Into the Dalek ― I

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Hello! *waves* 😁

Thank you all so much for the votes and lovely comments on "Deep Breath", "The Promised Land" and "Evaldi Has Risen". Series eight is really getting underway, and we're only on the 2nd episode! 😀

In this, Clara and Lucas meet the new teacher before being pulled (literally) off for another adventure where the phrase getting inside someone's head goes to a whole new level.

Here's... "Into the Dalek"! 🖤

Enjoy! 😘

I would really appreciate it if you'd please leave comments. They are what keep me motivated to write more! <3


My sweet, if you even finish that train of thought that I know is in your head, you're sleeping in the console room. ❞

– Lexi Pond / The

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The Aristotle
31st Century


"Aristotle!" A pilot, a young woman, exclaimed as she tried furiously to control the ship as she contacted her base. "This is Wasp Delta, do you hear me?" She glanced at the unconscious man next to her. "Stay with me, Kai! Stay with me, please!" She cried before trying to contact her base again as the alarm continued to blare.


"Aristotle! We have been hit! Major damage!" The young woman's panicked voice came over the scanner, making the Doctor and Lexi's heads shoot up from where they each were as the young woman's voice resonated throughout the console room. Lexi stopped her playing as she sat at her piano and the Doctor paused as he was about to flip to a new page of the book he was reading while sitting in his leather chair. "Aristotle! Aristotle! The enemy are right on top of us!"

"Well, I wonder what that could be." The Doctor glanced at Lexi before the two of them sprung into action. The Doctor carelessly tossed his book aside before racing down to the console while Lexi snatched up her discarded red leather leather jacket and slid it on before rushing to join him. "It's a space fighter." He said as he and Lexi ran around the console while trying to lock onto the signal.

"I can't tell what the enemy is." Lexi said as she rushed to check the scanner. "Come on, come on... Ah, got her!"

A young woman with short hair and in a flight suit then appeared on the floor before the console, her eyes squeezed shut while she screamed. Abruptly, she cut off, opening her eyes.

"Hello." Lexi greeted, giving her a small smile.

She sprang to her feet and snatched up her gun, pointing it right at the Doctor, the one closest to her.

Lexi quickly took a step forward, but the Doctor just nodded. "You'll probably feel a bit sick. Please, don't be."

"Where's my brother?" The woman demanded.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor. That's the Glorious."

"He was right beside me! Where's Kai? How did I get here?"

"We materialized a time capsule exactly 'round you and saved your life one second before your ship exploded, but do please keep crying." The Doctor sighed.

"It's sad, but not everybody lives. Not all the time." Lexi said quietly. "Now, please, put the gun down."

"Or what?" The woman glanced at her out of the corner of her eye.

"Or you might shoot someone." Lexi raised an eyebrow. "Where would you be then?"

"In charge of your vessel." The woman retorted.

The Doctor snorted. "You'd starve to death trying to find the light switch. Who are you?"

"I'm Lieutenant Journey Blue of the Combined Galactic Resistance." She answered. "I demand you take me back to my command ship, the Aristotle, which is currently located –"

"No." The Doctor shook his head. "Hey, not like that."

Journey narrowed her eyes. "You will take me back to my command ship, which is currently positioned –"

"Hey, no." Lexi shook her head. "Come on, what's the magic word?"

Journey bit her lip before slowly lowering her gun. "Will you take me back to my ship?" She hesitated a moment before sighing. "Please?"

The Doctor nodded, going around the console. "The Aristotle's the big fella parked in the asteroid belt, yeah?"

"It's shielded!" Journey's eyes widened.

"More or less." The Doctor shrugged as he pulled the dematerialization lever.

Flipping a couple switches, Lexi shot an encouraging look Journey's way. "Braveheart, Journey Blue."


The three of them exited the TARDIS, Journey doing a double take when she saw the TARDIS exterior. "It's smaller on the outside."

"It's more exciting when you go the other way. " The Doctor sighed as they began walking through the ship, taking everything in. "This isn't a battleship. Medical insignia – it's a hospital."

"We don't need hospitals now." A man with a graying beard said as he walked up, two armed soldiers behind him. "The Daleks don't leave any wounded, and we don't take prisoners."

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "We saved your little friend here, if that's in any way relevant to mention."

"That's true, sir." Journey nodded. "They did."

"Thank you." The man told the Doctor.

"You're welcome." The Doctor nodded.

"We truly wish we could've done more." Lexi looked to Journey as she remembered her mentioning her brother.

"Then you should have." The man said.

The Doctor narrowed his eyes. "Okay..."

"But you did save Journey, and for that, I am personally grateful."

"Well –"

"However, the security of this base is absolute. So we're still going to kill you."

Lexi rolled her eyes as guns were aimed at her and the Doctor. "Oh, that's nice. Haven't actually died in a while. I thought we were about due."

"Shoot them, bag them, and throw them outside." The man ordered.

"No!" Journey ran forward to stop the man, Lexi and the Doctor taking a few steps back. "Stop!"

"I'm sorry, they might be duplicates." The man shook his head.

"He's a doctor." Journey insisted. "And we have a patient. Don't we, Uncle?"

The man narrowed his eyes, sighing after a moment before waving his men down. "Come with us."


"Why does a hospital need a doctor?" The Doctor asked as he and Lexi followed Journey, her uncle and his men through the corridors.

"The Aristotle wasn't always hidden." The man answered. "The Daleks got here before us."

Journey frowned, noticing how the Doctor was scowling at a few soldiers. "You don't like soldiers much, do you?"

"You don't need to be liked." The Doctor told her. "You've got all the guns."

Lexi sighed, taking her husband's hand as Journey looked offended. "Stay calm, Doctor."

"Bit difficult when you have a gun pointed right at you, don't you think?"

Lexi squeezed his hand. "I thought you handled it well."

He sighed, squeezing her hand back. "I wasn't talking about me."

"Well, obviously, neither was I."


"Ooh." Lexi's eyes brightened as they entered a lab area, the Doctor letting go of her hand as they looked upon a long, clear tube with bench seats inside, large enough for someone to sit in.

"Wow!" The Doctor grinned. "A moleculon nanoscaler!"

"You know what it does, then?" Journey asked.

"It miniaturizes living matter." He nodded. "What's the medical application, though? Do you use it to shrink the surgeons so they can climb inside the patients?"

"Exactly." The man nodded.

"Wait, so... Are you going to miniaturize him?" Lexi frowned.

"He's a doctor, isn't he?" The man asked as he went and opened a pair of security doors. "And this is his patient."

Lexi gasped in horror, her jaw dropping. She was barley able to see a scratched eyepiece glow blue before the Doctor grabbed her and yanked her behind him. "No, you don't understand." He shook his head, staring in shock at who the soldiers wanted him to help. "You can't put us in there!"

"Doc...tor?" The battered Dalek managed to ask as it flickered to life.


"I'm telling you, I've got this new student. She's called Addie." Lucas was telling Clara as they were readying to leave Coal Hill, the two of them sifting through papers as they sat at a table in the teachers' lounge. "She is too smart for her own good. She actually corrected me today."

"You?" Clara smirked, raising her eyebrows as she looked up and across at her friend. "The time traveling History teacher?"

"Oi, quiet." Lucas laughed, flicking his gaze around to be sure no one was listening as Clara giggled. "But yeah, I think Addie's the most inquisitive and curious student I've ever had."

"Wait... Adelina McKinnon, right?" Clara asked as she put papers in a folder before putting it in her bag. "Yeah, I have her in my English class right after lunch. She's quite fond of Edgar Allan Poe, isn't she?"

"Yes." Lucas chuckled, shaking his head slightly as he packed up his messenger bag before he and Clara stood up from the table. "She's the one that convinced me to do a whole lesson just on him."

"Oh, Clara, Lucas, er... Neither of you've met Danny Pink yet?" The Headmaster asked as Clara and Lucas were walking to the door, making them pause and turn to see him and a tan-skinned man in a button up shirt and tie approach. "New fella, Maths."

"Hello." The two friends greeted, shaking Danny's hand.

"Clara Oswald, English. And Lucas Harper, History." The Headmaster introduced them.

"Nice to meet you both." Danny nodded.

"You, too." Clara smiled.

"I'll leave you all to it." The Headmaster said, clapping Danny on the shoulder before walking off. "Beth, can I have a word?"

"So, er... was it you we saw outside doing the soldiery thing?" Clara asked once it was just her, Danny and Lucas, Clara remembering when she and Lucas had arrived that morning and saw Danny working outside with a class of students.

"Oh, yeah. The Coal Hill Cadets." Danny nodded. "Just a bit of fun."

"What, teaching them how to shoot people?" Lucas scoffed slightly, checking his phone.

"There's a bit more to modern soldiering then just shooting people." Danny stated, making Lucas look up. "I like to think there's a moral dimension."

"Oh?" Clara tilted her head a bit. "You shoot people then and cry about it afterwords?"

"Ah." Danny gave a thin smile, ducking his head.

Lucas frowned. "Something wrong, mate?"

"Nothing, no. Sorry, no, nothing." Danny shook his head, looking back up. "I just... I didn't think they'd say anything, that's all."

Clara blinked. "Sorry?"

"Have they told everyone?" He sighed.

"No...?" Lucas said questioningly. "I'm sorry, what are we talking about?"

Danny looked to Clara. "Why did you just say the crying thing?"

"I was being funny." Clara frowned slightly.


"I just do that."


"I dunno."

Lucas looked back and forth between the two. "Er.. I'm just going to... Yeah."

With that, dear sweet Lucas walked off to the other side of the teachers' lounge.

"Anyway..." Danny trailed off. "I, er... I've left some stuff in my class..."

Clara nodded, Lucas watching them from over by the window. "Okay, see you."

"See you." Danny told her before heading for the door.

After a slight hesitation, as if debating with herself, Clara then turned around and walked after Danny. "Er, are you going to the, um, leaving thing tonight for Cathy?" She asked as she caught up with him.


"Are you sure about this guy?" Lucas asked Clara quietly as the two of them stood in the hall, just outside a classroom, watching as Danny thumped his head on his desk.

"No, but isn't that the fun of it?" Clara giggled softly before glancing at Lucas. "Why do you ask, though?"

Lucas sighed internally, cursing his friend's obliviousness of a certain time twin before actually replying.

"No reason."

Clara squinted at him for a moment before just shaking her head and entering Danny's classroom.


"Is the wooden sound you or the desk?"

Clara's voice made Danny pause and look up sheepishly. "How long have you been there?"

"Longer than you would like." She admitted.

"Okay." He looked down.

Clara laughed slightly. "Will you look that terrified when you take me out for a drink?"

Danny cleared his throat. "I... I absolutely promise I won't."

"Play your cards right, and you might." Clara smiled before turning on her heel and walking out.


"Bad idea." Lucas's voice made Clara pause to see he had waited just outside Danny's classroom, his arms crossed as he leaned back against the wall on the other side of the hall.

"Why, why is it a bad idea?" Clara frowned slightly, putting her hands on her hips as she walked up to her friend.

"If you don't know why I think it's a bad idea, then you obviously haven't been paying that much attention as of late." Is all Lucas told her before pushing off the wall and walking down the hall.

"What are you even talking about?" Clara asked, clearly confused as she rushed after him.

"Clara, I'm your best friend. So trust me when I say, I'm not going to tell you." Lucas responded. "You need to figure it out on your own."

"Alright, Mister Cryptic." Clara rolled her eyes as the two of them walked by a supply closet, Clara missing the door open slightly and a blue knitted fingerless glove clad hand reach out before yanking Lucas inside. "Answer me this, then." She said, glancing back and frowning when she saw Lucas had disappeared. "Lucas?"

Clara squeaked when the supply closet door opened again, the same blue knitted fingerless glove clad hand reaching out and yanking her inside as well.


Lucas and Clara panted, both of them startled and confused as they gazed upon a woman they hadn't seen in a few weeks.

"Hello!" Lexi grinned as she held out coffees to them, the TARDIS a few feet behind her.

Clara blinked. "Where the hell have you been?"

"It's nice to see you, too, Clara." Lexi told her, Clara and Lucas taking the coffees from her. "And remember? We dropped you two back home before running out to go get coffee."

"Three weeks ago." Lucas pointed out.

Lexi sighed, closing her eyes. "I'm going to kill him." She shook her head before motioning for them to follow her. "Anyway, that's not important right now. Come on!"

The two friends sipped their coffees and glanced at each other, grinning before then quickly following after Lexi.


"Three weeks!" Clara announced as she, Lucas and Lexi entered the TARDIS.

"I told him that I should've been the one to set the coordinates for your location." Lexi stated as she walked up to where the Doctor was by the console. "But, you know, whatever."

"It's not my fault!" The Doctor rolled his eyes. "I got distracted."

"By what?" Clara asked curiously, tilting her head slightly as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Oh, there's always something." The Doctor waved her off.

Lucas looked around curiously. "Where's Jupiter?"

"Oh, she and Sky are at Hen and Stag parties for British royalty in the twenty-third century. They'll turn up again at some point." Lexi answered before glancing at the Doctor, raising an eyebrow. "Now, are you going ask what you wanted to?"

"What?" Clara asked in confusion.

"Clara, Clara, Clara, Clara." The Doctor walked over and put an arm around her shoulders before leading her off to the side, Lucas watching with a frown. "Clara, Clara, Clara, Clara. I need something from you. I need the truth."

"Okay." Clara blinked as they sat down on a set of steps that lead to the lowest level of the console room. "Right, what is it? What's –" She paused, seeing his face. "You're scared."

The Doctor sighed. "I'm terrified."

"Of what?"

"The answer to my next question, which must be honest and cold and considered without kindness or restraint. My wife is a bit biased, you know. And Lucas is her companion. I need to hear it from you."

"Okay." Clara nodded, leaning forward slightly.

"Clara, be my pal and tell me..." He took a deep breath. "Am I a good man?"

Clara blinked, taken aback. She opened her mouth to respond, but paused as she actually thought about the Doctor's question. The previous Doctor had really been a good man. I mean, he could be scary in serious situations, but he had certainly been good. This Doctor, though? Clara didn't yet know him all that much. "The last you was... a very good man." She said slowly, trying to pick out the right way to word her answer. "But this you... well, I... I don't know."

The Doctor nodded, accepting that answer. "Neither do I." He admitted before jumping to his feet.

"I've told him over and over that he is, but as he said, I'm apparently biased." Lexi rolled her eyes.

"You do have to admit, though, you kind of are." Lucas shrugged as Clara and the Doctor came and joined them by the console. "I mean, you are his wife."

Clara chuckled, nodding in agreement with her friend before pausing, seeing the Doctor working various controls on the console. "Er, hey, no offense, but I've got plans."

"Oh boy, does she ever." Lucas smirked, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Shut up." Clara hissed before looking back to the Doctor and Lexi.

The Doctor sighed, glancing over at them. "We need you."

"Right." Clara nodded, her and Lucas walking over to help. "Where are we going?"

The Doctor flipped a lever. "Into darkness."

The Impossibles blinked, looking over to Lexi, only to see her face set with a serious expression. "Yeah, that's not an exaggeration." She told them before her and the Doctor started recounting the story.


"Doc...tor!" The Dalek said.

"How do you know who I am?" The Doctor demanded.

"He doesn't." Journey's uncle, Morgan Blue, answered. "We promised him medical assistance."

"Are you my doctor?" The Dalek asked.

"We found it floating in space." Journey explained.

"We thought it was deactivated, so we tried to disassemble it." Morgan nodded.

"You didn't realize there was a living creature inside." Lexi guessed.

"Not till it started screaming." Journey confirmed.

"Help... me." The Dalek said.

"Why would I do that?" The Doctor smirked meaninglessly. "Why would any living creature help you?"

"Daleks will die."

"Die all you like. Not my problem."

"Daleks must be destroyed."

"Daleks must be –" The Doctor blinked. "What did you just say?"

"All Daleks must die!" The Dalek declared, rattling its cables as the Doctor and Lexi's jaws dropped. "I will destroy the Daleks! Destroy the Daleks! Destroy the Daleks!"

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Please leave your wonderful comments below and don't forget to vote! <3

– Maddy Xx

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