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Julian Hale

>Alter Ego

Magnetron- control metals



Pan, leans more towards men however

Julian is a kind soul with a tough exterior. He is always willing to help anyone in need and will care for any creature with no expectations. Julies is soft and caring, refusing to let the harshness of the world mold him. However, he doesn't let just anyone into his heart. He's found out the hard way what trusting the wrong people can do so he keeps a lot of the deeper stuff to himself. He has no shame showing his caring nature and finds it's a good disguise for people looking for a different Julian.

>Regular Appearance

>Super Appearance
He wears a jacket with a studs of metal that he can manipulate into a air of armor if he wanted but he likes the edginess of simple fabrics. The same for his pants. His mask is of solid metal that wraps around to cover the back of his neck but not much else. Silver has fingerless gloves studded with metal and metal chain, he always has a bunch of metal things on his person be it accessories or not.

Julies can't remember a lot of his earlier childhood but at the age of seven he was adopted by a lovely barren couple that had tried for years to get a child with no avail. He was an instant heart warmer andthe whole family loved him but he faced his abilities on his own. In a world where supers aren't common Julies took the leap to become one. Even from a young age he wanted to help, more than ever now with the rise of crime and villains in Brooklyn. He originally lived all the way across the states in Nevada but with little to do and no supers around he moved to New York after he graduated. Now he attends a university to get a normal job as a architect, but with the balancing act of his night and day job he is barely scrapping by with half truths and white lies of his wear abouts and random scrapes and brushes with death. The life of Julian Hale is not an easy one.

He works at a coffee shop when he isn't attending classes or fighting off villains determined to claim the city as their own.

>An opposing personality
>villain or pedestrian whom got caught up
>really that's it


>Alter Ego
>Regular Appearance
>Super Appearance

>Scenario one<
Julian has been looking for someone to room with at an apartment, as his last roommate kicked him out because of his strange behaviors, and you happen to be looking as well. Julian agrees to meet with you at a local coffee shop where he worked so he could talk everything over before moving in. Julian is a bit of a mysterious figure, being just a nobody with no history to speak of. At least, he never talks about it. You don't mind that you know nothing about him because it was likely Julian would be in the same situation, after all, you don't want to let the world know you're a super who uses their powers for Villainous purposes. Finally Julian shows up and is s happy as ever, you stand to shake his hand but he hugs you instead. You?

>Scenario Two<
Make one up XD

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