The Royal Bloodbag

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Everyone knew of the kingdom to the South, ruled by a cruel vampire family who kept their own people hostage, the only ones able to leave being the King, his army and any visitors.

But not anymore. Today was a new day for the kingdom as not only was the kingdom rising against the tyrants that controlled them, but the many surrounding kingdoms had allied together to help free the people and take the throne away from the King.

(You can choose if you are one of the rebelling forces or if you are from one of the other kingdoms as a knight or a royal)

The kingdom thrown into chaos quite quickly, rebels falling easily but for every one, the allied kingdoms fought more eagerly and lead the rebelling kingdom into the castle.

You seperate from the fight to find a weapon room only to find yourself in the jails below the castle, vampires either weak, dying or dead laying in their cells with those with more energy reaching out for help through the bars of their cell.

You help them out quickly and as you reach the end, you find a thick wooden door with odd golden bars supporting the door. After finding the key hanging on the wall next to it, you open the door... And freeze.

Inside, staring numbly at the door with blind silver eyes, was a girl. She sat on the cold stone floor, her long black hair dry and messy as it pooled around her. She almost looked a doll with how pale her skin was... But there was many scars on her. Some looked like to be caused by a blade, but the rest were bite scars from some vampire clearly feeding on her.
She wore a shirt and ripped shorts, with red leather straps around her lower arms and around her neck, binded by gold and with golden chains forcing her to stay sitting on the floor.
(If you are a species with higher levels of scent, the room wafts your scent with an incredibly sweet smell, something fruity and refreshing with the scent coming from the girl.)

Hearing you push the door open further, the girl slowly lifts her head in your direction, her voice weak and empty of emotion as she murmurs "I am ready to be fed upon... Enjoy..."

~ What do you do? ~

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