xvi. buses and movies

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Normally, Raya and her friends would exchange some candy, and laugh at Fred's attempts to ask Amora Phillips out. He was outgoing in everything he did, but standing in front of Amora always left him tongue tied.

This year, sitting in the Great Hall, the walls were covered in giant pink flowers. Heart shaped confetti fell from the ceiling, getting in Raya's cereal.

"This is... new," Thomas muttered, taking a seat. 

Nathaniel made face, motioning towards the teacher's table, "I think we've found our problem."

Lockhart, wearing lurid pink robes to match the decorations, was waving for silence. The teachers on either side of him were looking stony-faced. 

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Lockhart shouted. "And may I thank the forty-six people who have so far sent me cards! Yes, I have taken the liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all — and it doesn't end here!" 

"We're allowed to send the teachers cards?" Raya turned to her friends. "I didn't know that."

"Please don't tell me you want to send one to Lockhart," Thomas muttered. "I think it'll kill me."

"Ew, no," she said. "But like Professor Sinastra, and Flitwick, and Kettleburn, and even Sikander. I think a few of them deserve some candy."

"I'm sure Lockhart's surprise would interest you," Nathaniel muttered. "Well, maybe not."

Lockhart clapped his hands and through the doors to the entrance hall marched a dozen surly looking dwarfs. Not just any dwarfs, however. Lockhart had them all wearing golden wings and carrying harps. 

"My friendly, card-carrying cupids!" beamed Lockhart. "They will be roving around the school today delivering your valentines! And the fun doesn't stop here! I'm sure my colleagues will want to enter into the spirit of the occasion! Why not ask Professor Snape to show you how to whip up a Love Potion! And while you're at it, Professor Flitwick knows more about Entrancing Enchantments than any wizard I've ever met, the sly old dog!"

Professor Flitwick buried his face in his hands. Snape was looking as though the first person to ask him for a Love Potion would be force-fed poison.

"I'm kind of tempted to ask for one just to see the look on his face," Thomas muttered as they left the Great Hall. "That old man is miserable."

"I'm pretty sure he'd feed you to the giant squid," Raya told him as they headed over to Potions.

All throughout the day, they were interrupted by the little cupids handing out their Valentines. At one point, Snape threatened to shove the next one who interrupted into a cauldron. 

They moved on to Care of Magical Creatures, where a dwarf who interrupted managed to scare off a Hippogriff. Professor Kettleburn was rushed off to the hospital wing.

During Ancient Runes, sixteen dwarves filed in, performing a musical number for Professor Bathsheda Babbling. She was so flustered, she closed the door on the dwarves' face.

"Please never allow Lockhart to be in charge of Valentine's day again," Cierra groaned as they all sat in the common room. "I've been kicked in the knees by way too many dwarves."

"Those tiny things have mighty kicks," Cho agreed, rubbing her ankles.

Raya nodded in agreement as she finished up her Charms homework. Professor Flitwick didn't give them many written assignments, which is why when they were handed one, they were all expected to finish it.

"Do you want me to finish it for you?" Elias whispered. "I know you've got the game against Slytherin tomorrow. I'll handle this, okay?"

Raya hesitated.

"I'll check it over," Thomas added from the other side.

"Hey!" Elias cried. "You don't think I can do a simple Charms assignment?"

"I trust Elias," Raya said. Turning to Thomas, she mouthed, Check it over, please.

Thomas nodded, "Whatever you say."

Raya thanked Elias, taking Loki up to her room as she went to bed. Thankfully, she managed the night without any bad dreams.

At breakfast the next morning, Roger was going around the table, reminding the Ravenclaw players to eat a full and healthy breakfast. They needed to be at the top of their game to defeat Slytherin on their new brooms.

Raya was pretty certain they could hold their own against Slytherin. They had top quality players. At the end of the day, it would come down to Raya. 

It was up to her to catch the Snitch as soon as she could, or hold Draco off until Ravenclaw was in winning range.

"Show them no mercy!" Raya could hear Elias yell from the crowd as she arrived on the field.

Roger and Marcus stepped forward, shaking hands. Raya eyed Draco, hating how smug he looked as he saw the other team's brooms. His eyes landed on Raya's Nimbus 2001, scowling at the broom.

Raya smirked at his annoyed expression.

"I want a clean game," Madame Hooch said to both teams. "On your brooms."

The players mounted their brooms, taking to the sky on her whistle.

Raya shot above the rest of the players, her eyes wide and looking for the Snitch. She watched the Slytherin team — a bunch of blurs on their new brooms. But Ravenclaw had better players.

Chris and Roger passed the ball between each other, before throwing it up for Avery — who scored easily.

Lee's voice could be heard through the stands, "And Ravenclaw strikes back at Slytherin's early lead. It's now 30 - 20. Slytherin Chasers are not happy, passing the ball back and forth on their speedy brooms. Flint shoots — and oh — AVERY HAS MADE THE BEST SAVE EVER! Take that, Slytherings! Sorry, Professor. Anyways, Avery passed to Avery — the Chaser — who's passed it to Roger—"

"—Your broom looks a little rusty, don't you think?" A haughty voice came from her left. "I mean, it may be a Nimbus 2001, but the bristles, the handle, it's all a little worn out."

Raya rolled her eyes, barely sparing Malfoy a glance, "Yeah. That's what happens when you actually use the broom, instead of keeping it in a trophy case."

"Or that's what happens when you buy it secondhand," he scoffed.

Raya actually laughed at that, "Do you even know when the Nimbus 2001 was released to the market?"

Draco furrowed his brows, "In August, of course. My father was one of the first people to buy it."

"Mhm, sure," she nodded. "I've had this broom since last year. Before Nimbus releases brooms to the public, they let Quidditch players test it out for about a year. My dad bought this broom before your dad knew it existed. Now if you'll excuse me," Raya smirked, eyes locking on something behind Draco, "I've got a Snitch to catch."

She flew past Draco without giving him a moment to digest her statement. By the time he turned his broom around and towards her, she was standing on her broom, brandishing the Snitch for the crowd.

"AND RAVENCLAW WINS!" Lee announced. "190 - 50, Raya Newbrooke has once again proved herself to be Ravenclaw's Top Seeker! Catching the Snitch fifteen minutes into the game doesn't happen often. Hats off to you, Raya!"

"Everyone bring up your signed permission form," Professor Sikander said. "Quickly, quickly."

Raya scowled at Kayse who stepped in front of her in the line. He ignored her, holding conversation with the other kids.

Professor Sikander had organized a trip to a Muggle movie theater to show the kids how camera, lighting, microphones — all their technology could fit together to make a beautiful film. Dumbledore had been a little hesitant because of the recent attacks, but Professor Sikander was persistent.

Raya, Elias, and Thomas handed in their signed permission forms, lining up at the door.

Since it was a field trip for Muggle Studies, they wouldn't be using the Floo or a Portkey. Professor Sikander led them outside to a big yellow bus with the words 'SCHOOL BUS' printed on the front.

"That's the most hideous thing I've ever seen," Emmet, a Slytherin, muttered.

"It's shit, but it's actually fun," Kayse told him. "Sit near the back."

Raya, who heard this, sent a meaningful look towards Thomas and Elias. They sighed heavily, but didn't argue.

Professor Sikander opened the doors and sat in the driver's seat, nearly falling over as Raya, Thomas, Elias, Kayse, and Emmet rushed to sit at the back.

Raya grabbed the seat at the back, throwing her legs over it to make sure no one else could sit. Kayse shoved Elias aside, throwing himself into the seat next to Raya, taking up the whole thing so Elias and Thomas couldn't sit.

"You're an asshole," she told him.

"You started it."

"Fuck off."

"And I thought Raya and Thomas' bickering was annoying," Elias muttered, sitting in front of Raya.

Thomas punched his shoulder.

"Hey!" Elias complained. "You guys were so fucking annoying. You still are sometimes. But Jesus, Raya and Kayse are so much more annoying."

Raya reached up to slap the back of Elias' head.

"This is the only time I'll agree with something you do," Kayse nodded in her direction.

Raya was interrupted by Professor Sikander announcing to the class, "Alright everyone, settle down! It's about an hour drive, and the movie itself is three hours. We're focusing on it's cinematography, the special effects, camera usage, and of course, the storyline. Sit back, everyone!"

Raya sat back, her legs outstretched in the double seat, as the bus started. She tapped Thomas' shoulder, who pulled a book out from his bag and passed it over to her.

"Thank you," she tapped the back of his head. "You're the best."

"I know," he responded simply, continuing his conversation with Elias.

Raya opened her book, getting lost in the story. It was a Muggle book, but filled with Fae and other fantasy creatures. Basically, it had everything Raya loved.

"What a nerd," Kayse scoffed at one point.

"Excuse me?" Raya finally looked up from her book.

"Nothing, nothing," he raised his hands in surrender. "I'm just curious how someone can be willing to read while heading to a school trip."

"It beats having to talk to you," Raya deadpanned. "Besides, reading happens to be a hobby of mine."

"Wow," he whistled. "Can you be any more Ravenclaw?"

"Can you be any more annoying?" Raya scowled.

Kayse laughed, "What can I say? You're just fun to annoy." 

"And I'm done with this conversation," Raya turned back to the book.

Thankfully, Kayse didn't continue arguing with her. He pulled out his phone and earbuds, closing his eyes as he listened to his music.

A little while later, Thomas flicked Raya's forehead, causing her to look up from her book.


"We're here," he told her. "The bus is practically empty. Come on."

Raya got up, handing the book to Thomas — who placed it in his bag — and followed him and Elias outside.

"Is everyone here?" Professor Sikander asked. He did a head count, answering his own question, "We're all here. Come on. We're in theater two. I've got it booked out for us."

The students followed him into the theater, settling into their seats. Raya, Elias, and Thomas sat in between the middle and back. They had popcorn, drinks, and snacks, prepared to watch the movie.

"Now, before the movie starts, a few things you should know," Professor Sikander announced. "This is only the first part of the movie, and it was released a few months ago. There are two more parts coming out. If all goes well, we'll be able to watch them in your fifth and seventh year. Which should give a nice break with you O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts. Keep an eye on the graphics."

Professor Sikander sat back down, a bag of popcorn in his hand as the movie started.

The opening credits rolled, followed by a scene of the desert. Raya watched — entranced — as the movie began. 

The movie began with a desert, the winds blowing against the lands of the blue eyed people. She watched as the ships left from the sea, as the boy sat against the shores of his land. The people belonging to his house were vast, and even though they were actors, Raya recognized there were meant to be fighters among them.

She sat through the entire movie, holding her breath during a fight scene, practically melting at the graphics that were used. It all looked so grand and incredible. The storyline was incomplete, but Raya knew there were two more parts coming. 

It was a smart choice on Professor Sikander's part, Raya realized as they clambered back onto the big yellow bus.

This way, students would have a chance to see the second part in their fifth year, right before choosing which courses they may drop in sixth year and beyond. If the final part of the movie was so close, it would encourage people to keep Muggle Studies in their schedule.

Raya sat at the back of the bus, opening her book and losing herself to it once again.


short chapter, not too proud,
but hey, kayse makes another appearance

also sorry if i don't update/respond a lot for
like a few weeks, the playoffs are happening
and i'm losing my mind over them

thanks for reading!!






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