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Chiแปu cao dรฒng

The smell of weed lingered in the air as the sound of quietness filled the room. It was the most loudest and awkwardest quietness ever that the boys had to sit through. And they were hating it.

"This nigga not gon' speak or something?" Jayden whispered to Demetrius as he look at Big P.

He was sitting at his desk, counting money that he counted about ten times already. A Robusto cigar in his mouth which was almost out.

"Ion know, I do know I'm tired of sitting my black ass here." Cannon answered instead.

"Nigga, I asked Demi not you bitch boy." Jayden retorted, Cannon flipping him off not caring.

"I don't fucking know, but I'm about to dip." Demetrius answered. He look over at Eric, Austin and Jimmy who sat not that far from them.

Eric and him made eye contact with each other, Eric sending him an evil smirk. Demetrius shook his head ignoring him. Just looking at him, Demetrius wanted to just beat him up but it wasn't worth it at all.

Cannon phone started ringing causing Big P bodyguards to quickly draw their guns on him. Cannon put his hands up seeing all the guns pointed at him.

"Damn niggas, it's just a phone. See." He reached in his pocket taking out his phone that was ringing.

Big P gave his men a head nod and his bodyguards put their guns down. Cannon shook his head putting his phone on silent and putting it back in his pocket.

"Jesus Christ." Cannon mumbled, putting his hand over his heart. Demetrius shook his head then put his attention on Big P.

"Yo..." he began getting Big P attention. "Why we here man?" He asked him since he was starting to get irritated.

Big P stare at Demetrius for a few seconds before slamming the stack of money on his desk. All the guys look at him waiting for him to answer.

"You know I been in prisรณn for a few years now derecho?" He asked them and they all didn't answer since they couldn't comprehend.

"What the fuck he say?" Jayden asked Demetrius and he ignored him.

"With that being said I left thinking y'all would continue working, but I was wrong. I see none of todos ustedes even managed to work and that's some mierda! But, that's not even the problem here. Before I left, I left almost two grand in a safe and now I have quininentos dรณlares!" He shouted, banging his fist on his desk.

"What the fuck is-Shut the fuck up." Demetrius cut Jayden off and he smack his lips.

"Tryna ask a question." Jayden mumbled leaning back in his seat.

"So, tell me..." Big P pause picking up the stack of money. "...who took my dinero?" He asked them.

They all sat there not knowing what to say. Nether of them took the money and wasn't sure how it just magically disappeared. In all honesty, none of them really cared or at least Demetrius and Eric didn't care. They were the only ones that knew Big P since they were little, so they were used to his actions.

"I'm all honesty, I believe I seen Jayden come over here." Jimmy said and Jayden scrunched up his face.

"Nigga, you a damn lie. I didn't step my black ass no dam where, so your crooked teeth having ass need to shut the fuck up." Jayden snapped violating Jimmy badly.

The two started going back and forth with each other. Eventually Austin and Cannon going at it with each other. Demetrius rub his temple getting a headache just by them arguing. The sound of a gun being shot caused all of them to stop arguing. One of Big P bodyguard, Redman, had his gun in the air as the dust from the ceiling fell on his suit jacket. Demetrius look at him then shook his head.

"Whoever fucking stole my money have exactly 72 fucking hours to give me it back." Big P told them sternly.

"And what if no one stole your shit?" Demetrius asked nonchalant. "What the fuck you want us to do?"

Big P readjusted in his seat before folding his hands and answering. "Then you find a way to get my money back ASAP." He answered his question.

Big P leaned back in his seat, tapping his cigar so the ashes fell. "Your the leader, so lead." He continued.

"Leader? This nigga is no one leader, so fuck all that. If you want your money, then we're gonna be the ones getting it back." Eric chimed in not liking that Big P made Demetrius the leader of them.

More so, he thought he was the leader of all of them since he was here longer. Demetrius, on the other hand, didn't give a fuck. Big P had his family over his head, so he did whatever he needed to do.

"Are we done?" Cannon asked, Big P nodded his head and they all got up. Just as Demetrius was about to exit behind Jayden, Big P called out to him.

"Demetrius...I need to talk to you about something important."

Demetrius stopped in his tracks, cursing in his head before turning around. He let out a small sigh walking up to Big P desk, his hands in his pockets.

"What we need to talk about?" He asked dryly.

Big P blew smoke out his mouth, "How's Octavia?" He asked out of curiosity. "She's still the same ole female with a smart ass mouth."

"Women and I guess so, I really don't know." Demetrius shrugged his shoulders. Big P nodded his head knowing Demetrius was lying.

"You know before that whole surrogate thing, she was a ride or die for me. You know that?" He asked and Demetrius nodded his head.

"Well aware."

"Good..." he began sitting upright in his seat. "...so you may need to know that, that precious lady you call your mother have a few skeletons in her closet. A few that could easily get the both of y'all in a lot of trouble and we don't want that to happen do we?" He asked.

Demetrius clenched his jaw before speaking. "Nah...we don't." He answered.

Big P smile showing his somewhat yellowish teeth. "That's good cause if your actually parents know the type of women she is, that whole parent agreement would be torn to pieces. Not to mention, but their baby boy is going to be spend a lot of time in prison. But, if you don't want that to happen then get my money. Entender?"

"Si." Demetrius answered and Big P started laughing. Demetrius shook his head then started walking out.

"I know them Spanish classes would come in handy. Remember, I have dirt on you Demetrius so behave." Big P shouted before Demetrius was fully out the room.

"Ma!" Demetrius shouted, shutting the front door behind him. He shouted her name again as he headed upstairs. Walking down the hall, he reached her door then knocked twice.

"Ma-ew." He said once he opened the door seeing his mom and someone in bed. Octavia quickly covered her body looking at him.

"Demetrius what the fuck." She shouted at him. He squinted his eyes trying to make out the guy.

"Is that the pastor?" He asked making out the person face.

"Get the fuck out!" Octavia shouted.

"But-OUT!" She yelled again and he back away, shutting the door in the process. He walk towards the stairs and leaned on the railing.

He started laughing to himself, shaking his head. He look over once he seen his mom coming over her room, tying her robe.

"Hey momma." He laughed and she roll her eyes.

"One day I'm going to punch you in the face." She told him and he kept laughing.

"I'm sorry." He tried to stop laughing, but he couldn't help it. Octavia pinch him making him laugh even harder.

"Levi, I swear I'm about to fuck you up." She threatened, he stopped laughing calming himself down.

"Aight, I'm straight." He let out a deep breath wiping his tears. He wasn't sure why it was so funny to him.

Octavia roll her eyes, crossing her arms. "Why the hell are you here? Matter a fact, how you get-"

"A key." Demetrius cut her off waving the house key in her face. She snatched it from him putting it in her robe pocket.

They both look over as the pastor came out the room fixing his suit. Demetrius started snickering as he walked over to them.

"Demetrius." The pastor gave him a small head nod.

"Pastor." Demetrius said returning the gesture. The pastor fixed his tie looking at Octavia.

"I should be on my way now."

"I'll walk you out." She said and the two started walking downstairs. Demetrius follow behind them as they had their separate conversation.

"I'll see you next Bible study." He heard his mom say and he chuckled.

"Niggas was not studying the Bible. More like studying each other bodies." He mumbled to himself, stealing one of Octavias drinks.

"You buying me another one little boy." Octavia told him and he nodded his head.

"Anyway, why are you here?" She asked again leaning on the counter.

"Before I answer that question, you know he married right?" He asked taking a seat.

"Demetrius...yes, I'm aware."

"Sooo, you messing up a marriage because...." he dragged waiting for an answer.

"I'm not messing up a marriage."

"But, you are though. I mean your sleeping with-"

"She's cheating on him as well Levi." She cut him off, Demetrius raising his brow at her.

"Oooh..." he dragged once he caught on. "Ma, you go both ways? How come I never knew?" He asked, intrigued.

"I don't go either way, I like what I like no matter the gender. Now, can we move past this please and keep your mouth shut."

"I'll shut up if you get me the new Tesla for my birthday. You have about four months left." He negotiated with her.

"Fine Levi with your spoiled ass. Now, I'm not going to ask again...why are you here?"

"Aight, you know Big P is out of prison?" He asked and Octavia face drop.

"Are you serious?" She asked him and he nodded his head. "Oh Jesus." She run the bridge of her nose trying to process the news.

"When did he get out?"

"Maybe two or three weeks ago."

She sigh, shaking her head. Just the thought of Big P made her stomach hurt. She haven't seen him since the whole incident between all of them and when he went to jail. She thought by changing her ways, she wouldn't have deal with him. But she was wrong.

"He's still stuck on the whole incident, keeps holding it over my head. Especially today since he lost mad money." He filled her in.

She shook her head, "I fucking hate that man. Levi, please tell me your beating careful with him. You know how dirty he places." She informed him and he nodded his head.

"I know ma and I'm being careful. I just don't want pops and dad to know what happen."

"Yeah, let's keep it a secret as possible as we can and be careful with Big P. In the mean time imma have to pay his a visit."


"Bonjou bรฉl, you mind if I sit here?" A pretty, brown women asked Constance.

"No, I don't." Constance told her and she took a seat in front of her.

"Thank you cause all these other estipid wanna hog a seat." The girl continued and Constance chuckled.

"Yeah, people here are pretty rude and stingy with seats. They act like they can't share a seat."

"Exactly, I generally hate this people down here. Should've stayed my ass in Port-au-Prince."

"Is that in Haiti?" Constance asked her and she nodded her head.

"You from there?"

"Nah, but I hear it's beautiful down there. I might have to take a visit."

"You need to visit certain places or else your going to get hurt in others. Anyway, what's your name bรฉl?" She asked taking her bag off her shoulder.

"It's Constance, you?"

"Nahomie, but you can just call me Nay for short. Your name is beautiful mamas." Nay complimented Constance and she smile.

"Thank you and your name is beautiful as well. What made you come down here from Haiti?" Constance asked out of curiosity. She had never met anyone from outside the country and the girl was really pretty.

"Well, I'm trying to work on my music career and Haiti just didn't feel right for me." Nay answered.

"Your an upcoming singer?"

"Yes, ma'am and so far it's going alright but I'm trying to get noticed in the United States." Constance nodded her head intrigued by Nay life.

"Enough about me..." Nay paused looking at Constance design book. "Your a fashion designer?" She asked taking her book and looking at it.

"Umm, something like that." Constance answered watching as she flipped through her book.

"Ooh, this look so pretty. Do you have a website cause I wanna buy this?" Constance look at the drawing she was pointing at.

"I'm working on a website, but you sure you wanna buy this?"

"Of course, this is going to look amazing on me. Imma give you my number cause I wanna get the outfit first."

"Imma make sure your the first buyer."

"Wi lanmou."


โ€ขWord Bankโ€ข
derecho-right (masculine)
todos untedes-y'all (masculine)
quininentos dรณlares-five hundred dollars

Haitian Creole:
bonjou bรฉl-hello beautiful
wi lanmou-yes love

A/N: sorry chapter is long

1. What's y'all thoughts on Big P?

2. What y'all think Octavia hiding?

3. Y'all liking the new girl?

Also, I think I found face claims I don't know yet...

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