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●"If you're here to torture me for more answers, please do us both a favor and kindly fuck off."

Sìkve was chained to a chair in a blank room with large windows he couldn't see out of. He knew they could see him though.

Whatever machine they forced him to endure really fucked him over. He almost broke a tooth from how hard he was clenching his jaw. That was all he could do given the fact they had injected him with some type of sedative that made him too weak to fight back. However with each injection, his body was building an immunity to it. He just needed to wait for the perfect moment to escape.

Sìkve refused to give them any answers even as they tried picking apart his brain. So now he had a bleeding nose and a black eye.

The door opening barely caught his attention and he continued staring at the floor.

"Sìkve, it's me."

The man's ears stood upright from hearing someone speak Na'vi and he looked up from his staring contest with his blood on the floor.


Spider winced at how beat up he looked but nodded.

"Have they hurt you?" Sìkve hoped they did not subject the human child to the horrors they did himself.

"No, uh Quaritch is looking out for me."

Sìkve tensed up and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Now, he did not treat Spider differently than any Na'vi child but hearing those words made him wonder if the boy had betrayed him and their people.

"Why are you here? Why did they allow you to see me?"

"They're hoping I can talk some sense into you."

Sìkve chuckled slowly then sighed, "Just stay strong, play nice and find out any information that you can. I'll get us out of here kid."

"We have seven days," He lowered his voice, "I overheard one of them. If I can't get you to say anything in a week, they'll kill you."

The Na'vi hummed to himself quietly and leaned his head back.

Seven days of torture.

No, he wouldn't look at it that way.

It was just seven days until he saw his little girl again.

That's all he needed.

The next morning came by faster than Nîryni thought it would.

Tuk and Neteyam were the first to wake up as usual. The older boy was helping their mother arrange a light breakfast for the rest of his siblings.

Tuk was interested in helping at first but she quickly was consumed by boredom.

She looked over at Nîryni and Lo'ak sleeping peacefully and grinned.

"Ryn! Wake up!" The little Na'vi sat next to Nîryni's side and shook her.

Nîryni drowsily opened her eyes and smiled at the excited girl.

"Good Morning Tuk." She sat up to stretch then turned around to wake up a loudly snoring Lo'ak.

She pushed him roughly but he just rolled over and slept peacefully.

Nîryni groaned then leaned in close to his ear. "Wake yo ass up!"

He jumped up and landed on his feet like a scared cat. "Damn, okay! I'm up, I'm up!"

Tuk giggled, giving Nîryni a high four.

"Did you really have to wake me up like that?"

"No but it was funny."

Lo'ak playfully growled then gently tackled Nîryni into the ground.

They rolled around on the floor of their marui until Lo'ak had her pinned.

Nîryni looked around for her little best friend. "Tuk! You're just gonna let him do this to your new sister?"

Tuk jumped in immediately and by jumping in she literally jumped on top of her brother.

Now the three of them wrestled around the floor until the girls had Lo'ak pinned down. Neteyam watched while eating his breakfast with a grin. This was pure entertainment for him.

Neytiri hissed at them, "Please hurry in getting ready. The children will be here soon to teach you." Neytiri told them while waking Kiri up. Jake had left earlier, wanting to make a good impression. "You need to eat breakfast as well."

The three untangled their limbs from each other then sat in a semi circle next to Neteyam and Kiri.

Nîryni felt a little bit of her joy going away as she ate her food. Having meals without her dad wasn't something she was exactly used to.

The food in her hand became unappetizing and so she tried lowering it to her makeshift plate when a hand gripped her thigh.

"Eat." Lo'ak didn't have to look to know that she was getting upset and he already knew why. But he needed her to at least eat before training so she had her strength. Nîryni sighed then picked her food back up to continue eating.

"What is your first impression of the others?" Kiri asked sleepily while leaning her head on Nîryni's shoulder.

Neteyam shrugged, "They are strong but very closed minded."

Nîryni nodded,"The difference between us and them is kinda interesting. That guy, Ao'nung? He's the same age as you but has a completely different build." Nîryni didn't notice the way Lo'ak clenched his jaw at the name of the older boy.

Neteyam finished eating and stood up waiting for the rest. "I just hope we're able to learn fast."

Nîryni got up then nudged him affectionately, "We will. I think they'll be decent enough at teaching."

As if spoken into existence, a shy yet eager Tsireya knocked onto the entrance of the marui. Her usual smile was on her face and she had her hands resting in front of her. "Good morning, are you ready to go?"

All of them looked to Neteyam who was the unofficial leader of the group.

"Yes we are."

Neytiri watched them go with uncertainty clinging to her. She wasn't sure if she liked the idea of her children learning the customs of another clan.

Tsireya dove perfectly into the water where her brother and Rotxo waited.

Neteyam and Lo'ak looked a little bit hesitant to jump in after her.


The brothers looked back at Nîryni in confusion.


"Ryn? What are you countin-"

"One!" Nîryni ran at them at full speed, crackling loudly as she pushed them both off the edge.

She beamed at a laughing Tuk and Kiri, "Come on." She offered them her hands so they could jump together.

The cold liquid shocked all of Nîryni's senses. The water rushed through her ears, sounding like harsh waves. She opened her eyes one by one and what she saw felt like a gift from Eywa.

There was so much life and marine animals that she had never seen before. The sheer amount of colors made her look around in wonder. She didn't even notice Tuk or Kiri letting go of her hands.

The group spread out yet stayed close enough to each other while they explored.

Below them was Tsireya, Rotxo and Ao'nung.

Tsireya turned to swim backwards so she could smile at their guest.

Nîryni excitedly returned it, showing all her white teeth and allowing an air bubble to appear.

Lo'ak tapped Nîryni's arm to show her something but she only stared at him.

Under the water everything seemed more saturated and his eyes looked like they were glowing along with his skin. Nîryni thought he had never looked so damn good.

If only she knew he was having the same thoughts about her.

He tapped her arm again and pointed down at a group of multicolored coral. Her eyes widened as she swam closer to it.

She reached her hand out to touch it but Tsireya suddenly appeared next to her causing her to stop.

The oceanic girl grinned at her and reached out to hold her hand then she pressed it against the coral.

Nîryni smiled at the new texture and from holding Tsireya's hand. Her eyes traveled to the other teen's face. Nîryni then decided everyone looked ethereal underwater.

Above them Lo'ak watched them swim together with a odd feeling attaching itself to his heart. It wasn't bad but he wasn't sure if it was good either. He didn't want to take his eyes off them that's for sure.

Tsireya, on the other hand, loved seeing the wonder and awe in the other girl's face. It was always mesmerizing to see someone's first time being in their waters. She glanced above them to see Lo'ak watching them, so she smiled and motioned for him to come closer. He returned her happy expression but shook his head knowing he'd need to get air soon.

Nîryni let go of Tsireya's hand only to travel her own hand across the girl's arm. Her touch lingered on the finned limb making Tsireya's heart start to race. She had never been made to feel this way until the arrival of Lo'ak and Nîryni. Something about them lured her in and nudged her to learn more about them.

Nîryni's careless attitude faded away as a tightness in her chest made her ears pin themselves against her head.

She couldn't breathe.

Flashbacks to the fire and the smoke appeared in her mind. The way it clogged her nostrils and her lungs. The way her vision became clouded with darkness.

Tsireya was busy admiring how beautiful Nîryni was underneath the surface when she noticed the girl start to panic.

Nîryni didn't realize how deep she had swam and hurriedly kicked her legs to reach the surface leaving a confused yet worried Tsireya behind.

Tuk saw the girl first, "Nîryni? Are you okay?"

Neteyam and Lo'ak swam over in concern after noticing the way Nîryni gasped for air.

Nîryni nodded and blinked her eyes rapidly.

"Mhm, I'm good just a little outta breath." She laughed a little to push away her fears. If she let her mind think too much about it then she would never attempt to go under again.

Lo'ak brushed away a stray braid from her face. "Let's just try to stay close to the surface then okay?" He held her hand as they dove down together after taking a deep breath.

Tsireya smiled in relief seeing them back in the water. She signed, "Swim together with us."

None of them could understand what she said and she smiled once more at their confused expressions. She waved them over and they all hesitantly tried swimming to her but it wasn't long until they needed air again. This time when they went for air, Tsireya was the first to follow then her brother and Rotxo

"Are you alright?"

"You're too fast, wait for us." Tuk whined while clinging to Nîryni.

"Just breathe, breathe." Tsireya tried comforting the younger Na'vi.

Nîryni snorted while keeping her and Tuk afloat, "Kinda hard to do that princess when I'm literally dying."

Tsireya rolled her eyes but got butterflies from the nickname.

"I'm not gonna lie...if you fall off, imma laugh." Nîryni smiled at Lo'ak while he jumped on top of an ilu. She was already sitting on one while Tsireya was standing between them waiting to be able to teach them how to ride.

"If you do, I won't let you sleep with me for a week."

Nîryni shrugged and rubbed the marine creature's neck, "That's fine, I'll just sleep with Kiri or Neteyam."

Lo'ak cringed at the thought and hissed at her. It made him a little insecure but he would never admit it.

She returned his growl halfheartedly then reached over to rub her hand up his arm slightly, "Don't worry I was only joking love."

Tsireya watched the exchange a little bit lost but she was intrigued. They seemed to be so close like in a relationship. "You two are together?"


"Unfortunately." Lo'ak's nonchalant answer had Nîryni playfully glaring at him.

Their responses made Tsireya laugh quietly. They fit each other perfectly.

"Okay, okay. No more fighting you two. Make the bond gently." They listened to her instantly.

Nîryni followed her instructions and had to close her eyes at the intense new feeling. Her hair fell over her right shoulder making the beads she wore clink together.

Tsireya watched them both closely, "Feel their breath, their strength."

She moved closer to Lo'ak to readjust his hold, "Hold here." He looked down at her with an unreadable expression and a flick of his tail.

Nîryni wasn't sure if she was positioned correctly and seeing Tsireya being busy with Lo'ak she decided to ask someone else.

"Ao'nung, am I doing this right?"

The older boy was surprised to hear his name be called. His friends teased him quietly as he walked over to Nîryni.

"Fix your legs and hold tightly here," He guided her by holding onto her hip and softly pushing down then he grabbed her hand to place it on the saddle. Completely unaware of the two teens glaring at him.

Lo'ak went to say something but Tsireya held a hand up to him. "I got it." He nodded at her in approval. Approval of what? He wasn't exactly sure.

Tsireya reached to grab onto Nîryni's arm, "She's my student, aren't you supposed to be helping Neteyam and Tuk?"

Ao'nung rolled his eyes and went to stand back with his group of friends. He already showed Neteyam the ropes and was silently hoping that both brothers would fail so he could laugh.

Tsireya had boldly claimed Lo'ak and Nîryni as her students and assigned Neteyam to her brother. Tuk silently watched over her siblings and Nîryni. Kiri was doing her thing and preferred being on her own.

Nîryni waved the younger Na'vi girl off, "No, no it's fine."

Tsireya frowned and looked into her eyes, "Okay but next time you need help, ask me."

"As adorable as you both are, can I go?" Lo'ak was slightly agitated and ready to go. The urge to prove himself was stronger than usual.

Tsireya nodded and the boy took off, clearly unstable on the marine animal.

They all peeked underwater to watch him. After a few seconds he started to lose his grip and eventually let go, spiraling off.

Laughter erupted from Nîryni instantly while Tsireya giggled behind her hand. When Lo'ak resurfaced both her and Nîryni tried to hide the fact they were laughing. Ao'nung and his friends laughed loudly, not caring at all.

Lo'ak embarrassedly swam over to them, sticking his middle finger up at his girlfriend causing her to blow a kiss to him.

Tsireya tilted her head curiously, "What does that mean?" She tried copying his gesture but it looked odd with just her four fingers. Maybe they had a version of sign language too.

"It's something my dad taught me since I have five fingers. It means...uh.."

Nîryni giggled to herself watching Lo'ak try to explain. "Wow you suck at riding an ilu and explaining things."

"Let's see you do better."

"Bet. Hey gorgeous, can you let go?"

Tsireya flinched from the compliment and from the fact she didn't realize she was still holding onto the other girl.

As soon as Tsireya let go, Nîryni and her ilu dived into the water.

At first the speed was almost unbearable and she was so close to letting go but her will to not embarrass herself and to be better than Lo'ak forced her to hang on.

She used the bond to help her tell the ilu to slow up. Their bond wasn't as deep as the one she shared with her ikran but she could work with it.

Soon enough she was doing flips underwater and still connected to her ilu.

The sensation reminded her of flying. It was a sense of freedom and she could feel herself getting addicted.

Nîryni made her way back to the group after another minute. Her head broke the surface tension of the ocean water. Her plump lips parted as a slight gasp left her and she flipped her braids from hanging in front her eyes. She chuckled breathlessly as the water ran down her body rushing to return to its main source.

"How did I do?"

"Terrible but you looked good." To be fair Lo'ak knew she did way better than him but his pride didn't let him say it out loud. Plus he loved messing with her.

Tsireya smacked the back of his head then looked back at Nîryni, "You did amazing Nîryni."

Nîryni smirked triumphantly while her boyfriend winced and held the back of his head.

Tsireya craned her neck to look at Lo'ak, grabbing onto his wrist briefly. "You need to go practice more."

He grumbled quietly to himself then hopped back on top of his ilu with a tiny yet very apparent annoyed expression.

Nîryni got off of hers feeling proud of herself.

"I want you and Tuk to help feed the ilu while the boys continue learning."

Nîryni nodded, "Tuk Tuk come." Tuk hurriedly splashed over and when she reached the two girls she reached her arms up so Nîryni could pick her up.

As the Sun was setting, Lo'ak, Tsireya and Nîryni were sitting close together in a circle, alone, on a large rock. The waves crashed against it in a soothing rhythm. The sky above them was turning into a mixture of yellow and pink. Tsireya was unconsciously leaning into Nîryni's side while Lo'ak was demonstrating a certain hand gesture. He had his free hand grabbing Nîryni's thigh as usual.

"So it means fuck you which is a curse word among the sky people?"

The innocent tone of Tsireya's voice had Nîryni fighting back the laughter building up inside her.

Lo'ak was no better but he wanted to finish his "lesson".

"Yep! You got it."

The teal colored girl put up both of her hands. She let her middle finger stand up on each hand and excitedly showed the other two with her ears standing straight up. "Fuck you!"

Neither Nîryni nor Lo'ak could continue to hold back their loud laughter. Tsireya's smile widened at the fact she made them laugh.

Lo'ak pushed her hands down, "Shhhh, you can't go around saying or doing it often. Remember it's a bad word? It's supposed to be offensive."

"Right, right." Tsireya nodded firmly with a serious expression. She doubted her mom would be happy about her learning about the sky people but she wanted to know more. They could learn great things from each other. This mini lesson also made her look forward to teaching the two how to breathe properly tomorrow.

Nîryni looked down at her with tender eyes that were highlighted by the setting Sun, "You can do it for fun when it's just us though."

Tsireya brightened up at that."Will you teach me more of the strange words?"

Nîryni and Lo'ak glanced at each other with soft and endearing smiles.

"Yeah, we'll teach you together."●

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