My Sandersides

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Name: Megan Morality

Nickname/s: Meg, Mama Bear, Miss-Cuddles-A-Lot

Trait Represented: Morality (Emotions and feelings)

Gender: Female (She/Her/Hers/Herself)

Sexuality: Demi Pansexual (She doesn't mind which gender, but she wants a friendly connection first)



Casual -

Party -

Formal -

Pyjamas -

Personality: Megan is very bubbly and sweet. She is always giving out affection and advice, and loves making anyone important to her. However, she is very emotional, able to switch between emotions and moods within a couple seconds depending on the situation going on around her and the thoughts going through her mind (she is known to get upset easily, and even get upset for no reason). She is very much a mother figure, always concerned about others until she knows they are healthy, happy and safe.

Likes: Teddies, pastel colours, kids movies, making snacks and cooking, flowers, Animal Crossing, seeing loved ones happy and healthy, singing in the shower, sweet foods, fluffy pillows and blankets

Dislikes: The dark, spiders, horror movies, loved ones not eating enough, spicy or sour foods, concerning loved ones, rough fabric, neon colours, losing her glasses, confusing riddles

Theme Song:


Name: Lilly Logic

Nickname/s: Flower, Lils, Bookworm, Glasses, Tech Nerd

Trait Represented: Logic (Everything I learn and my curiosity)

Gender: Female (She/Her/Hers/Herself)

Sexuality: Bisexual



Casual -

Party / Formal -

Pyjamas -

Personality: Lilly is often very serious and determined (though it crosses the line into stubborn sometimes), easily focusing into any task she works on. However, she tends to overwork herself to the point of forgetting to take of herself. She is almost always on tech, either coding or researching, even looking at theories. But she also has her nose in a book often too, sometimes fiction and sometimes a dictionary or thesaurus. She tends to get stressed and frustrated easily when she can not figure out a problem.

Likes: Technology, reading, coding, riddles, coffee, having her hair tied as much as she can out of her face, being organised and on time, solving problems, comfortable but presentable clothing, her glasses clean, doing things with her hands

Dislikes: New and sudden outcomes, her hair being a mess in her face, losing her glasses, being the punch line in a joke, spoilers (though she might accidentally spoil a book she's excited about), passing out when working

Theme Song:


Name: Coraline Creativity

Nickname/s: Cora, Princess, Daydreamer

Trait Represented: Creativity (Imagination and Ideas)

Gender: Female (She/Her/Hers/Herself)

Sexuality: Pansexual



Casual -

Party -

Formal -

Pyjamas -

Personality: Coraline is very, very energetic and almost cartoon like, always moving and doing something. Whether it be acting on a stage or gardening, she likes making things and expressing herself. She is very courageous and will try anything just for the experience, and she always has a creative out look on life. The few times she can actually settle down? Reading books or going through ideas to decide what she wants to do.

Likes: Acting, writing, fantasy and sci-fi, singing, music, making things, dressing up, doing her hair and makeup, her room being clean, making characters and costumes, getting creative with cooking, trying new things

Dislikes: Being criticised too harshly, history, when she doesn't like her own work, being bored, doing nothing, doing something that doesn't interest her, feeling sick or too tired, someone copying her ideas without giving her credit

Theme Song:


Name: Sophia Anxiety

Nickname/s: Soph, Anxious Baby/Bubble

Trait Represented: Social Anxiety (My social anxiety, fears and worries)

Gender: Female (She/Her/Hers/Herself)

Sexuality: Demi Bisexual



Casual -

Party -

Formal -

Pyjamas -

Personality: Sophia is very quiet, shy and hesitant. She won't speak up unless someone directly speaks to her, and even then she struggles to keep eye contact and form the right words. She is heavily apologetic and goes straight into a panic attack even with the smallest mistake or the slip of the tongue. She tends to be very emotional and is very much in a negative mindset about herself.

Likes: Soft things, squishes, breathing techniques, being in a corner, actually being able to help, the days she feels pretty or cute, big clothing, scarves and fingerless gloves, understanding people, music

Dislikes: Rough items, singing to too many people, messing up, making a mistake, saying the wrong things, losing someone's trust, not feeling good enough, showing off too much skin, unable to distract herself if she feels stress and/or panic building, someone taking her glasses

Theme Song:

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