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March 4, 2028
Hope's POV

Mom and dad agreed to consider the Salvatore Boarding School for me. Aunt Freya got as an appointment on Monday. I'm giddy with excitement. All my life, I've been homeschool. I never got to make friends, have play-dates, go to parks, movie nights etc. Instead, I got ancient family members resurrecting every now and then, trying to kill me and my family.

This is our fresh start. Our family's first proper chance in a thousand years, to find peace and settle down together.
First time in Forever. I would be lying if I said I didn't have a good feeling about all of this, as if everything will finally fall into place for all of us, in one way or another.

With that thought, I walk to Aunt Davina's room to spend some time together, since we're both usually sitting around, bored and with nothing to do.

"Hey Aunt Dav, what're you up to?" I ask as I walk over and sit next to her on the floor.

I see a lot of old, dusty boxes scrammed in front of her, and one particular box catches my eye. The Box is labelled- The Mikaelson Ball.


The Mikaelson Ball. I've heard about this from Uncle Elijah and Aunt Bekah. Uncle Kol wouldn't shut up about how this is where he met his best friend and about how beautiful she looked that night, although he always avoided mentioning her name, so I wonder if I'll find pictures of her here.

With that thought, I open the box and the first thing that catches my eye is a beautiful bracelet with a single diamond in the center and a pendant with a K engraved on it.

"Hey, that's so pretty. And looks expensive. Can't believe they just left it here with the junk," Davina says, looking at the bracelet that I was now holding up.

"Yeah it's beautiful. Think I could keep it? Maybe I should ask mom first," I reply.

"I'm sure she'll say yes. Besides it was just lying around here anyways."

"Yep, guess you're right," I say, setting the bracelet on the bed and looking back at the box.

The box is filled with pictures from that night. Everything looked so magical that night and everyone looked like royals. I notice a recurring face in many of the family pictures. It's a brunette with beautiful dark brown eyes. She is wearing an extravagant black gown with a scoop neckline, the straps decorated into shapes of flowers. I have no doubt she was definitely one of the prettiest person present that night.

I see a photo of a Dad, Uncle Kol, Uncle Elijah and Aunt Bekah with the mystery lady.

I turn the photo towards Davina and ask, "do you know who she is? She seems to be in almost all family pictures from that night."

Davina takes another photo from my hand and examines it.

"I think...I think this is Kaitlyn Hart. I remember Kol telling me she was your dad's date for the ball," she replies with a cautious tone.

"This is Kaitlyn?" I ask, surprised by the revelation, "the families descriptions do her no justice. She looks like a goddess!"

Davina chuckles, "yeah she truly does. Okay, you know what? I think I'm gonna get some rest. How about we look through the rest later?"

"Oh yeah sure, " I reply, taking the bracelet with me and walking back to my room. I keep the bracelet of my dressing table and start thinking about Monday again when I hear screaming from downstairs.

I rush downstairs to see Aunt Bekah and Marcel here. What are they doing here? I thought they didn't want anything to do with this town?

"Little Sister, welcome back. Not that I'm not happy to see you here but what exactly are you doing back?" dad asks her as I join the family is the living room.

"I missed my family so I came back. Aren't you happy to see me?" she questions.

"Of course we're happy to see you, Aunt Bekah. We all missed you a lot," I reply with a smile.

"Aw Sweets, I missed you too. Now tell me, what did I miss?"

"Nothing much," Davina replies.

"Yeah nothing much except I might be going to school soon. I found out about this school and convinced mom and dad to get us an appointment to visit," I reply.

She doesn't look happy or surprised with the news. If anything, she looks anxious all of a sudden, "oh that's great. Anyways, I'm tired so we'll go rest. See you guys later," she waves as her and Marcel walk upstairs to her old room.

Everyone then slowly disperse into different locations around the house and I follow dad to his art room. I see him working on painting a canvas that sits on a large easel, in the middle of the room.

It's still incomplete but looks promising. It's filled with emotions- regret, guilt, sorrow, love, earning, loneliness.

"Who are you painting, dad?" I ask, leaning against a table covered with a dusty cloth.

"Just someone. How've you been, sweetheart? Settling in fine?" he changes the topic.

"Yeah I'm great. I like this town. It so calm and peaceful. And I'm so excited about Monday! Thanks for agreeing," I reply, giddily.

He gives a small, half-hearted smile, "anything for you, my littlest wolf."

"Hey, you have any more canvasses lying around? Maybe I can sit and paint with you?" I ask.

"Yeah there's some on that shelf," he points, "feel free to join in."

I nod and get myself some supplies, setting them up as we both sit and paint in comfortable silence.

For the longest time, this has been a way of father-daughter bonding for us. We sit together and paint to our hearts desire.

Kaitlyn's POV

It's already evening when I hear a knock on my office door. Ever since Kol's text, I locked myself in my office and have been stress-working ever since.

"Come in,"

Ric peeks his head through the door, "Hey, it's late. Wanna go home or not?"

"Oh yeah, I didn't realise how late it was. Give me a minute, I'll meet you in the car," I reply.

He nods and walks away.

As I meet him outside, I check my phone to see an old text from Damon. I reply and get in the car, turning to Ric.

"You told Damon?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Uh yeah, I did. I needed to tell someone and he coincidentally texted just then so I ended up telling him," he replies.

"Yeah okay, it's not like we can do anything about this anyways," I sigh.

"We could turn down the admission plea? I know it's against your morals and all but this is the Mikaelsons, Bee. Maybe now it the time to alter certain morals, huh?" he sheepishly questions.

I rest my head against the window and sigh, "come on, Ric, you know we can't do that. We shouldn't do that. Whatever history we have with that family, the girl has nothing to do with it. It'd be unfair if she suffers for it."

He nods as we park outside the house.

We live in the Lockwood Mansion. After Tyler's passing away and Matt becoming the new Sheriff, the council thought it'd be wise to put the mansion up for auction. Ric and I decided the mansion would be a good investment. All three kids could be together, have their own space and privacy as well as both me and Ric could always be present for them.

As we head in, the house is quiet, meaning the kids aren't back home yet.

"Where are the kids?" I ask Ric.

"Ryan said they're all headed to the Grill with friends. They'll be back soon," he answers.

I nod, "okay well I think I need to lie down for a bit, I'll see you at dinner," I say, walking away.

"But it's your turn to make dinner today," I hear Ric yell.

"Compromise, Ric. Compromise," I yell back and I can almost feel him rolling his eyes at me.

Ryan's POV

"Hey Landon, get us the usual, will you?" I tell him as he approaches our table.

"Yeah sure. How've you guys been? How's practice, Josie?" he asks.

"Yeah practices are going great. I just hope mom and dad like the performance," she replies.

"Oh you know them, they'll like the performance even if you wreck it in reality," Lizzie says.

Landon, Josie and I roll our eyes at her. "Stop trying to wreck her confidence, Lizard."

She rolls her eyes at me, "Yeah whatever. I'm just being honest. Landon, get me an extra smoothie and put it on Ryan's tab, okay?"

"Uh huh," Landon says, clearly distracted.

We all follow his line of vision to see a girl with auburn hair and ocean-like light blue eyes walk in along with a dark-skinned man, with brown eyes and black hair.

"Love at first sight?" Lizzie teases Landon, snapping us all from our thoughts.

"Huh what? No! I just...I know her from New Orleans. What is she doing here?"

"Go ask her," Josie encourages him.

"Yeah you do that but get us our food first, will you? Mom will kill us if we're late for dinner," I say. He nods and walks away.

"Why're we even getting food now if we're going home for dinner?" Josie questions.

Lizzie and I let out a laugh at her question, "because, dearest sister, it's mom's turn to cook, not Ric's. We need to walk in prepared during such situations, you know that," I reply.

Josie rolls her eyes at me, "it's not that bad, okay? You just like to exaggerate."

"No I agree with him on this one," Lizzie replies and we high-five.

"Hey is this chair needed?" the girl from before asks, as she approaches our table.

"No it's not," Lizzie replies.

She nods with a smile, "if you don't mind me asking, what's the most popular dish here? I'm new in town and was just exploring around with my uncle and we decided to get some food."

"Well the breakfast bits are usually the best here but get the Weekly Special if you like a little spice. We're getting the same thing, actually. I'm Josie, by the way. This is my sister, Lizzie and my brother, Ryan," she introduces us.

"Welcome to Mystic Falls," I say, trying to seem welcoming.

She smiles at us, "Thank you. I'm Hope, by the way. It was nice meeting you guys. Thanks for the chair too," she says.

"Yeah no worries. See you around, Hope," Josie replies as Hope gives us a smile and walks away.

Soon we get our food and get some backup takeaway for mom and Ric, just in case. After paying, we get in my car and I drive us home.

March 5, 2028

Kol's POV

I let out a sigh as I pass the "Welcome to Mystic Falls" sign. Usually I'm cheerful whenever I'm back here to see Lyn and the kids but this time, it's like a cloud of darkness is following around.
I decide it's wiser to go see Lyn before I go back to our mansion. Davina told me that Rebekah is back as well and since the appointment is tomorrow, now seems like a good time to come up with a story to help Lyn.

As I park outside their house, I check to see it 7 in the morning and Ryan is walking out the front door.

"Oh hey, Uncle Kol. Mom didn't tell us you were visiting. It's good to see you though," he says.

"Hey kiddo, yeah it's sort of a sudden trip. Where are you off to this early?" I ask.

"Just going out for a run and then maybe get some breakfast at the Grill," he replies.

I nod, "okay see you later then."

I walk into the house to see it's relatively quiet so I guess the others aren't up yet. I set my bags by the living room couch and walk to the kitchen when I hear dishes clattering.

"Hey there, Hunter-man," I greet Alaric, who was making breakfast for everyone or at least trying to.

He jumps hearing my voice, "Oh god, you scared me. When did you get here?" he questions.

"Just now. What're you up to? You know Lyn will kill you for this mess, right?"

"Yeah I just thought I'd get her breakfast in bed today since yesterday's news really caught her off guard and she deserves to get some rest before all Hell breaks loose," he replies, "but I forgot Breakfasts are Lyn's thing while dinners are mine."

I nod, "yeah well you do whatever you're doing. I'm gonna go wake Lyn. We need to talk," I say walking out of the kitchen and up to Lyn's room.

I knock on the door thrice, "Good Morning, Sunshine. It's time to wake up!"

I hear a muffled "come in" from the other side of the door so I walk into her room to see her scrammed across her bed, with messy hair and puffy eyes.

"Hey Koala Bear, when did you get here?" she asks sleepily as I sit my her side on the bed.

"Just a while ago. I thought it'd be better if we have a discussion before I head to the mansion," I reply.

She nods, sitting up, "yeah okay sure. Just give me a minute to freshen up and I'll meet you downstairs."

I give her a small smile and walk out the door and back into the kitchen.

Few minutes later, Lyn walks into the kitchen. She's still in her pajamas, although her hair is nicely combed up into a messy bun. She looks drained. I wonder if it's just yesterday's news or is there something else as well?

I give her a side-hug as she sits on the stool next to me and Alaric passes her a cup of coffee.

She thanks him and turns to me, "so what did you wanna talk about?" she asks, casually.

"You know what," I reply, "do you have a plan?"

"What plan? There's no point in having a plan, Kol. If they have actually moved in, we're bound to all run into each other often. And it's not like I have a way to run them out of town or anything. It's inevitable. So when the time comes, I guess they'll know everything eventually. You, Mikaelsons, are exceptionally snoopy anyways," she states while sipping of her coffee. Alaric nods at her last statement and I roll my eyes.

"So you're just gonna tell them everything?"

She shakes her head, "no I am not gonna tell them anything willingly but I won't lie if I'm asked, either. Besides, there's nothing to hide, you know? So yeah, I have my own life now. I have kids. I have a proper family and amazing friends. I have a separate, different life from my past-self that they knew. That's it, you know?" she states.

Alaric nods once again and I give her a half-hearted nod as well.

"If that's what you want. Now where are my nieces? I should say 'Hi' before I head out."

"They're probably still asleep. You can go wake them from their peaceful sleep just like you woke me," Lyn complains with an eye roll.

"Actually, the kids aren't home. The twins are at school, practicing and looking over last-minute decorations and Ryan's out for a run," Alaric joins in.

"So I'm the last one up? Ugh," Lyn replies.

I let out a chuckle and get up from my seat, "Well then I should head back and handle the home ground. See you guys tomorrow," I say. I kiss the side of Lyn's head, grab my bad from the living room and drive to the mansion.

I walk into the mansion and see Rebekah, Davina and Marcel on the couch.

"Why so gloomy? Things not fun without me around?" I ask with a smirk, making my presence known.

Davina jumps up from the couch and tackles me into a hug, "Hey, you're back!"

"I missed you too, darling," I say with a chuckle as we pull away.

I sit next to my wife on the couch and turn to Rebekah and Marcel, "when did you two get back?" I ask, trying to sound surprised.

Rebekah rolls her eyes at me and says, "Oh please, you really expect us to believe Davina didn't tell you already?"

I hold my hands up in mock surrender, "okay fine, fine," I say as Freya and Elijah walk into the room.

"Oh you're back," Freya says as she too settles in on a couch.

"Brother, finally joining the family reunion, are you?" Elijah asks, leaning against the fireplace.

"Yes brother, I just couldn't handle a day longer without you guys, so here I am," I reply sarcastically.

Elijah gives me a tight-lipped smile, "now care to tell us where you were all this time?"

"Actually no, I can't tell you where I was. It's sort of a big secret," I answer back.

"Yes and Kol, here is one big secret keeper, aren't you, Kol?" Rebekah chimes in, narrowing her eyes at me.

Oh god, I know where this is headed.

"Indeed, sister. You see, I know which secrets to keep and have proven myself to be trustworthy on many occasions," I reply.

"Yeah keep other's secrets from your family. Trustworthy is one word to use for it," she spats.

Before I can saw anything, Elijah chimes in, "what are we missing, here? What are you two talking about?" he asks.
Little does he know, he's the only one here who doesn't know about this 'secret'.

"Yes Kol, why don't you tell everyone about this big secret of yours?" Rebekah throws me an evil smile.

"Like I said, I'd rather not."

"Oh cut it out, I can't take this anymore! You knew about her all these years and didn't even bother telling us! How could you?" Rebekah yells, getting up from the couch.

I roll my eyes at her. "Who are we talking about? Who's 'her'?" Hayley asks as she walks into the living room and stands next to Elijah.

"You tell them or I will, Kol," Rebekah threatens.

"Go ahead, I told you I won't betray her trust but surely you will, as it seems from your threats."

"Enough! Rebekah, tell us who you're talking about, now!" Elijah orders.

I hang my head down and Rebekah sighs, "It's about Lyn. She's still here in Mystic Falls. Apparently she's the Headmistress at the Salvatore Boarding School and our dearest brother, Kol, knew about her all these years. He kept contact with us and didn't even bother ever mentioning it even when she used to come up in past conversations!"

There's audible gasps from Hayley and Elijah but not the rest as we already knew. There is, however, a third gasp as well. We all turn around to see Hope standing at the entryway.

"Lyn? As in Kaitlyn? Dad's Kaitlyn?" she questions.

"Hope listen-" Hayley gets cut off by Klaus.

"What's with all this shouting so early in the morning?" he yells as he too walks into the living room and stands beside Hope.

Before any of us can answer, Hope turns to him, "Kaitlyn, dad. She's still here in Mystic Falls, she is the Headmistress of the Boarding School," Hope excitedly answers.

Instantly, all the color drains out of Klaus' face as he looks at all of us, dumbfounded.

"What?" he asks but it's barely a whisper.

"Yeah and Kol knew. He kept contact with her all these years but didn't bother telling us," Rebekah chimes in.

That little snitch. Way to throw me under the bus.

Klaus looks at me and I see anger and betrayal flash through his eyes, "you knew? Why didn't you tell anyone?" he asks but I don't answer.

"Answer me!" he yells and I notice Hope and Davina flinch at the sound.

"Because you didn't deserve to know! You all abandoned her! Left her when she needed you the most and now you're making me the villain? At least I kept my promise of 'Always and Forever' to her while you guys shoved it all down the drain! So do not dare yell at me or accuse me of anything, you're the ones who left!" I yell back and walk upstairs without sparing a single glance at any of them.

Hope's POV

"You guys left her?" I ask, whispering. I look up to see tears brimming Aunt Rebekah and dad's eyes as Uncle Elijah and mom wear a glum, guilty look on their faces. Davina and Aunt Freya give me sympathetic smiles and leave towards the kitchen.

"All this time you guys would talk about her with so much sorrow, I thought she broke dad's heart and pushed you guys away but it was you who left her in reality? Why would you do that if she meant so much to you?" I ask again.

"Hope, you don't understand-"

I cut off mom and yell, "then make me! Give me your reasons!"

"We had no choice. Your mother got pregnant with you and we all moved to New Orleans, we just didn't get to keep contact with her afterwards," Uncle Elijah tries to reason with me.

Tears pool my eyes listening to what he had just said, "so I was the reason you guys lost her?" I whisper.

"No Hope, it's not like that! You weren't the reason. People fall apart all the time. Things were tough on both sides and we just lost contact. That's it," mom consoles me.

But it doesn't work.

"Who are you trying to convince, mom? Me or yourselves? From Uncle Kol's words, it doesn't seem like any of you made an effort anyways because he still kept in touch while none of you did," I spat, walking away from them and up to my room.

Klaus' POV

I find myself having a hard time trying to grasp onto all the information that had been thrown at me in the past few minutes.

Kaitlyn is still here. She's still here. My Kaitlyn. My Rose. She's still here and we're going to see her tomorrow. Why is she still here? Why didn't she leave like she wanted to? What got her to stay when all her other friends had left?

She's the Headmistress at the Boarding School? With Alaric as Headmaster? Was he the reason she stayed back? Are they together? Or is there more to the story?

She's still here. I get to see her tomorrow. After 16 years, I see her tomorrow. Has she changed at all? Or is she still the same? How will she react to seeing me? How will she feel? How will I feel?

I get snapped out of my daze by someone placing a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Elijah.


"She's still here, Elijah. My Rose, she didn't leave. And now she's running a school with the Hunter? I don't know what to," I trail off.

"I know, brother I know," Elijah says in a comforting manner, "it's been a long time since then and like Kol said, she has a different life now. When we see her tomorrow, all we can hope for in that she forgives us for our mistakes and accepts Hope into her school. It's all for Hope, brother. Always has been."

I slowly nod, "All for Hope," I repeat.

Elijah gives my shoulder a squeeze before he and Hayley head towards the kitchen and Rebekah heads upstairs.

And then, I'm left alone with my thoughts once again. Elijah is right, though.

It's been a long, long time.

I wonder how much has changed since then. I wonder how much will change now.

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