Wow guys, we need to chill down a bit here

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Percy's P.O.V. 

Time: Next day, early morning. 

I groaned as I stirred awake. I opened my eyes, only to see tall trees above me. 

I mean I woke up like this quite a lot of times. I had slept in the forests for quite some times. 

But what I hadn't felt the other times was the heavy feeling of something in my chest. I looked downwards, and noticed auburn hair. It was Artemis, still sleeping. 

I moved the hair aside, to see Artemis' face. She looked so adorable when she's asleep. This was her face without the lines of worry or the constant strain of being the perfect goddess. She looked at peace. I decided not to wake her up. But that plan got busted pretty quickly. 

Artemis sensing the change in my movements, woke up. She rose from my chest, and stared at me. We both were blushing from the head to the toe. We looked at each other for a couple of seconds, before getting back to our senses. 

"Uh-" Artemis started. "What happened?" 

"I don't know. I mean my head is still paining from last nice. I think we both were fighting until we passed out" 

"Right." Artemis said, slowly rising up. But before she could completely rise up, I pulled her back in, and kissed her. It was like instinct took over. Surprisingly, Artemis didn't resist. And it became pretty heated in a couple of seconds. 

But before we did something we would regret later, we pulled back. 

"Uhm- We- We should g-go." I said weakly. 

"Y-yes." Artemis responded. We stood up and flashed back to the castle right at our respective bunks. 

 Our day started like that. As soon as I flashed to my dormitory, I noticed that Harry was already out of his bed. I wondered if he noticed my bunk empty. However I always had an excuse. The others in our dormitory were still asleep. I noticed the time. 


Hogwarts Breakfast was supposed to start in 15 minutes. I quickly dressed up in my wizard robes (I was wearing t-shirt and trousers earlier. Not exactly the Hogwarts style) and left for the great hall.  

Only a few students woke up before breakfast. It was about 30 to 40, including me, and Artemis, who was sitting beside me. 

"Hey- so what class we got early morning?" I asked her. 

"Defense against the dark arts. To be taught by Umbridge." She replied. 

"That's nice. This is going to be interesting." 

"Students. Please put your wands back. We won't be needing those now." 

Those were the first words spoken by Dolores Umbridge, as soon as she walked into the classroom. The whole classroom was disappointed that. No one liked Theory. (A/N: that's true) Well, maybe except Hermione. She had already read up the whole book, for the complete year. 

Umbridge walked to the front of the class and stood beside a black board. 

"Please take out your Defense against Dark Arts book." 

Everyone took out their books, already knowing that this class was going to be boring like hell. 

"Professor!" Hermione called out. Umbridge turned to look at her with a nasty smile on her face. 

"There's no mention of using spells in the books provided." 

"Using spell? Why would you be needing to use spells?" 

"Because that's what Defense against the Dark Arts is all about? It's about using spells. How can someone defend themselves from the dark arts without using magic? By their fu- wands?" I said back. 

"Mr. Seaman. I don't know the rules at Illvernorny. But here in Hogwarts, to ask a question, you need to raise you hand first." Umbridge said with a look of mock teacher authority on her face. 

"But yes. What Newt said is true! How can we be fighting the dark arts without using spells?" Harry spoke. 

"Mr. Potter, same goes for you. Raise your hand before asking a question. Also to answer both your questions, considering the conditions under which you learnt the subject, the ministry has formed a safe and absolutely risk free way of learning this subject." 

"Yea, and why are we learning this subject? To be prepared for what is out there!" Harry shouted. 

"What is out there, that is hunting children like you?"

"Oh I dunno. There's a lot, but let's just start with Voldemort himself." Harry replied. Absolute silence followed these words. No one said a word. Most of them shivered in fear at hearing Voldemort's name.

"Detention Potter!" Umbridge said after a while. After another moment, she put on her annoying happy smiley face again. "Now look here, children. Whatever lies have been implanted in your head is all a lie! You-know-who is NOT back! Dumbledore has been lying to you all from the start, and so is Potter!" 

"Then did Peter Johnson just fall dead without any reason in the third task?" Harry retorted. 

"Peter Johnson's death was an accident!" Umbridge said. "And it happened during the maze!" 



Umbridge quickly put on her kind and loving façade, and stayed silent for a few minutes. "Meet me ever Friday at 9, before dinner, at my office."

Surprisingly Artemis stayed silent all throughout the time. I mean I knew that she saw Voldemort too, but as far as people knew, she was dead the whole time, other than knowing the fact that it was Voldemort or his death eater that killed him.  

It seemed extremely unfair to me, that Harry was facing detention for not doing anything wrong. I decided to interfere into matters now. 

Something extremely useful for me. I excel at wandless magic. 

"Incendio" I muttered under my breath. Nobody could hear me, but I was pretty sure Ron saw my lips moving. 

 Immediately Umbridge's dress burst into fire. I mean it was not dangerous enough to burn Umbridge. But it burnt part of Umbridge's pink and white spotted dress. Well that dress disgusted me anyway. 

Umbridge exclaimed in surprise. She quickly muttered spells to stop the fire from burning her whole dress. 

But the fire did not budge. It soon spread to Umbridge's table, burning it to ask right then. 

Umbridge realized that her clothes were burning into ask, and before she almost lost her dignity, she ran out of the classroom, leaving the students either laughing their asses off or confused at what just happened in the last 2 minutes. 

"Dude, that was just AWESOME!" Ron whispered to my ears when we were walking out of the classroom. 

I feigned total innocence. 

"What do you mean?" I asked him. 

"C'mon. Don't act like you don't know it. You are the only person here that can perform wandless magic like that. And I even saw you muttering the spell. Anyways, don't worry at all. I ain't a snitch. But what you did, that was just epic and awesome. That toad was just bullying Harry, she got what she deserved." Ron said in a low voice. He looked over his back to see if anyone was overhearing. 

I gave Ron a smirk. 

"Well, that's what I'm here for. If that toad oversteps, you can always count on me to keep her in her line." 

I winked and walked past him to join the others who were walking to the Potions class. Unbelievingly, this Potions class was the best class I had that morning. 

Time skip: next day

"Newt Seaman!" Umbridge called out while we walked out of the Defense against Dark Arts classroom. I stopped in my tracks, while the other students left the classroom, other than just a couple interested students. Umbridge shooed them away. 

"I know, that it was you who set my clothes on fire." Umbridge said calmly. 

"You don't know that." I replied just as calm as her. 

"Well. The ministry knows much about Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix. And we also happen to know that you are a member of it. So, don't think for a second that the ministry is not keeping tabs on you. I expect to see you at detention with Harry tomorrow." 

Saying that Umbridge just walked away. I didn't argue with her further, because I wanted to be in the detention. If Umbridge got personal time with Harry only, without my supervision, it would be bad. 

Anyways, I had planned that I would be giving Umbridge hell the next day. 

And that's a relatively short chapter.

Sorry for the 1 day delay. My computer had some sort of a virus or smth for the last 2 days. So I couldn't publish. 

Anyways, meet you in the next chapter. 


1447 words


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