05. dance

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Adam, Charlie and I stared at the huge sign announcing that they were having the dance this Saturday night. Adam and I turned to Charlie at the same time and she didn't even flinch. Adam and I glared at each other.

-Adam, you can go with Saya, it's only fair that I go with Chase.- Charlotte said and I scoffed in Adam's face.

-But I'm afraid to talk to her.- We both looked at the boy.

-Big guy, she loves you, believe me. The worst she can say to you is no, and I don't think she will.- Adam thanked her for the gesture and walked away.

Charlie, without even saying goodbye, walked out of there, leaving me alone. I stared at the girl's walk and went to class. The hours passed and Charlie was still avoiding any of the four of us.

-Let's see, there's something wrong with Charlie and it's very serious.- Max said, sitting Leo, Saya, Adam and Bree at a table.

-No shit, Sherlock.- answered his sister.

-In the month we've known her she's always said hello and smiled at us and she hasn't for two weeks now.-I rubbed my eyes.

Since Charlie found out about her mother, she's definitely been different. More distant, more... cold. Those smiles she always used to give us had disappeared and it didn't look like they were going to come back for a long time.

It's been several weeks since she found out about her mother, and the way she's been different has affected everyone. Not only me, but also our friends. It worries us to see her like this, so cold and distant, and on more than one occasion we have tried to approach her to offer our support.

I remember the first time I noticed the change in Charlie. We were all together at home, laughing and having fun as usual, when suddenly I saw her face shadowed by a shadow that had not been there before. Her gaze lost the spark it used to have, and her smile disappeared completely.

At first, I tried to cheer her up, to make her laugh as she always did. But she simply responded with monosyllables and avoided eye contact. I thought maybe she needed time to process what had happened, so I decided to give her her space and wait for her to come to us herself when she was ready.

But days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into a month, and Charlie was still just as distant. Our attempts to get closer to her seemed in vain, and we found it harder and harder to remember what it was like to be around her. Her presence in the group was less tangible, as if she were there physically but emotionally absent.

Suddenly, I felt someone stare at us. Charlie. We all looked at her and Bree and I got up and led her away from the group. She looked upset. She was very irritable.

-Charlie, we need you to tell us what's going on.- I said softly, though frustration was getting the better of me.

-I can't...I can't talk about it.- she replied in a broken voice. Bree stepped forward to give her a hug, but the brunette stepped back.

-You can't go on like this, Charlie.- Bree continued, fighting back the tears that threatened to well up in her eyes.-We need you. Not just me, all of us. We're your friends, and we're here to support you, but we can't do that if you don't tell us what's wrong.

-I don't want to be a burden to anyone.- she whispered. Her shoulders were shaking.

-You're not a burden, Charlie.- I assured her, taking her hand to convey the warmth and support she so desperately needed. -Friendships is all about that, supporting each other when things go wrong. And, believe me, we're willing to do that for you. But we need to know what's wrong with you so we can help you.

-I don't want you to see me like this... weak.-she said on the verge of tears. -We're supposed to be saving the world. I can't be weak.-Tears streamed down her cheeks.

-Charlie, crying and showing vulnerability doesn't make you weak. On the contrary, it makes you human. It makes you strong for facing your emotions and trusting us to help you. We want to be here for you, through the good times and the bad.

She clung to me, letting her pain and sadness come out. We spent a long time there, in the middle of the hallway, but neither of us cared about prying eyes. All that mattered was that Charlie felt supported and surrounded by love. Bree joined in the hug, and then, the rest of the group.

-Gods, this is super cheesy.- She half laughed and we half laughed along with her.

-Are you okay?- Max draped an arm around her shoulders.

-Yeah, I'm great.-she smiled again.

-Well, the dance is in five days, and we've been told to organize everything. So, we need ideas.- Saya jumped in.

-Why us?- asked my sister.

-Maybe Principal Perry promised me an A in Literature if we organized everything.

-Well, let's get on with it.

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