01. beginnings

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I was running after Adam so he wouldn't hit Chase for taking his iPod, I ran through the door with Chase and we blocked it.

-How do you get through that door now! It's titanium.- the younger one shouted.

-Don't tempt him, Chase. You know he's an idiot.- I said, preparing my powers to protect myself.

At that moment, his older brother started banging on the door, knocking it down. Chase stood behind me and I sighed tiredly. They always had to mess up, and I always had to fix it.

-Coward.- I whispered.

-Give me my iPod!- shouted Adam.- And my headphones!

-I don't have them!- Chase replied.

-Stop yelling!- I shrieked. Bree appeared with Adam's devices and I burst out laughing.

-Hi baby.- she greeted me.- you guys.- she said looking at her brothers.

-You have my iPod.- Adam said.

-You have a Jonas Brothers mega-mix.- I looked at Bree.

-They're really good. You can't deny it.- I crossed my arms.

Bree sighed and turned and headed back to the lab. Adam angrily fired his laser beams at her. He was about to hit Bree, but she turned around at the exact moment.

-Thank goodness.- I held my hand to my chest.

-Did you shoot me?

-It was a huge mistake, just like your face.- fearing what might happen, I stepped to the side and grabbed Chase so he was out of harm's way.

Bree pushed Adam against the barrels. To keep them from making noise, I stopped them just before they hit the ground, dropped them slightly, and immediately gave the brothers a dirty look. A scream startled me as well as Chase and the others. A boy of about fourteen or fifteen appeared in front of us, hiding among the barrels.

We all screamed in fear that he had discovered our bionic secret. The boy was the first to stop screaming, then I was second, followed by Adam, Bree and Chase.

-I don't usually do this, but, Mom!- the boy shouted. Down the elevator came Mr. Davenport and who I assumed was his new wife.

-Donald, what's going on?- said the woman.

-I'm starting a boy band and two of them happen to be girls.- Bree and I nodded excitedly. The woman looked at him angrily.


-Okay, they're genetically modified siblings for a biological engineering project.

-So they're robots.

-That hurts// Robot in the kitchen// WoW// Ouch!- all four of us said at the same time.

-They are not robots. They are humans with a bionic chip implanted in their neck.

-They are enhanced humans?- said Leo.

-Yes, thank you!- exclaimed the scientist.

-And what can they do?

-Adam is super strong, Bree is super fast and very agile, and Chase has enhanced senses and unparalleled intelligence.

-And an ego as big as his intelligence.- I muttered to Bree.

-And her?- Tasha pointed at me.

-I have a name, I'm Charlie.

-Charlotte can move objects with her mind and manipulate the energy around her, also the same intelligence as Chase. She's also an incredible mission strategist. She can make you float or bring this whole building down if she wanted to.- Davenport explained.

-Luckily I don't want to.- I laughed.- Otherwise this house would be nothing but rubble.- I noticed a hand on my shoulder, it was Bree.

-What did we tell you about making those jokes?

-Don't do it.- I murmured.

-You know, a lot of women get surprised with a honeymoon, not four teenagers with superpowers. Besides, I find it odd that they're locked up here.- Tasha said, I was liking her better by the minute.

-They have to stay here for their safety. It's not like they're having a bad time here either.- Davenport said.

-I want to go to the pyramids.- said Chase.

-I want to go to Paris.- Bree shouted excitedly.

-I want to go to Chernobyl.- I said. Everyone stared at me.- I always wanted to know what happened. Besides, a lot of people go there.

-I want to go to the bathroom.- Adam finished.

-Hey, what are those things?- Leo pointed to the capsules.

-They're machines that regulate the bionic chips.

-And why do you only have three? -Leo asked again.

-Charlie has a special chip that doesn't need to be calibrated. It can stay active for as long as she can. She has a special capsule for mission dressing.- explained Mr. Davenport. -which reminds me, you have to eat.-the brothers ran off to their capsules.

They put on their goggles and the food started to rain. Literally. Little pellets of protein, vitamins and nutrients rained down on them. Worst of all, what they couldn't eat now, they would eat tomorrow.


The next day, we were training our skills in front of Mr. Davenport and Leo. The boy was excited to see our skills live. Mr. Davenport would throw energy balls at Chase and Chase would dodge them with his energy field. For my training, he would throw various objects at me from various directions for me to stop them before they reached me. Many of them ended up disintegrating because of the strong gravity I had imposed on them.

-Okay, end of training. Rest and... Adam, take a shower, you smell like a wet dog.- he said walking out the door. I think he had a conference or something. I don't know, I don't pay attention.

-So that's what smelled bad.- Bree said.

-I thought it was Mr. Davenport's hair gel.- I whispered, getting a small smile out of her.

-Well, I'm off to class.- Chase, Bree and I looked at each other and ran in front of Leo.

-We've always wanted to go to school.-I said excitedly.

-Yes, the little notes, the prom, rehearsing choreography after class.- the girl finished.

-I think that's only in High School Musical.-I answered.

-Here all we do is train, train and... train. Train, train, and train.- said Chase. I threw myself on the floor and fake cried for drama. Chase let out a chuckle and helped me up. I put my arm over his shoulder and gave him a little side hug.

-You've never gone out?-the boy asked.

-Never.- I said no.

-Come with me to class.- Leo suggested.- You'll be my bodyguards.

-Like Whitney Houston's!- I shrieked excitedly. Leo smiled at me.

-Exactly! I love your enthusiasm Charlie.

We got into the pods to change clothes, after some weird little problems with each other's underwear, we got out of the pods and ran for the door, unfortunately, Eddie, the house's intelligent system prevented us from leaving.

-We forgot about him.-I whispered.

-I think I can turn it off if you give me a little time.- said Chase. Suddenly, we heard a noise and it was Adam, who had pulled Eddie's wires out, disconnecting him.

-That will do the trick.- said Bree.

This time, when we walked out the door, nothing interrupted us. Leo led the way, and when we arrived, I grabbed Bree's arm in excitement. People. I was seeing real people for the first time. I let go of Bree and she started running (without using her bionics, thank goodness) and hugging and waving to everyone. There was a moment when I had to pull her away from the cook.

-Excuse her, she is a foreigner, from Europe.- I lied.

-You could act normal.- Leo half shrieked.- I have a reputation to look after.- he greeted some boys but they paid no attention to him.

Each of the brothers interacted with the new experiences differently. For my part I turned to appreciate the school, but inadvertently bumped into a boy. I helped him pick up his things and handed them to him.

-I apologized on behalf of my brother.- said a girl I hadn't seen.-He's very clumsy.

-It's all right. I turned around without seeing where I was going.

-I'm Saraya, but you can call me Saya, in fact, I prefer you to call me Saya.- she introduced herself.- this is Max.

-I'm Charlie. Pleasure.- I shook their hands.

-Like Charlie Hunnam, the actor, or Charlie Chaplin. Or any actor named Charlie.- Saya poked him in the ribs.

-No, like Charlie Grey.

-Who's that?

-Me.- Max smiled uncomfortably.

-Are you new?-Max asked me.

-Yes, I just got here. I had always been taught at home.

-Good luck, you're going to need it.- said the girl, suddenly a bell rang and Chase threw himself on the floor shouting.

-What's wrong with him?- said Max.

-He was studying with me, he gets scared easily.- I summed up. I didn't want to tell them about Chase's super hearing.

-Oh, my God. He gets so upset. Well, we have to go.

They left and I walked over to Chase and sat down next to him. I knew that when I sat next to him after a few of his freak outs he calmed down. When he was able to sit up and see me, I thought I saw calm in his eyes. I smiled at him and helped him up.

-What was that?- he asked.

-It's a bell that rings every 40 minutes, 8 times a day. Get used to it.- Chase complained.

-Don't worry Chase, I'll be there to help you.-He smiled at me and I put my head on his shoulder.


We entered the gym together with Leo. We followed him around all day, like a puppy animal. We put on our gym suits and sat and watched them play basketball. I was so excited. I loved basketball.

-I hate sports.- Leo mumbled.


At that moment a ball was thrown at him, and as he tried to bounce it, it hit him in the face, making him scream in pain. I grabbed the ball and shot at the basket, making a basket. The players stared at me in surprise. I smiled uncomfortably and sat back down. Through the door I saw Max walk in. I greeted him happily and got up to talk to him. When I returned, Chase was looking at me seriously.

-Who was that?-he asked... Jealous?

-My new friend.

-Oh, good, I'm glad you already have friends.

-Are you jealous Chase?

-Of course not Lottie.-I opened my mouth in surprise. He hadn't called me that since we were 10 years old.

Suddenly, we heard a noise, Leo was hanging on the hoop of the basket. I looked at Bree and she pointed to Adam. Leo stood up yelling that he was the champion. I looked at Chase and then my gaze returned to Bree.

Time passed and we returned to the gym for an alumni meeting. As I sat down, I looked around for Sara with my eyes, I hadn't seen her since this morning. Chase came through the door smiling. He had done something.

-Where were you? -I asked.

-I was taking classes. I'm a chiropractor in the Philippines now.

-Ah. Congratulations.

I noticed something furry behind me and turned to see what it was. The pet, a dingo, was stroking my head. I laughed and did the same. Then it went after Adam. At first, Adam seemed to like it, but then he got more and more nervous. I stood up when I saw the older man's red eyes.

-Shit.- By the time I realized it, a cheerleader had almost broken her neck and the dingo was on fire.

Shit. I looked in all directions for Max or Sara. They could be in danger. People were running in all directions. In front of me, a girl almost fell, but I prevented her fall with my powers. Luckily, no one saw me. I saw Saraya and her brother at the exit running to safety. I sighed in relief.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my hip and pulled me to the ground, falling on top of me. I opened my eyes and saw Chase looking at me blushing. He got up and helped me up. I looked at what it was that almost killed me. The dingo's head. Shit.

I saw Mr. Davenport and Tasha and smiled in relief to see them. I was told to get into the helicopter and Chase followed me. Once inside, there was an awkward silence.

-I'm sorry I threw you out.- said the youngest.

-That's all right. You saved me from a dingo's flaming head.

-Yes, well. I couldn't afford to lose you.-I looked at him curiously. He got nervous.-I mean, you couldn't leave me alone with Adam and Bree. Can you imagine what it could be?

-Possibly some little kids' network would make a series about you guys.- I laughed.

All the Davenports got on the helicopter and we flew home. There, they explained that the boys would be sent to a facility far away to train their skills.

-What about me?

-Charlotte, you will stay here with us.- Davenport said.

-No, no, I want to go with them.- I said.- We are a team, you can't separate us.

-That's it!- shouted Bree.

-I'm sorry guys, but the decision is made.- I turned and headed for the basement.

-Fuck!- I shouted making everything around me start to float. With a wave of my hand I put everything back in its place.

Night came and Chase and I were talking about ways to communicate, we immediately discarded the chip option, my version of the chip was more advanced than the brothers'.

-The only thing left to do...-I reviewed the possible options.- is to take a plane to the facility.

-I don't want to have to do that. I don't want to have to take a plane just to see my best friend again.

-I know, but we have no choice.-he looked at me sadly.

-I can't believe this is our last night here.-I looked away from Bree.

-At least you guys will be together, I'll be alone.- I said getting up from the floor.

-You'll have Leo.- Chase said repeating my action.

-I think he'll miss us.- Adam said looking at a sleeping Leo on his feet.-Shall I wake him up?

-Don't even think about it.- said Bree threateningly. They went into their pods and I went to the room I had down there.

I started tossing and turning in bed unable to sleep, tired of it, I turned on the light, ran to the pods and found the brothers outside them, we looked at each other and hugged amidst sobs from me and them.

-I love you, weirdos.- I said in a whisper.

-And we love you Lottie.- Chase said getting a small laugh out of me.

We parted and before I started crying again, I went to my room and fell asleep, the next morning, I woke up and saw the Davenports gathering their few belongings, I sat next to Chase, I rested my head on his legs and he stroked my hair.

-I'm going to miss you.- I said.

-And I'm going to miss you.- he said with a smile on his lips to reassure me.

We went upstairs to the kitchen and saw three robots exactly like Adam, Bree and Chase. Startled by the physical accuracy, I stayed away from them. Suddenly, Mr. Davenport appeared with another robot, this one looking just like me.

-What do you want this one for?

-I want you to train with Charlie's skills.-I walked over to my robot and examined it.

-You have tangled hair, you should brush it.- she said, I indignantly grabbed my hair.-You should look at yourself more times in the mirror, you are not as pretty as you think.- I was about to throw myself at the robot, but Chase and Bree grabbed me by the arms avoiding the disaster.

-You're right, I'm better.- I looked at Bree who gave me a few thumbs up.

-Guys, it's time.- Davenport said, referring to the fact that they had to leave.

-Please don't say goodbye to me. -I said clutching my stomach from the pain I felt as I watched them open the door to leave.-I don't want it to be any harder than it already is.-they accepted my request and Chase gave me one last smile that I wasn't able to give him back.

Leo and I went down to the basement and sat in the chairs under the watchful eyes of the three Davenport surrogate robots. I got up to get a jacket but ran out when I heard Leo's scream. The robots were too close to him, and with a wave of my hands, I threw them into the air, holding them aloft.

-Don't make me release you and quadruple your gravity.- Adam's robot began to sob.

-I don't know what that means, but I'm peeing and I want to go to the bathroom.

-Adam?- I set them down carefully.

-Hi Charlie.- said Bree. I ran over and hugged her.

They explained how they had come back and their plan so Davenport wouldn't catch them. I could only look at them with little tears as I watched them stay. My weirdos were staying. Adam pulled me aside, he told me he wanted to talk to me. I got nervous, let me be clear, Adam and I were very good friends, but he had never asked to talk to me alone.

-What the robot told you wasn't true.- I furrowed my eyebrows.- You are very pretty.- I opened my mouth blushing.- And whoever tells you otherwise, will get a punch from me.

-Thank you, Adam.- I hugged him and we went back to the rest of them.

They spent the day pretending to be robots until they had to eat, I went upstairs with Leo to bring them food, Tasha was worried about Leo, she said he spent too much time with them. Davenport appeared through the door smiling at his new wife.

-Honey, you have to get rid of the robots.- I choked on my juice.-Leo spends too much time with them.

-I didn't have a normal childhood either.-I nodded.

-That's why Eddie is on the wall.- I said eating the cereal.

-I want you to get rid of the robots.

-You want me to take my cutting-edge technology, melt them down and shred them?- Tasha gave him a murderous look.-Said and done.


We were screaming as we fell down the recycling tunnel, and before we hit the ground, I broke our fall, we were slightly supported on the ground, and we slowly sat up.

How did I end up here? Simple, I knocked out the driver who was going to take the Davenports to the dumpster, but before they could escape, they threw trash on top of us, knocking us over the dumpsters.

Trash was falling in piles over our heads and I formed a shield, keeping tons of waste from falling on us. We looked ahead of us and we had blades going up and down with a speed of, by my calculations 2.87 seconds. Chase looked at me and seemed to have the same idea as I did.

-Adam, if you time it right, you can get under the blade and use your strength to help us get under it.- I said.

-What if I don't time it right?- he asked, scared.

-Try to do it.- said Chase. I gave him a dirty look and he apologized.

Adam managed to stop the shredder and we passed without any problem, but, in front of us, blades from side to side appeared, Chase said that Bree should pass with us to get us to safety, he started with Adam and when it was my turn, Chase grabbed my hand.

-Get ready.- Bree said. She held my head so I wouldn't get whiplash and we went through together. I rested my hands on my legs from the dizziness of Bree's speed.

I smiled as I saw the exit, but it was erased as I saw the two fire barriers in front of us. I approached the first barrier under the gaze of the Davenports. I positioned my hand over the fire and absorbed its energy. I looked at my hand satisfied and expelled that same energy in the form of fire against the trash behind us. The second barrier was knocked down by Chase and his super-sneeze, extinguishing the fire.

This time we ran without any risk against the door. We heard a familiar scream behind us and saw Leo fall down the recycling pipe. I looked at him angrily and he gave me an uncomfortable smile. From our side, Tasha and Mr. Davenport came in and saw Leo on the other side and panicked.

We screamed again as we fell with Leo, this time I didn't have time to use my powers so I landed on Adam and Bree on me. I got up in pain and helped Bree up. I looked at Leo and punched him in the arm for coming after us.

-You could have died!

-But I didn't.

-You're a basket case.

We went back to getting everything ready to get out of there but Leo stopped the machinery by pushing a red button next to us. We all looked at Chase and he laughed uncomfortably. We ran to Tasha and Mr. Davenport who hugged us and were happy to see us safe and sound.

We returned home and relaxed on the couch after a nice shower to wash off the smell of dead rat and dumpster pee. Bree sat down next to me and started braiding my hair. She screamed in fright and I was startled.

-What!- I yelled, shaking my head to shake off whatever she had seen.

-I have broken a nail.-I looked at her seriously and she went to fix the problem. Chase laughed when he saw me with crazy hair.

-You think that's funny?

-I think you're funny.- Is miled calmly as I sat again on the couch.

Banner gif made by mi gorgeous baby: b_naevis

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