Chapter - 9

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I need loads and loads of inline comments!!🦋

Vihaan ~

I couldn't take my eyes off Shivanya. She moved through the ceremony with practiced grace, her face a mask of joy as she watched her sister and Taran exchange rings. But I could see the cracks in her facade, the facade she was desperately trying to maintain.

Her eyes flickered with pain every time she glanced at Taran. The tension in her posture, the way her fingers twisted the hem of her saree - it was all there, if he knew where to look. But I did. I noticed everything about her, every small detail that made her the remarkable woman she was.

My jaw clenched as Taran leaned in close to Radhika, whispering something that made her laugh. The sound of her laughter should have brought anyone joy, but instead, it twisted like a knife in my chest because one that one woman standing slightly away from him.

Shivanya's smile wavered as she watched them, her fingers tightening around the stem of her glass. I felt a surge of frustration. Taran's obliviousness was infuriating, and yet, he had everything I wanted - her attention, her affection. My hands curled into fists at my sides, the urge to storm over there and pull her away, to make her see me, almost overwhelming.

I forced myself to breathe, to maintain the mask of composure I was known for. But my eyes betrayed me, following her every move, noting the way her shoulders slumped ever so slightly when Taran wasn't looking. When she excused herself, slipping quietly through the crowd, I knew something was wrong. I hesitated only a moment before following her.

Outside, the cool night air was a stark contrast to the warmth of the hall. I spotted her crumpled form by the bench, her body shaking with silent sobs. My heart pounded in my chest, a mixture of anger and protectiveness surging through me. She didn't deserve this, didn't deserve to be reduced to tears over a man who couldn't see her worth.

"Shivanya," I called out softly, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. She didn't respond, lost in her own world of panic and despair. I reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder, and felt her flinch under my touch.

"Shivanya, focus on me, breathe." I repeated, my tone firmer this time. She blinked up at me, her eyes wide and unfocused, but she was there, clinging to the sound of my voice. I moved my hand to cup her face, feeling the dampness of her tears against my skin.

"Shh," I whispered, my voice a low rumble against her ear. "Just breathe, Shivanya. Breathe with the rhythm of my heart."

Her eyes cleared a fraction, and I saw a spark of recognition in them. She was coming back to me, inch by agonizing inch. The urge to hold her close, to shield her from everything that was hurting her, was overwhelming. But I held back, knowing she needed space to breathe, to regain her composure.

When her breathing finally steadied, I pulled back slightly, letting my hands fall to my sides.

"Thank you, sir." she whispered, her voice hoarse from the effort of her panic. The vulnerability in her eyes made my chest tighten, but I pushed the feeling aside. She needed strength now, not sympathy.

"I should get back inside," she mumbled after a few minutes, taking a sip of the water.

The rest of the evening, I did what I had been doing right from the minute I entered this place.

Looking at Shivanya.




Shivanya ~

Not so soon enough, the engagement party was over and I could finally go back home and be with myself, taking that mask of pretence off myself.

Out of all the people around me, it was my boss, the man who was known to be ruthless, who was around to drive me out of the panic attack, my miserable, miserable self.

When he called my name, his voice steady and reassuring, it cut through the chaos in my mind. His touch on my shoulder initially startled me, but his presence grounded me. I felt his strength, a stark contrast to my own trembling weakness. His words were firm yet soothing, guiding me to focus, to breathe.

"It was such a beautiful night Di. It was perfect." Radhika walked inside my room and hopped on to the bed, lying her head on my lap as I gently ran my fingers through her hair, couldn't stop myself from smiling, looking at her content face.

"Di thank god you helped him choose the ring or else he would have picked any random one." She added, throwing her hand in the air and looking at the ring. I couldn't bring myself to look at it, not right now.

"Have you packed your bags?" I asked her in an attempt to change the topic, it worked. We were leaving for the hotel tomorrow where all the functions were going to take place and in the next three days, I will be coming back to this house, only to find myself all alone.

"Di, how are we going to live without each other?" She asked, sitting up straight but shifting closer to me, her voice loosing its enthusiasm from earlier.

"Radhika....come on! It's not like you are migrating to Siberia. We'll meet whenever we want to. Who will stop us? That idiot Taran?" I asked, attempting to joke and it worked as she laughed once, wiping her tears away.

"Try toh kar ke dekhe woh." She said, holding my hand. (Translation - Let him try.)

It is pretty late doll, go to bed. The next three days are going to be very hectic for you." I said and she agreed, bidding me goodnight and walking back to her room.

"And you better finish your packing." I called out to her, shutting the door close, finally finding myself alone.

"No, you are not going to think about this anymore and cry. Enough Shivanya. You have never given any man that power to break you and you are not going to start now." I took a deep breath and threw myself on the bed, closing my eyes until my phone went off.

"It's 11:30 for god's sake!" I groaned into the pillow before stretching my hand to find the phone and then opened one eye to read the caller ID.

Mr. Birdbrain.

"What? Why? Why is Vihaan calling me? Why? Why?" I sat up straight.

"I really really really hope he isn't calling me to ask me about what happened earlier tonight. I would have nothing to say." I said, looking at the screen.

I can't ignore it, I can't. And so I took it.

"Hello." Was all I could muster up.

"Shivanya we have a pressing issue with the e-commerce trademark infringement case involving InnovateTech." InnovateTech was our client.

My focus sharpened instantly as Vihaan continued, "Our client's patented software, which powers their innovative AI-driven customer service platform, has been unlawfully replicated by a competitor. They are planning to launch the copied software tomorrow, claiming it as their own."

"We need to file for an emergency injunction to halt their product launch," Vihaan continued firmly. "The application must detail the infringement, demonstrate irreparable harm to our client's reputation and market share, and request immediate court intervention to prevent further damages."

"I'll start drafting the injunction request immediately," I assured him, thankful for the distraction and the chance to channel my energy into something concrete.

As I worked through the night, I started to feel good and relieved to think about something other than what my mind had been throughout the evening and once I was finally done and Vihaan approved the application, I could finally sleep.

But my phone pinged again. This time, an email. With a tired sigh, I unlocked my phone to find a message from an unfamiliar address. My heart sank as I opened the attachment and saw a series of photographs from Radhika's engagement party.

I felt the weight of sadness settle in my chest, mingled with anger and frustration. Why was I being so weak, so pathetic again and again all over? Why was I being so fucking selfish? The tears threatened to spill over, but I fought them back with a deep breath.

Unable to bear the suffocating loneliness and heartache any longer, I impulsively decided to go out, to drown my sorrows in something stronger than my tears. A pub seemed like the only escape from the crushing reality of the evening. I hastily dressed and made my way to the nearest place I knew would serve alcohol at this hour.

The dimly lit pub I stumbled upon was unfamiliar yet welcoming, its warmth contrasting sharply with the chill of the night air outside. As I pushed open the door, the familiar scent of alcohol and the low hum of conversation greeted me. I made my way to the bar, intending to find solace in a glass of whisky, or five. I lost count after the third.

"Is there a reason why I'm seeing you out here drinking when you should be at home, asleep so that I can have all your attention at work, Miss Chopra?" A voice interrupted my thoughts, sending a shiver down my spine. I turned to find my boss standing behind me, his presence commanding and strangely familiar. He leaned in closer, his words laced with a mix of concern and authority.

"Is it a reason good enough to be here that I am going to have to dance in the sangeet ceremony of my sister and the man I'm in love with tomorrow night, Sir?" I shot back his words and my voice tinged with bitterness.

"Now that does seem like a five-drink situation," Mr. Birdbrain remarked casually, his eyes flickering with a hint of amusement despite the seriousness of my emotions. His presence beside me was both comforting and unnerving, as if he could see through the facade I had desperately tried to maintain all evening.

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked, taking a large sip from my glass.

"This is my bar, Shivanya. I can come here whenever I please," he replied, his tone laced with a hint of arrogance. I rolled my eyes at his borderline boastfulness.

I rolled my eyes, half annoyed and half grateful for his unexplained company. "Enjoy your drink then, sir. I'll be out of your hair. After all, I have my dance to practice tonight because tomorrow, I would have no time." I said, trying to inject a note of nonchalance into my voice. Downing the rest of my drink in one go, I pushed the empty glass aside with more force than necessary, my hands trembling slightly.

Vihaan's hand shot out, gripping my wrist firmly, his voice low and laced with anger. "Do you have any idea about the kind of danger you've put yourself through, being out here so late at night and drunk, Shivanya?" His tone was commanding and all it did was give me Christian Grey vibes.

"Look at you," he continued, his grip tightening just enough to make me wince slightly. "Vulnerable, alone, and intoxicated in a place you shouldn't be. You're smarter than this, Miss Chopra. This is unlike you."

"You can't just throw yourself into the night like this," he admonished sternly. "It is my sheer luck that I found you tonight, and yours too, that it wasn't someone with less honourable intentions."

His words struck me sharply, the controlled intensity in his voice unnerving yet compelling. His eyes bore into mine and a wave of rebellion sought through me.


"Mr....Mr....V....Uggghh whatever your name is! I am not a child for you to school. I can perr....what's the damn word!?" I glared at him.

"Perfectly?" He offered with a brow raised, mocking me and my condition, riling me further as I attempted to get out of his hold, standing up from the stool. He followed and I stumbled slightly, the alcohol making my head spin as I faced Vihaan's intense gaze as he held my hand once again.

"Let go of me," I muttered, trying to pull away, but his hold remained steadfast. "I'm fine," I insisted, though even to my own ears, the words sounded feeble against the weight of his stare.

Vihaan's jaw tensed, his expression a mix of exasperation and something deeper, something I couldn't quite place. "You're not fine, Shivanya," he replied evenly, his voice low. "You're hurting, and drowning yourself in alcohol will not make it better."

Why do you care?" I blurted out, my voice edged with bitterness.

Mr. Birdbrain's gaze softened and he leaned in closer, his voice carrying a tone that surprised me. "Jaan," he began earnestly, "if you were in your complete senses at the minute, I would tell you exactly why I care."

And I could only hear his words because there was no music playing at the bar, none. In fact, there was no one present here anymore. Just him and I. All alone.

"Did you...I heard...." I started but he cut me off.

"You heard me right, jaan." He reused the word, making my eyes go wide.

"Mr. Rai..chand, what?"

"Let's get you home," he murmured, refusing to justify himself.

"I don't...home, I can go home on....on my own." I said, once again, the alcohol buzz hitting me harder, trying to free my hand away from his hold.

"Try forming coherent sentences first, then we'll see if you can get home on your own." His tone wasn't condescending, it was teasing.

I blinked, trying to clear the haze in my mind as I focused on Mr. Birdbrain's unexpected concern. His usually distant demeanour had transformed into something else.

He sighed softly, his gaze searching mine with an intensity that made me squirm.

"Come on," he coaxed gently, his hand still firm around mine as he guided me towards the exit. His touch was oddly comforting despite my earlier resistance. "Let's get you home."

I stumbled slightly as we stepped out into the cool night air, the effects of the alcohol making my head swim. Vihaan steadied me with a firm grip on my arm, guiding me towards his car parked nearby.

As we drove through the quiet streets, I couldn't help but steal glances at Vihaan's profile. His usually stoic expression was softened by concern, his jaw clenched in what seemed like a mixture of frustration and care. Part of me wanted to ask him why he cared, why he bothered to intervene, but the words remained lodged in my throat.

The car came to a stop outside my apartment building, and Vihaan helped me out, his touch gentle yet firm. The fresh wave of cool air hit me, momentarily clearing my mind as I fumbled for my keys.

"Thank you," I managed finally, my voice a hoarse whisper. Vihaan's gaze met mine briefly, and I saw something flicker in his eyes before he nodded in acknowledgment.

"Let me help you inside," he said quietly, his voice carrying an authoritative edge softened by an underlying warmth. Before I could protest, he gently guided me towards the entrance of my apartment building.

I unlocked the door with shaking hands, feeling Vihaan's steady presence beside me. As we stepped inside, the familiar surroundings of my home offered a strange comfort amidst the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

Vihaan closed the door behind us with a soft click, the sound echoing in the silence of the hallway. His presence seemed to fill the space, commanding yet strangely comforting. I turned to face him, unsure of what to say or do next.

"Sit down," he instructed gently, gesturing towards the couch. His tone brooked no argument, and I found myself obeying instinctively. The couch felt unusually welcoming as I sank into its soft cushions, Vihaan standing a few feet away, his gaze fixed on me with unwavering intensity.

"Can I get you anything?" he asked, his voice low and resonant. There was a tenderness in his question that caught me off guard, a stark contrast to the assertive man I knew him to be at work.

"I... water," I managed, my voice barely audible. Vihaan nodded once, his expression unreadable as he disappeared into the kitchen.

I closed my eyes briefly, taking a deep breath to steady myself. When he returned with a glass of water, I took it gratefully, the cool liquid soothing my parched throat.

"Thank you," I murmured again, meeting his gaze as he stood before me.

"You should get some rest," he said softly, his voice breaking the silence that hung between us.

Nodding silently, I set the glass aside and started to rise from the couch, intending to make my way to the bedroom. But before I could take a step, Vihaan moved closer, his presence suddenly filling my personal space.

"Allow me, Shivanya." he murmured, his voice sending a shiver down my spine as he scooped me up effortlessly into his arms.

" Mr. Raichand you put me down right now! I don't exactly survive on salads and water! I am a pizza girl!" I tried to tell him but his whole body vibrated with laughter, hearing my words and I was shocked to say in the least.

"Salads are widely overrated anyway, Miss Chopra. Your point being?" he asked, perfectly dismissing my words with a playful glint in his eye.

"Put me down, sir!" I demanded again, my heart racing.

"Point me toward your bedroom," he insisted, ignoring my plea.

I huffed, trying to sound more indignant than flustered. "You have a serious listening problem, you know that?"

"Selective hearing," he corrected with a smirk. "Now, the bedroom?"

Reluctantly, I directed him, still clinging to his neck. "Second door on the left, but seriously, Mr. Raichand, this isn't the eighteenth century. I can walk."

No response.

He then gently lowered me onto my bed, making way inside the room and I couldn't help but notice the way his muscles flexed beneath his shirt before averting my eyes away, just as quickly.

"Thank you," I whispered, my cheeks flushing as I met his gaze. Vihaan's expression softened, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Rest now," he murmured, his hand brushing a stray lock of hair from my forehead and his touch sent a jolt of awareness through me that I struggled to contain.

"Goodnight, Shivanya," he added softly, his voice a gentle murmur in the quiet of my apartment. With a nod, he turned and quietly left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

As I lay there, the events of the evening replayed in my mind, tangled with Vihaan's unexpected presence and the raw ache in my heart.

Closing my eyes, I let out a slow breath, allowing the exhaustion and the comfort of Vihaan's presence to finally lull me into a restless sleep.

Hey Guys. This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it.

Also, I know that there is less interaction between the protagonists and Shivanya's breakdown scenes may seem repetitive but that's important for the story. Hope you all understand.

Thank you for reading the book.❤️

I'll publish the next chapter by Thursday if I get about 1200 votes on this one along with 280+ comments.

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