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"Snowflake ❄️💖"


"Angel Eyes💖"

Hey, you never called back.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, you're probably just tired. It's okay. Goodnight 💖

Good morninggg, are you up yet?

Jo, you're scaring me now. What's up?

Hey, did I do something?

Why're you mad?

Joseph, I know you're seeing these!

Please reply, or I'll just assume the worst

Look, I'm sorry for whatever it is that I messed up with, I really am.

Hey, so my flight lands at 5PM tomorrow. I hope I see you there.

Joseph, I'm sorry.

Please text back when you feel like doing so.

I've missed you so much and I can't wait to finally see you tomorrow.

Hopefully. I'm not sure anymore.

Again, I really am sorry.

[read at 4:31 AM]







Hey Dan

Heyy Addy, what's up?

Nothing much. How's Rachel and Lottie?

All good. I'm fine too, by the way. Thanks for asking.

I was just going to...but good to know you're all doing well.

Hey, so have you heard from Jo anytime soon?

Yeah I just saw him yesterday, why? Is everything alright?

...I don't know. He hasn't replied to my texts in two days. Doesn't answer my calls. Left everything on read. Something's wrong. I don't even know where I messed up but I did, as always.

It's not your fault! You didn't mess up anything, okay? And he seemed fine when I last saw him. Want me to check?

Um no, it's okay. I don't wanna be pushy. I asked him to text back when he feels like doing so. I was just checking with you to see if he's alright. And he is.

I'm sure it's nothing, Addy. He loves you. Has loved you for years now. Whatever this is, you both will figure it out. When are you coming back?

Tomorrow. Flight lands at 5PM.

Do you have a ride back home?

Jo was supposed to be there but...I don't think he'll show up. Me and Rachie will get a cab probably.

Hey, I can pick you both up. Grab lunch together and catch up?

Will you bring Lottie and Rachel too?

If you want.

Yay, I've been dying to see Lottie again. Thanks, Dan.

No worries, Addy. See you tomorrow then. And don't be worried, everything will be fine.

Yeah, I sure hope so.







What the bloody hell is wrong with you!

What now?

Oh, so you are alive after all. What have you been up to?

Just lounging at my place. Drinking, bingeing movies. The usual. Why?

Are you drunk right now?


Liar. I'm coming over.

No, I'm not home.

You just said you're 'lounging' at your place.

I don't want company right now.

Is this about Addy?

What about her?

You tell me

What did she tell you?

Nothing, but she sure in anxious as hell, all thanks to you. You've been ignoring her?

No, I've just been busy.

You could be the busiest and you still always text her back, Joseph. And you have enough time to text me back immediately and not her?

Tell me what happened.

Nothing happened.

Fine, I'll just hear it from her tomorrow.

What's tomorrow?

She's coming back. Did you forget?

Must've skipped my mind.

Yeah sure, I believe you. So, now that you've ditched, I'm picking her up tomorrow and we're all going out for lunch.

And you're not invited.

Why're you picking her up?

Someone has to. And she's paranoid you won't. You know, since you're too busy ignoring the girl you're in love with.

Why doesn't she just get her ex-lover to drive her home? Toby would be more than happy to do it


So this is what the problem is about. You're still insecure about them? Addy loves you, not him!

Let's not assume. She never said she loved me. Besides, her and Toby are as tight as ever, it seems.


*sent an attachment*

Poor Torrance, the third-wheeler.


You know she'd never do that to you.

I'm not saying she did anything. We weren't official or ever had a label on us, so she's free to get cozy with whoever she wants. I'm just saying I saw this coming...her feelings for Toby to resurface.

Take your own advice, man and don't assume any of this. At least give her a chance to explain before you break the poor girl's heart the way you are right now. And get your head out of the alcohol, you're not even thinking straight, for god's sake.

I expected better from you, Joseph.

[read at 8:30 AM]

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