~The Prince~

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•set in a fictional universe, magic and magical creatures such as dragons exist•

Arthur Ray Clemingten







Arther is both hardened and soft. He has not been out in the world to feel its hardships so he has a sort of bright eyed little kid view on the world, however, he is a stern and fierce figure in the court. He knows how to finesse the system and he definitely knows how to keep everyone wondering how he truly feels. He's nothing like his father- a cruel and laughable man- but much more like his deceased mother. Gentle and caring.

Arther is one for adventure and is always looking for new ways to prove himself to his kingdom. Even if that means going on impossible manhunts and dangerous treks through the enchanted forest.


The Kingdom of Malrose (cold and mild summers), in the North
(Surrounding ones are Kielbana- desert areas, Piedmont- swamp and waterlands, and Alisian- intense seasons)

Arther grew up in Malrose and was born in the long month of first winter (October) and his mother passed soon after from the freezing month of December. Rumors are that she went mad and jumped into The South Lake, that her son was cursed and it was too much for her fragile mental state. After that he was treated with a disregard. His father was harsher on him and the maids couldn't do anything to help. So he instead threw himself into court life and was determined to make a better ruler than his father- King Augustus. As the approaching threat of marriage comes along, he's struggling more and more to keep his sexuality a secret. He had done so well in keeping it a secret that no one whispers or questions it. But now, who knows.

~Kingdom views~
The kingdom sees him as an impeccably strong figure next to the throne, there's no doubt that he was destined for the throne. Although, many with older views see him as too weak and too soft. But those ready to move forward to a new age see him as a gift from the gods themselves.

• None really... just don't go crazy


~Kingdom views~

[Scenario 1]

It's almost first winter (October) and the harvest is starting to wrap up, which means that a festival is coming up and Arty is expected to make announcements regarding his future. Yet he has nothing planned out. There have been no marriage proposals that he was willing to take and marrying a fellow prince was out of the question entirely- unless he wanted to be banned and disowned. But perhaps a secret arrangement could be made? Arthur was required to meet with all who proposed a marriage and that included one woman who was always accompanied by her brother- you.

[Scenario 2]

The kingdom is on the cusp of a very dangerous war that could throw the kingdom into a depression. The king is trying to convince local nations to marry their daughters off to Arther in hopes of saving themselves. So far no good has come from any of the talking and no wife has been chosen for dear Arty. He wants nothing more but to pack up and leave this life behind, but he has a duty here at court. That is- until you show up. A traveling warlock who can give him exactly what he wants... but will he take a deal in trade of his home?

[Scenario 3]

There's a revolution starting and you're the hotheaded quick upstart whose taken over the band of rebels trying to destroy the tyrannical monarchy. Now Arty has been banded a traitor to the crown when faced with the framing of murdering his father. His twin sister (only for this specific scenario) has taken the throne after her attempt to frame him had succeeded. Now the whole kingdom has a target on his back but somehow he'd became tangled in the revolution. However, he has a different goal. Get his throne back. No matter the cost.

[Scenario 4]
Free choice

Come up with one-

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