𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 π’•π’˜π’†π’π’•π’š-π’†π’Šπ’ˆπ’‰π’•

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πŸ‘ π₯𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐑𝐬 π₯𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫...

"Alright, Summer baby Liam is all grown up and due to be born any time soon." Doctor Jenkins said as he pointed at the ultrasound.

"Jesus time went by fast." Demetrius mentioned, Doctor Jenkins nodded his agreeing.

Summer let out a scared chuckle looking at the ultrasound. It was finally close to that time when the truth was going to come out. As her doctor kept talking about how delivery would go, she tuned him out since she was trying to get her thoughts together.

She look over at Demetrius who sat in the chair, looking mesmerized. The past three months, she noticed he had got attached to the baby. He was buying him clothes and mad shoes, some that even matched his very own. They talked for hours and hours, day and night about the baby.

She could hear the excitement in his voice every time they were on the phone. All she wanted was to have to man back and she was so close to accomplishing that. However, she was keeping this lie and she figured this would break his heart and he wouldn't want her anymore. But, then again she was able to fool him this whole nine months, so maybe 18 more years wouldn't be so hard.

"Summer..." she was brought out her thoughts once she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Everything okay Summer?" Doctor Jenkins asked. She look back over at Demetrius who was looking at her. She hadn't realized she was just staring out into space.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine doctor. You was saying." She said and he nodded his head.

"Right, well I was just explaining to your boyfriend here what'll happen when it's time to give birth." Doctor Jenkins repeated himself.

"Umm, we're not dating." Demetrius corrected him.

"Oh, my fault. Very unprofessional of me, sorry." He apologized.

"It's cool." Demetrius told him not worrying about it too much.

"Yeah, he's not worrying about it cause his actual relationship is fucked up. Ain't that right baby?" Summer gave him a smile and Demetrius shook his head.

"Okay, well I just want the two of you guys to know that the delivery process is a long process. It's also a hard one as well. You will be in a lot of pain and experience a lot of emotions throughout. I advise you to already have your hospital bag packed and you know who your having in the room with you. Hospital policy is that I allow two other people in the room besides the doctors." Jenkins proceeded to tell her and Summer nodded her head.

"My mom will be there and of course my husband." Summer look over at Demetrius. "I hope your side chick won't be mad about it."

"Summer, please." He told her, shaking his head and she shrugged her shoulders.

"What? I'm just telling the truth. Anyway, doc is that all for me and my husband?" She asked Jenkins being petty. She didn't give a damn about Demi and his girl, she wanted him back and she was going to get him.

"Umm, yes that's all. I'll be looking forward to seeing the two of y'all in a few weeks." Jenkins gathered his things then walked out the room.

Summer put her shirt down then got off the hospital bed with the help of Demetrius.

"Are you ready to see our baby?" She asked, looking up at him.

"I guess so, but what I tell you about mentioning my relationship." He told her and she roll her eyes.

"You told me not to, but how can I not when your dating a little ass girl. She's not even all that really, so I wonder how the hell you even got with her in the first place." She said and Demetrius ignored her walking out the room.

They both headed out the building going to her car. She opened the door then turned towards him before getting in.

"How come your not with me baby?" She asked, poking her bottom lip out.

"Cause I don't want to be with you Summer and that's it really." He told her truthfully.

Everyone was steady saying he still had feelings for her and he really didn't. He didn't want to be with her at all, he was happy with Constance even if shit wasn't going good for them right now.

All he wanted was Constance...

"So, you really don't wanna be with me?" She asked again, touching his arm. He moved her hand then stepped back from her.

"I don't want you and that's it. I'm gone." He said, walking off to his car. Summer roll her eyes getting in her car.

Reaching his car, Demetrius got in and lean back in his seat. He rub the bridge of his nose letting out a sigh.


Constance untangled her hair with her fingers as she scroll on her phone. Her and Demetrius was sitting in his room not doing anything. They were suppose to be talking, but nether of them said anything yet. You could feel the tension between the both of them and it was thick as fuck.

"So, are we going to talk or not?" Demetrius asked looking back at her.

"Ion know, you was the one that told me to stay while I was trying to go home. So, you do the talking." She said smartly and he sigh.

"What's up with you foreal cause lately you been acting hella different."

"Different how, Demi?" She asked locking her phone. "How have I been acting different?"

"You been acting just like this. You been having attitudes like crazy for no reason. Your constantly ignoring me and you barley even be around me like that. You acting like this for no damn reason." He explained and Constance scrunched up her face.

"For no reason? Are you serious right now, Demi? I have ever fucking reason to be acting like this and it's all because of you." She shouted, getting off the bed and walking over to him.

"There's no reason for you to be yelling, Constance." He mentioned, standing up as well.

"No, I need to yell cause it doesn't fucking seem like you can comprehend when I'm talking normal. So, lemme say this shit slowly for you. You're the fucking reason why I'm acting like this. You're the reason why I don't wanna be around you because every time I'm around you, you wanna know what happens? Your on the fucking phone with your ex!" She shouted even louder at him.

"What I say Constance, there's no reason for you to be yelling. So, you can chill the fuck out." He told her again and she roll her eyes.

"No, I'm not chilling the fuck out cause I'm getting this shit off my fucking chest right now. I am sick and fucking tired of you and her. It's like y'all both riding on each other's dicks and it's annoying as fuck, especially you Demetrius. Whatchu can't think for your fucking self or some shit cause the way your just falling in her trap is telling me you can't."

"I'm not falling in no trap and I can think for myself. You mad about a baby?" He remarked, raising his voice as well.

"Nigga, I'm not mad about a fucking baby. I'm mad that your not stepping up as a man and putting your ex in her fucking place. As your girlfriend, I shouldn't have to worry whether or not I'm secure in my place or not. I shouldn't have to feel unwanted by the nigga I'm in a relationship with. Your suppose to be a fucking man, so why the fuck aren't you acting you like one, huh? You act like a fucking pussy Demetrius!" She shoved him out of anger.

"Keep your hands to yourself Constance or we'll have a problem." He told her sternly, putting his finger in her face.

She smack his hand away from her, "Nigga fuck you. I'm tired of you and you being so damn naive to this whole shit. You need to know that, that baby isn't fucking yours dumb ass and your wasting your time stupid. When the hell are you going to accept the fact that your being manipulated and used."

"I'm not being fucking manipulated and I wish y'all niggas stop saying that shit. And that's all you keep saying over and over again that the baby not mine. Is that all you can fucking say cause it honestly annoying Constance. You can't accept the fact that baby is mine or some shit?"

"My nigga, you can't accept the fact that that's not your child, so your pretending it is cause your being manipulated. And if your so fucking confident then why won't you get a DNA test to prove that baby is fucking yours, huh? Take a damn test!"

"I'm not taking a test cause I believe her. I'm having a baby with her and if you can't accept that then oh well." He shrugged his shoulders sitting on the edge of the bed.

Constance nodded her head, "I'm done." She told him and he quickly look over at her.

"Fuck you mean you done?" He asked standing back up.

"Exactly what I said, I'm done. I'm breaking up with you cause I can't do this shit anymore. I refuse to be your second option when you was the one that asked me out. I'm so sorry, but I just can't anymore Demi." She told him, he scrunched up his face at her.

"Fuck you mean you breaking up with me? Your not serious right now?" He asked standing back up and walking to her. She shook her head walking away, leaving his room.

"Constance!" He shouted following after her, downstairs. She ignored him putting on her shoes. She was done and she didn't even bother to argue anymore cause it was unnecessary.

She just wanted to be fucking done.

Before she was about to walk out, he grabbed her wrist turning her around.

"Demetrius, let me go now." She said sternly and he let her go.

"So, your just going to end us cause of an argument?" He asked. She look up at him for a second before looking away.

"Demetrius, I'm sorry I really am but I can't do this anymore. It's been three months of the same damn thing over and over again. I'm tired of repeating myself to you all the damn time. It's so annoying. All I want is things to go back to normal, but with all of this going on it's not ever going to. And if you still have feelings for your ex just say that."

"But, I fucking don't!" He yelled at her.

"You do though, Demi and you can't deny it. If you still have feelings for her, that's fucking fine just don't use me to get over her. Because I promise you it's not going to end well for either one of y'all niggas. The two of y'all are fucking grown and y'all both act like kids, it's stupid. Only way we'll get back together is if this whole thing is over and done with. And I honestly, wish you come to your senses once you learn the truth." She told him.

"Constance..." he began reaching to grab her again, but hesitated. He watched as she grabbed her things then walked out the house, shutting the door in his face. He tuck in his lips, putting his head on the door.

He had fucked up, badly.


Good morning everyone, hope y'all are enjoying your day so far. I really don't have any question to ask since this chapter was just spilling the tea or whatever. Also, please ignore any spelling mistakes I'll fix them later.

1. Opinions? Thoughts?

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