Guarding... Alien Royalty?

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A/N: Inspired by this fanart/AU I found on Pinterest, I couldn't find who made the art though:

*~* I hope you enjoy! *~*

How did your life lead to this?

You were a normal human being, living your best live with a good amount of friends, on your way to achieving your dream job and you had a good connection to your family. Heck, you even payed off the house loan for your first home, and was already saving up for your dream home!

But no. The one night you decided to stay up and stargaze, you get picked up... BY ALIENS! What were the chances of that happening?!

After the aliens had scanned you with some sort of weird machine and changed you into what you would describe as slave clothing from medieval times, the alien ship had flew away from Earth, you watching your home planet and normal life fly away...

The ship had quickly arrived to what you could only assume was the alien's planet, you being escorted - you had quickly found out you can actually breathe on this planet when you didn't start choking after leaving the ship - through a beautiful castle...

Only to be thrown into a prison cell.

It seemed like hours before four aliens approached you, one being particularly small and watching you with wide, almost excited eyes as the tallest hummed "Human from Earth, you must be wondering why we took you from your planet. The answer is simple, we are holding you here so we may learn of your planet through your knowledge, and one of our own kind disguised as you learning what you may not know. You will not need to worry about being harmed and so you do not go insane or bored in your cell, you will have the job of guarding my child..."

You blink at what you were told, looking at the smallest who grinned warmly and waved.

"We shall leave you two be so you may learn of each other, but do not think of escaping. We have plenty of guards at the ready to capture you once more," the tallest spoke again, opening the cell as the child stepped in before the three adult aliens left.

As soon as they left, the child sat in front of you and began to eagerly ask you questions, you unable to understand and catch up because they were talking so fast!

(Here is the child, you may choose one)

He does have a tail that matches his hair colour, but the game won't let me add a tail XD
His voice claim:

Up above is an alien boi named Treley Cacjud, his species being called Khedhall.

Down below is Luxillit Straag, her species being called Xix.

Her voice claim:

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