vii. alsephina

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๐‘๐€๐˜๐€ ๐‡๐€๐ƒ ๐๐„๐•๐„๐‘ ๐๐„๐„๐ ๐‡๐€๐๐๐ˆ๐„๐‘ ๐“๐Ž ๐†๐Ž ๐“๐Ž ๐Œ๐”๐†๐†๐‹๐„ ๐’๐“๐”๐ƒ๐ˆ๐„๐’. She collapsed in her usual spot next to Thomas and Elias. Kayse, Emmet, and Jaiden sat behind her.

"Arif, you won't believe how annoying my day has been," she told Professor Sikander.

He grimaced, "I'm afraid I've got some news you may not like."

Raya groaned, "Hit me, Arif. I either take it, or die from the disappointment. Let's get it over with."

"It's inspection day," he told Raya, not looking very happy about the idea. "Professor Umbridge should be down any minute to begin."

The entire class groaned in unison.

Raya made a face, "Umbridge isn't a fan of Muggles. She gave a detention for using a pen. You'll have to be really careful, Arif."

Professor Sikander sighed, as if he'd been expecting that. "I know I'm quite lenient with you all, and I let you get away with things I probably shouldn't. For today, I'd like to ask all of you to be model students and act as if you learn quite a lot in this class."

Raya sat up in her chair, notebook and textbooks out in front of her. "Of course, Professor."

Following her lead, the rest of the students made it look like they were paying utmost attention.

Kayse raised his hand.

Professor Sikander waited for him to begin speaking โ€” as all the kids in his class usually spoke right away โ€” before realizing that he was supposed to call on the students.

"Yes, Mister Pierce."

"I was wondering if we're going to be waiting for Professor Umbridge to arrive, or if we will begin the lesson without her," he spoke in quite a posh manner.

Even Professor Sikander was taken aback.

He stammered, "Uh... well, I supposeโ€”"

A knock sounded on the open door.

The entire class turned their head to see Dolores Umbridge enter the room, closing the door behind her.

"Good afternoon, Professor Sikander... isn't it?" she said, smiling to reveal her pointy teeth.

"Yes, that's correct, Professor Umbridge," he nodded in her direction.

"You've received my note, haven't you? Regarding the date and time of your inspection?"

"I did," he nodded. "If you'll please take a seat, I can begin teaching my class, and you can begin your inspection."

Professor Umbridge smiled, looking at every student in the class โ€” who was sitting straight-backed, and waiting for Professor Sikander's instructions โ€” before settling in one of the chairs at the back.

"Let's get started," Professor Sikander said once Umbridge had taken her seat. "I'm sure you all remember the essay you did last year, the one based on the interview of how Muggles use electricity."

Umbridge coughed, "Excuse me, Professor Sikander?"

He looked towards her, managing a polite smile, "Yes?"

"I was just wondering where these students got their information from," she said.


"Surely, you didn't have them interviewing actual Muggles on the street, did you?" her voice held the sound of a hidden threat. "That would be considered unsafe."

"Of course not," he told her. "The students interviewed students from this school, anyone who grew up in a Muggle environment. Surely, that's safe."

Umbridge huffed, making some notes on her clipboard.

Professor Sikander turned back to the class, "Alright, well since I'm sure none of you remember the content of that essay, I'll be handing copies of it back to you." He tapped his wand against a stack of papers against the desk, allowing the essays to fly back to each student. "Now, for this assignment, you'll be interviewing someone who's grown up in a Wizard environment, and ask them how they'd use electricity in their life. It's best to find someone who's taking this class โ€” no matter what year they're in โ€” so that they have some idea of Muggle technology."

Raya raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss Newbrooke," Professor Sikander said after a moment of delay, still getting used to the class' new attitude.

"What if they haven't taken this class?" she asked. "Are we allowed to interview them still?"

"Of course," he nodded. "You can interview them, but depending on how much they know about Muggle technology, you may have to be alright with some of their answers not making sense."

She nodded.

"Now, you may go over your essays to refresh your memory," he said to them. "This project will have the same timeline as the last. Use this class to begin drafting your essay, or finding a student to interview. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

For once, the class made no jokes or sarcastic remarks. Everyone opened up their notebooks, grabbing pens and papers to draft their essay, or starting to find students to interview.

"Dude, do you count as growing up in a Wizard environment?" Thomas asked her.

Raya shook her head, "Nah. I grew up in a Muggle community, went to Muggle school. Besides my dad doing magic in the house, I pretty much grew up like a Muggle."

Thomas made a face, "Great. Now who am I supposed to interview?"

Raya and him looked around the class, finding most of the people who grew up in Wizarding environments already taken for their project.

Thomas poked Raya and Elias' arm a few times, trying to get their attention.

"What?" she asked.

He pointed to where Umbridge was currently making rounds through the class. As far as Raya could tell, she was asking the students what they thought and learned from this course. She asked about how well of a teacher Professor Sikander was as well, but the students all replied saying he was the best.

"Well, it's a good thing he warned us," Raya muttered.

"Oh God," Thomas whispered back. "Can you imagine the chaos she'd be witnessing if he didn't?"

"I don't want to think about it because that's terrifying," Elias shook his head.

"Quick, get back to your work!" Raya hissed, the three of them turning back to their assignments as Umbridge headed in their direction.

Raya pulled out her essay from last year, pretending to read through it and refresh her memory.

"And, oh look who we have here?" Umbridge smiled too sweetly as she approached their table. "Now, how are you three finding this class? The teacher?"

Thomas spoke, "This class is very enlightening. It's quite different from the other classes because it allows you to actually learn about Muggles and the science behind their technology."

Raya nodded in agreement, "Professor Sikander's great too. He allows us to do a lot of hands-on work, which makes the class really enjoyable."

"He also helps each and every one of us," Elias added. "Whether it's an assignment we need help with, or something he noticed we haven't understood. It's quite nice, because he doesn't let anyone feel left out."

Umbridge nodded, taking a few notes. "Now, how are you guys getting along on your new assignment? Professor Sikander's instructions weren't quite clear to me, I wanted to know if you understood them."

"Perfectly," Thomas told her. "We're interviewing students who've grown up in Wizard communities, or in a Wizarding environment how they would use electricity in their life. After that, we're writing an essay on what we think of their answers. It's quite simple, really."

"We're just going over a similar assignment he gave us last year," Elias held up the papers Professor Sikander handed back. "Trying to refresh our memory. After that, we'll probably begin drafting and interviewing."

Umbridge took another few notes, turning to Professor Sikander, "It says here that you're a new teacher. You've only been teaching here six years, is that correct?"

"Yes it is," Professor Sikander nodded.ย 

"You started off as a replacement for Professor Quirrellย โ€” another teacher who doesn't have a good rep with students. After that, you took on the position permanently?" she asked.

"Yes," he nodded once again. "Headmaster Dumbledore was kind enough to allow me to keep this position."

She nodded, making another note. "And how many people have dropped this elective since you started teaching?"

Professor Sikander tilted his head, "I'm not sure, to be honest. Definitely not more than ten... around five to seven kids, perhaps."

Umbridge looked a little impressed, but she hid it quickly, making another note. "Carry on."

Raya watched as she continued going around to the rest of the tables, asking questions and prodding for information.

She had a feeling Professor Sikander's position was still secure... for now.

Raya adjusted her Firebolt, waiting for the last of the Ravenclaws to arrive.ย 

It was five in the evening, and Raya had ran straight from Transfigurationย โ€” her last class of the dayย โ€” to set up for the Ravenclaw Quidditch tryouts. Unlike Roger, Raya didn't have another person she could count on to help her. No positionย โ€” except Raya as Seekerย โ€” was a given for the team. While Raya supposed a few of the players from two years ago could still make the team, she wasn't sure how likely it would be.

"Hey, hey," Nathaniel grinned, walking over to Raya with a Nimbus 2000 under his arm.

Raya tilted her head, "I didn't know you played Quidditch. Didn't you say you'd rather play Gobstones over flying basketball-thingy?"

He waved his hand dismissively, "I don't play. Although, I heard one of the fourth years say he wanted to try out, but he was too scared of you."

"Of me?!" Raya made a face. "I'm five foot - one, and I can easily blend in with most of the twelve year olds. How is someone scared of me?"

"Height is never a factor in scariness. I used to think otherwise until I met you," Nathaniel muttered.

"How am I scary?" she asked. "I barely come up to your shoulders!"

"Raya, I fully believe you could kill any person in this schoolย โ€” Snape includedย โ€” without even becoming winded," he told her. "Besides, you're quite... passionate about Quidditch. And you've made your name with all the kids. It's a little terrifying showing off your skills to someone like you."

"Well, you're not wrong," she muttered to herself. "But I still don't get why you're here."

"Oh, that fourth year that was too scared of you to try out, I wanted to give him a bit of a confidence boost," he told her. "Most people know I'm a shit flyer, but I thought if he sees you help out someone horribleย โ€” which is me, in case you're not followingย โ€” then he'd be less afraid to embarrass himself."

"Honey, compared to you, it's impossible for another person to embarrass themself," Raya shook her head lightly.

"Thanks, bro," he rolled his eyes.

At five o'clock sharp, Raya pressed the metal whistle to her lips, causing all those interested in trying out to turn to her. There were nearly thirty or forty kids, though Raya wasn't even sure half of them could fly. She wondered briefly if she really did make that much of an impact on Ravenclaw Quidditch.

She swallowed down her nervousness, trying her best to embody Austen and Roger's spirit.

"Alright, everyone, listen up!" she clapped her hands, beckoning them all a little closer. "Since there's a lot of you, I'll be splitting you guys up into two teams. I'll be testing you on your flying skills using an obstacle course, followed by your hand-eye coordination using some passing drills, and then we'll play a quick scrimmage testing your strength in the position you're trying out for. A reminder to all of you, being on the team before will notย mean you're going to be on the team now. We've got new blood, we've got people who've practiced. So don't rely on the fact that you were on the team before. Now, I want everyone up and flying five laps around the pitch as a warmup. Once you're done, get back here, and I'll separate you into groups."

Everyone mounted their brooms, a flurry of blue and bronze tryout uniforms fluttering as the students began their warmup laps. Raya waited for them to come back, each of them breathing a little heavier then before. Giving them numbersย โ€” one or twoย โ€” she directed them towards to obstacle courses she'd set up.

They lined up behind the ones obstacle courses, waiting for further instructions from Raya. Once everyone was sorted, she flew up on her Firebolt, amplifying her voice to be heard by both groups.

"This part of the tryout will focus on your flying," she told them. "No matter what position you're in, you mustย be an amazing flyer. I want you all to go through the obstacle course twice, and once you're done, you'll have the option of flying through it once backwards. If you'd rather not fly backwards, you can head back to the ground after your second round. Remember that it's not necessary to fly through it backwards. While it'll boost your chances, if you think you'll get hurt, or you're not confident enough, just head down. It's not a requirement to be selected for the team. Now, start!"

At the sound of her whistle, the students began flying through the obstacle courses, one by one. She made notes on each person, writing down the names of those who flew by easily, along with everyone's brooms. Those who showed skills in flying, but didn't have the best brooms still deserved a shot.ย 

She helped Nathaniel up after he flew into one of the obstacles, shaking her head to herself as he grinned and flew right into another one.

Raya continued making notes on the players, flying around a bit herself. She wrote down the names of the six kids who flew through the obstacle course backwardsย โ€” Cho, Raven, Jia, Colton, Zach, and Scarlett.

Once everyone had gone through the obstacle course, she broke them off in groups of six, sending them to do some passing drills.ย 

"Send it," she said to Cho, joining her group.

Raya caught the Quaffle, passing it along to Ayden, who caught it and passed it to Nevaeh. They continued for a bit, before Raya moved along to join the next group. A few kids dropped the Quaffle here and there, but there were definitely some kids who showed off their hand-eye coordination well.

Raya blew her whistle, calling everyone to assemble on the ground once again.

"Alright, I want everyone to split up based on their positions," she told them. "Chasers over here, Beaters over here, Keepers over here, and anyone trying out for reserve Seeker over here. If there're lots of people choosing a certain position, and you play more than one, try out for the other position."

She created two teams, deciding to switch the kids about fifteen minutes in, and call for substitutions as the game went on. The two reserve Seekers, Finn and Rahul, were going to be playing the entire game.

"No fouls, no harsh play," she reminded them. "I'm going to be refereeing. This is a timed game, each half is fifteen minutes. Team members will be picked based on how well they match with each other, and what each individual brings to the team. Just because your team wins, doesn't mean you'll be guaranteed a spot on the team," Raya echoed the words Austen had told her a long time ago.

Cho, remembering the memory, smiled to herself.

Since Raya was a given as Seeker, Cho was going to be trying out as Chaser this year. She played both positions, but wanted to try for an actual spot on the team this time.

At the sound of Raya's whistle, the teams began playing. Raya flew next to them, keeping an eye on the players, as well as the Snitch. Even if she wasn't playing Seeker, she wanted to see how well the reserves were.

Jia, who'd been Keeper for the Ravenclaw team two years ago, was in even better form this year. She'd worked on her reflexes and tactics, only letting one goal past her.

Raven, who'd been a Chaser a few years ago, had worked on her confidence, shooting freely. It made an effect on her overall game, turning her flying and passing better.

Raya made quick notes on each player, noting how well they worked with each other and their passing. She spotted the Snitch a few times, noting how long it took the reserve Seekers to notice and go for it.ย 

After the fifteen minute mark, she switched the teams, calling for substitutions. The reserve Seekers stayed on.

Making more notes, flying around, Raya began to have a good sense of who she wanted on the team. It was going to be a mixture of old and new faces, but Raya had a feeling the Ravenclaw team was going to be hard to beat this year.

She just hoped she could lead them correctly.

Raya went over the effects of Felix Felicis, scribbling down everything she found important. This potionย โ€” also known as Liquid Luckย โ€” was one of the largest projects Snape was ever assigning them.

He'd given them the entire yearย โ€” subtract nearly two weeks of Septemberย โ€” to brew it correctly. Considering the potion needed six months to brew, it should be enough time. That being said, if something went wrong near the end, Raya would be losing a lotย of marks.

"I'm going to strangle myself for trying to show off to Snape," Nathaniel muttered, groaning and banging the Potions textbook against his head. "I could've went along without his class, but nooo, I just hadย to want to annoy him."

Raya shook her head, laughing to herself.

Meanwhile, Thomas shot him an annoyed look, "I still believe the only reason he gave us this assignment was because you called him Mr. Snake."

"It was a slip of the tongue," he grinned mischievously.

Raya and Cho shared a glance, rolling their eyes.

The four of them were gathered in the Ravenclaw Common Room, taking up the spot near the fireplace. They were trying to make notes for their biggest assignment, while occasionally blaming Nathaniel for their position. He shook it off, joking right back with them.

Raya shut her book with a snap, stretching out her arms. Gathering her books in her arms, she got up.

"Alright, I'm done for today," she told them. She took out a slip of paper from one of her binders. "Gonna hand the Quidditch team Roster, then head to bed. Night!"

"Wait, did I make it?" Nathaniel asked, trying to hold back his laughter.

"Nate, you fell off your broom six times," Raya put a hand on her hip. "What do you think?"

He laughed, "I'm playing. Go, stick it up. Cho's gonna be on your heels."

Raya shook her head to herself, heading to the notice board. Cho flipped Nathaniel off, following Raya eagerly as she stuck the list of names to the board.

Despite Cho's poking and prodding, Raya kept the final list to herself. No one was allowed to know.

Raya's name was first, with the words Captain and Seeker right next to it.

It was followed by Cho, Raven, and Rico, the three of them making the Chaser positions. Jia was once again Keeper, proving she was even stronger than before. Aydenย โ€” the fourth year who'd been terrified of Rayaย โ€” and Dorian were Beaters. It was a mixture of old and new, but the strongest of each position.

She walked up to her dorm, grabbing Loki as those who tried out rushed over to look for their names.

Opening the door to her dorm, she crawled into her bed, closing the curtains and casting a silencing charm. Cierra and Meredith were already knocked out, considering it was past midnight. Raya expected Cho to come up soon, or whenever the giddiness from being selected for the team died down.

She casted Lumos, allowing light to filter in the small alcove she'd made. She fluffed up her pillow, freezing at the sight of something.

Bringing her wand closer, it took her only a moment to realize it was the letter Sirius had sent her a while ago. He'd marked the corner, letting her know not to open it when anyone was around. She'd hurriedly stuffed it under her pillow when Cierra almost walked in, forgetting about it until now.

Tearing into it, she read the short note.

I was cleaning out the library when I found this. Thought you should know, considering it's about you.

Something about the detached style in which Sirius had written the note made Raya's heart break a little. He'd always been joyful in his letters, going on and on and on about everything. The way he'd barely written two lines for Raya hurt more than it should.

With a flick of her wand, she set the small note ablaze. Moody had said it wasn't good to carry around notes from those belonging in the Order. This was the first time Raya followed his advice.

She pulled out the small card from the envelope, blinking twice before recognizing what it was.

It was a Wizard photograph of a boy bouncing a small bundle in his arms. As the photograph played, he looked down at the child, smiling happily as he tickled her.

Raya recognized that face, those eyes... they looked just like hers.

The photo showed Regulus Black standing in the Black family library, bouncing a young child in his arms. Raya watched the boy, transfixed. She had a rounder jaw than him, but their hair was similar. His cheekbones matched Raya's too. She thought they had the same smile.

He looked quite young, much too young to be a soldier. Yet, she knew he was considered the Prince to the Dark Lord's army. She hated admitting it.ย 

She didn't even realize how young he must've been when she was born. He was only seventeen years old when she was born. Nearly her own age. He died at eighteen. He might not have lived to see her first birthday.

She took a deep breath, forcing herself not to cry for this man. He'd chosen his life.

Flipping the photograph around, Raya saw three words, written in an elegant hand. Three words that made it all seem very real to her.

Raya Alsephina Black.ย 


thanks for reading!!

y'all thought i forgot to update
(i did but let's pretend this was anย 
elaborate scheme)






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