𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 π’•π’‰π’Šπ’“π’•π’š-𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆

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*excuse mistakes pls*

Constance hummed the tune of Nay song as she walked to her car. She had heard a little sample and automatically fell in love with it. Hearing her best friend singing notes that she could barely hit was incredible. Her singing voice was angelic and Constance loved it.

Reaching her car, she unlock it and put her bin in the back. A miracle had ended up happening over the past month or so. She was getting many orders back to back having a total of 20 orders. It honestly caught her off guard since it was just a random day and her phone started ringing like crazy only for it be orders from several people.

As much as she didn't want to say it, but maybe that break with Demi was a good thing. If it wasn't for their situation then she wouldn't lost focus on her business and she didn't want that to happen. She felt good where she was at now with her website and maybe she could open up a shop. But, that was for the future, she was just worrying about right now.

Before getting in her car, she seen a sign of a community talk about African Americans that seem interesting to her. She's been trying new things lately, so she decided to check it out. She lock her car door then walked to the building and going inside. She seen others sitting around talking to each other.

"You should come sit down with us." A lady told her as she walked in. Constance watched as she took a seat with the others and decided to try something else new. She walked over to the chairs and sat next to a pretty young women.

"So, it seem like we're still in debate with our last topic between our beautiful black men and women. It doesn't seem like we're going to get anywhere with it." A man had said.

"Well, we would've been ended it if the ladies just admit that without us there's no them, simple." Another man said and Constance raise his brow.

"I'm sorry are you saying we need y'all?" She asked and all eyes went on her. "I'm new here and just came because I was curious. But, I just really wanna know is that what you think?"

"Yeah, y'all need us to survive and reproduce. If men weren't here then it'll just be a planet filled with women that don't know how to feen for themselves. You look young, so I'm sure you won't understand." He waved her off and Constance roll her eyes.

"Okay, imma be real respectful because you are older than me for sure and I do respect my elders. However, your wrong and I'm going to tell you why your wrong. I need to breathe, I need to eat, I need to sleep and many other things. But, what I don't need is a man. I like men, I like spending time with them and talking to them. But, I don't need y'all at all. Especially not black men that think a women will clean up after them, cook for them while also taking care of children that you help make while you sit on your ass."

"I don't sit on my ass all day, I actually have a job. And like I said y'all women need us simple as that." The guy remarked, crossing his arms.

"Well, good for you. I'm happy that a black man like you is making money. Wanna know what's nice as well, I'm making money too. And that money is used to keep a roof over my head, food on my table and clothes on my back. You keep saying that us women need y'all, when I'm doing all this shit on my own with no help from a man. I mean yeah it's nice to have one around to help at times, but need is a stretch."

"Last time I checked the sperm chases the egg, not the other way around. So, that means that women need men more than we need y'all. And that's just a fact that your going to have to accept. Now, will y'all excuse me, I should be on my way. This was a nice conversation and I really hope in the near future, black men such as yourself come to your senses." She concluded, giving the man a smile before heading out.

She shook her head unlocking her car then getting inside and starting it up. It was sad how she had to explain to a grown man that she didn't need them to survive. She learned that right after her parents left her. A man will come and go like plenty of other things. So, she refuse to keep her focus on species that will leave once they see a chance.

She drove off, heading to her apartment. She had much more to do in the little amount of time given. After driving for awhile, she finally reached her place. She parked her car, taking out her purse and bin then headed inside. She ignored the regular lady there that always gave her a mug. She was curious as to why she still had her job with the attitude she had.

She stepped on the elevator and pressed the button. She checked her phone look of a few orders she had to do today. She was really happy how far she was coming. As she stepped off the elevator she started walking down the hall. She started walking slowly as she seen Demetrius sitting besides her door.

"Demetrius..." she called out and he look over at her. He quickly got up as she walked to him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked looking him up and down. He didn't look like himself whatsoever.

"Umm, I wanted to see if we could talk for a minute or two." He answered. Constance look at him debating whether or not she wanted to talk to him. Unless he was willing to apologize for the way he treated her, she didn't want to hear it.

But, she did want to give him a chance. That was the least she could do right now.

"You can say no, Constance if you don't want to." He told her since he could tell she wasn't having it.

"Umm, yeah sure we can talk. Just gimme a minute." She finally answered, taking out her keys. She unlock the door and allowed him to come in.

She put her stuff down while he took a seat on the couch. She sat on the opposite side leaving a space between them. She crossed her legs and they both sat there in silence.

"Okay, so I came over-"

"Hold on, cause I have something to say before you apologize or do whatever. What I'm about to say, I mean in the most respectful way possible. But, Demi I don't need you...." she began. Demetrius was about to speak, but she stopped him.

"Lemme finish, please. I want that to be made known because I refuse to look stupid if I decide to take you back after all this. I know I'm young and you probably see me as an easy target and naive. But, I promise you I'm not at all. I don't want you to think that a simple 'I'm sorry and I'll never do it again, please take me back' bullshit will work on me cause it's not. You genuinely hurt my feelings to the point where I had to pull myself away from you before you did anymore damage. So, if you came over here to give me a crappy apology then you can leave." She finished, feeling weight being lifted off her shoulders.

She felt like she had to say what she said because she didn't want to be easy. Like she said before, she was young but she knew what she wanted and she going to get it whether it was from Demetrius of not. Demetrius cleared his throat, gathering his thoughts before speaking.

"I know you don't need me, Constance and I noticed that while we were dating. I know you don't need me, but I genuinely need you. Your the only person that actually liked me for me unlike others. I felt like myself when I was with you. I mean this with all my heart, I'm sorry for what I did and how I made you feel. I was being so stupid for no reason at all."

"I know your wondering why I was acting that way and I honestly don't fucking know. I don't have the answer to that question, but I do have an answer as to why I didn't take a test. I just didn't want to look stupid to everyone, but that doesn't matter since I look stupid anyways. I know I fucked with your feelings, but it wasn't intentional at all. And I don't find you naive, in all honesty I'm the naive one.

"You have your whole life planned out at such a young age too. You have several blessings coming your way and I don't want to get in the way of them. You have a lot going for you and you deserve way more. You don't need a little boy, but instead a man. And I don't want to get in the way of you finding that one. I'm truly sorry for what I did to you Constance and I wish you the best really."

Constance tuck in her lips watching as he got up and left. She sigh, tossing her head back on the couch.

Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.



1. Y'all want them back together?

2. Opinions? Thoughts?

If you have questions lemme know and I'll answer them. I probably won't answer questions that have the answer in the story.

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