Maxwell A. Woods

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"Is there something I could have said to make your heart beat better"

Name: Maxwell Alexander Woods

-Maxy (oftentimes as a way to annoy him or in a relationship)

Age: 17-28 will vary

Sexuality: bisexual

Faceclaim: Liam Samuels

Personality: Anyone that knows Maxwell will always remember him for how approachable this young man is. He is calm, cool, and collected literally all the time. Some may say he is too kind or all in all a pushover. But honestly that's because they see him let things go more often than who he is as a person.

He more often than not is like that friend who's the mom. He more often than not is like the mom friend. When you become friends with Maxwell, if you haven't slept, he will scold you for not giving your body the rest and recharge it needs after a day. Haven't eaten? He will nag you to eat. Haven't drank anything? He will nag you with that as well. Don't take his nagging to heart, it's just him being worried about his friends and loved ones. He isn't doing it cause you did something wrong, but because he loves you and wants you to take care of yourself.

Maxwell is known for his decently long fuse. You can say rude things or hurtful comments, but he will most likely ignore it and let it go. He and conflict don't go well together. Naturally, everyone has to crack at some point, right? Maxwell, when he finally has had enough, gets so angry he explodes. He goes after you because you're consistently bothering him and making him annoyed. He tends to emotionally rip apart people and leave the situation if he knows he may end up throwing hands. His anger is no joke.

Maxwell has had a couple lovers in the past, but it was mostly one-sided. It's not that the other person didn't care, it was just the two put very different amounts of effort into it. When Maxwell is committed, he goes all in. He is willing to give up any and everything when he commits. He is a man of his word, and he doesn't take the word "promise" lightly. So words like "I promise we will stay together forever" are words he takes very seriously and doesn't mess around with.

He just doesn't let others know that he has feelings too, and does his best to make others feel at ease at all times when they are with him. He wants to be someone others can confide in and trust in, someone to go when the world is falling apart. He likes to be that safe haven for people who feel alone or are hurting. He sees everyone as people, and he believes no one deserves pain.

However, he is also the one who cleans up Gianna's messes when she causes beef with someone. While he loves his little sister to death, he also knows if he doesn't lookout for her, no one else will. And that is probably his biggest weakness. His sister comes first in all things.

All in all, big cinnamon roll with a long fuse.

Maxwell was born August 30th at 3:15 pm to Lydia and Reed Woods. When Maxwell was a year old, he witnessed his father having an illicit affair with Haylee Bryan, a woman his father had met at a bar. While Lydia had been gone on a business trip, Maxwell ended up calling Haylee mom for sometime. And when Gianna was born, Maxwell couldn't get enough of her. He wanted to take care of her and love her. When his mother came home from her business trip, she was furious there was anew baby in the house. When she demanded to know whose child the girl was, that was when Reed admitted to it. Lydia left then, spending three months at her sister's house before returning home. Lydia agreed to not divorce, simply because she didn't wish to deprive her beautiful son of a father. Even though Maxwell and Gianna got along great, it didn't seem to matter. It seemed like they had to be separated by Lydia. When Maxwell was eight years old, he was sent to a soccer camp, so as to keep him busy so that he didn't have to spend time with Gianna. Lydia scolded Gianna for any and everything. And when she was expelled, his mother would look at him and say "this is why you can't hangout with her. She's nothing but a vicious hooligan." At this point in time Maxwell began to understand that Lydia had a distinct dislike to his sister. He would always wonder why, until it hit him when he was thirteen years old. His mom was so cruel to Gianna simply because she wasn't her child. Even though his mother constantly told him she was bad, and that he will end up a hooligan just like her if he continued to hang out with her. But this didn't deter him and made him more determined to know his half-sister. In fact, this made him more protective of Gianna, causing lots of fights between mother and son. Even Reed would get involved and fight on his mother's behalf, more often than not telling him to treat his mother with respect. But in the end, when Maxwell was 17, Gianna moved out and began to live on her own. When his mom isn't around, he goes to visit Gianna.

"Don't walk away until you know what I'm feeling"

-his sister
-his dog
-playing soccer
-playing his guitar
-working out
-having a good time
-his sister
-chocolate ice cream
-hot fudge sundaes
-his dad...... sometimes
-hot showers
-nice cleats
-nice shinguards
-being able to make someone smile
-being useful
-feeling wanted
-did I mention his sister?

-his mother
-having to fix his guitar
-missing a goal
-feeling aimless
-people constantly insulting him
-overly loud people
-unnecessary comments
-When people gang up on others
-Being seen as dumb because he plays soccer
-being treated wrong
-being taken advantage of
-himself, sometimes
-his mother
-too much sweets
-too many people
-being ignored
-being excluded
-feeling lost
-people making fun of him
-someone acting like they know him
-not being allowed to stay around Gianna
-being alone for too long
-feeling unsafe
-did I mention his mum?

"You can hold my hand like you need it"

-plays guitar to calm himself
-works out when stressed
-plays soccer to get rid of frustration
-cooks or cleans when he's bored

-too long a fuse
-his temper when he explodes
-considered "too sweet" or a pushover
-lowkey struggles to say what he's feeling
-definitely a people pleaser and not in a good way

"Will you be loyal, will you be true when I need you"


-his fists
-his wit

-a border collie named Levi

-half brother of Gianna Anne Hudson
-older by ten months
-has been playing soccer since he was little
-loves to perform for other people
-dreams of one day having a family of his own
-his favorite food is stir-fry anything
-he isn't a picky eater
-just a good guy in general

"I see the way you look at my sister"

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