Into the Dalek ― IV (Final)

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Continued from Into the Dalek ― III

"The Dalek isn't just some angry blob in a Dalekanium tank." The Doctor said as they all climbed the wall of the casing and into a recess. "If it was, the radiation would have turned it into a raging lunatic."

"It is a raging lunatic." Journey frowned. "It's a Dalek."

"But, for a moment, it wasn't. The radiation allowed it to expand its consciousness, to consider things beyond its natural terms of reference. It became good. That means a good Dalek is possible." The Doctor glanced at Lexi, smirking a bit. "That's what we learned today. Am I right, love?"

"Exactly, my sweet." Lexi grinned.

"But now it's back to how it was." Journey reminded.

"But what it saw, what it felt, is still there." The Doctor countered.

"Yeah, I'm not really seeing that."

"Yeah, well, the reason for that is because it's not here." Lexi pointed up. "It's up there."

Journey looked up. "You mean in the cortex vault?"

Lucas blinked. "The evil engineering?"

"Every memory recorded." The Doctor nodded. "Some suppressed, but all still intact. We need to show the Dalek that star being born again, recreate that moment. You need to get up there, find that moment, and reawaken it."

"Got it." Lexi nodded, cracking her neck.

"How?" Clara asked.

"Haven't the foggiest." The Doctor admitted. "Do a clever thing. And then once you've done it, the Dalek will be suggestible to new ideas. It will be open again, and I will show it something that will change its mind forever."

"What?" Journey asked.

"Not a clue."

Journey groaned. "This is crazy! There's no way we can get back up there in time!"

"Yes, there is." Gretchen spoke up as she took aim with the same grappling hook gun Ross had used.

"No, Gretchen." Journey shook her head, quickly going to her. "It'll bring the antibodies down on us."

Ignoring Journey, Gretchen looked straight to Lexi. "Tell me the truth, Glorious. Is he mad, or is he right? I've come this far, probably going to die anyway. Wouldn't mind something to do for the rest of my life." She took a deep breath, tightening her grip on the grappling hook gun. "Is he mad, or is he right?"

"After nine hundred years of being with him," Lexi let out a puff of air. "I can honestly say that most of the time he's both."

Gretchen nodded before then turning towards the Doctor. "One question, then... Is this worth it?"

"If I can turn one Dalek, I can turn them all." He told her. "I can save the future."

"Gretchen Alison Carlisle. Do something good and name it after me."

The Doctor nodded. "I will do something amazing, I promise."

Gretchen smiled. "Damn well better." She said before firing the grappling hook gun.

"No, Gretchen!" Journey shouted.

"Go!" She shouted, firing again as the antibodies started flowing in their direction.

"They're coming!" Clara looked to Lexi and Lucas.

"All three of you, grab hold of the rope." Journey told them before they came and put their hands by hers on the large handle.

"Don't look down." Lexi warned, looking to Lucas and Clara.

"Good luck!" Gretchen called to them as she continuously fired on the antibodies; Clara and Lucas screaming and Lexi laughing as Journey activated the device, making the four of them ascend up the cable while the Doctor left the room. Gretchen herself kept firing at the antibodies before she screamed as she was disintegrated.


Gretchen's screaming died off and she opened her eyes, confused. She now found herself sitting at a table in some sort of empty tea shop.

Missy smiled widely from where she sat across from her. "Hello. I'm Missy." She introduced herself before gesturing to the man sitting next to her. "And this, is Kasimir."

The blonde haired and blue eyed man smiled at Gretchen. "Welcome to Heaven, darling."

"Would you like some tea? Little splash?" Missy offered before using a teapot to pour her a cuppa. "Lovely."

"You should try these mini quiches." Kasimir said as he placed a couple of said little pastries on a small saucer for Gretchen. "They're to die for." He chuckled at the thought. "Literally."


The Doctor continued to climbed, going into the Dalek's organic compartment, finally able to take a good look at Rusty. "Well, here we are, Rusty. Eye-to-eye."

"You cannot save the humans." Rusty told him. "They will be exterminated. I shall join the Dalek units in the final attack."


"So what do we do?" Journey asked when the four of them made it into the cortex vault.

"Something clever." Lexi said, looking around before her gaze landed on the panels that lined the wall. "D'you see all these lights that are out?"


"The Doctor did say that this was the memory bank." Lucas recalled.

"Exactly." Lexi nodded. "So, thinking about that, what if some of the memories were suppressed? What if the lights that are out are hidden memories?"

"Seriously?" Journey's eyebrows shot up.

"Wait." Clara took a step forward. "So, what you're saying, is that one of those hidden memories could be the Dalek seeing a star?"

"Well, either that, or the bulbs need changing." Lexi shrugged.

"It really could be the bulbs." Journey deadpanned.

"Got a better idea?"

Journey sighed. "Really wish I had."

"Yeah, well, we don't have time to think of anything else." Lexi said, crouching down before pulling off one of the panels. "Here we go, Impossibles. Look for lightbulbs that are out and turn them on."

Lucas and Clara nodded, both of them glancing at each other before crawling in behind Lexi, Journey staying back to guard them.


"I saved your life, Rusty." The Doctor told the Dalek. "Now I'm going to go one better. I'm going to save your soul."

"Daleks do not have souls." Rusty declared.

"Oh, no? Imagine if you did. What then, Rusty? What would happen then?"


"We're in the cortex." Clara said as she, Lucas and Lexi crawled amongst cables and wires.

"If there's a pack of spare bulbs, break it to me gently." Journey replied, her voice a bit muffled since she was guarding them from outside the cortex.

Lucas then hit some live wires, wincing as he was shocked a bit before smacking a dark panel nearby, grinning when there was a flash. "We've got something!"


The Doctor watched a flash travel down neurons to Rusty, watching as images of dying soldiers appeared on screens. "Your memories." He said. "I'm about to give some back to you."


"Are you alright, Lucas?" Clara called up to him from where she was crawling behind him.

"Yeah, fine." He answered, shaking his hand out a bit. "It was some sort of energy charge."

"You got the first lights on." Journey called from outside the cortex.

"Of course!" Lexi grinned. "It's a brain! Brains work with electrical pathways linking up memories. And we're turning them back on!"


"You see, all those years, when I began... I was just running." The Doctor spoke as he used his sonic screwdriver to cut through some flexible tubing covering neurons. "I called myself the Doctor, but it was just a name. And then I went to Skaro, and then I met you lot and I understood... who I was." He yanked fibers from out of the tubing. "The Doctor was not the Daleks."


"You'd better get a move on, there's company coming!" Journey called from outside the cortex, the sound of firing being heard. "Hurry up!"

"Come on, Rusty! Show us a star!" Clara banged on another darkened panel, watching it turn on.


"Oh, look." The Doctor watched more images flow onto screens. "It's your memories again. It's like somebody's mucking about up there. Memories, all those memories. Do you remember the star you saw being born?"


"Almost done!" Lexi crawled along. "Just one more to go."

"Hurry up!" Journey called. "Hurry up!"

Lexi thumped one last panel, making the last of the lights turn on. "Glorious, you did it!" Journey laughed. "It's rebooting! The antibodies have reset!"


"I..." Rusty paused. "I remember."

"You saw the truth, Rusty." The Doctor nodded. "Remember how you felt. You saw a star being born! The endless birth of the universe."


"And you realized the truth about the Daleks."

"Truth? What is the truth?"

"Let me show you the truth. I've opened your mind, and now I'm coming in." The Doctor spliced the ends of neurons together with his hands, screaming as energy warped through him. A moment later, he was connected to Rusty. "I'm part of you. My mind is in your mind."

"I see your mind, Doctor." Rusty declared. "I see your universe."

"And isn't the universe beautiful?"

"I see beauty."

"Yes, that's good. That is good. Hold onto that."

"I see endless, divine perfection."

"Make it a part of you. Remember how you feel right now. Put it inside you and live by it."

"I see into your soul, Doctor. I see beauty. I see divinity. I... see... hatred."

"Hatred?" The Doctor blinked, obviously surprised.

"I see your hatred of the Daleks, and it is good."

"No, no, no. You must see more than that." The Doctor shook his head, watching as some of his own memories of defeating the Daleks appeared on the screens. "There must be more that that."

"Death to the Daleks! Death to the Daleks! Death to the Daleks!"

"No, there must be more than that." The Doctor shook his head wildly, even though he already knew it was of no use. "There must be more than that! Please!"

"Daleks are evil. Daleks must be exterminated. Daleks are evil. Daleks must be exterminated! Exterminate!"

The Doctor hung his head, not really knowing what to think of it all. Should he be more worried that Rusty was turning on his comrades? Or should he be more worried that all Rusty saw in him was his hatred for the Daleks?

"The Daleks are exterminated." Rusty declared.

"Of course they are." The Doctor muttered, looking back up. "That's what you do, isn't it?"


"Journey!" Morgan called in relief, seeing Journey and the time travelers had returned to normal size.

"Uncle Morgan!" Journey ran to him.

"I have transmitted a retreat signal." Rusty said as the uncle and niece hugged. "The Daleks will believe the humans have initiated the ship's self-destruct."

"What about you, Rusty?" Clara asked.

"I must go with them."

"Of course you must." The Doctor scowled. "You've unfinished work, haven't you?"

"Victory is yours, but it does not please you." Rusty noted.

"You looked inside me and you saw hatred. That's not victory. Victory would have made a good Dalek."

"I am not a good Dalek. You are a good Dalek."

The Doctor set his jaw and nodded once. "Till the next time."

Everyone watched as the Doctor and Rusty went their separate ways, then Journey frowned. "Is he leaving? Isn't he going to say goodbye?"

"Yeah... We've grown to not really like goodbyes that much. At all." Lexi said apologetically before reaching out and giving Journey a quick hug. "But good luck to you. To all of you."

"Sorry." Lucas smiled sheepishly before he and Clara followed after Lexi. "Gotta run."


They joined the Doctor back at the TARDIS just before Journey came running up. "Doctor!" She called, making the Doctor turn to her. "Take me with you."

The Doctor examined her, really considering what she said before bracing himself. "I think you're probably nice." He told her. "Underneath it all, I think you're kind, and you're definitely brave. I just wish you hadn't been a soldier."

Clara sighed at that, giving Journey a small smile before she and Lucas then followed the Doctor into the TARDIS.

However... Lexi did hang back a minute and walked over to Journey. "You are brilliant, Journey Blue. And don't hesitate to call on us for help if you need it 'cause we will come." Journey smiled slightly, Lexi then pulling her into a tight hug. "Just don't forget what you learned here today." She said before pulling away, giving Journey a small smile. "Good luck."


"How do I look?" Clara asked as she ran back up the stairs to the main level of the console room, just having changed her clothes.

"Sort of short and round-ish, but with a good personality." The Doctor replied, leaning against the console. "Which is the main thing."

"Ignore him, Clara." Lexi rolled her eyes as she walked up the set of steps that lead to where her piano was. "You look great."

"Thank you, Glorious." She beamed before shooting a look at the Doctor. "At least someone's good at noticing things."

The Doctor just rolled his eyes, turning around to face the console before pulling a lever, the TARDIS landing a moment later. "Okay." He announced. "You're back in your cupboard thirty seconds after you left."

"When will we see you two again?" Lucas chimed in as he emerged from a corridor on the lower level, having changed his clothes as well.

"Hopefully sooner rather than later." Lexi said, tapping one of the ivory keys of her grand piano, a single music note resonating throughout the console room. "I'll set the coordinates next time."

Clara shook her head fondly at that as she walked to the door while Lucas crossed over to the other side of the console room and walked up the set of steps that lead to where Lexi was.

Clara paused as she opened the door, glancing back at the Doctor. "I don't know."

The Doctor frowned. "I'm sorry?"

Clara turned completely around to face him. "You asked me if you're a good man, and the answer is, I don't know. But I think you try to be, and I think that's probably the point."

The Doctor smiled at her. "I think you're probably an amazing teacher."

"I think I better be." She smiled before glancing over to where Lucas was now leaning against Lexi's piano. "You coming?"

"In a minute." He told her, Clara nodding before completely exiting the TARDIS and shutting the door behind her.


Clara left the supply closet and nearly ran right into Danny.

"Ah, hey." Danny grinned.

Clara smiled. "Hey, Danny."

"Have you changed your clothes?" Danny blinked, looking her over.

Clara blinked herself, then sighed. "Yes." She nodded, not having really thought that over. "Yes, I have. Well noticed."

"Okay. Good."

"Yes, very good, good work. You passed the test." Clara said as they began walking down the hall together.

"Are you really going to go for a drink with me?" Danny asked her.

"Yeah, course I am." Clara nodded. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I just thought... I thought you might have a rule against soldiers."

"No. No, not at all." Clara shook her head, continuing down the hall as Danny stopped at a classroom. "Not me."


"What can I do for you, Lucas?" Lexi asked, crossing her arms and smiling kindly at her companion from where she sat on the bench behind her piano.

Lucas glanced over his shoulder to see the Doctor trying to look distracted as he fiddled with various controls on the console. Lucas knew better, though. He then sighed and turned his head back to look at Lexi, his arms folded on top of the closed grand piano. "I don't... know you now as I used to... know you before you changed." He managed to get out, making Lexi straighten in slight surprise. "And when I say that, I don't mean it in a bad way." He assured her. "What I mean is... I'm ready to find everything out along the way. 'Cause I know you'll try to do that for yourself. And I know it's different since you said yourself that you've never been through this before."

"You're not talking about the face I have now, are you?" Lexi asked softly, getting to her feet.

Lucas pulled her into a hug. "No." He told her quietly. "I promised her that if I chose to stay, I would hold onto everything for as long as I could." He then pulled away slightly to look down into her eyes. "And I'm going to do that because I'm not going anywhere for a very long time."

Lexi sniffled before pulling Lucas back into their hug, holding onto him tightly. "Thank you." She whispered, kissing his cheek as they pulled away from each other again.

Lucas smiled at her, giving her arm a reassuring squeeze before walking back down the steps to the console. "And if she shows up, tell Jupiter I'm sorry I missed her today."

"Alright..." Lexi nodded slowly as she came down the steps herself, the Doctor emerging from the other side of the console as Lucas walked to the door. "Till the next time."

"Yeah." Lucas smiled as he left, shutting the door behind him.

The Doctor slowly brought his gaze from the door to look at his wife. "D'you think it's strange that any time the twins were brought up today, Lucas always just mentioned Jupiter?"

"Not really." Lexi shrugged as walked back up the steps to her piano, smirking internally since her motherly intuition was saying otherwise.

"Right." The Doctor said, unsure. He then just shook his head before pulling the dematerialization lever, sending him and Lexi off into the time vortex.


Author's Note

Gah! I'm freaking loving Evaldi! 😍 And the hints of Jucas were fun to throw in as well. 💕 I know Jupiter wasn't actually in this episode, but she'll be showing up again very soon (in a filler chapter that's coming up next). 😉

This episode actually turned out to be a bit more fun to write than I originally thought. I love the Evaldi moments I was able to sprinkle in throughout the episode. I love them so much! ❤️

Jupiter comes back to the TARDIS up next, lovelies! 😁

So, stay tuned!

━━ { ⋆。˚ 🌟 ˚。⋆ } ━━

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– Maddy Xx

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