| the bard |

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I was meant to be yours - individual roleplay
By _-dreamerboi-_ 

Side Note:

I tried to make it similar to your forms, but with a couple things different as I am working with what I got haha
I also wanted to add a voice claim, hence the video above!


| name |
Ario Houghton

| nicknames |
* ari
* big bro/brother(Only from his younger siblings)
* strings

| age |

| gender |

| sexuality |
openly bisexual


| appearance |


| personality |
Ario seems like a perfectly sweet and energetic lad, always working hard to entertain others and bring a smile to their face to brighten their day, even if they are already having a sunny day. He is known throughout his village for performing with his siblings, and dancing on the tables of the local tavern with almost childlike energy. All of this energy however is just Ario trying to live life to the fullest while being sure not to get in trouble. He has seen too often people suffering at the hand of cruelty and injustice when his family decide to travel to other parts of the kingdom for more coin, and refuses to see himself go into such a dark state. Ario is usually quite confident, happily talking to strangers and defending himself in banter and arguments if the situation calls for it, but is also quite obvious when nervous, unable to hide his stutters. Though in charge of tidying his home, Ario is forgetful of items he doesn't use often and so has to be organised with his own system otherwise he could lose his head if he didn't have it attached to his body.

| patience |

| intelligence |

| confidence |

| jealous |

| serious |

| honest |

| organised |

| selfishness |

| loyalty |


| likes |
* music, especially on the violin or piano
* seeing others smile
* his family being happy
* rain

| dislikes |
*corrupt people
* arguing with his older sister
* upsetting people
* the smell of raw / dead fish

| hobbies |
* violin; The bard wouldn't be a very good performer if he couldn't play a instrument, and the violin is the instrument he picked up on after learning a little from his mother. He loves how the instrument can play both happy songs that lifts others' hearts and sad songs that can bring tears to those who hear.
*piano; Ario doesn't often play this instrument, usually as they are quite expensive and are only played by the most noble of bards and noble figures. But when he does get the chance to, he is always quick to learn new songs or practice songs he remembers well.

| fears |
* losing his family; Due to often performing and having been with his siblings since birth, it is quite reasonable why Ario is nervous about losing his family. They are very close knit, always there if one person is upset so the thought of losing his family makes him queasy if he ever dares has that thought.


| backstory |
Ario was born the second in his family, with his oldest sister, Hannah, being four when he came into the world thanks to the love of a seamstress and herbalist. While they did not have much money, certainly not enough to be known as noble family, they were happy, having enough money to feed themselves as people often came to Ario's father for the medicinal herbs he grew or for his mother's sewing repairs to fix clothing. Ario often helped his father and mother with cleaning up whenever he could with his sister learning to sew, sometimes Hannah singing while doing so. As Ario got older, he soon learned violin from his mother who played late at night when not working and started to go out to town on his own, becoming known and bringing more people to his parents for clothing repair and medicine. When he was fifteen, his mother gave birth to twins, naming the baby girl Fay and the baby boy Sam. Since their birth, Ario never left their sides, playing and caring for his younger siblings but that started arguments with Hannah who, as happy as she was to have more family to be with, was nervous that if Ario did not perform on the violin as often that they would lose the additional attention for their parents and the money that could help them get money to live. These small arguments continued until the twins turned five, soon becoming a part of Ario's violin and Hannah's singing performances by dancing in fun colourful clothes that Hannah sewed herself.

| family |
* mother Elsbeth; Ario is quite close to his mother, especially when he started to learn how to play violin with her as his teacher. He normally turns to his mother for advice and comfort, and always helps her in anyway possible when he is home, not performing.
* father Theon; Ario and Theon are often talking whenever Ario assists with gardening and tending to the herbs his father grows in the small farm they have behind their home. While they are not as close as Ario and his mother, Ario does known he can talk to his father, having talked to him first about the small memory issues he occasionally has when cleaning.
* elder sister, Hannah; These two get along as well as most siblings do, taking care of each other and helping each other with the occasional argument. They are supportive of each other, despite Hannah being much more serious and attentive to details while Ario is more distracted at doing his best to enjoy life while caring for his family's happiness.
*younger brother, Sam; These two boys are extremely similar with almost the exact same energy that they use to run around and climb in the trees nearby their cottage home. Ario is always making sure his brother isn't getting in any trouble while letting him have fun, just wanting his siblings enjoy childhood while they are children.
* younger sister, Fay; Ario, as a classic older brother, tries his best to make sure his youngest sister is happy and safe. He helps with her hair in the morning, tying it up or braiding it with freshly picked wild flowers that he always sneaks out early to collect just so Fay can feel as pretty as a fairy.

| other relationships |
* the tavern owner, Cohen; Ario goes often to the tavern, especially after kingdom festivals, and so has gotten to talking to Cohen and the man's family often, developing a bond with them. Cohen has become almost like a father with Ario, except more for the business of Ario doing regular performances and so earning money at his location.
* a kind noble, Ms Ruth Ward; Having the kind old lady when Fay ran up to her because the woman was wearing quite a lovely dress, Ms Ward invited Fay and Ario to her home where Ario discovered the piano. After Ms Ward played a couple songs for them, Ario started to learning from the lady until they had to leave so she could have tea with a noble from the castle. Since then, Ario will occasionally go to meet with the widower, sometimes on his own or with his siblings if they are not needed by their parents, and practice on the piano while speaking with the noble woman.

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