Chapter - 3

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Shivanya ~

"I cannot be selfish once I step inside. They love each other and want to spend their lives together. Radhika deserves to be happy," I reminded myself, pressing the button for the tenth floor in the elevator.

The elevator pinged sooner than expected. As I stepped out and rang the doorbell, a part of me wanted nothing more than to run away. "No, Shivanya. You can do this," I whispered, my resolve strengthening as the door opened to reveal Radhika.

"Hey Di," she greeted me with a bright smile. I returned it, trying to mask my inner turmoil.

"How was your day?" I asked, sighing as I placed my handbag on the couch.

"It was nice, Di. Why don't you freshen up? I'll get us some coffee," she offered, as always, and I nodded, grateful for the reprieve.

"Where is Taran?" I asked, just as he stepped in from the balcony.

"Here," he announced, plopping down beside me.

"I'll be back," I said, excusing myself and locking the bedroom door behind me.

The ache that filled me was almost unbearable, a throbbing pain that coursed through my veins, refusing to ebb away. Tears welled up as I clutched a pillow to my chest, stifling a sob.

"Enough, Shivanya. Taran was never yours," my conscience scolded, making me want to scream. But screaming would only hurt the people I loved most. I took several deep breaths, washing my face before changing into pajamas and heading back to the living room where Radhika and Taran waited.

Okay, let's talk. You dropped a bombshell on me this afternoon, and I still don't know how to process it. So, let's start from the beginning. When did it start?" I asked, my voice trembling as I seated myself opposite them. The couch felt unusually cold, a stark contrast to the warmth of the memories we shared here.

"Two years, Di," Radhika replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She looked away, her eyes avoiding mine as if the truth was too heavy to face. Taran's gaze followed hers, both of them unable to meet my eyes, the guilt evident in their averted stares.

"Why didn't you tell me? Both of you?" I demanded, feeling a sharp sting as I pinched myself to hold back the tears threatening to spill. The betrayal cut deep, deeper than I had anticipated.

"Trust me, Shivanya, I wanted to tell you so many times but couldn't. I just couldn't admit that I was seeing your younger sister," Taran said, moving closer, his voice filled with a regret that did little to soothe my hurt.

"You both owed me honesty. I deserved that much because you two are my world," I said, the words tumbling out before I could stop them. The raw pain in my voice was undeniable, and I saw it mirrored in their expressions.

"Shivanya, I know you're hurt, but it was never our intention to deceive you. Sometimes, we can't control who we fall for," Taran tried to explain, his voice gentle but firm. I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms, trying to control the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

"I don't blame you for your feelings. This is about trust. You both broke that, so forgive me if I can't give you my blessings right away," I said, standing up abruptly. I needed to escape, to hide the tears that were now flowing freely. I fled to the kitchen, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Di, you have every right to be mad, but please don't shut me out. You are my world," Radhika pleaded, following me into the kitchen. I quickly wiped my tears away as she turned me around to face her, her eyes wide with concern.

"Is this really what you want, Radhika? You're only twenty-one. You have your whole life ahead of you. Are you sure this is how you want to shape your future?" I asked, struggling to keep my voice steady, to mask the desperation I felt.

"I do, Di. I know most girls my age want a career and independence, but I want to be a homemaker. I want to build a home with Taran, support him, and see him succeed. That's what I truly want," she said, a lone tear escaping her eye. It glistened like a drop of crystal against her cheek, and how could I not soften at that? She was my weakness, my strength, my everything.

"But what if you regret this decision? What if you find yourself struggling in this world?" I asked, my heart aching at the thought of her suffering, my voice cracking under the weight of my fears.

"Then she'll have me," Taran said, stepping in. "If she wants to be a homemaker, she will be. If she wants to pursue her education and career, she will. It's her choice." His words were filled with the same unwavering support that had once made me fall for him. Now, I had to accept that his dedication was meant for my sister, not me. The realization was painfully poetic, a cruel twist of fate.

"You promise to take care of the person I live for?" I asked, looking at Taran, trying to hide my own feelings, the turmoil threatening to consume me.

"I do, Shivanya. I love Radhika. She's everything to me," he replied, the sincerity in his eyes undeniable. His words were like daggers, each one piercing my heart, reminding me that he was never mine.

"Radhika, do you want to get married right away?" I asked her again, and she nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with joy and love.

"Will you be okay, Di? Knowing that I want to be a homemaker when you're so ambitious and independent?" she asked, holding my hands, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Radhika, as long as you're happy and safe, it doesn't matter to me what you choose to be. You have my support," I said, placing a hand on her cheek, trying to reassure her with a smile.

"I love you so much, Di. I love you," she said, hugging me tightly. I hugged her back, a smile breaking through my pain.

"I love you too," I whispered, willing myself to be strong for her. I would give up a thousand Tarans for her happiness without hesitation.

"Do your parents know?" I asked Taran after breaking the hug. He nodded.

"Let's go then," I said, shrugging.

"Go where, Di?" Radhika asked, confused.

"To talk to your parents. We need to discuss this," I explained.

"What's the hurry, Shivanya?" Taran asked as we walked out of the kitchen.

"I start working on a tricky case tomorrow and will be too busy for the next few weeks. We need to do this now," I told them, partly truthful. The hidden truth was that I needed to get this over with, to stop hurting myself by thinking about Taran and Radhika every day.

"That's great, Di. I'm so proud of you," Radhika said, hugging me again and holding my hand.

"Only because it means new dresses for you," I teased, trying to keep my face stern. She giggled.

"That too," she admitted.

"You're unapologetically shameless," I retorted, but she dragged me to her room, leaving Taran to his football game after informing his parents we were coming.

"Should I go with you both, Di? Won't it be weird to talk about my own wedding?" she asked, looking worried.

"Radhika, this is the twenty-first century. If Taran can be there, so can you. Get dressed," I said.

"Get dressed. I will too," I added, trying to inject some cheerfulness into my voice. She nodded, a mixture of excitement and anxiety in her eyes, and headed to her closet. I turned and made my way back to my room, the click of the door shutting behind me echoing like the finality of my decision.

"They love each other. They should be happy," I chanted softly as I pulled out my own outfit. Each word felt like a mantra, a desperate attempt to convince myself that this was the right thing to do. But as I slipped into my clothes, the reality of my own heartache settled over me like a suffocating blanket.

Facing the mirror, I saw a woman who looked perfectly normal, her exterior calm and composed. But behind those eyes, a storm raged—a sea of emotions threatening to drown me. I forced a smile, but it felt hollow, the reflection mocking my efforts to appear unfazed.

I reached for my makeup, my hands trembling slightly. I chose a bold red lipstick, the color vivid and defiant. Applying it, I felt a strange sense of empowerment, as if the vibrant hue could shield me from the pain. I added an even bolder kohl, lining my eyes with a steady hand. The dark outline made my eyes look larger, more expressive, a mask to hide behind.

Makeup had always been my best disguise, a way to armor myself against the world. It rarely betrayed me, unless it rained. I chuckled bitterly at the thought, imagining the tears that could ruin this facade.

Shivanya's Look ~

"Di, I need something. Open up, please?" Radhika's voice broke my thoughts. I was becoming that woman whose life revolved around work. When had that happened?

"Just a second," I called out, opening the door as Radhika walked in.

"Di, I need earrings to match this outfit. Do you have any?" she asked, pointing at her clothes.

"Of course. By the way, you look lovely," I said, turning to my closet and taking out a box.

"You do too, Di," she said, fiddling with my things before choosing a mist to spray on herself.

"Here, these will look perfect," I said, handing her a pair of mom's tear-shaped diamond earrings.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, putting them on with a delighted smile. Her happiness was infectious, momentarily easing the ache in my chest.

"Shall we, ladies?" Taran asked, knocking on the door, his eyes locking on Radhika. She looked back at him, and the suffocating feeling I was burying surfaced again. I stepped near the dresser for support.

"Calm down. Calm down," I whispered to myself, taking deep breaths to stave off the rising panic. My phone buzzed on the bed, breaking the tension.

"Why don't you guys go ahead and wait for me in the car? I'll take this call, lock the place, and be with you both in a moment?" I suggested, needing a brief respite from their presence. They agreed, thankfully, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Clutching the phone to my chest, I fought back the tears that were threatening to spill. It was an unknown number, but I didn't care. I couldn't deal with anything more right now. If it was important, it could wait until tomorrow.

"Fuck this shit," I muttered, trying to pull myself together. I had to be strong, for Radhika's sake. I couldn't let my own heartache overshadow her happiness.

With a final glance in the mirror, I saw a woman who was ready to face the world, even if it meant hiding her true emotions behind layers of makeup and forced smiles. Steeling myself, I walked out of the room, hoping for the strength to get through the evening without falling apart.

"They love each other. They should be happy," I repeated to myself one last time, heading out the door to join them. It was a prayer, a plea, and a promise all rolled into one. And with that, I was ready to face whatever came next.


The car ride to Taran's parents' house felt like an eternity, each passing moment filled with an unbearable silence that seemed to suffocate me. tried to keep my composure, but inside, I was a bundle of conflicting emotions.

As we reached, I attempted to calm my racing heartbeat, knowing that it must have reached an alarming rate. Radhika's reassuring touch on my hand brought a small sense of comfort, but it did little to quell the storm raging within me.

"You okay, Di? I should be the nervous one here," Radhika chuckled softly and I managed a weak smile in response.

This was the first time I had set foot in Taran's parents' home. Normally, we would either hang out at my place or his.

"Mom, dad," Taran called out, and in that moment, his parents appeared before us. I moved forward to touch their feet in a gesture of respect, Radhika following suit as we were welcomed into their home.

After that, I had no idea what I was talking about to them because by the time dinner was served, everyone was happy and celebrating.

Perfect. I will call our Panditji this week and see if we can get a wedding date as soon as we can. Since the kids are ready, why wait?" Aunty said, breaking through my thoughts. I glanced at Radhika, who gave me a shy nod, her eyes filled with anticipation.

"Done, aunty. Once the wedding date is fixed, we will start the preparations. Now, since we really don't have any relatives we are in touch with, we won't have a guest list as such," I found myself saying, trying to take charge of the situation for Radhika.

"Radhika does not need anyone except for you, Shivanya. You are her mother and father and sister and brother," Taran interjected, his words a reminder of the responsibilities I bore as the elder sister.

"I don't," Radhika agreed softly, her words echoing in my ears like a bittersweet melody.

The rest of the dinner was part blur and part fixtures of arrangement talks. I was determined to bear half of the cost of the wedding.

"Uncle, please don't worry about that. I want to do this for my sister. I earn for her. My money is hers, and this is my only chance to go all out. Please don't deprive me of this," I pleaded, when he refused my idea stating that I was like a daughter too.

"How can I argue with this one here? Our own advocate?" Uncle relented, his words bringing a wave of relief. I hugged him tightly, grateful for his understanding.

"Thank you," I murmured softly, my eyes betraying the storm of emotions swirling within me. As my phone buzzed once again, I saw it as an opportunity to escape, if only for a moment.

"Why don't you guys start with dessert? I will be right back. This is important," I announced, my voice trembling slightly as I made my way to the door. Casting a guilty glance at Taran's parents, who offered me understanding smiles, I stepped out into the cool night air. Leaning against the iron gate of the bungalow, I closed my eyes, allowing myself a brief moment of respite from the chaos of my own conflicted heart.

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. Do tell me what you feel about it through the comments section. I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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