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● "Sully's inbound. I want eyes on him!" Quaritch was pissed, he had Jake right where he wanted him only for it all to be ruined. He barked more orders and hopped onto his ikran. He refused to bear the weight of failure like his human self had done.

Neytiri flew into the warzone and took aim at the helicopter above. With a yell, she released the arrow and it went straight through the demon's chest. She let out a few victorious yips and looked for her next target.

Nayliä and Rey'na stuck together as they cut through whoever was in front of them.

Rey'na would snatch a sky person and sling them Nayliä's way, who would then finish the job.

Ronal was right behind them and came out of the water like a powerhouse and pierced her target with her spear. She joined her sisters and they moved as one while making sure they covered each other's backs.

Tonowari was doing well on his own and sliced his enemies as if they were nothing.

Occasionally, he would cross paths with Aiyakan who had a devious smirk on his face as he moved expertly through the battle. So far, they all were in good shape.

After a while, Nayliä deemed her sisters to be okay on their own.

She yelled over all the noise, "I gotta find the kids!"

"Okay! We got this, go!"

Rey'na and Ronal shrunk their fighting area to cover the spot she had left.

Nayliä took off towards where she last saw the children.

Neytiri was currently making her ikran zigzag to avoid the crazy amount of bullets flying at them.

Quaritch was flying behind her, constantly shooting his gun. He never let her out of her sight, hell bent on getting his revenge.

Jake appeared behind him with nothing but pure hatred on his face. He shot at Quaritch until his gun ran out of bullets.

He threw it away and got close enough that his skimwing was able to latch onto Quaritch's ikran. The poor creature cried out and threw its rider off. They both hit the water with a loud splash.

Nayliä had snuck onto the ship just as Neteyam jumped on.

He started to cut through Tsireya's restraints first.

"Hey, baby brother," he moved to Liia and Tuk. "Need some help?"

He eventually got all the girls free and ushered them off the ship with Tsireya leading the way.

He made his way to Lo'ak with a half grin on his face, "Who's the mighty warrior?"

"I am."

Both boys turned to Nayliä with hopeful smiles. She returned the loving energy but her face became one of urgency. She quickly cut Lo'ak free and placed a hand on both of their shoulders.

"Don't worry loves, I'll get you out of here."

She turned to leave but Lo'ak grabbed her hand.

"Wait, ma, they still have Spider."

Nayliä paused and she immediately felt conflicted. She loved Spider like another son but she also knew he would be safe while they would not.

"We can't just leave him." Nayliä let out a long sigh and nodded for him to lead the way.

Neteyam went behind her, deciding he would protect them if anything attacked from behind.

The second choice had been decided.

Tsireya was protesting the two young girl's idea of going back. When they saw Kiri had been captured by an ikran they instantly made up their minds.

"This isn't a good idea, you two."

"Sully's stick together!" And the two were off and Tsireya trailed after them while still trying to convince them to go back.

The Metkayina princess peaked onto the ship, trying to make sure it was safe but Tuk and Liia wasted no time in jumping on.

She reluctantly followed them as they snuck around the ship, staying low to the ground in order to not be seen.

They had made it close to Kiri and Liia whisper-yelled for her.


"Liia? What are you guys doing here?"

All three of them rushed to try to break Kiri's handcuffs. They failed to notice a pissed off Quaritch stalking behind them. He grabbed Tuk roughly, causing the others to cry out and reach for her.

The other avatars were eager to push them down and forced them on their knees. One avatar harshly pushed Tsireya into the water below them, leaving the younger girls with their big sister.

The two little ones did their best to fight off their captives but were inevitably in the same position as Kiri.

Tuk whined, "Aw man, I can't believe I'm tied up again!"

Liia was still trying to break free with panicked hisses leaving her. Her eyes were wide and she began to tremble uncontrollably and her tail swished around violently. Her teeth felt like it would shatter from how hard her jaws snapped forward at the avatars surrounding them. Kiri frowned at the obvious signs of a panic attack and did her best to lean against Liia.

"Shh, we're going to alright. Just breathe, be calm. I won't let them hurt you."

Liia closed her eyes and prayed that Kiri was right.

Nayliä and her boys tried their best to blend in with the shadows. They were high on yellow beams and were waiting for the best moment to strike.

Nayliä moved first and jumped down on top two people and used her spear to pierce the one with a gun.

Her sons leapt after her without hesitation. Neteyam shoved one into the water below while Spider joined in. He yanked some of their masks off and shoved one in Nayliä's direction who immediately stabbed him in the neck.

Once they were in the clear, Nayliä sped off in Spider's direction. She hugged him to the best of her ability and pulled away quickly to check him for wounds.

"My son! Are you alright? Any wounds?"

Spider felt his heart burst at the fact she called him her son but he smiled brightly at her.

"I'm okay, ma, we have to leave now though!"

Lyle was creeping behind them and starting firing his gun. They all ran for cover and leaned against the wall. All four of them were breathing hard and tried to think of a way to escape unharmed.

Nayliä could feel her pregnancy starting to get to her once again and she was running on adrenaline and her will to protect her kids, alone. Her belly had also begun to ache from the rapid movements she was forced to make.

Neteyam noticed this and decided to take action.

"Gimme that!" He snatched the gun from his brother before reloading it and randomly shooting at the avatars.

When he saw an opening he yelled at them to make a run for it. Lo'ak and Spider ran to the side of the ship and jumped off safely.

Nayliä couldn't go just yet, she needed to catch her breath.

Neteyam wanted to give her more time but they were running out of options.

"Deep breaths, mama. We'll go together okay?"

She nodded at him and he shot once more but he ran out of bullets, forcing him to throw the gun. He pulled his ma to the edge but he wasn't aware of the bullet that fate had named for him.

However, Nayliä saw it and before they jumped off, she hugged her son close to her and hoped her larger body would be enough to shield her firstborn.

The third and final choice had sealed both of their fates.

Lo'ak and Spider shared high fives and laughs, they were ecstatic that they made it out.

Tsireya rode her ilu over to them and waved them closer, "Get on!"

A loud groan from Neteyam made them pause and look his way. His face was scrunched up in pain but he was doing his best to support a heavy breathing Nayliä.

Lo'ak made his way over and noticed all the blood seeping into the water.

"What is it?! What's wrong?"

"I'm shot!"

Lo'ak, Spider and Tsireya felt their entire body gain chills. ●

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