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"Are you sure Damon will come back with her?" Sheila Bennet asked in concern as her, Bonnie and Stefan stood outside the Tomb in the middle of the woods in the small town called Mystic Falls.

To outsiders, Mystic Falls was yet another small, uneventful town where life was calm and monotonous. It was bold of many to say, "nothing bad ever happens in Mystic Falls." But that was until it did happen. The Salvatore brothers happened. And in the matter of a few days, the lives of simple highschool teenagers like Elena Gilbert, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, Matt Donovan, Jeremy Gilbert and Tyler Lockwood were turned upside down.

Stefan Salvatore was the sweet brother who just wanted a fresh start. A place to leave his past behind and begin anew. Meet new people and make new memories in his never-ending life. And as they say, there's no place like home, right? Apparently, Damon Salvatore, the older brother, the certified bad boy thought the same too. He soon followed after his younger brother and wreaked havoc through town, dragging along the many teenagers from their normal lives. Now, there was nothing normal about their lives and as it turns out, they weren't as normal as they thought either.

The three turned to a noise as Damon and Elena shuffled through the woods and towards them.

"Brother, witches," Damon greeted as he walked inside the cave with Emily Bennett's grimoire in his hands and dedications raising high. Dedication to find his old lover, Elena Gilbert's doppelganger- to find, Katherine Pierce.

"Everything okay?" Stefan asked as he approached his girlfriend.

"I just want to get this over with," Elena huffed as Sheila and Bonnie nodded along in agreement, all following behind Damon.

Inside, they set up three poles in a circle and a pit to set on fire as Sheila Bennett set them alight.

"Air, Earth, Fire," she stated as she set them of fire.

"Water," Bonnie chimed in as she pointed at the water bottle she held.

The older witch took the bottle from her hands and sprinkled it into the pit as Damon brought out a bloodbag, causing Stefan to frown.

"What is that?" he questioned his brother as Damon smirked back in response.

"It's for Katherine," he replied, "need something to get her going. Unless your girl's up for offering a vein."

Stefan rolled his eyes at his words as Damon went on, "admit it, you can't wait to get rid of me."

"I can't wait to get rid of you," Stefan scoffed as Bonnie looked up worriedly at them.

"We're ready," she announced as Damon's eyes glowed in excitement. Excitement to finally see the girl he'd been in love with for 145 years now. The girl of his dreams. His plan was finally in motion. He could get his girl and leave town, leave his brother and all the misery behind as he started a new life with her. A life of peace and happiness.

Or so he thought. Little did he know what was waiting for him next...

The witches joined their hands and began chanting a spell as the Salvatore brothers and the Gilbert girl waited to see if the plan was working or not.

The fire suddenly began to burn more fiercely as the air inside the cave picked up and a crash was heard, causing them to turn to the sealed door of the cave.

Stefan shone a light on the door to see it creak open as everyone watched in awe.

"It worked," Bonnie whispered to herself in disbelief, knowing she had only recently discovered she had magic powers at all.

"I'm gonna go get the gasoline. I'll be right back," Stefan finally spoke as he rushed out of the cave. He had promised Damon to help get Katherine out of the tomb and then, burn the rest of the vampires that were trapped inside, in order to ensure there were no threats to the townspeople.

"You ready?" Damon asked as he extended his hand to Elena and she looked at him surprised.


"Do you think I'm gonna go in there by myself so you can seal me?" he asked rhetorically as he grabbed onto Elena's arm and pulled her closer.

"Don't dare her in, or I'll bring the walls down," Sheila Bennett threatened as Damon smirked.

"You'll bring the walls down if I don't," he retorted, "you think I trust you?"

"As much as I trust you," Sheila spat.

"Enough, both of you," Elena cut them off, "look, he needs leverage. He needs to know you're not gonna shut the door when he gets inside. I get it, I'll go."

Damon smiled in victory as he grabbed one of the flaming torches and held onto Elena's arm as both of them walked into the tomb.


Outside the tomb, Stefan was getting the gasoline ready when he heard a whoosh, causing him to look around in alarm.

"I thought I told you to leave," Stefan threatened as his eyes landed on the small brunette vampire, Anna.

"Hey hero, I'm going down there to get my mother," she stated sternly.

"I can't let you do that," Stefan retorted as Anna smiled sarcastically at him.

"Well, my vampire, Ben, is about to make a main course out of Elena's brother," she retorted as Stefan's eyes landed on an unconscious Jeremy Gilbert, "so, you can stop me or him. The choice is yours."

And just like that, in the blink of an eye, Anna was gone as Stefan stood contemplating his next move.


Damon and Elena looked around the tomb in darkness as the desiccating vampires inside began to sense Elena's pulse, causing a series of whispers to fill the quietness of the tomb.

"Where's Elena?" Stefan asked as he rushed back into the tomb, having set Ben on fire using a torch and saving Jeremy's life.

"Damon took her," Bonnie replied as Stefan looked at her with wide eyes.


Sheila Bennett stepped in and halted him from entering the tomb as she said, "you can't go in there. If you go, you won't come out."

"Why? Why did you do?" Stefan quizzed skeptically as Sheila sighed.

"I opened the door. But opening a door only...opens the door," she shrugged, "it doesn't take away the seal. You know, some spells keep vampires from entering. Some spells keep them from coming out."

"You mean, Katherine and Anna cannot come out. Elena is human, she can but...but Damon can't," Stefan deduced as he contemplated what was happening.

"I told you I would protect my own," the elder Bennett reminded, "Elena can get out safely, that's all that matters."

Just then, a loud shriek of horror echoed through the cave as Elena yelled out in pain from inside the tomb due to Anna attacking her in order to revive her own mother.

Without a second thought, Stefan sped into the tomb as Bonnie went to follow him, only for Sheila to step in again.

"You can't just leave him in there, Grams," Bonnie exclaimed as Sheila glared at her.

"He made his choice!" she told the young witch sternly.

"No," Bonnie rushed to the grimoire, holding it up to her grandmother, "here, just show me what to do. I'll do it."

"We are not strong enough!" Sheila repeated, "even if we were able to bring the seal down, there's no guarantee we could set it up again!"

"No, you have to help me," Bonnie fussed, hoping to help her friends in some way, "help me or I'll do it alone!"


Inside the tomb, Anna was forcibly feeding Elena's blood to her mother, Pearl, in order to revive her from the desiccated condition she was in when Stefan sped up to them, tackling Anna and helping Elena free herself.

"Go, go, I'm right behind you," he urged Elena as the brunette human rushed out of the door in fear.

After having helped Elena, Stefan remembered his promise to his brother, causing him to venture deeper into the tomb, looking for Damon.

Following the screams of frustration, he came to the end of the tomb where his sight landed on an exasperated Damon.

"She's not here, she's not here," Damon kept repeating to himself as Stefan walked up to him.


"She's not here!" Damon yelled again in anger as he threw the bloodbag against the wall, blood spilling everywhere as the brothers tried to comprehend how that was possible.

"D-Damon, we need to get out of here," Stefan urged but only in vain, "if we don't leave now, we're not getting out!"

"They locked her inside," Damon mumbled to himself, "how could she not be here?"

"It's not worth spending eternity down here," Stefan went on, "she's not worth it."

"No!" Damon exclaimed in anger as Elena rushed into the cave again.

"Damon, please," she too urged as Damon sighed in defeat, ready to walk out of the tomb knowing he had not sound her. The love of his life wasn't in the tomb. All his attempts were in vain. She wasn't inside.

Rushing towards the exit in a hurry, they were nearly out when Elena tripped on her feet and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Elena!" Stefan yelled in panic as he rushed to her side, only to trip as well. And that was when he realized it wasn't a bump or rock that they had stumbled over, it was someone.

"W-what what is this?" Elena groaned as Stefan shone a light on what they had tripped over, only to cause the Salvatore brothers' eyes to widen in shock at what, or who, lay before them.

"L-Luciana?" Stefan whispered in horror as Damon only stood still in shock at the discovery that had just occurred. Luciana Ward was inside the tomb. She was alive.

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