A regular week at the Order of the Phoenix

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Well welcome to another chapter. No promises for this chapter.

Percy's P.O.V.:

"Why are you even here?" Sirius Black, god father of Harry Potter asked me for the 12th time that day when I stumbled into the trash bin kept in front of the door spilling all the garbage on the floor. Immediately I cast a spell to get it all right. 

Walking in bandages suck.

"Because I am a member of the order like everyone -sorry, most- of the people in this house." 

'Most' meaning Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny, they were here but not a part of the Order.

"Yea, I know that. But how did you get to be a part of the Order?" He asked me again. 

"Told you. I'm doing Dumbledore a favor by being a part of the order." 

"But you are a freaking 16 year old kid! And with those injuries-" 

"As of now, Dumbledore considers me his greatest potential ally against Voldemort. So you better leave me alone, Padfoot." I interrupted Sirius. I knew the reason behind all these questioning. Just 2 days ago Dumbledore just apparated here with me by his side, interrupted an important meeting of the Order, declared that I was to be a class A member of the Order, no questions to be asked, left me there and apparated back without another word. 

Class A member meant the highest class member, and the only 3 class A members at present were Dumbledore himself, Mad eye Moody (the real one), and me. Lupin, Sirius, Snape and a couple others were class B. 

"Leave the boy alone, Sirius." Lupin said leaning against a doorway watching us. 

"Incendio!" Lupin said firing the fire spell at me completely unexpectedly. 

"Repulso!" I muttered back without touching my wand. The spell was deflected back at Lupin. Lupin didn't expect to get hit by a fire spell, as his clothes caught fire. He was saved by Sirius who quickly casted the Aguamenti spell on Lupin. 

"Well you are pretty good at combat magic, and you can even cast wandless magic. So I wouldn't want you on my enemy side. That's all I need to trust you. And I hope you trust Newt too, Sirius." Lupin said getting back on his feet.

"NO FIGHTING IN THE HOUSE!" Molly Weasley, who sort of acted as the mom of the whole house shouted loudly from the upstairs.

"Time for the meeting!" Moody shouted from somewhere in the house. We all walked towards the meeting hall. 

The meeting hall was not particularly large in Sirius' house. But it was large enough for 16 people to sit around a long table. Technically it was the dining room, but considering that was the largest room in the house, it was selected as the meeting hall. 

Within the next 5 minutes, all the members of the Order had seated themselves in the room, and were patiently waiting for the topic of discussion. 

"Now, that everyone is here, here's our plan of action for the next week. There's 3 tasks marked here." Minerva McGonagall, one of my favorite professor at Hogwarts started saying. She was the one in charge of briefing us of weekly tasks. "Task one which shall be done tomorrow, is to take out the Death Eater base at Serbia. Our spies there have reported that Voldemort has been trying to rally the death eaters there. We are planning on sending a 6 people force there to capture them. Who will be volunteering?" 

Immediately I raised my arm. I winced slightly at the pain because I raised my arm too quickly. 

Other than me, Sirius, Lupin, Arthur, Nymphadora Tonks, Dedalus Diggle, and Bill Weasley raised their hands. 

"Well that's 7 of you. Newt, do you really think you should go on this mission?" Molly Weasley asked. 



"I can go on any mission I want. Privilege of a Class A member." I said. I did not like boasting around my Class A privileges, but sometimes the amount of worry Mrs. Weasley could possibly do, made it impossible for me to do literally any work without saying I have the privilege to be doing it. 

I was tired of people underestimating me just because I had some bandages, (a lot in fact) and had to be walking with a walking stick, and I couldn't stretch my arms or feet much. 

The only good thing the bandages did was cover my face, so I didn't need to be using my godly powers to look different. However I was supposed to get rid of my bandages and my walking stick in a couple of days. 

"Well, Sirius, you can't leave this house. Dumbledore's order. So it's just you 6. Newt, Lupin, Tonks, Dedalus, Arthur, and Bill." McGonagall declared. Sirius tried to protest, but it didn't work. 

"Well, here's the task 2 of the week. I think it's gonna be interesting for many of you. It involves extracting Harry from his uncle's house. We are going to do that at the end of the week. We need most people of the order on it, because if you-know-who gets news about Harry being transported I'm pretty sure it's gonna be rough." McGonagall said. "Well after that comes the third task which is simple. Another person 'highly important' as stated by Dumbledore will be coming to join the Order. I'm pretty sure most of you know her. She was the Beaxbutons champion last year. Phoebe Diana." 

What? Artemis was joining the Order of the Phoenix? That's gonna be disastrous for everyone here, and absolutely horrifying for me, especially after what I told Artemis before 'dying'.

"Dumbledore also informed me to let Newt handle the case with her."

"Wait- No! Absolutely not. I didn't sign up for that." I protested immediately

"Dumbledore also asked me to give you a message in case you didn't accept it. He just said, 'Revelations'."

Dam that old coot. Blackmailing a god by revealing my identity. 

"Fine. Just tell him, that he's gonna owe me one more after this."

"Sure." McGonagall said. "That's all for this week. I suggest all of you start with your tasks." 

After the tasks for this week briefing, we all left the meeting hall. 

I decided that it was time for me to remove the bandages from my face. So as soon as I reached my room, I removed my bandages and used my godly powers to take up a face of someone else. 

I got black hair, sharp piercing blue eyes, and changed some other characteristics about my face, making it completely impossible to recognize unless of course, you were a god. 

After that I hit my bunk and took quite a long nap. 

Time skip to next day

"Anyone wanna back out now, there's still 3 more minutes to do so." Lupin announced. We were getting ready to conduct the raid at Serbia. 

We were travelling by means of a portkey that was actually a wall. In case anyone ever came to search for a portkey, a wall would be the last thing they were gonna search for. Also in case of a seize here, and we all needed to flee, the wall could help a lot of people to teleport at once. Also imagine someone who's leans against the wall resting when the allotted time for teleportation arrives, and that person is suddenly teleported somewhere. 

It would be hilarious of course, but we are getting out of point here. Back to point. 

Right. So it was 1 more minute before the portkey would take us all to Belgrade, Serbia. Actually this was the 4th international raid that the Order was conducting this week. The last 3 had been in Bosnia, New Mexico, and Sydney. I hadn't been in any of the last 3 raids, but I heard that the one in Bosnia had gone miserably wrong. New Mexico was easy, but while dealing in Sydney, Dumbledore himself had to come to stop the bad situation from accelerating. 

"20 seconds remaining." Lupin said. The seconds went by quickly. 




And vroom. The feeling of teleporting by portkey had been one hell of a memorable experience for me. The last time I had teleported through that means was when I was teleported -completely unwillingly- to Voldemort. That was the main reason for everything, we are doing here right now. 

We arrived at a public park, which was where we were supposed to come. 

But what we did not anticipate was that the death-eaters had already began their meeting and it was actually about to end. 

Guess what? 

The incredibly intelligent members of the Order forgot to consider the difference in the time-zones of UK, and Serbia. Absolutely intelligent. 

There were at least 70 death eaters here, and the portkey led us right at the center of the meeting. 

Could our luck get any worse?

Of course. 

The meeting was held by Lucius Malfoy himself, and his band of bad boys. And we had appeared right at the spot light of the meeting.

Anyone could sense a battle coming up right now. I took out my phone from my pocket. 

"Mini, you know what to do." 

As soon as the music started - only in my ear, because that's what my phone did as default - I pulled out my wand and pointed it at Lucius Malfoy. We 7 formed a circle with our wands out pointing at them. 

"Well well. . . Found another meeting to ruin did you?" Malfoy's cold voice drawled out. 

"Less words, more action. No chance of talking out of this." Arthur Weasley said. Well, that was true. We were outnumbered 10 to 1 here, and we were the invaders. So making a diplomacy was out of the question. 

"So we just attack without question?" I asked. This just fell a little odd. Defence was more of my thing to be honest. Offense? Maybe not. 

"Well. That's what we are here to do. So let's do this and get the hell out of here." Tonks said. 

"Right. This seems like a suicide mission. This is gonna be fun. Let's do this. Mini, hit the songs louder." At that 'my songs know what you did in the dark' started blaring at my ears. 

"All right, we all just might wanna back up a bit." I said. Without any second of waste I created the greatest fiendfyre I've ever created.

"Pestis Incendium"

The other 6 started forming shield barriers around us. The death eaters taken aback by the fiendfyre backed away until the bad boy group started to fight the huge beast of fire in front of them. 

While the death eaters were distracted by the fiendfyre, and 6 of my group were busy deflecting spells that were thrown at me, I started summoning beasts from the elements around me using the magical spells which I myself had crafted and perfected with the help of Hecate herself. 

"surge, Tim, bestia, silvarum, draco fortis, exsurge et combure hostes in terra" I chanted in Latin. It literally translated to Rise, Tim, Beast of the woods, the mighty dragon, rise and burn the enemies to the ground. And in case you are wondering, yes, the dragon's name is Tim. I named him. 

All the trees in the park shaped together to form a giant dragon. And the dragon exhaled fire all around the place, burning the death eaters. 

"RETREAT! RETREAT AND FIND COVER!" Lucius Malfoy shouted loudly. 

Some death eaters tried to apparate the hell out of here. Those were the wise ones if you ask me. But letting them escape was not what we were here to do. 

"Redirigere conatus ad carcerem apparate!" I muttered as a silver glow emitted from my wand up towards the sky. The silver glow dissipated in the sky before falling as circles around us, covering an area of 1 mile radius. It was latin spell to redirect the death eaters to a prison, in case they tried to apparate anywhere. The prison was made by Dumbledore and all the Professors of Hogwarts together. They made it like an alternate prison dimension trapped inside a shoe. It was capable of trapping a maximum of 8000 people. We have been putting death eaters there and new recruits there. And we managed to put 35 there till date. After today I'm guessing we will have atleast 90 there. 

"STOP STOP! DON'T APPARATE!" Lucius Malfoy shouted from somewhere. He was one of the few people who actually knew what the spell did. But not many paid heed to his words. With my other team mates openly attacking, jinxing, hexing, and trapping the death eaters, and my dragon burning the shit out of people, with the fiendfyre roaring through, the death eaters did not have much of an option. However about 25 of them stood their ground with the main bad boy gang. 

"Wow. 25 against 7? Not so much of a fair fight it seems." I called out trying to bring Lucius Malfoy, leader of this gang out. 

"You know what, I'll make it a bit more fair." I said, putting my wand inside my robe. But then Dedalus got hit by a curse, and he fell on the ground crying out in pain. Arthur immediately went to help Dedalus. That was a bit bad on my side. 

Then another blow to our side came when another curse flew towards me. I was just about to block it out, but Lupin due to some reason jumped in front of me and took the hit. 

"NO!!!" I shouted loudly seeing Lupin fall on the ground, his chest bleeding out. 

And I got mad after that. I saw red in my eyes, and the from the next moment, I had no memories of what else happened out there. It felt like I had been possessed by someone or something else. 

I woke up the next moment to stare directly at a pair of silver eyes, looking at me dangerously. 

Ayo, yep, im 2 days late, but thing is that I was freaking down with fever for the last 2 days. It rose to as high as 103° F. I'll try to update the next chapter on time. Idk if I'll manage though. 

Bye. Have a nice day.

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