Chrismas Story

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Christmas, which is everyone's favourite holiday in winter. All the children, teenagers and adults get to celebrate together as a family.

Every family comes together in their cozy home and eats delicious home meals which are cooked by their own family members. Having chit-chat with their family who came to visit from their hometown, getting along with the Neighbour very well.

Everyone was happy, especially children who believe that Santa Claus will come to their house to put the present after their grandparents having storytelling about Santa Claus to their children.

As years have passed, all the holiday celebrations with the same joy on their face during the holiday until there is a year that have changed everything in the world...

In the year 2020, everything has changed after the virus has occurred.. People started social distancing to each other, staying at home for safety, countries having lockdowns due to viruses have spread, wearing face masks or face shields to protect themselves from the virus and hand sanitizer before and after using the items. News was all over the world about cases of death due to the virus.

Everything was not the same as in the old times. Students and workers' day have to extend as they are not allowed to be in public in dangerous conditions so the students have to attend online classes while the workers started to have online business instead.

Everyone has been quarantined since the day of the virus occurred. Slowly people are getting used to the change of lifestyle.

Then there was an infamous writer, Mireya. She is now writing for her upcoming stories. She is living with her roommate, Oblivia.

who is a famous influencer on social media like tik toks, youtubes, twitter, instagrams that is having a massive fanbase of her own and she also sells some of her design clothes with her own brand. Mireya and Oblivia are also besties since high school and they have a dream to achieve.

Both of them are living in an apartment in America. While Mireya is writing her stories, she gets frustrated easily as her mind is full of ideas but couldn't write it. Meanwhile, oblivia came by to her room.

Mireya turned around and looked at her with 'can't you knock?' face. " good?" oblivia asked as she can tell that her bestie is having frustration while writing.

"Yea..i'm good. It's just that I couldn't even write a single chapter for it and you have no idea how stressed I am than working" Mireya said while rubbing her head aggressively.

Oblivia came to her room and took a peek at her story title. "Christmas story?" Oblivia said then she continued to look at her work.

"Well, you could have just written about Santa Claus who came by their home."Oblivia gave a suggestion. "Yeah, i know. But I need a unique Christmas story which was originally by me instead of plagiarizing the writer's work" Mireya said while trying to think of the story plot.

Oblivia sighed as she knew that she couldn't help her. Oblivia opened the door and about to leave her room.

"Well good luck on your writing. And we ran out of food and supply for dinner" Oblivia said and closed the door from behind then left. "Wait, Don't we have instant noodles to eat?" Mireya turned around and saw that Oblivia wasn't there. Mireya then continued typing her story then suddenly her stomach started roaming.

Mireya got out of her room and opened the fridge and oblivia was right that they had run out of food.

Mireya then took out her phone thinking that they ordered food deliveries for that but sadly they couldn't as she knew that it is holiday season and it is cold for food delivery to deliver the food as the temperature is below that.

Oblivia then scrolled at her instagram on her phone. "Guess we have to head out and buy some food?" Oblivia said and Mireya nodded in agreement.

"Alright let's go" Both mireya and oblivia went to change and began to go outside. As soon as they were outside, both of them felt the chill as the cold wind blew.

"Once we are done buying and we went straight to home as I don't want to freeze till death" Oblivia said in a shaking tone.

"Alright, alright. Hopefully we won't freeze till death." Mireya said, teasing her while earning a glare from oblivia. Both of them went to the market place to buy groceries.

Once they enter, there are tons of people at the market with the mask on. Both of them look behind as if they saw zombies waiting for their turn to buy groceries.

Oblivia grabbed your hands after she got the basket and went straight to buy food and supplies at speed.

Mireya couldn't do anything as she saw how competitive she is when it comes to many people buying food for their needs.

The market slowly became crowded with people but mireya and oblivia managed to escape the crowd and paid the groceries and went back out.

"Phew, we almost got squashed by the crowd of people." Oblivia said.

"Lol, we're not gummy bears that easily get squashed." Mireya said and both of them chuckled while heading to the convenience store. Mireya and Oblivia enter the store to buy some more instant food, drinks and snacks.

Both of them went to the counters ready to get paid. "Thank you for coming and merry christmas!" said the cashier and mireya and oblivia left the store decided that it's time to head home. While walking home, Mireya decided to break the silence.

"Good thing that the store has some heat to warm us up." Mireya said. "I know right, but we have to head home anyway" Oblivia said."Well loser reach there will have to cook dinner" Oblivia teased but got hit by mireya who is holding the snowball.

Both of them started to have fun even though it's covid. Both of them stopped as the strong wind started to blow, both of them quickly grabbed their groceries and began to run.

In the cold winter filled with snow, both of them stopped as they heard the voice and began to make their way to the voice. Mireya saw a homeless mom with her child cuddling each other while shivering. Mireya and Oblivia came to bring two homeless mom and her child to their home together.

*At their home (Mireya and Oblivia's)*

Once they are back home, the first thing they need to do is take a shower. Oblivia let the child take a shower at her room with the mom while mireya had to take a quick bath so oblivia could use the bathroom.

Once everyone was done taking a bath, oblivia gave her clothes to them. After they were done changing, the homeless woman and her child moved to tears while thanking mireya and oblivia.

"Thank you for everything." she said with tears of joy as she would have thought they would freeze for the cold winter night.

The whole room filled with emotion causing both mireya and oblivia moved to tears seeing them happy. The mother wiped her tears and looked at the time. "Oh! I should make some food for dinner to repay my kindness." she said.

"I'll help!" Mireya volunteered and the mother accepted the offer. Mireya went to help her at the kitchen while oblivia had to accompany the child. "Hello! What's your name?" Oblivia said with a bright smile. "M-my name is Priscilla!" she said with a cute smile.

"Priscilla..what unique name you have" Oblivia said. "Thank you, my mom named me." Priscilla said with the happiest smile. "The dinner is ready to serve" Prisca's mom said while holding the dishes and mireya helped her. "Coming!" both oblivia and priscilla said.

*At the dining table*

Everyone sat on the table after serving the food on the table and began to eat. Oblivia took a photo of everyone with food and posted it on her social media while Mireya had a video call with her parents. Having chatting and eating together on the table with great joy is something that priscilla couldn't stop smiling.

Both oblivia and mireya on the video call introducing priscilla and her mom to their parents while having a fun chat together. "Can I ask that,Why are you guys outside of the store in the first place?" Oblivia asked and Mireya hit her with the elbow.

"What was that for?" Oblivia said, causing her to hissed and glare at her. Mireya finally looked up and saw sadness in their eyes. "O-oh, it's okay if you don't want to tell us, it is understandable" Oblivia said as she knew she shouldn't ask.After eating dinner, oblivia and priscilla's mom helped to wash the dishes.

*At the living room*

Mireya and Priscilla helped to decorate the Christmas tree and spent time together. Prisca's mom and oblivia came to the living room with sadness.

"Is everything okay?" Mireya said while hugging Priscilla like hugging a teddy bear. "Y-yea, it's fine." Prisca's mom said. Priscilla went to her mom and sat on her lap. "I guess you guys deserved to know the truth." She said. "My n-name is Gianna Hart. sorry for not introducing myself." Gianna said.

"Wait, you're THE Gianna Hart?! You're the inspiration for me to write my stories in the first place." Mireya said in excitement. "Oh, thank you and I appreciate that you remember me." Gianna chuckled at Mireya's behave.

"But I don't understand, I thought you had everything.." Mireya questioned her. "Yeah, that I will explain. You see.." Flashbacks have come through Gianna's memories while explaining to them.


*Gianna's Pov*

"Mommy! When is daddy gonna come back from work?" Priscilla asked me. "Oh honey, I'm your dad is gonna come home soon" I caressed her hair while smiling. Soon me and my daughter heard a door knob open.

"That must be daddy coming back!" she said and went to the door to open it for him. "Hey dad-" Prisca's smile soon faded after opening the door for him. I went to the door and asked what had happened.

I went to the living room and saw my husband. "Hey sweetie..." He said while patting her head. "Sweetie, can i talk to mommy for a moment." He said and my daughter went to her room leaving me and my husband alone in the room. "Okay, honey. What do you want to talk about?" I said in a gentle tone.

I touched his face but he yanked it away. " everything okay?" I started to feel worried. "I want a divorce." He said. "W-what? Why.." I stuttered while holding back my tears. "Well, here's the reason." He said.

"One, I am seeing someone else who is prettier than you, sexier than you, richer than you and could give anything I want unlike you." His words are like knives that can stab my heart until it breaks continuously. While he still criticized me, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.

"Oh yeah, that's right. Cry all you want! You're ugly anyway." I cried even more with his words. "Then why would you marry me in the first place?" I sniffed.

"Simple, I used you to get my position as a successful CEO." He said. "You jerk! How could you do this to me after all these years!!" I shouted at him.

"Well what do you expect! You think i wanna be with a writer who doesn't give me anything! You're useless to me now!" My heart has shattered all over the place by his harsh words. Tears have started pouring out from my eyes and i cried.

"I can't believe this! You could have married another woman instead of me" I yelled at him with teary eyes. Despite having moments as a family but ended up ruined.

"Huh, i would have married you if it wasn't for your money. I mean look at you. You're worthless now." He scoffed still proud of himself that he made his sucess on his own without knowing who is the one help him with that.

"We even have a beautiful daughter and finally have a family moment yet you cheated on me with another woman?! I'm so disappointed in you.Soon you'll realise it's too late to go back. " I growled. "I have nothing to regret." He growled back.

"Whatever! Just sign this paper and we're done!" My husband said. He handed me the paper waiting for me to sign it. I breathe heavily as my nightmare has come true. I took the pen while my hand couldn't stop shaking.

"Oh! And one more thing. Priscilla will stay with me" He said. He is being the worst jerk among all the men. "No! I'm taking her with me!" I said. Me and my husband began arguing until my voice cracked. "Mom, dad please.." We stopped and turned our gaze to our daughter Priscilla who was crying non stop.

"S-sweetie, why are you here. You're supposed to be in your room by now." My husband said it gently. "I have heard everything..." Priscilla hung her head low while hugging her teddy bear tightly. My husband sighed as his daughter was terrified of the scene. "Great..since you know-" his word got cut off by his daughter.

"This is the worst day of my life before having Christmas together... I HATE YOU, Dad!" I was shocked by her words to her father. He looked at her shocked and speechless for her words of getting hate by his own daughter. "I won't go anywhere without my mom!" she said. He got up and gave us a cold look. "Fine then, you leave me no choice.

Sign this paper now! I don't wanna see any of your faces here." He said. I signed the paper angrily and went to my room packing. Just about to pack, my husband dragged me and my daughter out of the house and slammed the door. "Mom..." she cried and hugged her. "Why does dad doesn't love us.. did we do something wrong?" priscilla said while hugging her bear.

"Oh! Sweetie. It's not your fault. It's mine. I'm sorry for letting go through this." I felt bad for my child. I burst my tears in front of her, blaming myself for being useless. My daughter wiped my tears for me while crying. That night, we're homeless.

We decided to build a house made of boxes to stay. We barely have less money but enough to buy face masks for safety. We cuddled each other for the endless night.

Until One day, the storm came in. The wind blew away the boxes causing my daughter shaking and sobbing. I took her in my embrace under my coat to keep her warm. But then, two kind girls lended me a hand...

*Flashback ends and gianna's pov ended*

*Back to present*

*Author's pov*

After hearing their sad story, both gianna and priscilla cry in front of mireya and oblivia. "I'm sorry that both of you need to go through this..." Mireya said while comforting them. "I'm sorry for the sudden tears-" Gianna words get cut off by mireya. "No, don't be sorry for that. It's not your fault." Mireya said. "I'm sorry to hear that..." Oblivia said while comforting Priscilla who was crying. "Don't worry, we will soon find a house to live on." Gianna wiped her tears and brought her daughter about to leave. Oblivia immediately stopped both of them leaving by standing in front of them.

"Please stay, don't leave." Oblivia begged them. "There's nothing we can do and we don't want to be a burden to both of you." Gianna looked down as she is feeling useless towards herself. "Mommy..." Priscilla called out to her mom. "It's okay, we should stay here! You are the best mom in the world and I'm lucky to have a mom like you" Priscilla giving a warm smile to her mom who is crying quietly.

"Aww oh my sweetie, i-i" Priscilla hugged her while holding the teddy bear. Mireya and Oblivia who are watching them holding their tears back after witnessing a heartwarming moment. From now on, they spending time with each other as a families throughout the winter. Baking cookies, storytelling about Santa claus. Having fun. Happiness upon their faces, laughter filled around the apartment.

Even tho it's 2020, it still can celebrates like an old times. Mireya then decided to write the story about what is happening during her time and end the story right away. "Mireya! Don't just sitting there writing stories, come and join the fun with us!" Oblivia said. All four of them started singing Christmas Carol standing in front of the christmas tree that they have decorate it.

"We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated." Mireya said with joy and they agree with her. Everyone laugh in happiness. "Thank you for everything!" Both gianna and priscilla said at the same time with a smile on their face.


Thank you so much for reading this story! I hope you liked this story since it is my first time writing a normal story. Vote and comment are highly appreciated! That's all for now.

Be sure to follow my friends and support them please and help them achieve their goals! Merry Christmas everyone!! The words count in total including thipart of the talk are 3000 words in this part.

It's my first time writing this type of stories. Hope you liked it enjoy the holiday with families and friends!

Friends that i mention:

And to the supportive readers out there!! Thank you so much!! Merry Christmas Everyone!! Luv yall so much and Enjoy your holidays with friends and family!

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