Chapter 13

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Lily POV


I yawn and open my eyes.


Who is the stupid person who has a death wish?


"WHO THE HELL IS IT?" I yelled and went to open the door. It was James.

"Uh... I just wanted to wake you up because eh... we have to go to Hogsmeade." He said looking nervous and whimpering slightly.

"Oh! I totally forgot. Sorry for yelling. I'll be in ten." I said slightly embarrassed about forgetting and rushed to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth took a bath and got ready.

I wore skinny black pants with a white, thin short top and a white fur coat. I wore white, ankle high, designed leather boots. When I came out, I saw that James was already ready and was waiting for me to go to breakfast.

He was wearing a white round neck t-shirt, sky blue jeans, a black leather jacket and white sneakers. My god! He is so handsome. I went to him and ruffled up his hair.

"Oh hey." He said recognizing my presence. "You look awesome Lil."

"Thanks!" I said blushing slightly. "You don't look too bad yourself." He pouted.

"'Not too bad'. That's all?" He asked.

I punched him playfully. "Don't push it. And... you do look handsome. Now let's get down for breakfast." He blushed at the complement and then we both headed downstairs. Our friends were waiting at the Gryffindor table. I mean, Marls, Sirius, Remus and Peter. Alice was sitting with Frank and they both were snogging. Same was the case with Mary and Reginald.

"Hey! Wassup?" I said sitting down with James.

"Oh nothing much. By the way, did you dress James up or is he looking so decent because he is getting to go to Hogsmeade with you?" Sirius asked. We all started laughing and James blushed a deep shade of red.

"Oh shut up, Padfoot. Lily didn't dress me up and I always look decent." Sirius scoffed. "And did Marlene dress you up because you both are wearing the exact same clothes."

It was then that I noticed that both Sirius and Mar were wearing the same colors. They both were wearing red t- shirts, navy blue jeans, denim jacket and black shoes. We all sniggered while they both blushed.

"Shut up James and just eat your breakfast." Mar said and started eating her own. Sirius followed her suit. We all sniggered again and ate our breakfast.

At 9 o' clock we went and sat in the carriages. Everyone including Frank, Alice and Mary, Reginald was there. Just as we were going to go McGonagall came there with Snape by her side.

"Ah... I am sorry but could you all please adjust with Mr. Snape here? All other carriages are gone or full to the brim." She asked. We didn't want him here but we couldn't deny so we agreed on letting him come. I was sitting beside James in a corner. Snape came and sat on my other side. It was quite tight and uncomfortable but I didn't say anything. Then, he put his hand on my leg and that was it. I couldn't handle it anymore so I got up and sat in James' lap.

He froze for a second but then he wrapped his arms around my waist. Everyone looked at me shocked out of their minds but didn't say anything. I could see Snape's face twisted with fury but that just made me feel better. James buried his head in my hair and whispered. "Why did you come to sit here? Not that I mind in the slightest." I could feel him smirk at that.

"Snape was running a hand on my leg so I got frustrated." I whispered back.

"I will kill him for touching you." James whispered furiously.

"You don't have to. When I sat on your lap, I saw his face boiling with fury so I guess retaliation done." I whispered not wanting to start a fight. He sighed and muttered an 'ok'. The rest of the journey was in silence except for the grumbling sounds Snape kept making while he threw a disapproving glare towards James and me but we didn't care.

Shortly the carriage came to a halt. As soon as we stepped out, we put ample distance between Snape and the rest of us. Frank and Alice went to Three broomsticks whereas Mary and Reginald went to Madam Puddifoot's.

"So.... Where to first?" Remus asked.

"Zonko's, of course." James and Sirius said in unison as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Remus and I rolled our eyes and the two of them sniggered.

"But I have to buy quills and ink from Scrivenshaft's." I protested. After a short argument about where to go we decided that Remus and I would go to Scrivenshaft's and Sirius, James, Peter and Mar will go to Zonko's and we would meet in front of Honeydukes in ten minutes.

When Remus and I entered Scrivenshaft's he spoke up, "Why did you sit on James' lap in the carriage? Not that he seemed to mind in the slightest."

I recounted all that happened including the conversation that James and I had. He looked angry but didn't say anything. After buying our stuff we went to Honeydukes. We only had to wait for about two minutes when we saw the rest of them coming with two large bags that I suspect were filled with dung bombs.

In Honeydukes we bought quite some sweets including sugar quills, Chocolate frogs, Bertie Bott's every flavour bean and Drooble's best blowing gum.

After that we strolled for a bit and went to Three Broomsticks.

"Look." Mar said pointing towards Alice and Frank who seemed to be shoving their tongues in each other's throats. We fake gagged and went to a table as far-flung from them as conceivable.

"I'll go get the drinks." Sirius volunteered.

"Ok. I'll come with you." Said Marlene and they went off. It seemed that Sirius was flirting with Rosmerta by the expressions he was making and the way she was giggling. What was surprising was that Marlene looked furious.

"Do you think Mar fancies Padfoot?" The question was directed to me by James who had also seen them.

"Yeah, she does. She always said that he was extremely good-looking." I replied.

"Well, so does Padfoot. He has been saying how nice her legs are since the start of this year." Remus said.

"And it is much worse to listen to than the time when James is bragging about how perfect you are." Peter added grinning. I saw James turn the shade of and over- ripe tomato.

"Shut up, Peter." He said threateningly. We all started laughing.

"What is so funny?" Sirius asked. We had not noticed that he had returned because we were busy laughing our heads off.

"Nothing." James said before any of us could say anything. Marlene still looked angry.

We drank our butterbeers joking a lot- mainly about how James said that I was perfect. By the time we had finished our butterbeers, James' face was redder than I had ever seen.

After some more joking and laughing about past years, we decided to head back to the castle.

On reaching the seventh floor we thought that it would be best if we went to bed early as we were extremely tired so we went to our dorms.

"I had a lot of fun today, James. Thanks!" I said smiling.

"Anytime Lil's. I had a ton of fun too." He replied. I went and gave him a brief hug and a lingering peck on the cheek before muttering good night and going off to bed.


Sorry, Sorry, Sorry. We hate ourselves too. We know that it has been 6 days since we updated but we have a lot of school work and we have projects to do too. We feel like we are making excuses but it is true. Anyways here is the chapter. Thanks a ton for 1.5K reads. We are so happy.

Please give us some votes. Pretty please with cherries and chocolate syrup on top.




Love ya guys!๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

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