Chapter Two

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One Year later:-

He was a happy kid, a kid with everything he could ask for, a sweet older brother, a father who brings home gifts for him on Christmas eve, a mother who reads him bedtime stories, and also a whole darn company of his grandfather and father whom he can inherit after his older brother chooses one, of course.

He felt left out like a five-year-old, he didn't have his friend Byulyi noona, and his brother who was already eleven left out to study more to take over his father's business which led to a gap of desperation to meet him to grow, Seokjin didn't care he just waited for the time when he turns six and his Byulyi noona will come back again with a sweet melody of her violin.

He always used to sit near the window to see the outside atmosphere, as his father, as well as her mother, were the most famous people around the world and every vertice of the earth knew them so he was forbidden to go out unless he runs out of the house on his own without the guards seeing him.

Seokjin instead of running outside the house creating chaos for his parents and disappointing everyone in the household, just sat down discerning all the beauties of the nook around the garden point which was laid around his home, which was practically a lonely castle as he used his infatuated imagination to say.

He was different, he knew alphabets, concatenation of the biggest letters into the largest form known as words, he could read books, imagine the writer's emotions just by reading them, he was not an emo kid but still he liked those, it kept him placed in one place when no one was home except his nanny, of course. 

The beautiful library that his father created had a silent, serene and sober atmosphere that engulfed him while reading books, but because of his busy schedule Seokjin did the work instead of him, he was a genius and knew every quote from every writer, philosopher, freedom fighters and even the most elite persona's quotes and sayings.

His brain and mindset could also be compared to the wisest of the people in history, even though he was just five years old he had the seas of floating imaginations that used to leap at him. 

But he only wanted one thing, or rather just waited for one thing and that is his noona, his best friend, his love.

He waited when the cold sweeping snowflakes will from heaven and fog up the glasses of his room so gets to know that his birthday is around the corner, so that he knows he is turning six and finally he is going to meet someone he loves, his Byulyi noona, call it madness or uncanny to love at such young age but that is how he is, he is different from most of the kids out there, that is what his mother says.

On 4th December 1998:-

His birthday, finally! the little boy was more over than elated, he was frenzied, agitated, and overwhelmed to finally witness his birthday.

Seokjin wasn't overly feverish because of his birthday and the fogged-up windows of the winter after the rain and spring but he is turning Six and finally, at last, he is going to meet his most awaited wait, for which the wait might be just worth it.

He was given the whole freedom to do anything in his birthday month, from buying gifts in a big mall, to having to ask and order around people whenever he asks to and having the whole world to himself, but he didn't require these he just needs one thing, he just needs to see someone, right now, right at this moment.

The boy ran to the place in front of the fountain where the bench was covered with snow and the little flakes of the white solid falling from heaven were the only thing that covered the place, no girl, no violin, not even a tiny faint sound of anything, he sighed.

Seokjin was not going to give up, he knew if his noona gave him up a promise she would wholeheartedly try to fulfill it, so with his gloved small hands, he cleared the white snow on the wooden bench as he climbed up to it with a great amount of perseverance and sat on it as he blew a small puff of cold air out of his mouth as he gazed the frozen fountain in front of him.

She didn't come, he thought, he was saddened was not quite a viable word to say, he was beyond being saddened, he was broken.

His heart turned and churned into pieces by experiencing the first lie of his young childhood, he couldn't take it as he broke down into little sobs of tears when he saw that she was not coming, waiting for her was to no avail, his heart broke into million pieces which would be very hard to join back together.

Seokjin cried, screamed, and thrashed his baby arms of a six-year-old but was soon found out in a state of no distress and no emotion as his mother picked him up in her embrace, not knowing what made him cry so much on his birthday night but kissed him on the forehead.

That was the starting of the evilest of emotions to build up in his heart, the evil of emotions caused by the breaking of promises and someone's trust, it was detested, it was hate that spewed up in his little beating organ and every cell of his body because of the breaking of the vow.

"I hate you Byulyi noona" he mumbled lightly as he pressed his chubby cheeks against his mother's neck as he drifted to sleep in the motherly affection and warmth of his mother.

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