Chapter 9

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Lily POV

'James! Duck!' I shouted. But it was too late. James was hit with a jet of green light. I strongly suspect it to be the killing curse. Oh no! 'Stupefy. Expelliarmus. Impedimenta.' All the death eaters down. Now where is James?

'James!! No!'

'James you cannot leave me. James please wake up.'

'James!' I scream.

'Wake up Lily' I heard James' voice. 'Lily, wake up.'

I sat up, drenched in sweat, James sitting on the corner of my bed looking concerned.

"Lily, are you ok? Why were you screaming? Where was I leaving you? And why were you telling me to wake up?" He bombarded me with questions. I said nothing but collapsed in his arms, tears streaming down my face. He froze for a second but then melted in. He rubbed my back comfortingly and held me tighter, whispering comforting words in my ear. I felt safe in his arms. After a moment, I composed myself and looked up at him.

"I- I had a nightmare." I paused to see James looking expectantly at me. "We both were fighting d-d- death e- eaters. And one of t-them f-fired a k-k-killing curse at y-y-you." After saying so, I broke down to tears again. He pulled me into an embrace so tight that I could feel my hands numb a bit. I looked up to see tears glistening in his eyes. He looked like he was trying very hard to keep them at bay.

"I had a similar dream too. Only it was you in my place..." And then he broke off. I saw a tear slip down his cheek. We just sat on my bed in a tight embrace, worrying about nothing. It was a Monday but it was only 6 o' clock so we did not have to worry about classes right now. We were in a world of our own.

*Tap, Tap, Tap*

We were brought back to the world by a tap on the window. We broke apart and James went to retrieve a letter from the owl on the window. He opened and showed it to me.

Dear Miss Evans and Mr. Potter,

I would like to see you both in my office before the classes.


Albus Dumbledore

P.S. โ€“ I like 'chocolate frogs'.

We knew that 'chocolate frogs' was the password. Without another word, we wiped our eyes โ€“ more like he wiped mine and then his own โ€“ and quickly got ready. Then we started walking towards Dumbledore's office. There was a comfortable silence between us.

But there was a thought racing my mind. While I was with James, I didn't mind him hugging me. In fact, I felt disappointed when we had to break apart. I also noticed that I liked being with him and felt restless when he wasn't there. Oh no! Did I fancy him?! I made a mental note to talk to my friends about it later.

We reached the stone gargoyle. "Chocolate frogs." James and I said in unison and went up to Dumbledore's office. James knocked at the door and a soft voice said "Come in." we went inside and saw Dumbledore sitting behind his desk, his hands crossed in front of him and his eyes twinkling from behind his half-moon spectacles.

"Sit down, sit down." He said bringing me back to the office as my thoughts seemed to have wandered away. I had come to his office a few times for prefect instructions but it always seemed to amaze me with its various books and unique instruments.

"Good Morning" He said in a cheery tone.

"Good Morning, Professor." We politely said.

"I have called you both to tell you about tomorrow's Halloween feast. As you both know that the heads are responsible to hold up certain events. Usually we have a Halloween ball but this time we won't be able to do that. We will only be having the Halloween feast. You both can go to the kitchens and check with the house elves for the menu for it. Also, you both will be decorating the Great Hall for the Feast tomorrow evening." We both nodded. "Any questions?" We shook our heads.

"Good then. I think you both should have a good 20 minutes for breakfast before your classes. So, I won't take any more of your time. You both can go."

We ran down for breakfast. We also had to explain it to our friends, what we were doing. Barely having any time for breakfast, we hastily ate some toast and went to charms, our first class of the day.

"Good Morning everyone." Said professor Flitwick.

"Good morning professor" the class chorused.

"As you all can remember, we have been learning the theory of Patronus and now that you all know about that, we'll be doing a practical so that we can see if you have understood it correctly." There were mummers of excitement in the class.

"We'll just revise how to produce one. So, who can tell me how do we produce a Patronus?" Asked professor Flitwick.

I raised my hand immediately (which was not surprising at all) but the surprise was when James and Sirius raised their hands as well. I turned to look in their direction with surprise because they never answered the questions in class.

Professor called out to James to answer the question.

"To produce a Corporeal Patronus, the caster has to think of a happy memory and let it fill the body. Then they have to say the incantation that is 'Expecto Patronam'. James answered. I looked at him in surprise.

"Very good Mr. Potter. 5 points to Gryffindor. Now who can tell me what a Corporeal Patronus is?"

Again, I raised my hand and so did James and Sirius. This time professor gestured towards Sirius to give the answered.

A Corporeal Patronus is one that is fully-formed, taking the shape of a bright-silver, translucent animal. It is the strongest form a Patronus can take, being able to fully drive Dementors away. The Patronus take the form of the animal which best represents the persons' soul." Sirius answered.

"Very good Mr. Black. 10 points for Gryffindor." The professor squeaked. "Now you all will start practicing and at the end of the class, all of you will show your Patronus to me. You all may not be able to produce it today but don't worry. You will be able to do it after practice. Remember to fill yourself with an extremely happy memory and say 'Expecto Patronam'."

With that we started to practice. I thought about the time when I got my letter and about the time when Petunia and I were friends. But none of them seemed to be powerful enough. Only slight whisps of silver were coming out of my wand. I sighed and looked around the class. Nobody seemed to have managed to produce a Patronus. Marls had her eyes closed as if I deep concentration but I knew better and knew that she was asleep. Alice also had only managed slight whisps. Mary seemed to be trying to wake Marlene up but turned to be unsuccessful. I looked at the back of the class where the marauders were chatting loudly. I went to them.

"What do we owe the pleasure, Lily-pad?" Sirius asked playfully. I frowned and asked, "Why are you all not practicing?"

"Oh Lils. We already know how to." Remus answered.

"Oh really. Show me then." I said, Sirius grinned cheekily and produced the Patronus. I was awe- struck. I was a big shaggy dog. I looked around and saw Marly looking at the dog admiringly. She looked in our direction and Sirius winked at her. She blushed a bit and turned to the front quickly. Hmmm interesting I thought to myself. Next Peter showed it. It was a rat which was somewhat suspicious to me. Remus had a wolf. Everyone had seen it and were clapping. Professor Flitwick awarded each of them 10 points and went to help other students. I was frustrated because even after my many tries, I wasn't able to produce it. Only then a voice from behind me cleared their throat.

"Do you need any help?" James questioned. I nodded.

"Alright then. What memory were you thinking of?" He asked and I told him about it.

"Well, the ones you are thinking aren't strong enough. Think about another one and try again. Let the memory fill you up." He explained and I nodded. Then he held my hand in order to tell me the right wand movement. When his warm hand came in contact to mine, butterflies erupted in my stomach. Was that normal? I thought to myself but just then I remembered the events of this morning. James and I in a tight embrace. I felt a smile creep onto my face and I whispered the incantation. An elegant doe erupted from my wand. I was grinning like an idiot but when I turned to see the marauders, I saw their shocked faces.

"What?!" I asked. No one answered but James took out his wand and muttered 'Expecto Patronam'. A handsome stag came out of James' wand. I stood there shocked, looking at the stag in awe. Everyone in the class was staring at either me or James. Then the stag walked over to my doe and they both seemed a perfect match. I knew that this meant that James and I are soul mates but I couldn't believe it. I had to think about it alone. Luckily the bell rang and our Patronuses vanished. Still avoiding James, I sat with my friends as far as possible from him. I ran to the Gryffindor common room and up the girls' dormitory after the classes. When my friends came up there, they bombarded me with questions and I knew that it was going to be a long day.


We know. So sorry for updating soo late but our teachers wanted to kill us without being chucked up in Azkaban. So, they decided that the safest way to kill us would be to overload us with homework. Anyways here's the chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading it.

Do comment.




Love you all.ย 

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