PROLOGUE • 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙄𝙨 𝘽𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜

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Hello, my dears!!!


Like seriously, yes. This fic has been in the works for longer than I'd care to mention. I just never got around to actually writing it until now. Like this prologue you're about to read, it was written a long time ago.

Anyway, now I am very happy to say that I'm finally ready to share this masterpiece of a story with all of you!  <3  And I'm not exaggerating when I call it a masterpiece. I've been a member of the Sherlock fandom for years now and have been wanting to write a real fic for it for the longest time.

And hey, now my username is finally relevant. 😂

Anyway. . .

Enjoy, my loves! 😘

I would really appreciate it if you'd please leave comments. They are what keep me motivated to write more! <3


I have been in town for less than twenty-four hours and am having a hard time adjusting to the time difference. I don't like being woken up at the ass-crack of dawn!

– Em Stone


OCTOBER 10, 2009

"England swings like a pendulum do / Bobbies on bicycles, two by two / Westminster Abbey, the tower of Big Ben / The rosy-red cheeks of the little children"

"Ugh! I've gotta get this damn song outta my head." Em thought to herself as she walked through the terminal after disembarking from her flight that had just landed at Heathrow Airport in London.

"It's Athena's fault." Em thought to herself again as she walked through the gate, being greeted by a sea of people that were waiting to greet any friends and family that were arriving. "If it wasn't for her teasing yesterday over our Skype call, I wouldn't have the song stuck in my mind and be wanting to bang my head against a brick wall right now."

"So much for a nice, mind-clearing plane ride." Em muttered to herself as she scanned the crowd of people, looking for a particular someone.

It didn't take long before a brunette woman, no more than 5'2", emerged from behind an older couple greeting their children and grandchildren. Her chocolate brown eyes scanned the crowd before they landed on Em.

"Emmy!" The woman grinned before rushing towards Em and embracing her tightly.

"Thena!" Em laughed as she returned the embrace before they pulled away from each other, Em adjusting the strap of her carryon bag as it rested on her shoulder.

"How was your flight?" Athena asked, not being able to wipe the smile off her face.

"Oh, it was just nine hours of Roger Miller's England Swings, playing on a continuous loop in my head. You know, thanks to you." Em rolled her eyes playfully as the two of them began walking towards the baggage claim area. "But, other than that, I suppose it was okay. I know the jet lag is probably gonna be killing me in a few hours, though."

"That will probably mess with you for a few days or so." She informed her as they waited for Em's bags. "We'll just get your bags and grab something to eat before heading home. After all, it is a special day tomorrow."

"Athena." Em sighed as she hoisted her bag off the luggage carousel. "I thought we weren't gonna make a big deal about it."

"Emilia Stone." Athena scolded playfully as she grabbed Em's other bag off the luggage carousel. "It's going to be your birthday, and you only turn twenty-six once."

"Says you." Em retorted as the two of them began making their way towards exiting the airport. "For all you know, I could be a time traveler."

"Yes, and if you were, you would be the richest person on Earth since you're the one who invented a way to travel through time." Athena shot back as she glanced at Em, grinning. "But enough about things that don't exist, let's get out of this place."

"Couldn't agree more." Em told her as they walked through a set of sliding glass doors towards where Athena's shiny, jet black Mercedes-Benz was waiting at the curb by a few other cars. "So, how's Felix?"

"Oh, Dad's fine." Athena said with a wave of her hand before opening the boot of her car so they could put Em's bags in there. "Getting close to wanting to retire from the firm, I think. How's Jacob?"

"Running the bar, or pub, and playing music. Same old, same old." She replied as she hoisted her bag up and set it in the boot before placing her carryon bag in front of it.

"Why is this suitcase sort of light?" Athena questioned as she lifted the bag she was holding.

"Careful." Em told her quickly before taking the bag from her and gently placing it into the boot alongside her other bags. "It has my guitar case in it."

"You brought your guitar?" Athena asked before quickly shaking her head. "Who am I kidding? That's a stupid question. Of course you did."

"Yep!" Em grinned, taking a step back before shutting the boot.

Athena chuckled before pulling Em in for another hug. "I'm so glad you're here, little sister."

"Aww, Thena." Em sighed with a gentle smile before pulling away from her almost two and a half years older sister. "I'm glad you had the idea for me to come and stay with you for a while."

Athena smiled, tucking a strand of her sister's long, straw blonde hair behind her ear before looking into her meadow green eyes. "I hope Jacob's not too upset with me, pulling you away the day before your birthday."

"Of course not." Em waved her off before they each rounded the sides of the car. "And besides, we celebrated together yesterday."

"Well, good." Athena nodded as she opened her driver's side door. "So, lunch?"

"Definitely." Em nodded, opening the passenger's side door before sliding into the seat as Athena slid into her seat. "Then I finally get to see this apartment you've been talking about for the past year."

"Flat, Em. It's called a flat." Athena corrected, an amused smile on her face. "You're in England now, dear. Time to get with the terminology."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Em rolled her eyes as she buckled her seatbelt. "It feels weird to be on the left side of the car and have no steering wheel."

"Like I said, sister mine," Athena began as she started up the car. "you're in England now. The place where apartments are called flats, French fries are called chips, and where you drive on the left side of the road."

"Fun times." Em smiled before looking ahead as they began to drive away from the airport.

"Oh, you have no idea." Athena chuckled as she put on her turn signal, her and Em then beginning to discuss a place to eat before heading to what would become their shared flat.


Next Day
(OCTOBER 11, 2009)

"Sweet dreams are made of this" Em sung softly in her sleep as she laid in bed on the Sunday morning of October 11th. "Who am I to disagree?"


Em stirred, but did not wake as she rolled over onto her right side.

"I travel the world and the seven seas" She continued to barely and softly sing in her asleep state as she nuzzled her face against the pillow. "Everybody's looking for something"

Pop. Clang.

"Mm." Em stirred again, one eye barely opening.

Ping. Ding.

"The hell is. . .?" She propped herself up on her elbows.

Buzz. Smack.

"Ugh." Em threw her head back in frustration. "Who dares wake me at this ungodly hour of. . ." She looked to her left and saw that the clock on the nightstand read 6:45 AM. "a quarter till seven?"


"Oh, that does it." Em growled, throwing the blankets off of herself before getting out of bed. She grabbed her lavender colored robe to put over her black fuzzy pajama pants and gray tank top before quickly making her way out of her bedroom and storming down the hall to the living room only to be greeting by Athena calmly painting a canvas that stood on an easel by one of two windows that let you look down at Baker Street. "What the hell is that noise?"


"I think that's next door." She answered before dipping a paintbrush into a tiny jar of dark blue paint. "What are you doing up, anyway? I figured you wouldn't be awake for at least a few more hours."

"Trust me, I'd love nothing more than to be deep in dreamland right now." Em rolled her eyes before gesturing to the far wall of the living room. "Next door?"

"Yeah, my landlady that I haven't introduced you to yet said someone might be moving into the flat on the other side of that wall." Athena informed her before stroking the canvas gently with the paintbrush. "I was going to make you breakfast in bed as a surprise to start your birthday. But now you're awake."

Thud. Pop. Clang. Ping. Ding. Buzz. Smack. BANG! BOOM!

"Why don't I go greet our new neighbor." Em smiled mirthlessly before turning on her heel and walking to the door of the flat, throwing it open.

"I forgot, you are not a morning person." Athena stated, looking to her sister with slightly widened eyes before looking back to the canvas she was painting. "Just try not to kill anyone."

"No promises." Em muttered before walking down a set of of stairs that led away from her and Athena's 221C flat to a small landing. She then walked past a set of stairs that led down to the front door of the building before walking back up another set of stairs that lead to the flat of 221B.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Clang.

"I don't know who you are and, frankly, I don't care." Em said as she entered through the open door of the flat that lead into the living room. Her eyes gazed around the room until they landed on a man with curly dark brown (almost black) hair and absolutely gorgeous blue-green eyes, wearing black trousers and a tight purple shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He had stopped doing what he was doing once he heard Em enter. "Do you have any idea what time it is? I will have you know that I have gotten maybe eight hours of sleep in the past two days given that I am not able to sleep on planes. I have been in town for less than twenty-four hours and am having a hard time adjusting to the time difference. I don't like being woken up at the ass-crack of dawn! Now, if you could keep the noise down, that'd be great. Bye now."

Em then quickly turned on her heel and began making her way out of the flat.

"You're American." The man's baritone voice made Em halt in the doorframe and glance back at him.

She scoffed. "You're a smart one."

"Judging by your accent, I'd say you're just in from . . . Texas. Austin, to be exact." The man spoke again, taking a step forward as he looked Em up and down, immediately picking up on different little things about her. "You were raised in the States, but went to university here in the UK. Degree in Business Management. Your parents are divorced and you were raised mostly by your father after that, but did see your mother for part of the year. You particularly enjoy playing the guitar, going by the slight calluses on your fingers. However, you are skilled in various other instruments as well. Favorite color is purple. And you're currently single. Am I wrong?"

Em blinked, tilting her head slightly as she squinted at the man. "Do you do that to everyone you meet?"

"In most cases." He informed her. "Now, am I wrong?"

"How would you know I'm currently single?" She questioned, ignoring his question as she crossed her arms.

"Trust issues, obviously." He replied quickly, crossing his own arms as he continued to look at her.

Em huffed out a slight laugh as she looked down to the floor for a moment before looking back up towards where the man stood a few feet away from her. "You're good."

"I know." He told her, acting as if it was common knowledge. "So, accurate?"

She sighed. "Irritatingly, yes. How do you do it, though? I mean, it should be somewhat hard to figure out intimate facts about someone like the ones you just threw back at me."

"Years of practice." Is all he replied with before extending a hand out to her. "Sherlock Holmes."

"Emilia Stone. You can call me Em." Em replied as she shook his hand before pulling away. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

Em then turned back around and started making her way towards the stairs.

"Happy birthday." Sherlock's voice made her stop just as she was about to take a step down.

Her hand still on the railing, Em slowly turned back towards Sherlock. "How could you possibly know that?"

He opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by a certain voice as it called from next door.

"Em, you better get your arse back over here so I can make you the best damn birthday breakfast ever!" Athena's shouted, her voice a bit muffled given that she was on the other side of the wall that separated 221C and 221B.

"Well, that'll give it away." Em rolled her eyes playfully before turning back away from Sherlock to begin walking back down the stairs. "Don't worry, Athena! I'm getting my ass back over there right now."

Sherlock watched Em's figure disappear as she walked further down the stairs before walking up the set of stairs that lead to her own flat.

"Emilia Stone. . ." Sherlock muttered to himself. "Well, this should be . . . interesting."


2  1/2  Weeks Later
(OCTOBER 31, 2009)

"Hey, did you hear about this suicide that happened a couple weeks ago?" Em questioned as she looked over a newspaper while sitting at her and Athena's kitchen table. "Just saw it in this old newspaper we forgot to throw out."

"Who was it?" Athena questioned as she emerged from the hallway that lead to the bathroom and her and Em's bedrooms. She was clad in a white Angel costume, complete with wings and a halo.

"His name was Sir Jeffrey Patterson." Em replied as she looked over the article. "Apparently he was a pretty successful and well-off banker."

"The name sounds vaguely familiar." Athena stated as she put on a pair of small pearl earrings. "How'd he kill himself?"

"Drugs. A capsule of some kind." She replied, closing the newspaper before tossing it onto the kitchen table. "The article's not very specific. But that's the police for you. They don't like to tell the public the whole truth, I guess."

"Maybe." Athena shrugged. "Now, hurry up. Go get your devil costume on so we can get to my work's Halloween party."

"Ugh, fine." Em groaned, pushing up from the table. "I don't really want to spend the whole evening just talking to a bunch of art therapists. I know nothing about art . . . or therapy."

"You play music. The guitar, especially. That's a form of art, and it could also be sort of therapeutic." Athena pointed out before grabbing her by the shoulders and turning her towards the hallway and giving her nudge in that direction. "And besides, there won't just be art therapists. There'll be doctors and nurses and their friends as well. Maybe you can find someone to possibly hook up with. You could use a good shag."

"Thena!" Em gasped, turning back around and hitting her older sister in the arm. "I'm not that desperate."

"Really?" Athena quirked an eyebrow at her younger sister. "When's the last time you had a date? Gone out to dinner and a movie, or something? You know, had fun?"

"I have fun with you." Em defended, crossing her arms.

"Yes, but when I'm at work all you do is sit here in the flat all day and strum your guitar while trying to decide who's more attractive. Ryan Reynolds or Ryan Gosling?" Athena shot back, matching her sister's stance. "It's time for you to make some friends."

Em rolled her eyes, uncrossing her arms as she sighed. "Fine. But you need to do the same. All work and no play makes you a dull person to be around."

"Deal." Athena nodded before nudging her sister backwards. "Now go get ready. We leave in fifteen minutes."

"Aye aye, captain." Em gave her a mock salute before turning around and marching towards her bedroom, knowing full-well Athena was rolling her eyes at her as she watched her go.


4 Weeks Later
(NOVEMBER 27, 2009)

"How long do these Thanksgiving leftovers usually last?" Athena enquired as she made herself a turkey sandwich consisting of the turkey from the little Thanksgiving feast Em had made the previous day.

"Somewhere around a week or so." She replied, sitting on a stool by one of the living room windows as she tuned her guitar. "I mean, that's usually how long I've seen them last. Unless you're like my Dad and his brothers who can make the leftovers 'disappear' within a mere two days."

Athena laughed at that. "I think I'll make a plate of stuff to bring down to Mrs Hudson. After the three of us had tea last night, it was pretty late. So I didn't really get a chance to. Do you think we should give a plate to Sherlock?"

"Why?" Em looked up from messing with her guitar. "He was off running around London, chasing whoever the hell the police couldn't catch. He missed our invitation. Not that he probably would've accepted anyway. But if you wanna make him a plate, go ahead. You know, I can't quite figure that man out. He's quite. . ."

"Eccentric?" Athena offered. "Yeah, I've noticed that as well. He's very quick at telling you your whole life story when you first meet him."

"Tell me about it." Em rolled her eyes before looking back down and returning to tuning her guitar. "I mean, you remember what I told you he said to me when I went over there the morning of my birthday after hearing all the noise he was making."

"I do." Athena nodded in confirmation as she took a bite of the Thanksgiving turkey sandwich she had made for herself. "And you remember what he said to me that evening after you and I got back from going out to dinner. He seems to be very good at looking at you, examining you closely, and putting conclusions together based on what he observes."

"I know." Em rolled her eyes. "He even picked up on the whole thing about you having three different citizenships."

"Exactly!" Athena sighed, shaking her head slightly as she thrummed her fingers against the countertop she stood next to. "It can be a bit unnerving if you think about it."

"Mm." Em nodded. "And, you know, another thing; I was walking up the stairs from the front door of the building a couple weeks ago after running to the store. You were out at work, so you wouldn't have heard it." She said as she strummed a chord on her guitar. "Anyway, Sherlock's flat door was open and I think I overheard him talking to a Detective Inspector he called . . . Lestrade, I think? I believe I heard Sherlock ramble about something and I'm pretty sure I heard him classify what he does as deducing. Which, you know, that makes sense. All I know, is that he's way quicker at picking out the details than anyone I've ever seen."

"Yes, well, we definitely have an interesting neighbor in him." Athena commented before taking another bite of her sandwich.

"Yeah, if you can call him that." Em shrugged as she strummed a couple more chords. "I mean, he doesn't really even talk to us that much. All he does is sit up in his flat working on experiments involving certain . . . body parts of deceased individuals, playing his violin for hours on end, or he's running around London, chasing criminals."

"And doesn't that sound exciting?" Athena smirked at her sister, giving her a wink before turning towards the fridge to go about getting Thanksgiving leftovers to make a plate for Mrs Hudson.

"S'pose." Em shrugged. "You know, if you're a sociopath."

Just then, the door to the flat was suddenly thrown open.

"There's been another one!" Sherlock exclaimed, holding up a newspaper as he walked into the living room.

"Oh, do come in." Athena rolled her eyes, putting her hands on her hips as she scowled at the detective.

"There's been another one. Exactly the same." He announced brandishing the newspaper in front of Em's face, making her lean away slightly.

"What are you going on about?" Em frowned, snatching the newspaper away from him so she could examine it herself. She looked over the headline, raising an eyebrow. "'Boy, 18, kills himself inside sports centre.' Okay, that's a little odd."

"A little odd?" Sherlock scoffed before just snatching the newspaper back from her. "The police may not come to me now, but they will."

"You're very sure of yourself." Athena chimed in before just going back to making a plate for Mrs Hudson.

"Yes, I am." He agreed, glancing over at Athena in the kitchen. "Because I know I'm right."

"Oh, we have no doubt that you're right." Em stated, making Sherlock turn back to look at her as she set her guitar on its stand before standing up from the stool she was sitting on. "The question is. . . How long will it take to figure out that your right about it being more than it appears to be?"

"To confirm your question, Miss Stone. . . Only time will tell." Sherlock said as he made his way back to the door of the flat. He paused in the doorframe and glanced back just as Athena came into the living room from where she had been in the kitchen. "And if you're both up for it, since you are fairly tolerable, you're welcome to observe how I prove I'm right."

"So basically. . ." Em trailed off as she and Athena looked at him. "You want Athena and I to watch you show off."

"Now there's a deduction that does not need to be confirmed given that we all know its accuracy." He responded before turning completely around and exiting the flat, shutting the door behind him.

Athena slowly turned her head towards Em. "Did he just literally confirm that he's a show off? And that he actually wants to show us that he's a show off?"

"I think he did." Em nodded, still staring at the flat's closed door. She then glanced at Athena. "Well, big sis, you wanted us to find something to do that could bring a bit less dullness into our lives. I think we just found it."

Athena chuckled, shaking her head before going back into the kitchen to wrap up the plate she had made for Mrs Hudson. "God forbid we actually find something normal to do."


9 Weeks Later
(JANUARY 28, 2010)

"The body of Beth Davenport, Junior Minister for Transport, was found late last night on a building site in Greater London. Preliminary investigations suggest that this was suicide." Detective Sergeant Sally Donovan spoke as she addressed the gathered press reporters while her colleague (and superior officer) Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade was sitting right next to her behind the table, looking somewhat uncomfortable in the situation. "We can confirm that this apparent suicide closely resembles those of Sir Jeffrey Patterson and James Phillimore. In the light of this, these incidents are now being treated as linked. The investigation is ongoing but Detective Inspector Lestrade will take questions now."

One reporter raised his hand before speaking. "Detective Inspector, how can suicides be linked?"

"Why are we here again?" Athena whispered to Em as they stood at the back of the room, near the exit.

"To witness the show off, remember?" Em whispered back before directing her attention to the front of the room again.

"Well, they all took the same poison." Greg told the reporter. "Um, they were all found in places they had no reason to be. None of them had shown any prior indication of –"

"But you can't have serial suicides." The reporter interrupted him.

Greg sighed inwardly. "Well, apparently you can."

"Yeah, when exactly does he plan on doing that?" Athena whispered to Em. "I left work early for this."

"Hopefully soon." Em sighed quietly. "I'm getting hungry. I didn't eat lunch."

A female reporter raised her hand before speaking. "These three people, there's nothing that links them?"

"There's no link found yet, but we're looking for it." Greg responded. "There has to be one."

Just then, everybody's mobile phone trilled a text alert simultaneously. All messages read the same exact thing.


Sally looked at the same message on her own phone before rolling her eyes and looking back up at all the press reporters. "If you've all got texts, please ignore them."

"I believe this is where it starts." Em whispered, smirking as she looked down at her own cellphone, seeing the same message.

The male reporter who had spoken to Greg frowned slightly as he looked down at his phone. "Just says, 'Wrong.'"

"Yeah, well, just ignore that." Sally told him before addressing the rest of the reporters. "Okay, if there are no more questions for Detective Inspector Lestrade, I'm going to bring this session to an end."

"But if they're suicides," The female reporter spoke up. "what are you investigating?"

"As I say, these...these suicides are clearly linked." Greg insisted. "Um, it's an . . . it's an unusual situation. We've got our best people investigating."

Everybody's phones then trilled another text alert, all the messages reading the same thing again.


"Says, 'Wrong' again." The male reporter stated, confused as he looked back up at Greg and Sally.

"This is actually sort of amusing." Athena whispered as she looked at the same message on her phone.

Sally glanced at Greg to see him looking a bit despairingly at her before she then looked back at all the reporters. "One more question."

"Is there any chance that these are murders?" Another female reporter enquired. "And if they are, is this the work of a serial killer?"

"I. . . I know that you like writing about these, but these do appear to be suicides. We know the difference." Greg told her. "The, um, the poison was clearly self-administered."

"Something must've drove them to taking it." Em commented, still whispering to where only she and Athena could hear. "I mean, you don't just decide to take your own life on a whim. Not usually."

The reporter nodded her head at Greg. "Yes, but if they are murders, how do people keep themselves safe?"

"Well, don't commit suicide." Greg replied, the reporter looking at him in shock.

"Daily Mail." Sally said in warning, murmuring to him as she covered her mouth.

Greg grimaced slightly and looked at the press reporters again. "Obviously this is a frightening time for people, but all anyone has to do is exercise reasonable precautions. We're all as safe as we want to be."

"Three. Two. One." Athena whispered just before everyone's phones trilled, yet again, their text alerts. Each message, yet again, said the same thing.


Greg's phone took a moment longer to alert him of a text. The message, however, read something different than all the others.

You know where to find me.
– SH

Athena and Em watched as Greg looked exasperated, putting his phone into his pocket before looking back at the reporters as he stood up.

"Thank you."

Em and Athena quickly made their way out of the room before anyone else could do the same and walked towards the entrance of the New Scotland Yard building just as both of their phones went off with text alerts. The duo shared a look before looking down at their phone screens.

Having fun yet?
– SH

Em rolled her eyes playfully before quickly typing out a response.

Enjoying yourself much?
– Em

"He must be having a field day with this." Athena commented as she and Em walked towards her black Mercedes that was parked out by the curb.

The game's only beginning.
– SH

"Couldn't agree more." Em stated as she read Sherlock's response before pocketing her cellphone. "So, an early dinner?"

"Yes, please." Athena sighed, nodding as the two of them opened their respective car doors and slid into the front seats. "Italian or Japanese?"

"I say Japanese." Em replied as they buckled their seatbelts. "We had Italian two days ago."

"After I'm done talking to you both, I'd be more than happy to recommend a lovely little sushi bar just off of Oxford Street." A man dressed in a three piece suit chimed in as he sat up from the back seat, making Athena and Em scream in surprise. "Do stop screaming. I really do have somewhere to be, so we need to make this quick."

Athena panted as she tried to overcome being startled. She quickly locked the door to prevent the man from escaping before turning in her seat to look back at him. "Who the hell are you, and how the hell did you get into my car?"

"Well, the lock system on your car isn't exactly Fort Knox. So it was fairly easy." The man rolled his eyes before leaning forward slightly to speak to her and Em. "I do believe you both know Sherlock Holmes, correct?"

Em squinted at the man. "Why would we tell you, strange-man-who's-been-waiting-in-my-sister's-car-for-who-knows-how-long?"

The man smiled slightly at her. "Your American wit does not disappoint, Miss Stone."

Athena frowned. "How do you know her name?"

"The same way I know yours, Miss Monroe." The man replied. "I make it my business to know the people in Sherlock Holmes's life."

"And why is that?" Em tilted her head slightly, as she looked at the man incredulously.

"Call me an interested party." The man told her vaguely. "You both have been living next door to Sherlock Holmes for approximately three and a half months, and now it seems he's deemed you both tolerable enough to share details of his work with you. Now, I am prepared to offer the two of you a sizable amount of money, nothing you'd feel uncomfortable with, in exchange for information. Just . . . tell me what Sherlock gets up to. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Look, whoever you are," Athena started as she unlocked the car doors again, getting the vibe that this man did not seem like a threat. "thank you for your very . . . generous offer, but I believe we'll pass."

"Ahem." Em cleared her throat.

"What?" Athena hissed, glancing at her.

"I could kinda use the money." Em mumbled.

"Shut up, no." Athena told her before looking back to the man. "As I said, thanks for the offer, but no. Now, please get out of my car."

The man gave her thin smile, but obliged and opened the car door.

"Hang on a minute." Em spoke up, making the man pause to glance back at her as he was about to step out of the car. "Why are you so interested in what Sherlock is doing? Also, why wait till now to talk to us? I mean, you said yourself that we've been living next door to Sherlock for three and a half months. Why wait so long?"

"He's drawing you into his world." The man replied. "And once you're in, you can't get out. When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield that can be brought on by crime solving. I suggest you tread carefully."

"That still doesn't answer my first question." Em pointed out. "Why are you so interested in what Sherlock does?"

"I worry about him. Constantly." The man replied before getting out of the car. "The sushi bar will be just off of Oxford Street on Davies Street. Third building on your left. Good evening."

As the man shut the car door, Athena and Em slowly turned back to look straight ahead.

"Okay. . ." Em said slowly. "That was weird."

"Yeah. . ." Athena agreed as she put the keys into the ignition, starting her car. "He didn't even tell us his name. And I know we should probably be freaking out about how he seemed to know all about us even though we have no idea who he is but, something tells me that whoever that man was, he's not exactly threatening."

"But he did warn us." Em said in remembrance as Athena pulled away from the curb. "Why do you think he did that?"

"Who knows?" Athena shook her head, putting on her turn signal. "Do you think we should maybe ask Sherlock about it?"

"I think maybe we should just stay quiet for the time being." Em replied before looking out the window at all the passing London scenery of shops and restaurants and whatnot. "I mean, it was pretty weird."

"And Sherlock isn't?" Athena questioned, letting out a slight amused huff.

"He is a bit strange, I will admit." Em conceded as she and Athena turned onto Oxford Street. "But he is definitely not boring. I kinda like the spontaneity of his personality."

"True." Athena agreed as she parked her car so she and Em could get out and begin walking to Davies Street. "Alright, enough about Sherlock Holmes. Let's get out so we can try and find this supposedly lovely sushi bar."

"Let's." Em giggled, nodding in agreement as she and her sister got out of the car.


3 Days Later
(JANUARY 31, 2010)

"You always make such a mess in here." Mrs Hudson sighed as she looked around the kitchen of 221B.

"Experiments." Is all Sherlock replied with as he sat in his chair in the living room, his hands in a prayer position under his chin.

Mrs Hudson just shook her head as she went about trying to at least tidy up even the littlest bit. She didn't like to do it often because, as she would say, she was not Sherlock's housekeeper. Sometimes she just couldn't help it, though. She may have been slightly OCD. But, come on. Who wasn't?

"I'm popping out to the craft store." Athena announced as she poked her head into the door that lead into 221B's kitchen. "Do you need me to get anything while I'm gone, Mrs Hudson?"

"No thank you, dear." Mrs Hudson smiled kindly at her. "That's quite alright."

Athena smiled and nodded, shooting a glance in Sherlock's direction before turning back around and going back out of the flat and down the stairs.

"Also, Sherlock," Mrs Hudson continued as she picked up a tea kettle, bringing it over to the sink to clean it. "I've been meaning to speak with you about your rent. I really do think you finding a flatmate would make paying the rent a bit easier."

Sherlock scoffed as he opened his eyes before reaching over and picking his violin up from the small table that stood next to his chair.

He began plucking at the violin strings as he thought out his next words. "Am I supposed to just find any old ingrate on the street?"

Mrs Hudson chuckled lightly as she set the now clean kettle on the countertop next to the sink.

"You'll figure it out." She called back to him over her shoulder before exiting the flat and walking down the stairs to go to her own flat.

Sherlock let out an almost inaudible huff before resuming plucking at the violin strings as he mulled over Mrs Hudson's words.


Adjusting his long coat a short time later, Sherlock made his way down the stairs that lead away from his flat. As he got to the small landing that let you either go down the stairs to the door of the building or let you go up the other set of stairs that lead to Athena and Em's flat, he noticed Em was actually unlocking her door while she held a couple of grocery bags in her hands, a few strands of her long blonde hair falling in her face.

"Em?" Sherlock spoke up, gaining the blonde's attention as he put a hand on the bottom of the banister of the stairs that lead up to where she stood.

"Hm?" Em question as she turned around to look down at him where he stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Are you completely happy living with your sister?" He enquired, tilting his head slightly as he looked up at her.

Em quirked an eyebrow at him before a look of realization of what he was asking crossed her features, making her chuckle and shake her head as she turned back around to face the door.

She adjusted the bags in her arms, unlocking the door of her and Athena's flat. "Oh, Sherlock . . . that's never gonna happen."

Sherlock bit his lip in thought as he watched Em open, enter and shut the door behind her.  He then just sighed quietly before turning and walking down the stairs that lead to the door of the 221 building as he tried to think about how he was going to solve the dilemma he now found himself facing.


And in some London therapist office, Doctor John Watson sat opposite of his psychotherapist, Ella.

"How's your blog going?" Ella enquired as she looked up from her notepad.

"Yeah, good." John nodded, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Very good."

She raised a knowing eyebrow at him. "You haven't written a word, have you?"

John pointed to the notepad she had laying on her lap. "You just wrote, 'Still has trust issues.'"

"And you read my writing upside down." Ella pointed out to him. "D'you see what I mean?" She questioned, making John smile a bit awkwardly. "John, you're a soldier, and it's gonna take you a while to adjust to civilian life; and writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you."

John glanced down at his lap as he pursed his lips in thought for a moment before looking back up at Ella, his face full of despair.

"Nothing happens to me."

━━ { ⋆。˚ ♦️ ˚。⋆ } ━━

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– Maddy Xx

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