the six types of characters in ships

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This idea came, as many do, in the shower. I was thinking about my obsession with fictional romance and then realized that a lot of ships share similar patterns. These are six that I've seen a bunch. Enjoy, I guess?

Normal- how people in healthy irl relationships are often like; clearly kind and showing feelings for the other person, while not having it take over their thoughts (at least not when the other person isn't there). Usually not the most fun to read, but very enjoyable nonetheless.

Flirty- generally a guy, at least in fiction. Very obvious and flirtatious with the other person, in a way that's honestly epic to read. However, they usually hide their more serious and loving thoughts beneath jokes, and overcoming that is often part of their character arc.

Oblivious- the person is, well, oblivious to either their own feelings towards their love interest or the fact that the other person reciprocates these feelings (or both). Very amusing and the kind of character that you want to scream some sense into, but also somewhat refreshing.

Obsessed- kind of the opposite of oblivious—very aware of their own feelings towards the person, often taking it to the extreme. They can be either really annoying or really fun/interesting. Mellowing down their obsession or letting go makes a good arc.

Pining- can also be obsessed (or oblivious or even normal), except this one's a lot more internal. They wait a long time before intentionally showing signs they like the other person (if they ever do), but on the inside really want them. Sweet and kind of heartbreaking tbh, especially if the other doesn't reciprocate the feelings.

Aloof- although they definitely like the other person, they externally will deny it either through sarcasm or just plain aloofness. Kind of funny to read, especially when it's from that character's pov and you know how they really feel. But if they take it too far, I think their ship can get toxic.

The six types can then be paired in any way you want, although some work better than others. And I'm sure there are types I'm not thinking of.

If you recognize any of these in actual characters, feel free tocomment and tell me who lol

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