chapter 3

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a pink haired women punched hatsuki on face earning a groan from the tall women 

hatsuki sighed rolling her eyes "risako is this the best you can do? you only earned a groan from me?"

the certain pink haired women named risako hummed and told "you want me to go all out? how about i spawn my infamous dragon too? and also go full SHANARO!!!"

hatsuki flinched and told "have mercy i am small and petite you will shatter me to dust!!......i am scared of you!!"

risako chuckled and did a sassy pose and told "as you very afraid of me-"

hatsuki sweat dropped and told "you are actually fell for my words.............are all haruno's like this?"

risako pulled hatsuki close and smiled seeing the women turn deep red

hatsuki thinking she is about to be kissed closed her eyes only to be thrown in river

risako burst out laughing but it was short lived when a invisible force pulled her in the river 

hatsuki shook her head and a smug smile appeared on her face while splashing more water on the already wet haruno

risako gasped and told "oh no you didn't-" she started splashing water on the hansa to return the favour

after a long water splashing fight both of them got out and laid down on grass enjoying the warmth of sun and cold breeze 

hatsuki narrowed her eyes to not strain herself due to sun and sweat dropped to see risako asleep seeing her calm and quite

-end of flashback-

hatsuki snapped her eyes open sweating "the same dream again.........."

she groaned realising she was late for the meeting and instantly got up teleporting on top of the hokages office

she jumped in through window smiling and told "sorry i am late!"

hashirama smiled and welcomed her "welcome old friend..........."

hatsuki's smiled over at him and waved happily at everyone but instantly her smile disappeared when she looked over at the hyuga "why is the pale eye freak here?" she asked pointing at the hyuga and looking at hashirama

tobirama sighed and told "please sit down and don't use those words"

hatsuki was surprised and told "look who's talking you calle very uchiha scum-"

tobirama went quiet and sighed face palming "please sit down lasy hansa"

hatsuki grinned and told "do you still like to be tickled tobirama-" she slowly started approaching the male 

tobirama gulped getting up from his chair and backing away a annoyed expression printed on his face "do not come any closer blind eye-"

hatsuki pouted and sat down in her seat her arms folded "you are boring-"

the silver haired senju sat down on his seat and smacked hatsuki on head "hey we are not kids anymore"

hatsuki whined and told "hey we can be kids by heart-"

madara cleared his throat and told "we are here to talk about the crime you commited............"

the hansa sat up straight and innocently told "but i didn't do anything uchiha sama"

himiko growled and angrily banged her hand on table "you know what you did you bitch!!"

hatsuki looked over at her and told "easy there you are a kid........and you don't even know what your pathetic sister did"

himiko activated her byakugan and told "stop it don't you dare call my sister pathetic you freak!!"

a vein popped on hatsuki's head and she took a deep breath "if some of you are wise enough then tell that kid to-"

senju tried to stop himiko but she pushed him away and told "it's your own fault your pathetic father is-!!"

that was the last straw hatsuki got up from her seat and appraoched himiko "you know your clan is truly pathtic they mock thepeople that are on higher level than them.............what's even more pathetic you guys depend on other clans forhelp quite a lot of time like your clan depended on mine for a while..............but the pride went over their head..........and"

himiko froze and told "that's not true........."

hatsuki rubbed the back of her head and told "i didn't even tell you the whole tale princess hyuga want me to continue?"

himiko gritted her teeth..........she was angry yet afraid of this women at the same time............this women was strong 

hatsuki hummed and told "looks like someone is scared...........for your sake i will stop cause you haven't done anything to me yet"

she started walking out of the door when tobirama tried to stopped her "hey where are you going?"

hatsuki waved her hand walking towards the door and told "this is all too boring for me................i won'thurt the hyuga's anymore if they won't hurt me"

senju yelled out "but we didn't even discuss about it or ask the opinion from-"

himiko answered "i am okay with what she said...........the hyuga accpets her demand..........i just want this meeting to end"

hashiramam nodded towardsher direction and told "As you wish princess hyuga"

madara curiosuly looked over at the hyuga to see her shaking form wondering himself what scared her was it the secret that hatsuki was slowly revealing the secrets to her or was she intimdated by the hansa

or was it both.......

-switiching back to hatsuki-

hatsuki activated her infinity and walked throught he path of the silent forest when suddenly a kunai was thrown at her but it didn't even touch her due to the infinity 

she smiled picking it up and told "i know you are not a hyuga so show yourself.........i promise i won't hurt you unless you do the same to me"

waking out of the bushes was the clan leader of okimuren clan......well know for their snake sage

she gasped and told "omg a furry-"

the clan leader sweat dropped and told "i am sorry what? snakes are not furries-"

hatsuki hummed and told "eh maybe............what business do you have?" she said leaning against the tree 

the mysterious leader of okimuren clan smirked and told "a fight............i want to know your weakness"

hatsuki hummed and told "are you sure? not to be rude but i think i might break your bones a lot by accident......."

the clan leader smirked and started laughing "time will tell............i am not like those pathetic hyugas"

the hansa leader hummed and got into deep thinking "should i fight or not?"

the man with sage snake narrowed his eyes quite interested to see her fght "are you scared?"

she looked over at his direction and told "nope infact.........." she instantly appeared infront of the man and told "i am very excited " 

the man recieved a huge blow in chest knocking the air out of his body 

hatsuki watched the man crash at a tree breaking through it  "another weak enemy........"she was feeling dizzy and looked down to see a kunai stabbed deep in her stomach removing it she noticed it was dripping with poision

hatsuki smirked and used her healing powers and told "finally............a enemy that doesn't depend on stupid moves"

okimuren leader was long gone from his place and hatsuki kept her infinity deactivated "come on snake boy show me what you got!!"

hatsuki looked to the side and was punched to ground as the leader yelled "you want a fight i will give it to you!!"

hatsuki teleported away and told "amazing furry i am impressed!!"

the snake sage yelled "i am not a furry for the last time!!"

hatsuki grinned and knew this is going to be fun as she flew down at high speed to attack the man 

the clan leader switched to full sage mode his aura stronger than ever coming into stance and closed his eyes 

-end of chapter 3

word: 1301

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