xxv. summer's end

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"𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍... 𝐔𝐍𝐔𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋," Raya decided. "We had to protect the Camp for the first time, signing up for border patrol, fighting giant monsters, and even really loud birds — it was a whirlwind of a summer."

The other Campers laughed, nudging each other as they remembered random stories from the events.

"But we've come out of this summer strong and united, in ways we've never been before," Raya continued, her voice firm and carrying over the crowd. "And we're only going to get stronger, fight together, to protect and save everything we love. And so, this year the Apollo Cabin designed the bead to represent the Golden Fleece — which saved the tree that protects our Camp!"

"CHB! CHB! CHB!" Some of the campers pounded their fists as they chanted.

Raya laughed, joining in on the chant as she and the rest of her siblings passed out the bead to all the Campers.

This was where she belonged.

"How are you so good at this?" Grayson groaned loudly, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Probably because she doesn't yell every time she tries to shoot the ball," Carden commented nonchalantly.

The way the three brothers looked nearly the same, but acted so different always managed to throw Raya off.

After the summer session had ended, she headed up to Ithaca to spend a few days with Kayse and his family before the two of them had to head back to London for their final year at Hogwarts.

She was currently in the basement with Kayse and his siblings, versing Grayson in the NBA video game. Raya had tried to tell him she'd never played before, and she'd much rather verse him in NHL, but Grayson refused to take no for an answer.

Which led them to where they were now — three minutes left in the match, and Raya was crushing Grayson 143 - 82.

"At this point, I've just accepted she's amazing at everything," Kayse nodded to himself. "I've never seen her struggle with something."

"Playing basketball," Raya answered immediately, taking another shot in the video game. "I'm horrible at it."

"Are you fucking joking me right now?" Grayson muttered. "You think you're bad at basketball? You're beating me by like fifty points."

"Fifty six points now," Raya answered, doing the math in her head. "But I'm talking about actually playing the sport, not a video game. I'm also not the best cook."

"Haha!" Grayson laughed as the buzzer sounded, signaling the end of their game. "I'm a better cook than you."

"I don't know why you're laughing," his twin, Carden, commented. "Raya just beat you by sixty one points."

Kayse smirked as he took a picture of the final score on his phone — no doubt to later torture his older brother with.

"I don't care," Grayson shrugged, doing a weird little dance. "I'm a better cook than her, and that's what matters."

Carden furrowed his brows, "It literally doesn't matter at all. It's insignificant compared to how badly she just thrashed you at the game."

Grayson narrowed his eyes, which was all the warning he gave before launching himself at his twin.

Raya — who didn't have any siblings of her own, but spent enough time with the Weasleys — merely took Grayson's controller and handed it over to Kayse as the twins rolled around on the floor and wrestled.

"Alright, it's time to beat you at this now," Raya smirked.

The two played their game, occasionally yelling at Grayson and Carden who rolled into the way. It remained a close game, exciting enough for Kayse's brothers to stop their fighting and watch and cheer them on.

Loki hissed as Carden and Grayson nearly knocked into him where he'd been sleeping, but he padded over to Raya and Kayse, and perched himself on Kayse's lap.

"Lunchtime!" Kayse's mother yelled from the top of the stairs. "Let's go!"

"But Mom," Grayson whined.

"No buts," she said sternly. "Eat while it's hot."

Kayse groaned, glaring at Grayson as he and Raya paused the game. He picked Loki up and placed him on his shoulder.

"How many times do we have to tell you to let Carden ask her stuff?" he rolled his eyes. "He's her favourite, she can't say no to him. You, she doesn't even need to wait for you to finish your sentence before saying no to you."

Grayson grinned, putting Kayse into a headlock and began messing with his hair. Loki pawed at Grayson, but stayed on Kayse's shoulder.

"I'm her favourite, you idiot. It's just that Carden never asks her for anything, so she feels bad saying no."

Kayse swatted his older brother, maneuvering out of the headlock pretty easily.

"He's not wrong," Carden agreed with his twin. "It's very easy to not feel bad saying no to Grayson, but it's hard to feel bad saying no to me."

Raya followed them up the stairs and to the dining area, where they quickly switched the conversation back to their game. Raya wondered if they forgot they were discussing favourites (boys were weird) or if they just didn't want to talk about it in front of their mom.

"You should've seen the way he was gloating before the game," Kayse was telling his mom. "Grayson was like, nah if you never played, I know I'll win. I'll go easy on you though."

Carden laughed at the memory, while Grayson glared at his younger brother.

"If anything, I went easy on him," Raya muttered.

Carden laughed louder at that, and so did Juliette — Kayse's mom.

Grayson redirected his glare her way, but he only lasted for two seconds before bursting out into laughter.

Raya smiled to herself at the entire Pierce family surrounding her and laughing. She felt a slight pang as she thought of Alphanso, and how much he would've loved meeting them.

Kayse noticed the shift in her mood instantly, reaching under the table to grip her hand in his and give it a reassuring squeeze.

Raya smiled to herself.

Even if her dad wasn't here with her, it was okay. Because Raya was growing and learning how to be her own person without him — even if she didn't want to.

And on the bad days, Kayse was there with her.

Raya let out a soft breath as Kayse began planting kisses down her neck.

She moved backwards, gripping Kayse's shirt and dragging him along with her. The wall dug into her back, holding her up (a job her legs had decided to give up on), but forcing her to stop.

Kayse continued placing kisses along her neck, her jaw, her collarbone, while exploring her hips with his hands. If Raya died right now, she'd die a happy woman.

She threaded a hand through his hair, tugging the roots of it. He let out a groan against her skin, murmuring her name like it was a prayer. Her blood grew hot. Raya gripped his hair again to pull him back. He blinked at her interruption, but was immediately consoled as she only stopped him to pull her shirt over her head.

"God, you're beautiful," he whispered breathlessly, pulling her close to him again. He traced a path of kisses up the column of her throat before pausing at her jaw to whisper against her skin. "Jump."

Raya wrapped her legs around him as he lifted her up with an each that somehow turned her on even more. She reached toward her bra clasp, wanting nothing more than to get the stupid thing off (along with Kayse's shirt), jumping when something hooted loudly next to them.

"For fuck's sake," Kayse muttered, glaring at his and Raya's owls.

Raya would've scolded him, but she was glaring at them as well, annoyed at how they had to come right now.

She slid off of Kayse, who kept her close anyways, and pulled her shirt back on.

Both owls hooted in sync again.

"Believe me, we know you're here," Raya rolled her eyes, grabbing the letter from Hoot while Kayse grabbed his own 

As soon as the letters were delivered, the two flew back to the little room Kayse had built for his pets years ago with his dad and brothers.

"I always expected Loki to be the one to kill the mood," Raya muttered, opening up her first letter and going over the book list.

"Nah, he loves me too much to be a cockblock," Kayse responded, taking a seat on the bed next to her. 

"Fair point."

Raya leafed through the mail, getting the second letter she was sent. She looked at Kayse, who also held a second letter in his hands. Together, the two opened their letters, reading them over in disbelief.

Raya read hers three times, before reading Kayse's twice, and then her own again.

Finally, Kayse spoke, "Head Boy and Head Girl? Us? Okay, you I understand. But me? Why would they trust a Slytherin?"

"Who cares that you're a Slytherin?" Raya swatted his arm. She grabbed his face and forced him to turn to her. "You're Head Boy because you deserve it. Because you showed promise through your years. Your house doesn't matter. And if anyone thinks it does, they can talk to me."

Kayse smiled a little, placing a small kiss on her nose.

"You're cute when you're mad."

She rolled her eyes, motioning to Kayse's third letter. "What's that one? Check it out."

Kayse looked at Raya's pile, "You didn't get one?"


Kayse looked hesitant, but opened up the letter. Raya waited for him to read it, but it seemed like he was stuck on the very first sentence.

"Kayse?" She nudged him. "You good?"

He looked up, handing her the letter without a word. Raya read it, her head whipping in his direction.

"No fucking way!" she exclaimed. "Are you serious? Oh Gods, this is amazing! Ah, I'm so proud of you! I love you!"

Raya threw her arms around him, tackling him so he fell backwards on the bed.

"Oh this is amazing," she was still grinning, peppering his face with kisses.

Slowly, Kayse's disbelief morphed into genuine happiness. And why wouldn't it?

After all, he was the next Slytherin Quidditch Captain. 


thanks for reading!!

n e ways: raya youngest ever ravenclaw captain
and kayse first ever muggleborn slytherin captain
is just couple goals

hehe: surprise updateee! missed ya'll <3 i'm back now
just forgot about this for a while






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