𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1 (𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽)

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(In This Fanfiction, As The Title Says Twisted World, Everything Is Twisted.

"The Good Ones Are Bad And The Bad Ones Are Good.")

~~FavreMySabre's  Pov~~

I look around to this new world "Whoa!" I said over my microphone. The Feeling Is Better, Better Than Before. I look around once more so I can familiarize the land. A small pool of lava near the left, a water fall in the distance, a lot of trees and wildlife. "Perfect Start!" I said over my mic again.

I then start to run towards a tree and started punching the logs off. After punching 5 logs I convert them to wood and make a crafting table. I then make a wooden pickaxe, axe, and sword. "Well Then Let's Go Resource Gathering" I said to myself and get to gather resources

~30 Minutes Later~

After 30 minutes of gathering resources, I build a starter house near the waterfall to have an easy access to a water pool. In my hot-bar are currently a iron sword, pickaxe, and axe. I also have 12 bread to sustain my hunger. 

I look around as I was outside enjoying nature. The sun is setting so I then go in my house and go over to my bed eating a bread. I lay down with my chicken onesie  then sleep at the night. Whilst I was sleeping I had a nightmare of Rainbow Steve being killed by an unknown Figure. Even Lucas, Mogi, Spency, Shark, Light, Alex, Galaxy, All Of The Steves. 

~The Next Day~

I groan as I wake up slowly my hair messed up. I sit up straight yawning a bit then stretch my arms and legs. I then got off fixing myself up. After that  I head out to venture trying to find a village or Rainbow Steve. 

I walk out of the house and into the forest jumping around and looking around. I brought some extra stuff like a half stack of wood, cooked beef and a bow with 32 arrows. I continue to ran around 'till I heard a lightning strike. I quickly got startled as I look around fast "What's that?" I said looking at the source of the loud sound.

Another one happen as I look to my left. "There is it again!" I said quickly going to the lightning strike. "I Think I'm Getting Closer" I said to myself. I jump out of the forest to see a figure of yellow and a hinch of black. 

The sun is facing directly at me but thanks to my bandanna covering my eyes I could see a little bit. I lean my face forward to get a better view. "Who is that?" I ask to myself. The figure started to lift from the ground as it was flying. It was facing against him.

I lean my face again to see who the figure is. I the notice the sun moving 'Perfect' I thought to myself. The sun moved as it was facing away from me. Now I could see it perfectly. The figure faces me as I gasp slightly "Is that...Nightmare Steve?!" I ask and shouted a bit.

~3rd Person POV~

Nightmare Steve faces Sabre as he slightly gasp taking one step back. Nightmare Steve flew forward to Sabre a bit making him going backward slowly. Every step Sabre made Nightmare flew forward.

"I-It can't be..." Sabre shouted pulling out his iron sword. Nightmare Steve watches him pulling out his Iron Sword. "Sabre...?" Nightmare Steve whispered to him. Sabre was startled a bit when Nightmare Steve said his name 

"Y-Ye-Yes?" Sabre ask stuttering clearly afraid since Nightmare Steve is one of the Strongest Steve Out there. Nightmare Steve landed in front of him making Sabre gasp and taking one step backward. Nightmare Steve look at him with a smile "Sabre!" He cheered taking a step forward and hugged him.

Sabre almost hit Nightmare Steve with his Iron Sword and gasp when he hug him. Sabre quickly pulled out of the hug and was super confused "W-Wh-What?" Sabre stuttered out as he can't believe what happen.

Nightmare is confused a bit to thinking 'Why did he pull back?' He thought to himself. "Sabre. It's me. Nightma-" Nightmare Steve was cut off by Sabre "Yes I Know It's YOU! You Destroyed The Rainbow House! Even Destroyed The Rainbow Town! Killed Many Steves! Done A Lot Of Damage!" Sabre stated and shouted 

 Nightmare Steve slightly gasp "I did-" Again Nightmare Steve was cut off by Sabre "Enough!" Sabre stated and swings his Sword to him. Nightmare simply side step using his speed. Sabre growled at that 

Nightmare sighed again "Sabre. And Before You Cut Me Off." Nightmare stared at him. Sabre confused tried to swing again but didn't. 

~Elan's POV~

I keep clicking the left mouse button. "Why Can't I Attack Him?!" I stated over my Mic. "I've taken over you Sabre so you can't attack me" Nightmare Steve replied. I gasp and try to regain control of my account but can't

"Sabre...Listen To Me." Nightmare Steve stated. I couldn't do anything but to watch, look, and listen. "Go ahead..." I whispered as Nightmare Steve nodded. "Believe Me Or Not, I'm Your Ally. Me, Shadow Steve, Dark Steve, Elemental Steve, and Origin Steve."

I was shock at first but listened and was about to rebut but Nightmare Steve cut me off "And Rainbow Steve? He's Your Number One Enemy." I growl underneath my breath "How Could You Say That To HIM?! YOU ARE EVIL! RAINBOW STEVE IS GOOD!" I shouted over my mic my emotion getting the better of me.

"Rainbow Steve Is The Villain. He and his gang... Almost Wiped Us All." Nightmare Steve stated again "We Tried To Defeat Them But Instead We Saved You. I Saved You." I couldn't believe what he is saying 

"I cant believe you. I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" I stated as Nightmare sighed again. Nightmare stared at me again. I was confused so I try to move my mouse. It work! I have my account back

Nightmare looks at me with a blank state. I was hesitant to swing my sword pressing left click on my mouse but he might get my account again. I then sighed and think "If what you're saying is true...Then..." I was lost in though about what he said.

~3rd Person POV~

Nightmare Steve was about to say something but was interrupted by a fireball hitting him making him  flew back a bit. The Explosion of the fireball made Sabre take damage a bit and push backwards a bit. 

Sabre looks at his left seeing a two figures. One in a different variety of colors and another one with purple. "Sabre! Over Here!" The colored figure shouted shooting another fireball at Nightmare Steve

Sabre was confused at the moment "Hurry!" The Purple figure shouted. Sabre looks back to Nightmare Steve shooting a fireball at the two figures. The two easily dodged. Sabre was at the furious at this moment and jumps in front of them . 

"ENOUGH!" Sabre shouted and clearly confused. The 3 Steves look at him. "S-Sa-Sabre? Wh-what are you doing?" The Purple figure ask him worried. "Hey Galaxy Steve. Hey Rainbow Steve." Sabre replied facing them a bit with a small smile.

Rainbow Steve nodded "Hey Sabre? Can you take 2 steps to the side so I can attack Nightmare Steve?" Rainbow Steve ask as Sabre. Nightmare Steve stood up and panted a bit "Don't Listen To Him Sabre" Nightmare Steve retorted.

"Don't Listen To Me?" Rainbow Steve ask then laughs "Come on Sabre. Are You Really Going To LISTEN TO HIM?" Rainbow Steve added with a smirk on his face. "I SAID ENOUGH!!" Sabre shouted pointing his sword to the two then to Nightmare Steve slowly

"I don't know who to trust but...I Know Rainbow Steve More Than Ever..." Sabre said softly looking down "So...I'll ask some questions...Questions that Only I, Rainbow Steve and Nightmare Steve know" Sabre added as the 3 Steves nodded in response

"First...To Rainbow Steve..." Sabre said facing Rainbow Steve "True Or False. We Hid The Portal To The Nightmare Dimension." Sabre added. Rainbow Steve laughed "Such an Easy Question Sabre Of Course We did hide it! We even hid it under the Rainbow Town" Rainbow Steve said confidently.

Sabre just nodded. The answer? Is that They Didn't Hide It Under The Rainbow Town. The Portal Destroyed Itself. Sabre then face Nightmare Steve "True Or False. In the Nightmare Dimension only me and Rainbow Steve are there" Sabre said to him with a grip on his Iron Sword.

"False. You have another friend when you entered my Dimension" Nightmare Steve replied. Sabre nodded once again and pulls out his bow. "One Of You Is Wrong...And..." Sabre said softly as he readied "And what? Who is it?" Rainbow ask eager to find who is wrong

"You...I'm Sorry Rainbow Steve." Sabre whispered and quickly turns around to the two shooting a arrow. Galaxy Steve gasp as Rainbow Steve just smirk shooting a fireball at it making the arrow disintegrate. The Fireball continues heading towards Sabre. It got intercepted by Nightmare Steve's Fireball.

Sabre slowly walk backwards towards Nightmare Steve now pulling out his Iron Sword. Rainbow Steve laughed maniacally making Sabre shiver. Galaxy Steve also joined in and laughed maniacally. "Believe Me Now Sabre?" Nightmare Steve ask pulling out his enchanted Gold Sword. Sabre nodded in response "Rainbow Steve...Galaxy Steve...What is this Twisted World?" Sabre ask to himself as the 4 readied themselves for a fight.

(Word Count: 1610)

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