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Lead Cast :

Team Commandos/Trainers:

Main leads:

§ Special agent Karan Shergill §
He acts strict and cold but  deep inside he is very warm and loving.He can do anything for his people.He is the master mind or 'brain' of the team.

§ Special agent Neil Khanna §
He is cute and naughty .Girls are always after him.His family and friends are his everything.Very dangerous person during missions.He is the back bone of the team.

§ Special agent Faizuddin Siddiqui §
He is a sweetheart.He is bit flirty.He is known as Love guru.He don't want to get married because he is scared of commitment.He is a sharp shooter.

§ Special agent Sanjana Dubey §
She is bold and strong headed.She is  female version of Karan .She is good at breaking bones.But deep down she is very soft.Loves her people so much.

§ Special agent Ishqi §
She was an orphan.Academy people  are her only family.She has no surname or she didn't get one.She is crazy and a drama queen.She looks sensitive but very strong from inside.

§ Special agent Aarushi Mishra §
She is very sweet in general but gets very rude and dangerous when she is angry.She is a prankster.She is an amazing dancer.She gets annoyed by her parents.She doesn't like her younger sister.

Parllel lead :

§ Special agent Param Shergill §
He is everyone's favourite.All love and respect him a lot. Leader of the team.He is cool and chilled out.Never gets angry and always smiling .He is a gentleman.Elder brother of Karan.


Team Doctors/Trainees:

Main leads:

§ Cadet/Dr.Monami Mahajan §
She is a cardiologist.She thinks with heart.She is lovely and cute.She believes in power of love. She is a good singer.Her mother is her inspiration.

§ Cadet/ Dr.Avni Mehta §
She is a orthopedist.She is fearless .She acts strong but is very emotional person.She is termed as 'illegitimate' by society .She loves painting.

§ Cadet/Dr.Koel Roy §
She is a Ophthamologist.She is bold and straight forward.She is a good cook .She  doesn't  like getting into relationship after her ex cheated on her.

§ Cadet/Dr.Sidharth Ganju §
He is a pediatrician.He is crazy and fun loving.He is carefree.He is a friend everyone needs.Gaming is his favourite hobby.He has a problem with his surname 'Ganju' so he calls himself as
' sid G' .Can become very tough and dangerous if needed.

§ Cadet/ Dr.Ahaan veer Malhotra §
He is a neurosurgeon.He is quite and composed.He is an introvert.He is very strict during work and take no nonsense.He is amazing person .His mood gets change very quickly.He hates his dad the most.

§ Cadet/Dr.Aneesh Malhotra §

He is a general surgeon .Cousin of Ahaan and loves him alot.Completely opposite to ahaan.He is very cheerful and extrovert.He is in search of his love/life partner.

Parllel lead:

§ Cadet/ Dr.Barkha Mahajan §
She is a gynecologist.She very sweet and lovely.Elder sister of Monami,more like a mother to her.All loves her alot.Her father is after her to get her married.


Important Notes:
* Monami ,Sid and Avni are childhood friends.Aneesh,ahaan and koel became their friends in college.They all are a gang.

*  Ahaan and Aneesh are of same age.

* Karan ,Faizi  and Neil are childhood  friends.All the trainers are a group of friends.



Other cast:
Same as the show.
If there are any other additions ,will tell when needed.

Love 💞


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