Tea, Not Coffee

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Dove Cameron - Born Ready


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 1:52 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

Ready, set

Time to be a fighter

Don't look down

Keep on climbing higher

Be yourself, 'cause heroes shine in different ways


She heard whispers.

''You are one of us, are you not?''

''You can help us.''

The whispers became louder and more frequent, drowning out her thoughts, trapping her in her mind like a caged bird.

''Just make it stop!'' She tried to yell, putting her hands on either side of her head.

She woke, sweat dripping down her forehead. Her thoughts were buzzing as she slowly climbed out of bed, careful not to step on the creaky floorboards.

(Y/n) needed to think, so she went outside, when it was still dark and when the moon was at its highest point. The Ninja had gone to sleep early, seeing as the fight was yesterday with the Oni, pretty much all of them had fallen asleep almost immediately.

Jumping up onto the tiled wall then onto the roof, she looked at the sky.

Millions, if not trillions of stars twinkled, with one star being more brilliant than the rest, in competition to the moon's silvery moonlight it shed upon the monastery.

Hearing the doors to the monastery creak, she looked down to see Wu, holding two cups of something.

When he didn't tell her off once he caught sight of her, she found it strange. Wu leaped onto the roof, surprising her. He came over to her and handed her a cup. Carefully, she opened the lid and sniffed it, noticing a strong smell of coffee.

It had the perfect amount of milk, insuring you had coffee that was also creamy as well to be your wake up beverage.

She frowned. Usually, Wu would go to Mistake's Tea shop or his own to get tea, instead of coffee. Sniffing it again, she felt her mouth and nose go numb.

''Hey, Wu, where'd you get this from?'' She asked.

''I got it from Ninjabucks, why?''' He replied with a slight voice crack.

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Her eyes began to glow orange, sensing the lies that awaited on his tongue, at the user's disposal.

''Who are you?'' She asked, slowly getting up. ''Wu'' looked at her, seemingly uneasy.

''I am Wu, your sensei, am I not?'' ''Wu'' asked.

''First, you should've called me by my name, second, you brought in coffee and not tea. You aren't Wu.'' She replied, backing away.

''Wu'' brought out his staff, and she could hear electricity crackling. An in-built taser. 

Grabbing a shingle from the roof, she threw it at the staff, knocking it out of his hand and off the mountain.

''I'll ask you one more time, who are you?'' She asked.

Suddenly, there was a whirring as a dragon mech came into view.

It shot a chained claw at her, almost catching her if she hadn't brought out her weapon and whacked it away.

The chained claw scraped the roof, waking up the ninja.

''Oh, you're going to get that now...'' She said with a smirk.

The Ninja came outside, seeing (Y/n) on the roof faced by... Wu?

Jay used his nunchucks to shoot lightning at the dragon mech, but it used its giant mechanical wings to lift itself into the air, missing it by inches.

It shot another chained claw at (Y/n), and Zane used his shurikens to freeze the chain, with Cole using his scythe to create a shockwave.

The Ninja stumbled, and (Y/n) fell off the roof. 

''Wu'' grabbed her, tossing her into the air.

The Dragon Mech caught her in its clutches.

(Y/n) struggled, before remembering something.

She knew how to shapeshift.

Groaning from the pain, she changed into a bird and flew out of its clutches easily.

''Follow her!'' ''Wu'' ordered.

Using her wings, she flew away from the monastery, knowing the mech was behind her and ready to catch her should she become tired.

She tucked in her wings, diving towards the ground, the dragon mech doing the same.

'Please work...' She thought, ready to open her wings like a parachute.

The dragon mech was big, so that meant it wouldn't be able to turn as swiftly as she could while she was a bird.

She opened her wings last second, feeling the blades of grass feel like sword blades on her feathers. 

There were a crash and an explosion behind her as the dragon mech was destroyed. She tried to fly back up, but she had used up all her energy.

Her wings turned into arms, and her feathers disappeared from her body, She became normal-sized, back into a human form.

She fell, with a thud onto the grass that was before like towers of vibrant green, now like the blades of grass beneath her tired body.

Hearing the ninja shout out her name, she groaned, closing her eyes.

Cole ran over, and picked her up, carrying her in his arms bridal style.

''You okay?'' He asked.

''Yeah...'' She mumbled from her sleep.

The ninja slowly walked back up the mountain, with Cole at the front.

Once they arrived back in the monastery, they saw the real Wu drinking tea, waiting for them.

''What happened to the fake?'' (Y/n) quietly asked.

''We did defeat them, but they disappeared before we could do anything to stop them, I'm sorry,'' Cole replied, setting her down on the couch and bringing a blanket and pillow.

Cole tucked the pillow onto the end of the couch and placing the warm blanket on top of her.

''No need to be sorry, it's not your fault.'' (Y/n) said.

''Want anything?'' He asked with a smile.

''Maybe some popcorn,  go grab some soda while you're at it, peasant.'' She answered jokingly.

''Okay, Queen (Y/n) the First.'' 

He then went to the kitchen and came back with a blackened bag of popcorn. His hair was wet, and he smelled of soda.

''How do you mess up popcorn?!'' (Y/n) exclaimed, looking horrified.

''Well,'' Cole started, scratching his nape. ''I put the microwave setting on high and put the popcorn in, and when it was done, it was like this.'' 

''Next time, remind me to tell Zane to cook.'' (Y/n) replied, ''Or at least Jay.'' 

''Or you could cook it yourself,'' Cole said with a smirk.

''Are you kidding me? I'm not the best chef in the monastery, Zane is! I'm surprised we haven't invented a cult revolving around Zane's cooking, maybe we should call it... Zaneism.'' She replied.

Cole rolled his eyes. ''Alright, I'll go grab some chips, and maybe some (f/f).''

Jay stopped Cole in the hallway. ''Have you done it yet?'' He asked.

''No, I'm planning something,'' Cole answered, walking past him.

''Tell me please!'' Jay replied, following him.

Cole glanced at Jay. ''It's a secret.'' 

''I love secrets, please tell me, please?!'' Jay begged.

The Master of Earth shook his head and went into the kitchen.

''I know where Zane hides the cakes,'' Jay said.

Cole turned to him. ''Where?'' He asked.

Jay shook his head, leaning against the door. ''I'll only tell you if you tell me what you're planning,'' he replied with a smirk.

Cole groaned and went back to looking for the snacks and (f/f).

''Look, if I tell anyone, Kai will hear of this, and then he'll show me how to do it his way.'' The Master of Earth said, finally finding the snacks and (f/f).

He walked out of the kitchen, ignoring Jay who, behind his back, ate his secret stash of cake.

(Y/n)'s eyes brightened once she saw the (f/f), and Cole tried to sit on the couch, but almost squashed (Y/n)'s legs. Fortunately, she let out a  groan of pain, reminding him he almost crushed her legs.

He sat down on the floor, grabbing the snacks. 

The two turned on the tv, with (Y/n) choosing an (f/ch) (favorite channel).

Jay sneakily crept in, watching the tv from behind the couch.

''Boo.'' He said, startling (Y/n) and making her fall off the couch, wrapped into the blanket and into Cole.

The two lay in a heap, with (Y/n) wrapped in her blanket and with Cole still holding a half-eaten chip in his hand.


A Cause for Change


Can you guess our villain for this ''season''?

You're lucky I haven't revealed them yet.

Thanks for reading! :D

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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