? Amy? Lexi? Where are they?" Suddenly screaming could be heard coming from outside. "No, no, NO!"

Outside of Vincent's cottage...

The Doctor and Vincent raced outside.

"Lexi?! Amy?!"

They found Amy on her knees in the yard.

"Are you okay? Where's Lexi?"

"I found her!"

They heard Vincent call over from a nearby stone wall. They found him kneeling by Lexi who was sitting down up against the stone wall.

"Knocked against... wall... Wind knocked out... of me... Head hurts..." Lexi was breathing heavily, trying to form any words at all. The Doctor squatted down in front of her and scanned her with the sonic.

"We were just having a look at the paintings out here when something hit us from behind."

"She must have been thrown 10 feet or so. It's okay. He's gone now and we're hear."

Vincent glanced around and raised his hands in fright. "No!" He backed away, crying out.

"Take it easy. Take it easy!" The Doctor tried to calm him down.

"What's happening? What's he doing?" Amy asked frantically as she crouched by Lexi.

Vincent grabbed a large wooden fork and held it in front of himself like a weapon.

"I don't know." The Doctor asked almost as if he was intrigued.

With a shout, Vincent started running towards where The Doctor was standing.

"Oh dear."

Vincent ran past him. "Run. Run!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's not a bad idea. Amy, help Lexi, get back. He's having some kind of fit. I'll try to calm him down."

As Vincent apparently lashed out at something, Amy helped Lexi to her feet and they ran to the doorway and watched from safety. Lexi more or so leaned against it, seeing as her head was still in throbbing pain.

"Easy, Vincent, easy. Look, look. It's me, it's me, it's me." The Doctor held out his hands in front of him. "It's The Doctor, look. No one else is here. So, Vincent..."

"Look out!" Vincent cried out.

Suddenly The Doctor was thrown to the ground. Then as if from nowhere, one of the painting was shredded.

"I can't see anything. What is it?" Amy called from where she and Lexi were.

The Doctor got up. "That's a good question." He grabbed a stout stick and joined Vincent. "Let me help you."

"You can see him, too?"

The Doctor went to a completely different area of the yard and waved the stick around. "Yes. Ish. Well, no. Not really." The Doctor was then thrown over a table bearing irises in a vase. He landed at Vincent's feet.

"You couldn't see him?"

"No. Oi!" The Doctor got up and begun batting the stick around with a roar. Vincent seemingly hurt the creature and it ran from the yard. In his section of the yard, The Doctor was still trying to fight it off. Vincent and Amy watched for a bit, as Lexi leaned against the doorframe holding her head, but was still laughing at the scene in front of them.

"He's gone." Vincent finally spoke up.

"Oh, right. Yes, of course." He threw the stick down and walked over to Lexi scooping her up in his arms to take her inside.

Lexi yelped in surprise. "I think I could walk myself."

"Okay." The Doctor put her down. "Try."

Lexi took a couple of steps forward, but felt dizziness overtake her as she fell back against The Doctor. "Okay, I see your point."

"As I thought." The Doctor picked her back up and took her into the cottage.

Inside Vincent's cottage...

"Right. So he's invisible? What did he look like?" The Doctor asked Vincent as he sat Lexi down on the nearby sofa. Amy sat down next to her and rubbed her back.

"I'll show you." Vincent took one of his paintings of irises and painted over it with white.

"Oh, no, no, no!"

Lexis eyes widened. Amy gasped and covered her mouth,

"What?" Vincent asked confused.

"It's just... That was quite good..." He sighed in defeat. "On you go."

Vincent sketched quickly and roughly with charcoal. Amy looked over and saw that Lexi had fallen asleep. She pulled Lexi's legs up onto the couch. She then walked over to The Doctor. They watched Vincent intently. Finished, the creature looked almost bird like with a beak and talons but also reptilian,

"Ok. Ok." The Doctor took the sketch. "Right. Amy, make Mr. Van Gough comfortable. Look after after your sister, as I'm sure you will. And, don't let any monsters in through the front door."

"But it could be outside, waiting."

"Don't worry, I'll risk it. What's the worst that can happen?"

"You could get torn into pieces by a monster you can't see

"Oh, right, yes. That. Don't worry. I'll be back before you can say, "Where's he got to now?" With that The Doctor left.

Amy turned to face Vincent, but The Doctor came back, causing Amy to jump. "not that fast!... But pretty fast. See you around." The Doctor then left for sure.

Auvers-Sur-Oise, Alley, Dawn...

The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS, wearing some sort of identification device he had found. He had tried to use Vincent's drawing, but it wouldn't work. It was a mirror attached to a harness. The Doctor adjusted the controls.

"That's better, old girl. Time-delay, but you always get it right in the end. Good. Let's find out who this is, then." The device showed the results. "Whoa, there you are, you poor thing. You brutal, murderous, abandoned thing. I hope we meet again soon so I can take you home." The creature then appeared in the mirror over The Doctor's shoulder and roared. "Maybe not that soon." The Doctor ran through the alley. He kept checking the mirror to see how close the creature got. He started to knock over tables and other items to slow it down. The creatures gave up the chase and The Doctor rested against a wall. He looked again to see Amy. Startled, they both yelped. "Never do that! You scared the living daylights out of me. How are Lexi and Vincent?"

"Sorry, I got bored. Lexi's fine. She woke up about an hour ago. But, as much as you admire his command of color and shade, it is hard to get fond of Vincent Van Gough's snoring."

Vincent's cottage, Bedroom, Morning...

Vincent's bedroom was his painting come to life. He was in bed, snoring.

"Wake, wakey." The Doctor said cheerily as he entered. "Rise and shine! Breakfast is served in the courtyard." He opened the window to let the morning sun shine in. "Whoa! What a morning." The Doctor exclaimed clapping his hands. "Come on." Vincent got up out of bed. "And Amy and Lexi have a surprise for you."

Vincent's cottage, Courtyard...

Amy and Lexi were sitting at a table, sunflowers scattered around in different containers. Vincent was at his window to look down at them.

"We thought we'd brighten things up to thank you for saving us last night." Lexi said gratefully.


"We'd thought you might like, you know, possibly to perhaps paint them or something? Might be a thought." Amy said as a 'suggestion'.

The Doctor joined the twins at the table.

"Yes. They're not my favorite flower."

"You don't like sunflowers?" The twins asked surprised.

"No, it's not that I don't like them. I find them complex. Always somewhere between living and dying." Vincent held one of the flowers by the window. "Half-human as they turn to the sun. A little disgusting. But, you know, they are a challenge."

"And one I'm pretty sure you'll rise to. But, moving on, there's something I need to show you." The Doctor explained.

Inside Vincent's cottage...

The Doctor was showing Vincent the printout of the creature.

"That's him. And the eyes. Without mercy."

"This is a creature called the Krafayis. They travel in space, they travel as a pack. Scavenging across the universe. Sometimes one of them gets left behind and because they are a brutal race, the others never come back. So, dotted all around the universe are individual, utterly merciless, utterly abandoned Krafayis. And what they do is... Well, kill, until they're killed. Which they usually aren't. Because other creatures can't see them."

"But I can."

"Yes. And that's why we are in a unique position today, my friend, to end this reign of terror. So, feeling like painting the church today?"

"What about the monster?"

"Take my word for it, if you paint it, he will come."

Vincent stood up from where he was sitting. "Ok. I'll get my things,"

"In your own time. I promise you, we'll be out of your hair by this time tomorrow."

Vincent hesitated in the doorway with a look at Amy and Lexi before going into the other room. Lexi mentally hit The Doctor on the back of the head for saying that. Do your research, Vincent Van Gough is not the most stable person.

"This is risky."

"Riskier than normal?" Amy asked curiously.

The Doctor stood and checked to see if Vincent could hear them. "Well, think about it. This is the middle of Vincent Van Gough's greatest year of painting. If we're not careful, the result of our pleasant little trip could be the brutal murder of the greatest artist who ever lived. Half the pictures on the wall of the Musee D'Orsay will disappear." The Doctor sat between Amy and Lexi. "And it will be our fault."

About 10 minutes later, outside Vincent's cottage...

Amy and Lexi came up the stairs after hearing shouting, and saw The Doctor leaning against the railing, somber, without Vincent.

"What's happening?" Amy asked worriedly.

"We're leaving. Everyone knows he's a delicate man. Just months from now he'll... he'll take his own life." The Doctor pushed away from the railing.

"Don't say that. Please." Lexi exclaimed, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

Without a word, The Doctor went down the stairs.

Inside Vincent's cottage...

The Doctor took a last look at the paintings. Lexi stood looking at Starry Night. There was just something about it that really made her happy, but at that moment she was really sad. The Doctor's speaking interrupted her thoughts.

"Come on. We have to do this on our own. Go to the church at the right time and hope the monster still turns up."

Suddenly Vincent appeared in the doorway, coat and hat on. "I'm ready. Let's go." He picked up his paintbrush.

Road outside Auvers, Day...

Amy was walking alongside Vincent, her arm tucked in his. Vincent was carrying his easel and palette. In her other hand, Amy carried the paint case and canvas. The Doctor and Lexi were walking behind them.

"I'm sorry you're so sad." Amy said in comfort to Vincent.

"But I'm not. Sometimes these moods torture me for weeks, for months. But I'm good now. If Amy Pond can soldier on, then so can Vincent Van Gough."

"I'm not soldiering on. I'm fine."

"Oh, Amy. I hear the song of your sadness. You've lost someone I think."

At those words, Lexi abruptly stopped and wiped a few tears from her eyes. The Doctor quickly looked at her and gave her a one arm hug and kissed the top of her head before taking her hand in his to continue down the road.

"I'm not sad." Amy replied to Vincent.

"Then why are you crying."

Amy put a hand to her cheek and wiped away a tear. She was surprised by it as she never knew she was crying.

"It's alright. I understand."

"I'm not sure I do."

The Doctor and Lexi were following. They knew that somewhere deep down inside, Amy still remembered Rory. Lexi leaned her head on The Doctor's shoulder as she silently sobbed to herself.

"Ok, ok! So now, we must have a plan. When the creature returns..." The Doctor started.

Vincent stopped and turned to face The Doctor. Lexi quickly straightened herself and removed her hand from The Doctor's as she tried to fully regain her composure.

"Then we shall fight him again."

"Well, yes, tick. But last night we were lucky. Amy could have been killed and Lexi nearly was. So this time, for a start, we have to make sure I can see him, too."

"And how are we supposed to do that, suddenly?" Lexi asked critically.

"The answer's in this box." The Doctor tapped the case he'd been carrying. "I had an excellent, if smelly, godmother."

They all stopped as they saw a funeral procession walking towards them. There were sunflowers resting on the coffin.

"Oh, no. It's that poor girl from the village."

They all stood respectively at the side of the road as the procession passed. The mother looked at them but said nothing.

"You do have a plan, don't you?" Amy asked.

"No." The Doctor started walking again. "It's a thing - it's like a plan, but with more greatness."

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